Planned Love



3Two hours later.    3


The floor was in a mess, toilet paper, clothes, and the insides were all in a mess. Everywhere.    


"The baby is moving very fast. Will it be okay?" I lazily laid in Sheng Yun's arms as I said this in a vexed tone.    


"No, the baby must have felt especially happy to have so many of his siblings playing with him, and the baby moved a few times to thank us." Sheng Yun leaned on the bed and said in a joking tone.    


"You old fart!" I was amused, but I was still a little worried, "Just now, it was a bit deep, would it shock the baby? Is it really okay? Do you want to go to the hospital to take a look? "    


"Can you have any common sense? "Precious?" He laughed and rolled me into his arms and pinched my nose lovingly.    


If I remember correctly, this should be the first time he calls me darling. My heart skipped a beat.    


I turned to face him, and he put his arm around me and held me close, his hand on my belly for a moment, then said suddenly, gently, "Well, the baby's not moving, I've put him to sleep, you don't have to worry."    


His tone was so casual that for a moment he actually felt like we were husband and wife. But, I know very well, no, it can't be.    


My heart went cold, and though I longed for his embrace, I could not help but desperately try to escape the coquettish warmth. "It's getting late," I said flatly. From tomorrow onwards, we will not be able to be together everyday like this to avoid unnecessary trouble. "    


"Unnecessary trouble? What do you mean? Affection? " He looked down at me and kissed me lightly on the forehead. His hand kept stroking my hair as he said, "Xu Shubei, I don't believe that you have no feelings for me."    


"Is it important? I mean, I know one thing, and feelings are worthless in my heart. " I said coldly.    


Enjoying this kind of gentleness while rationally rejecting at the same time was a truly torturous feeling.    


"I know, you are a woman who is more ruthless than anyone else." Sheng Yun's movements stopped immediately. He let go of me and sat up.    


"Aren't you ruthless? At the very least, you don't have to worry about your future plans. You don't need to worry about I will take away your assets, nor do you need to worry about me pestering you and not letting you go. " I said lightly.    


"That only means you're smart and know what you should and shouldn't have. That's what I like about you. " Sheng Yun looked at me and said coldly.    


It's said that men are creatures that can instantly separate love from sex. I don't think that's difficult. I can do it too, but the process is a bit more difficult.    


He did get up, picking up the clothes on the floor one by one and putting them aside.    


"Rest well. Call me if you have any abnormalities in your stomach." I go back to the company overtime, early tomorrow I will fly to Hong Kong, the same day round trip. If you move, I'll arrange for people to do so. " he said to me.    


"Got it." "Yes," I said flatly, and looked at him calmly, without emotion.    


"In the future …" You really don't need me to accompany you often? " He saw that I was unusually calm, so he asked, "I still want to see you whenever I have time … "With the child, the book says that the child will listen to the father's voice more in the stomach before being intimate with the father later on."    


Dad... What a strange name.    


It's hard to imagine that we could talk so calmly when we were all about to have children in common.    


"No need, I will be more and more busy in the future, and I think you will be as busy as well. I will take good care of myself, so you don't have to come over often to avoid affecting my mood. " I was still calm.    


"Alright …" When he finally put on his coat and saw that I was expressionless, he asked, "Are you sure you don't want me to stay?"    


I didn't know why he was being so naughty today, so I laughed and said, "Hurry up and go. If you don't know better, by the time you finish your shift, I won't know what time it is."    


"After checking the contract all night long, Tianyi will fly to Hong Kong tomorrow and you can sleep on the plane. "It's a pity you're pregnant, otherwise …" "Actually, I still have a lot of stamina left."    


"I'm tired, I want to rest." I gave the order to leave.    


When he heard the overtone of my words, his face, which originally had a hint of spring in it, instantly turned cold. In fact, it was better to be cold like this.    


Since there was no future, why should they give each other false warmth? I felt as if I had lost myself in his gentleness for a short time, as if I had been at a loss for a short time, but then I woke up again.    


Logic once again held the upper hand.    


"Alright, since that's the case, then I won't disturb you any further." Then he looked at me and said, "I still have to remind you that Tai Feng may have been separated from my aunt for many years, but he was still a married man after all. It's impossible for them to get a divorce. "    


"You're overthinking it. I'm not as cheap as you think. There's no way I would send someone with power to deal with him." I said coldly.    


"Xu Shubei, your words are getting more and more out of hand." Sheng Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry at my words, so he continued to speak.    


"If I hadn't gone out, we wouldn't be where we are today. But I can get out, I can get it back. "So, it's good as long as you don't worry."    


"Xu Shubei, you're really still you." He gave me a deep look and smiled faintly, a sad smile.    


Then, he turned around and left the room without hesitation. Soon I heard a door close in the living room.    


The next day, I moved back to my parents' old house. Sheng Yun was very considerate, there were two aunts who came to help me pack early in the morning, and then there were two workers who helped me carry everything to the truck. When I drove back to my old house, they had already arranged everything neatly for me.    


Considering that I was pregnant and I insisted on maintaining the original appearance of the old house, Sheng Yun only had people renovate the old house. I repainted the outer walls, planted fresh and expensive flowers and plants in the deserted courtyard, refurbished all the furniture in the house, added modern electrical appliances, rearranged the electrical wiring, and tied up the wires for me … All in all, the details of everything had changed.    


The whole house seemed to go back many years in an instant, to when my parents and I had just moved in.    


I cleaned all the furniture in the house with my own hand. Then, I put away the image of my parents and grandma that I had carried with me for many years. I piously lit up the incense and knelt in front of them, saying, "Grandmother, father, mother, we have finally returned to our home …"    


I did not cry, but just silently looked at the image, countless past memories like a tide came rushing in. I had imagined this day countless times before.    


And now, this day had finally come!    


The door wasn't closed. When I knelt in the living room, Tai Feng walked in directly.    


I told him on the phone about my move back to the old house today, and he came straight over when he found out.    


Seeing me kneel before the portrait of my parents and grandmother, he sighed lightly, then respectfully offered three joss sticks of incense to my parents, saying, "Tingsheng, Wan, I've come to visit you." In the future, Shubei, I will treat her like my own daughter. If you know about her in the underworld, you don't have to worry about her. "    


I looked up into his eyes, and they were as calm as they had been when I first saw them.    


Perhaps only those who had experienced great trials and hardships would be able to remain calm regardless of the situation they faced. Although I had little contact with him before, I had heard some stories about him, and I knew that he had a history enough to write a thick book about.    


"It's all in the past, I will slowly get better." "Your parents will be proud to see you now."    


"Uncle Dun, there's something I haven't told you." After some hesitation, I decided to tell him about the baby.    


He helped me sit down on the couch, then looked at me quietly, waiting for me to tell him.    


"I'm pregnant now, but I don't want to tell you who the child belongs to. But I will definitely give birth to this child. " "No," I said.    


"I know." Unexpectedly, he was still very calm. "I also can roughly guess what your purpose is."    


"Uncle Dun, the child came unexpectedly. But now, I am already in the middle of the situation. " "Maybe there won't be any future, but I'm ready."    


"No matter what you do, it's better if you don't act impulsively. This is your life, and you decide it for yourself. " Tai Feng was still very calm, so calm that I felt I didn't need to say anything more.    


That's right, the matter between Sheng Yun and I has been causing a ruckus in the city, how could he not know about it?    


"As long as uncle understands." I stopped talking.    


He sat for a while, then got up and took his leave, without further words, without pleasantries, without too much emotion. He gave me the impression that he was very, very light, like a glass of boiled water, but as I thought about it carefully, it seemed to me that it was filled with endless meaning.    


Perhaps, this was the so-called expert.    


Even if he didn't have any extravagant words to say or much to incite emotion, I knew that a person like him would naturally help if he said 'I'll help you'.    


I walked him out the door and watched his car disappear. Not long after, I received a call from Zhou Yihai: "Shubei, I'm so happy! He had finally gotten that piece of land! To think that Tai Feng's words were even more effective than the Old Man of the Heavenly King! Shubei, I thank you so much! "Where are you? I'll pick you up and treat you to a meal."    


"I won't go tonight. I'm a little tired. I know this is one of your problems. " I said into the phone.    


Just as I said that into the phone, I saw Xu Changsheng's car slowly enter my line of sight. [What is this bastard doing here at this time?]    




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