Planned Love



0"Shubei, you're serious too. Even if you wanted to cut off all connections, you couldn't do it at this time. I just lost my daughter, so you shouldn't go around rubbing salt in her wounds. " Rou said at this moment.     1


"I believe Xiaoyun, you should know whether this is true or not. I don't want her to die this way. But I think it's best not to have any evil thoughts in your heart. Otherwise, if you pick up a rock and smash your own foot, you'll only be harming yourself and others. " I looked at this scene and said calmly.    


Sheng Yun tried to push Xiaoyun away, but Xiaoyun cried too tragically and refused to let go.    


After I said this, Sheng Yun pushed Xiaoyun away and said: "Rou, first, you have to comfort her well. I'll bring Xu Changsheng back and ask him about the situation. I'll contact you then. "In addition, Duo Duo arranged for the fire to burn tomorrow …"    


At this point, Sheng Yun couldn't bear to continue anymore. His eyes reddened a little, then he looked at me and said, "Shubei, bring him along. We'll talk outside."    


I nodded and followed him out. Two bodyguards supported Xu Changsheng as they followed us out of Rou's residence and came to my house.    


I asked the bodyguard to take Xu Changsheng to the attic to guard him first, then we sat on the sofa together.    


Nanny Liu was surprised to see us coming back together. She carried Zaizai and came out. The first time Sheng Yun saw Zaizai, he involuntarily hugged him in his arms. Zaizai very obediently touched Sheng Yun's face with his hand. Then, he looked at me with his eyes wide open as he smiled and said: "Daddy! Daddy!"    


My heart skipped a beat when I saw Sheng Yun looking at me. He forced out a smile and smiled at Zaizai, then said to Nanny Liu, "Nanny Liu, can I trouble you to carry Zaizai to his room first. Shubei and I still have things to discuss."    


"Alright." Nanny Liu quickly took Zaizai over and carried him back to the room.    


Sheng Yun tiredly leaned on the sofa. While looking at the ceiling, he sighed and said, "Tell me first, where did you find Xu Changsheng?"    


"Ling Yue helped. For that, he threatened me to make him a meal and passed the picture on to you, and I think you know it. " "No," I said.    


"Yes, I saw it," he answered lightly, and then asked me, "Why is he willing to help you?"    


"I don't know," I answered quietly. "That's the truth of the matter. Xu Changsheng's story is basically the same as Ling Yue's. When they were looking for the assassination organization, they found one of Ling Yue's organizations. You and I both know what Ling Yue did before. "    


"It's better to avoid contact with people like that." Sheng Yun said with a serious tone.    


"Actually, Xu Changsheng only said a part of it, he didn't say the rest." Then I told Sheng Yun the whole story.    


In Xu Changsheng's narration, he only told the story of how he and Xiaoyun bought the murderer, but did not go into details on what happened. Xu Changsheng also didn't know that Ling Yue was the leader of this assassination organization. Ling Yue knew more than Xu Changsheng.    


After I finished speaking, Sheng Yun fell into a long silence. I looked at him in silence, and he stared at the ceiling.    


After a long moment, he took a deep breath and said, "I should be glad after all... Or should I be angry? "    


"This is the truth of the matter. You can choose to believe that Xiaoyun is innocent. After all, everything about the underground killer organization is very confidential. Even if they fail, they will still take all responsibility. They won't implicate the employer, and they won't sell out the employer either. " I said slowly.    


"Very good!" Sheng Yun said in a deep voice, "I gave her 10 million yuan worth of alimony, but she actually …" it's all used in this. "    


Ten million... When I heard Sheng Yun say that, I was shocked.    


Ten million might not mean much to the current prosperity, but to ordinary people, it was undoubtedly a huge sum of money.    


"What are you going to do?" I asked, looking at him.    


"You and Zaizai are both safe now. From now on, I will protect you guys better so that you won't get hurt. As for her … I won't let her attend Dodo's funeral. Duo Duo's life, will be repaid with her lifetime's worth of regret! " Sheng Yun said coldly.    


Sheng Yun quickly organized a small and grand funeral for Duoduo. The events of that night were kept a secret, and he told the outside world that the child had died from illness.    


Sheng Yun built a small flower grave beside his grandfather's grave, with photos of flowers stuck on the grave. In the photo, Duo Duo smiled innocently, as if she had gone to heaven from then on.    


This child, from birth until his death, was so lamentable. Her arrival was hurried and hasty.    


The moment I stood in front of the grave in my black clothes, holding Zaizai, I didn't know why, but this naive picture made me cry.    


The past was all in the past now. She turned into a small skeleton, lying in the ground for a long time.    


Sheng Yun kept Xiaoyun and Rou out of the funeral, and the moment I put the ashes into the dirt, I saw tears in the corners of his eyes.    


I crouched down and placed a bunch of chrysanthemums in front of Dodo's grave. I said softly, "Son, if you're still alive, you're still in love with your father and your brother. "Please choose next time to let me be your mother. If you and I are fated to be like this, I will love you dearly."    


While I was crying, I said to the pictures. I reached out to touch them, and when I looked up again, Sheng Yun was looking at me.    


"Shubei, you …" He didn't say the rest, but I understood what he was trying to say.    


He must have been surprised that I would say this to Duo Duo, because he knew that Duo Duo had always been hostile to me.    


"She's a poor child. If she understands, I want to have a chance to love her." "No," I said.    


Sheng Yun suddenly grabbed my hand, looked at me fixedly and said: "She will, will appear again, will become our child …"    


"En!" I nodded solemnly.    


The day after Duo Duo's matter was settled, Sheng Yun fell ill. He had a fever of 39 degrees and had a high fever that did not recede for two days. At one point, his life was hanging by a thread.    


No matter how much discord there was between us, the moment I received the news, I rushed to the hospital.    


I entrusted the company's affairs to Tai Ziqian and took care of Sheng Yun in the hospital for a whole two days.    


Thank god, two days later, the fever finally subsided. Sheng Yun looked like a child who had a serious illness. His body was covered with red rash and his skin was covered with patches of red.    


The doctor said that this time his illness was very violent, and it was only thanks to the rash that the fever had subsided completely. Otherwise, if an adult had such a high fever for so long, it would have easily burned his head.    


After the fever subsided, he woke up from his coma. I sat down beside him and held his hand tightly, crying.    


"What's wrong?" He struggled to sit up, probably because his head hurt so much, and rubbed his head with his hand, then reached out to wipe the tears from my eyes.    


"You're finally awake." I couldn't help but say, looking at him.    


"What's wrong with me? Am I sick? " He looked around the room, and then he seemed to remember something, "Is it Friday? It was time to pick them up. There was still a meeting to be held tonight. Wife, get the nurse to remove the needle for me! "    


"What did you just call me?" I heard him say that, and I asked.    


"Aren't you my wife?" he said in his usual tone, and then he said, "Come on! I'll go get Duo Duo first, then I'll go for a meeting! "    


"Sheng Yun, what happened to you?" I heard some confusion in his voice, so I asked.    


"Wife, you're acting so weird today. Why are you asking me this?" He saw my expression and touched my head.    


Suddenly, he did something that shocked me!    


He suddenly took my face in his hands and kissed me lightly on the lips!    


"Sheng Yun!" My whole body shuddered and I couldn't help but shout out with fear in my heart.    


"Why didn't you call me husband? What about Zaizai? Is Zaizai and Nanny Liu together? " he asked again.    


He clearly remembered everything, but why? His reaction was a bit strange, and his tone also became a bit quick.    


I immediately called for a doctor. After the doctor examined him and questioned him, he said to me, "Director Sheng's fever has subsided, everything else is fine. Previously, he was under too much pressure and did not have enough rest. After returning, he had to properly supplement his nutrition so that he could recuperate as soon as possible. In the next week, don't arrange for work. "    


"No, I have an important meeting tonight. "By the way, my wife, do you want to pick up Duo Duo or not?" He jumped down and said to me.    


"What?" I looked at him in surprise, and seeing his usual tone, I couldn't make up my mind. I whispered in the doctor's ear, "Something's wrong, Doctor."    


He came over and took me by the hand, pulled me aside, and whispered, "Wife, I know you have feelings for Dodo, and I understand. But after all, Duo Duo is my daughter, and I know that you already understand me very well. Sometimes when I think about it myself, I feel very sorry for you. We might as well face it together, don't you think? "    


I stared at him, at him, who had suddenly become talkative, and then at the doctor, who caught on and looked at me.    


"Are you not willing to speak? I'll have the driver pick it up. "I'm going to the company first. Wifey, why does my head suddenly hurt so much? I …" He rubbed his head.    


Seeing him like this, she hurriedly helped him massage his body before hurriedly saying, "You haven't recovered yet, rest well today. We'll meet again tomorrow. I'll call you to cancel it, okay?"    


"No, this project has to be done well! I relied on this project to avenge my wife! "My wife, I know what you're thinking about in your heart for so long. I promised you that I would help you realize your long-cherished wish to take back the Xu family. I'm working hard right now, so you have to give me time to support all of my decisions, okay?" He looked at me and spoke with unparalleled sincerity.    


After he finished speaking, he quickly walked towards the door. I stared blankly at his back. After he walked a few steps, he suddenly collapsed limply in front of me …    


"Doctor!" I hastily called out. Fortunately, the doctor still hadn't left the ward.    




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