Planned Love



2Tai Ziqian appeared at the door in a flash. When he saw that I was still lying down, he immediately disappeared from the door.    4


Ling Yue stuck his head out like a ghost and was pulled back by Tai Ziqian.    


Sheng Yun quickly closed the door. After a while, he gave me a dress that I don't know where, then said to me: "I'll wear it first, we'll change it when we get home."    


I put on my skirt and went out. This dress was obviously Rou's. There was still a tag on the dress, so she probably hadn't put it on yet.    


When Sheng Yun pulled me out, both Tai Ziqian and Ling Yue were standing in the doorway. Ling Yue looked at me with a mischievous smile. Tai Ziqian gave me an unnatural look and then looked away.    


He must have been embarrassed, and so was I.    


"It's good that you're fine. Rou is in the next room. If you have any questions, go ask her. I'll be going now." Tai Ziqian said lightly when he saw me.    


"Well, thank you, Ziqian." I looked at Tai Ziqian and said sincerely.    


Tai Ziqian glanced at Sheng Yun and said sullenly, "Some people can't always protect you when they're by your side. I have to do it every time." I'll have to trouble some people to be more aware of themselves in the future. I'm not your soldier, so I won't call upon you whenever I'm needed. "    


"Ziqian, you are the only brother I trust, and I don't ask you to call anyone else. I knew you'd come. " Sheng Yun looked at Tai Ziqian and said with a smile.    


"Just because I came doesn't mean that I want to come. I hope that you won't always trouble me in the future!" Tai Ziqian said coldly.    


"When you have trouble in the future, I will definitely stand up for you!" Sheng Yun looked at Tai Ziqian and said.    


"What trouble can I get into? Even if I am in trouble, I do not need your help! " Tai Ziqian said in a stiff tone and then said to me, "Shubei, I'll go back first."    


"En, I'll treat you to a meal tomorrow." I looked at Tai Ziqian, both grateful and guilty.    


"It's good that you're fine. It doesn't matter whether you eat or not." Tai Ziqian finally revealed a smile on his face.    


When Sheng Yun came to find him, it was rather urgent, so he probably called a lot of people to come over as a precaution. He called those people to go have supper together and then left.    


Ling Yue watched this scene with interest. After Tai Ziqian left, Ling Yue casually said, "I finally see it. It seems that this guy likes you." Even though you don't have many fans, each and every one of them is a top-notch one, like me. "    


I didn't have time to joke around with him. I pushed open the next door and found Rou already tied to the chair by Tai Ziqian. Her head was lowered and her hair was a little messy.    


I walked over and slapped Rou in the face!    


I used all my strength to slap her so hard that her face fell to the side!    


"That's right! It's time to fight! " Ling Yue was gloating on the side, causing me to not know where he stood, "Rou, if you like her, then go and compete in the open. What are you trying to do?"    


"I want to do it openly, but will he give me the chance?" Rou sneered. She looked at Sheng Yun in despair and said, "Sheng Yun, I just don't understand how you could be so soft to Xu Shubei and so hard to other women."    


"That's right!" Why are you so soft on her and so hard on other women? " Ling Yue repeated, and his jesting spirit made me want to laugh.    


Sheng Yun looked at Rou with a serious expression and said, "Because I have fallen in love with Shubei, I will take responsibility until the end! As for the other women, what does that have to do with me? "    


"It was true love …" "Hehe." Rou let out a flurry of laughter. Two streams of tears flowed down her face, "Why do all the men I meet treat me as a show? Why have I never experienced true love? "Xu Shubei, your life is really good."    


"With me, your life will be even better." Ling Yue smiled mischievously as he approached me. When I wasn't paying attention, he touched my face and got a fierce stare from me.    


"Rou, from today onwards, you and I are no longer friends!" Sheng Yun looked at Rou and said coldly, then said to me, "Shubei, let's go! There's no point talking any further! "    


"I still want to say something, you and Ling Yue go out first, okay?" I said to Sheng Yun.    


"Shubei …" Sheng Yun's expression suddenly had a hint of worry, but seeing how determined I was, he nodded and said, "Alright, I'll wait for you outside."    


"I'll stay, just treat me as air." Ling Yue added.    


"Get out!" I shouted at him with a darkened face. His expression stiffened before he said with a mischievous smile, "If you want to leave, then leave. Why are you being so fierce?"    


Sometimes, he felt that his personality was really similar to the old urchin Zhou Bo Tong, but the old urchin was really enjoying himself, while Ling Yue's smiling face was just a mask he was used to wearing. I can take off my mask and look at his true self, but I'm not interested in him.    


After they had gone out, I took a chair and sat opposite Rou. I looked at her silently, and she finally raised her head and looked at me with a sneer and said, "You can get away with it, Xu Shubei. I have to say, your luck is really good."    


"Tell me, what did you think of making such a foolish plan at night?" I crossed my arms and asked coldly.    


"Because I know him, and I know that once he touches me, he can't just ignore me. And once you've been touched by another man, it's going to be hard for him to get past it. People like you treat relationships too strictly, black and white. " Rou said with a smile.    


"You almost succeeded, but Rou, you still underestimated humanity." I looked into her eyes and said softly, "Do you know why I can get the truth and you can't?"    


"Why?" she asked, looking at me.    


"Because I have some respect for true love, I will not easily profane it, much less destroy its beauty. Faith is something you can't see or touch, but it really affects every decision you make and makes you feel awe from the bottom of your heart. Don't fear the consequences of true love, just like you, stealing a chicken is not enough to eat rice. A believer naturally had to love. It's not that my fate is good, but I've always chosen something so that I can persevere to the end and never rest until the end. " I looked at Rou and said loudly.    


"You made it sound so good. You were just lucky to run into Sheng Yun!" Rou said disdainfully.    


"You met him more than ten years ago, why didn't you get any results? In terms of luck, you have a better chance than me. " I laughed when I heard her say that.    


"Because I'm not as shameless as you!" Rou sneered.    


"You won't be able to tell if it's shameless or if it's a type of control that you have to have. Unlike you, I've had a clear goal since I was young. I know what I want at every stage, and I'll do what I can for what I want. You're right, time and opportunity are important too, but it's impossible to succeed without being prepared. Sometimes, love was also a strategy. I knew what kind of man I wanted. I knew how much I would have to pay to find a man like that, and I knew that if I had a man like that I would become a loser, and I knew what I would have to give to get it. Sheng Yun is the most outstanding man I've met so far. I did not choose to capture him at all costs. I chose to become better. This is the difference between you and me. " I looked at Rou and said confidently.    


"Xu Shubei, I know that your rank is higher than mine and you have more skills than me. However, you have to admit that you got lucky when you met Sheng Yun. " Rou said, unconvinced.    


"Let me tell you a story!" President Clinton and his wife, Hillary Clinton, once passed a gas station and saw a fueler in the distance. It was Hillary Clinton's first love. When Clinton found out, he jokingly said to his wife: Look, luckily you chose me, otherwise you would have married an oil worker! Hilary did not back down either: luckily I chose you, or the man who lives in the White House now is the oil worker! " After I slowly said this, I looked at Rou and said, "What a woman really attracts men is not her appearance, nor her position, nor even her methods, but her inner soul. I admit that I still have a lot to lose, but I will constantly change myself and get better and better. Rou, we won't meet again in the future. This is the end of Sheng Yun's friendship with you! I hope you do! Before, I thought you were a woman who had experienced the world and would have your wisdom and magnanimity, but now, I feel that you are not fundamentally different from the Xiaoyun who has always been addicted to the past. If you really want to surpass me, fight over Sheng Yun with me. "Please, please use your efforts on the right path!"    


After I finished speaking, I stood up and walked out. Behind me, I heard Rou's collapse as she cried, "I was sixteen years old when I came to Hangcheng, so how much suffering have I suffered and how many times have I gone through to reach where I am today? Xu Shubei, what right do you have to trample on my dignity? What right do you have to say that to me? "You're just luckier than me, what are you so proud of …"    


I covered my ears. I knew she didn't understand. It turned out that it was so terrifying for a woman to be so immersed in her own limitations, unwilling to break the stalemate and walk out.    


When I opened the door and walked out, Ling Yue was already gone. Sheng Yun and the two policemen were standing by the door. Sheng Yun said, "Shubei, Yiwa and Shang Yang have also woken up. They called the police …"    




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