Planned Love



3Yes, all the women who had seen fairy tales dreamed of being able to stay together with the man they loved for life in the solemn and sacred castle.    


However, thinking and accomplishing it were two different things.    


I asked myself if I was a real woman. I had abandoned the girl's heart at a very young age, and I pretended to be hard and strong.    


Until I met Sheng Yun, he changed me little by little.    


Love was originally a beautiful fantasy that only existed in the human body. Love is a departure from reality.    


But to have such a perfect love, she was truly beautiful, beautiful enough to be able to give up all of her youth and life.    


Sheng Yun - this man gave me the best love fairy tale.    


When he flew me to Selby, Yorkshire, in his private jet, and I looked at the magnificent Castle of Howard and the church of Selby as if they were a giant scroll, my heart gave a start.    


The girl who had died in her heart was resurrected, and she felt as happy as if countless butterflies were flying in her heart.    


Sheng Yun took my hand, tightly embraced me, and then said to me gently: "Shubei, here, is where we are about to get married. I have rented the Castle of Howard and the Church of Selby. Didn't you always say you were Cinderella? "No, from now on, you are no longer a princess. You are a true princess, a princess of me, Sheng Yun."    


Everyone said that the silent, deep, and steady man was a man who could do great things.    


I had never thought that this fellow would actually prepare such a great surprise for me without saying a word.    


He said he'd give me the best wedding.    


Sometimes when I look through other people's wedding posts online, I sometimes wonder what my wedding with him will be like, what kind of wedding Sheng Yun will arrange for me.    


However, this was far more than I had expected. Everything here is dreamlike and dreamy, and I feel so unreal.    


How can God be so kind to me that I have the best man and the best wedding?    


I can't believe it.    


"When did you start preparing?" I couldn't help but ask.    


"I've been planning things in secret ever since you became pregnant with Zaizai." Wu gave me a light kiss on the cheek and said, "I've searched almost every wedding place in the world. Finally, I chose this one."    


"When I was pregnant with Zaizai?" I couldn't help but raise my eyes to look at him in disbelief. "Have you never thought that we would separate?"    


"If I were to tell you that I didn't even think of it for a second, would you believe me?" Sheng Yun held my hand and led me through the flat, green grass towards the castle.    


"I feel that compared to you, I'm still narrow-minded." I said, holding his hand.    


He smiled and pinched my cheek. He said, "I'm very careful when I choose a wife, because choosing a wife means a lifetime. I've decided to give birth to Zaizai, how can I not be responsible for you and Zaizai? "    


"But at that time, you never showed it. You give me the feeling that it's just a deal between us. " I said in a daze.    


As we stood at the gate of the castle, I looked at the simple and retro gate, and I was filled with mixed feelings.    


"If I told you then, you wouldn't have believed me either. I have to wait for you, wait for you to slowly approach me, wait for you to grow, wait for you to finally be willing to be by my side. I know that you once had too much ambition and unwillingness in your heart. Before you wash out the lead, love is the shackle to you. I know, I can't be too hasty, I can only wait quietly. " Sheng Yun said with a smile.    


I didn't think that his considerations were so much deeper than mine.    


However, no wonder … Growing up in a family like that, he had experienced much more and much more twists and turns than I had ever experienced.    


It was just that he never said it. He was much more shrewd and profound than I had expected.    


"Aren't you afraid that I won't be able to make it? "Are you so sure you can wait for me on the other side of the river?" He pushed open the gate of the castle, and I followed him inside as we spoke.    


"I believe in the woman I choose. Look, isn't it still you who are standing next to me? " He winked at me, then smiled.    


I was shocked by the environment of the castle. All the furniture and household items here were the same as those of the European era. After many years of washing and dyeing, they had a stable and simple look to them.    


Sheng Yun took me to see the entire castle, the management of the castle today introduced us to the castle's long history and culture.    


Sheng Yun said: "When I came here alone a year ago, I had already imagined that I would bring you here today. Your appearance, the expression on your face, the love in your eyes for me … "    


I smiled quietly at him, and he smiled gently at me and touched my belly.    


I was more than a month old, and as he stroked my belly he said, "I guess it must be a daughter."    


"Zaizai said that he wants his little brother. He wants his little brother to accompany him on a car race in the future." I joked.    


"No, let's have a sister for this one. We can wait for the third one to give birth to a kid." Sheng Yun said with a smile.    


Three days later, we had a grand wedding in the castle of Howard.    


Sheng Yun had been magnanimously packing up all the guests and lodging, he had long arranged everything for the wedding.    


My wedding dress, which he had asked Robert, Italy's most famous fashion designer, to make for me a year ago, was inlaid with 1,314 diamonds. When I put it on, it looked like I was wearing a galaxy, and it was full of stars.    


He made my shoes for me, too. On the day of the wedding, he kissed me on the foot, put on my shoes reverently, then took my hand and walked confidently into the church.    


My Zaizai and another foreign sister who were about the same age became our flower boy. Zaizai was wearing a suit and looked very similar to Sheng Yun.    


We stood in the church of Selby and made a solemn declaration to the priest.    


That was the happiest day in my life.    


On that day, all the regrets of my life came to an end.    


My life had become unimaginably full, and I could see from the admiring eyes and sincere blessings of the guests that I had reached the pinnacle of my life.    


I married the youngest, most handsome and best man in Hangcheng, and he loved me deeply. From then on, we truly became a family, and we could finally live a blissful and happy life.    


That night we lay awake for a long time in the dreamy bed of the Castle Howard.    


"The me from five years ago did not dare to think that I would be able to obtain such happiness in five years." I said, looking up at the ceiling.    


"I never thought about it. At the time, I thought maybe I wouldn't get married in this lifetime." Sheng Yun said.    


"Thank you for giving me the best in the world." I burst into sobs.    


"Fool, you deserve the best in the world. As your man, my duty is to bring you the most beautiful thing in the world. " Sheng Yun carried me in his arms and said reverently.    


Everything was as beautiful as a long dream.    


"If this is a dream, I wish this dream could last a lifetime. We were still together when I got old, when I became a white-haired old woman, when you became a white-haired old man. " I said piously.    


"Shubei, do you know what my greatest achievement is?" he asked me softly.    


"What is it?" I couldn't help but ask.    


"My greatest achievement is to make you change from a woman who doesn't believe in love at all, to a woman who is so devoted to love today." he said, smiling. He took my face in his hands and kissed me.    


"Then do you know what my greatest blessing is?" I asked him, smiling.    


"What is it?" His eyes shone with wisdom.    


"My greatest blessing is that when I was pregnant with Zaizai, I decided to give birth to him. I know that without him, perhaps we wouldn't be where we are today. " I said with tears in my eyes.    


"He is our common decision and our common blessing." Sheng Yun embraced me and said with a smile.    


We left photos of our wedding gowns in this castle, not just in the castle, in the church, in many parts of the town.    


It used to be said in the book that a man who loved a woman would spoil her like a child who knew nothing of the world.    


I didn't understand it before. I didn't think there was a man like that in the world, and a woman like that must have been stupid. How unworthy it was to give up all one's self for a man.    


But now, I am that stupid woman who despised me. I am willing to give up all of my ego for my man.    


In church, when I said to him, "From now on, I will give you everything I have," and he replied, "You can be assured that I will protect him with all my heart," I was completely at ease with him.    


From that moment on, I completely believed in love. I believed that our love would be able to bear fruit in our last years …    


We talked too much that night, and at the end of it, Sheng Yun fell asleep before me, and I fell asleep unconsciously as well.    


That night, according to the rumors in the country, was the wedding night.    


However, everything that is beautiful makes us both not have that desire. This kind of beauty is enough to make us indulge. We don't need to prove it in any other way.    


Late at night, I walked in the dark castle by myself. There were no lights in the castle, and it was very dark. When I was about to reach the entrance of the hall, I saw Sheng Yun standing there, giving me a strange look.    


I shouted "hubby" again and again, but he didn't hesitate to step out of the gate of the castle. He didn't even look back at me and I wanted to give chase, but my feet slipped and I tumbled down the stairs of the castle …    


Second Volume - Touch of the Bottom - Nirvana    




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