Planned Love



1My stomach hurt more and more, and I couldn't help but howl.     0


It really was a howl, because it was too painful, too painful. I was soaked with sweat, and several doctors and nurses were pouring in.    


After the doctor examined me, he said gravely, "Not good, the mother has bleeding symptoms. Immediately push him into the operation room and prepare for the operation! "    


"Doctor..." Doctor... " I held on to the doctor's hand, fighting back the pain, and told her, "No... No matter... Out... Anything going on, one... Must... Save... "Protect the child."    


At this moment, Sheng Yun pushed open the door and rushed in with a head full of sweat.    


I was surrounded by doctors and nurses. He looked at me anxiously, and as I howled, I tried to force a smile on his face.    


"Wife! Come on! Hold on! You have to hold on! " he shouted, tears streaming down his face.    


I kept nodding, and the doctor and nurse hurried me out of the ward. He ran with the cart, wiping the sweat from my face as he ran.    


"My wife, she will definitely be fine, she definitely will! Zaizai and I are both waiting for you! We're waiting for you outside! Come on, wife! I believe you! I trust you, don't let me down, okay? If you disappoint me, I will never forgive you for the rest of my life! Do you hear me? " he shouted in my ear.    


I was in so much pain that I couldn't speak. My consciousness began to fade, and I had a very bad feeling.    


I had been pushed into the operating room. The doctors had put on their surgical gowns, the white light shone on my face, and a burst of anesthetic shot into my body. I fell into a coma …    


In my dream, it was a pure white world. My body was extremely light as I walked in a vast expanse of whiteness. There was always a golden light guiding me in front of me. I kept walking, walking, and walking … Suddenly, I saw my parents.    


They were still as young as ever, holding hands lovingly, and Mom was still wearing the pearl necklace Dad had tied around her neck. Mom and Dad kept waving at me, their faces beaming with peace.    


As I walked I saw my grandmother again, still sitting on the stone bench in her old home, stitching her embroidered shoes, her head full of silver hair, smiling up at me so affectionately that she waved back.    


My steps were exceptionally light, but the road seemed very long. I kept on walking, but the light was still in front of me.    


I just kept walking and walking, and suddenly I heard a voice from behind me, "Mom!"    


I turned my head and saw a bottomless darkness behind me. The sounds of "mother" kept coming into my ears, and then I suddenly felt a great heartache. It was then that I seemed to be swept away by a powerful force, and I fell into a deep abyss.    


Then, all of a sudden, my body feels, and I feel a sharp pain. When I open my eyes, I see a white wall.    


I was still in the hospital, in the ward, Zaizai was holding my hand tightly, his face full of tears.    


"She woke up! She woke up! " I heard someone calling excitedly in my ear.    


My vision gradually cleared and my consciousness returned. I saw Sheng Yun sitting in front of me with a face full of tears.    


Shang Yang and Xia Yiwa stood beside Sheng Yun. Xia Yiwa was crying tears of joy as she puffed out her belly, "Shubei, you're finally awake. You're scaring us to death."    


"It seems like I broke through the gates of hell," I reached out to rub Zaizai's head. I suddenly found that my stomach was flat, but there was no sign of a baby in the room. I panicked and quickly grabbed Sheng Yun's hand.    


Don't worry, the baby is fine, she's in the neonatal intensive care unit now for a few days to observe and come out, "Sheng Yun dried the tears on his face, smiled as he held my hand and couldn't help but lightly kiss me," Wife, I knew you wouldn't let us down. Zaizai and I have been calling for you, and I know you can hear us.    


"What's wrong with me? "I don't remember anything," I muttered. When I saw Sheng Yun's haggard look, my heart ached and I touched his face. "Hubby, I made you worry."    


"You were scary a few days ago," he said. "There was a lot of blood after the caesarean section. The doctor said the mat got wet as soon as it was spread. You almost ran out of blood from the hospital's blood bank, and you were rescued only after an emergency call from another hospital. Fortunately, you are awake now. The doctor says if you keep sleeping like this, you're probably going to be a vegetable. " Xia Yiwa choked with sobs as she spoke.    


She walked over and took my hand and said, "I was scared to death by you, my brother didn't sleep for a few days, Zaizai also didn't go to school, so everyone will stay by your side and wait for you to wake up. A woman is so great that she almost lost her life giving birth to a child. "Shubei, from the looks of it, I don't even want to give birth to you anymore."    


"Don't be afraid, it was an accident. It was because I didn't recuperate well when I was pregnant with Zaizai, that's why there are so many problems in the future." "You're okay. Don't worry."    


"Mom …" Zaizai didn't know why he started to cry, but he held my hand and refused to let go.    


I knew that the events of the past few days must have frightened the child. He was still too young to know how to express himself, so he would just hug my hand and cry.    


"Baby, don't cry, baby be good. Zaizai, did you see your sister? "Is it cute?" I asked softly, my voice still weak.    


Zaizai kept nodding and crying, but he couldn't say anything. He just gave a thumbs up, probably to express his' adorable 'intention.    


Sheng Yun saw I was very weak, so he said to Zaizai: "Zaizai, why don't you go home with aunt first? Let mommy rest well. Mommy just woke up and she's still not feeling well, okay? "    


Zaizai grabbed onto my hand and refused to let go no matter what. When I saw Zaizai like this, my heart tightened.    


"No problem, just let Zaizai stay here." "No," I said.    


"No, you just woke up and need to rest and recover. For the sake of health, let the child go home first. " the doctor said, coming in.    


So Xia Yiwa and Shang Yang took Zaizai back, and the doctor began to do a series of tests on me.    


The doctor said that my body was extremely weak and I could slip back into a coma at any moment.    


Sheng Yun listened quietly and looked at me with a worried expression. Fortunately, in the next few days, my body gradually recovered and my blood pressure also stabilized.    


The child was healthy, and after a week or so in the intensive care unit, the doctor came back with him.    


I saw my daughter for the first time, the second baby in my life.    


Sheng Yun's hands trembled as he lifted Qian Jin and placed her beside me. I looked at her small nose and mouth and my heart skipped a beat.    


It was a soft and fragile life.    


"Like you, Qian Jin looks very similar to you. In the future, when she grows up, she will definitely be a great beauty." Sheng Yun said with a smile.    


"Of course not, your nose is very similar to Zaizai's when he was young." I said, smiling.    


As we talked, we couldn't help but to put our heads together. Sheng Yun suddenly turned his face over and lightly kissed on my face.    


"Wife, thank you. Thank you for giving up on me and on this family." Sheng Yun said gently.    


"I also thank you. Thank you for never giving up on me. Nurse Zhou told me what happened when I went into the delivery room. " I looked at Sheng Yun and said sincerely.    


Nurse Zhou told me that when the situation was critical, the doctor asked Sheng Yun whether he wanted to protect the child or the child. Sheng Yun insisted on protecting the child.    


"In my heart, gold is very important, and you, even more so, cannot bear it. I can't do without you, wife. " After Sheng Yun said this, he kissed me hard on the lips and kissed for a long time before letting go.    


"I'm sorry for putting you under so much pressure these past few days. I'm sorry for making you feel afraid for me." I looked at him and spoke from the bottom of my heart.    


"Fool, as long as you can wake up safely and healthy, that's enough." We looked at the newborn baby together.    


She just opened her eyes, her two small hands like a blooming flower in front of her chest, she happily yawned, and then her face brimmed with a trace of a satisfied smile.    


Even though it was dangerous, he had survived it. We all looked at the child with happy smiles on our faces.    


A week later, we returned home from the hospital. Sheng Yun had already arranged everything. When I returned home, he once again threw himself into his busy work.    


Qian Jin wasn't as obedient as Zaizai when he was young. Zaizai didn't have to cry when he was young. However, Qian Jin liked to cry when he was young.    


Nanny Liu came back to help me take care of the money. She said that it was probably because of the girl, so she was more pampered.    


I still needed to rest in bed. Sometimes, I would get up and walk back and forth because I ate quite a lot of supplementary medicine. My body was getting fatter and fatter, and my weight even went straight to the 160kg barrier …    


On the day of her birth, I found my old clothes and found that none of them fit me.    


Dressed in my late pregnancy maternity clothes, I finally mustered the courage to stand in front of the mirror. I carefully examined my disfigured self in the mirror.    


When I left the hospital, the doctor told me that for the sake of good health, it was best not to try to lose weight for a year, and it was more important to take good care of yourself.    


Do I have to live with this bloated face and this bloated body for a whole year? Could it be that I will never lose weight in this life?    


At this moment, Xia Yiwa called me. "Shubei, someone secretly took a photo of you being discharged from the hospital. The media reported it …"    




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