System Makes Me Super Star

C95 Yang Ni's Treating Taking in the God of War's Drama

C95 Yang Ni's Treating Taking in the God of War's Drama

1It was summer vacation in July, and one by one the students left school to catch up with their hometown.     0


Xu Yuan and Xia Ci had Hann City on one side and Tianjin City on the other.    


Therefore, these two days, Lu Lee had to go to the train station to send them off everyday.    


"Lao Er, when are you leaving?"    


Xia Ci asked as he stood at the entrance.    


"In the next few days, I'll have to leave after I finish my work."    


"Alright, then I'll see you at school." Xia Ci waved his hand and said with a smile.    




After sending Xia Ci off, the entire dorm seemed empty.    


Lu Lee wanted to play the game, but at this moment, he felt that the game had lost its flavor.    


"Hey, what am I doing this summer?"    


His hometown, Lu Lee, didn't plan to go back because Lu Lee felt that it wasn't time for him to go back yet.    


Since college, he had only returned home on Spring Festival.    


On days like summer holidays, he would usually work outside for two months to earn a bit of living expenses.    


However, it was obvious that Lu Lee didn't need to earn the living expenses anymore.    


Therefore, Lu Lee felt a bit bored.    


I couldn't stay in the dorm all summer, could I?    




I can go and find Han!    


Thinking of this, Lu Lee made a call to Han Tine.    


On the phone, Lu Lee said that he wanted to go to Horizontal Store.    


Han Tine immediately agreed, "Brother Lu, don't worry. I don't have anything else, just one room."    


"It's about time. I think the production is almost done. I think it'll start at the end of this month. You should come take a look."    


"Alright then!" "Then I'll buy a ticket now!"    




Lu Lee bought the 10 o'clock ticket tomorrow morning, then he started packing his luggage.    


As soon as he packed his luggage, Lu Lee received a call from Yang Ni.    


"Lu Lee, let's have a meal together tonight."    


"This …"    


"I'll treat you!"    


"Eh, this is so embarrassing …" "Where is it, report the location!"    


"Starlord Hotel, the one near your school."    




By the time Lu Lee rushed to the hotel, Yang Ni had already ordered some dishes and was waiting for him.    


"Sorry, I came late."    


"No problem, do it."    


Lu Lee sat beside Yang Ni and asked curiously, "Why are you suddenly treating me to a meal?"    


"I'm going to leave the Shanghai."    


"Mm …" "Where to?"    


"The company arranged for me to go to Horizontal Store to make a movie. A combat show is something I transformed into."    


"En..." "War Resistance Drama."    


Lu Lee felt his scalp tingle as he heard Yang Ni's words.    


His mind was filled with fear.    


Yang Ni … He was actually going to act in a war of resistance play.    


This was simply too horrifying.    


Yang Ni's eyes dimmed. "That's right. Anyway, I don't like it. If I were to choose, I would definitely not choose such a melodrama."    


"Then why did you agree?"    


"I... Because now I don't have a script to choose from, and I don't even have a script for a good script. "    


At this point, Yang Ni felt a bit wronged.    


She didn't know why, but she had been in trouble ever since she had her idol set off three years ago.    


Over the years, she had received fewer and fewer good scripts.    


It's always an idol.    


But these scripts, Yang Ni played puke, she did not want to play these.    


Well, if Yang Ni doesn't want to play an idol.    


Why don't you go on to the War of Resistance? Don't you want to change? The God of War's drama had really taken a huge turn.    


In fact, it was a punishment the company gave Yang Ni for disobeying the company.    


The company means that you can at least make a few more years of idolatry and earn a few more years for the company.    


When you're in your thirties and you want to transform, then it's up to you.    


You're old, anyway.    


But right now, you have to play an idol for me.    


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