Rebirth of the Revenge Queen

C275 The Quota for the Elite Competition Is Announced

C275 The Quota for the Elite Competition Is Announced

1Not long after Han Jinxiang finished sharing, he arrived at Yi Lanyou.    


When she stood up, she looked at everyone's expectant eyes and felt a little apologetic. Her winter vacation actually did not have anything to look forward to. "During the winter vacation, the Siberia sled dog that I picked up was taken away by its original owner. The happiest thing. . . Was that on the first night of the Lunar New Year, I ate a lot of coins with my family while eating dumplings. "    


" Is it that husky? " Someone asked. "The one wandering around the school?"    


"Yes" Yi Lanyou nodded.    


"Don't be too sad. " Someone immediately tried to comfort her.    


"It's been so long. I'm not that sad anymore. " Yi Lanyou smiled in relief. She just couldn't bear to part with it, but she was still worried about Dog Two. She didn't know how Dog Two was doing.    


"Mm, eating dumplings with my family is a very warm and beautiful memory. " Han Jinxiang smiled. "Next, Qiu Wu. "    


Yi Lanyou sat down and Qiu Wu stood up. "I went back to C City during the winter vacation. I don't have any good memories. " He only felt his heart ache when he was in Huanjiang Park. The scene of those two people was too eye-piercing. How could he still be in the mood to enjoy the so-called beautiful fireworks?    


"I see. Then I hope you will have a good memory in this semester. " Bai Yiming was already used to Qiu Wu's character. He did not ask any more questions and directly called for the next one.    


The entire class had finished talking, and it was more than half the time for class.    


"Okay, now everyone has been introduced. I can tell that everyone's having a pretty good winter vacation, so I'm still very pleased. Dear junior brothers and sisters, I have always advocated a balance of work and rest. Everyone study well in school and listen carefully in class. After class, you must earnestly complete the homework assigned by the various teachers. Then, during the holidays, you must play well and relax. "    


"Alright. " The students nodded, and someone asked Bai Yiming, "Teacher, how was your winter vacation?"    


"My winter vacation? Preparing for classes, preparing for classes. Bai Yiming spread his hands and looked innocent. Then he suddenly remembered something and said, "Oh, right. " The final exam results are out. The first table is with me. Isn't this final exam directly related to the national elite student competition quota? It should be announced on Wednesday. I also know that everyone must be very anxious, so they secretly copied a report card. "    


"Wow!" Everyone's eyes lit up. That was great: "Teacher, quickly say it. "    


"I'll say it first. I'll announce it here. No one is allowed to say it out. Otherwise, I won't tell you guys in the future. " Bai Yiming opened the language book and took out a few pieces of paper. "Did you hear that?"    


"I heard it. We will not tell anyone about Teacher Bai!" The students smiled and looked at Bai Yiming.    


"Okay. " Bai Yiming nodded, then looked at the paper and said, "I'll just tell you the name list. "    


"Okay. " That was what they cared about.    


"There are two students in our class. The first one is needless to say. It must be Zhang Ya. " Bai Yiming smiled and said.    


Everyone nodded, and then their eyes locked onto Bai Yiming. They urgently wanted to know who the second one was, and whether it was themselves.    


"As for the second one. " Bai Yiming paused for a moment and said, "It's beyond my imagination. I never thought that this fellow student would be able to compete in the competition. "    


"Hey, Teacher Bai, hurry up and tell me. I'm so nervous. " Wang Hongfei urged him. He felt that he did well in mathematics this time. There was still hope.    


"Yes. " The others also urged him.    


. . . "" Lin Xiaorou did not say anything but her hands on the table were clearly a little stiff and nervous. She was very confident in her results. She would definitely be able to get first place in the English single course. Originally, she was most afraid of Zhang Ya, but when Teacher Bai said the rules last semester, she said it. Zhang Ya did not participate in the competition for the first place in the single subjects. The second place would automatically be upgraded to the first place. This way, she would not have to be afraid.    


"Since you guys are so anxious, I will not keep you guys in suspense. The second place is the number one student in the English single subjects. " Hearing Bai Yiming's words, many people were discouraged. Lin Xiaorou's eyes lit up and the corner of her mouth rose slightly. Who else could it be other than her?    


"It's Yi Lanyou from our class. " Bai Yiming announced, "Everyone, please applaud these two classmates. "    


"Wow!" Everyone was in an uproar. They never thought it would be Yi Lanyou. After everyone was stunned for a while, Han Jinxiang and Wang Xiaoman took the lead and clapped. "Youyou, good job!"    


Everyone also clapped. "Class Monitor Youyou is mighty!"    


"That's impossible!" Lin Xiaorou suddenly shouted with a shocked face. When she realized that she had lost control, Lin Xiaorou immediately shivered. Seeing that everyone was staring at her, Lin Xiaorou pursed her lips and softened her voice, "Yi Lanyou's previous examination results were so bad. How could she have improved so quickly? Is there a mistake somewhere?"    


"I am also quite surprised. " Bai Yiming smiled. "But this time Class Monitor Youyou really did do well in the exams. She also did well in other subjects. Language was also in the top 20 of the school's single science roll. It was just that there was a small difference between chemistry and physics. Her overall grades were not in the school's top 100 roll. Her total score was one point worse. The total score was ranked at 110 in the school, and the class was ranked 11th. It can be seen that Class Monitor Youyou is indeed very hardworking and has made great progress. "    


"No matter how hard she works, it's impossible for her exams to be so good. " Lin Xiaorou's voice was neither light nor heavy, and it was full of jealousy and doubt.    


"Tsk. " Zhang Ya frowned. Why was Lin Xiaorou so disgusting? "Don't doubt those who work harder than you before you reach this height. Youyou had been looking for tutoring and tutoring every day until two or three o'clock in the middle of the night. What was so strange about her getting such good grades? "    


. . . " "Lin Xiaorou choked so hard that she lost her voice. But she still did not believe that Yi Lanyou would do better than herself.    


At this time, the bell for the end of the class rang.    


"Class dismissed. Class dismissed. " Bai Yiming waved his hand with a smile and walked out with his book.    


The students surrounded Yi Lanyou's table and congratulated her. Lin Xiaorou stood up and chased after Bai Yiming. She did not believe it. She would not believe it even if she was beaten to death!    


"Teacher Bai, I want to ask about my results. " Lin Xiaorou stopped Bai Yiming and said.    


"Uh. . . Your situation is a bit special. Come to my office and tell me. " Bai Yiming looked at Lin Xiaorou from head to toe with a complicated expression.    


"Okay. " Lin Xiaorou nodded. She knew there was something fishy about this. She must have gotten good grades from Yi Lanyou, but Yi Lanyou spent money to buy her spot. It must be like this!    


Yi Lanyou, this despicable person.    


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