Rebirth of the Revenge Queen

C1154 She Did Not Care about Anything

C1154 She Did Not Care about Anything

2Everyone was stunned by Yi Lanyou's actions.    


"Yi, Chairman Yi, what do you mean by this. . . " A female reporter looked at Yi Lanyou in horror.    


"On the surface. " Yi Lanyou sneered and leaned back. "Say it. How do we resolve this matter today?"    


"We don't understand what you mean. We, we are just here to interview you!" A male reporter looked at Yi Lanyou and said.    


"Okay, let's interview. " Yi Lanyou smiled and said, "I have a whole day to spend with you guys today. If today is not enough, there will be tomorrow. "    


"What, what do you mean by that?" Another female reporter said, "Are you threatening us?"    


"Yes. " Yi Lanyou, on the other hand, was calm. "Not only threatening us, but also threatening us. "    


"You, are you not afraid that we will report it out?" The female reporter who spoke at the beginning said indignantly, "Is there any law in this?"    


"Yes, of course there is. " Yi Lanyou sneered and said, "You can report whatever you want to report. You can report whatever you want. If any media dares to publish any of the symbols of your report, count it as my loss. "    


. . . "" Everyone stared at Yi Lanyou in shock. Someone had already turned on the recording pen.    


"Before you interview me, I would like to ask. This negotiation is completely private and I even specially changed the time. How did you guys know the news?" Yi Lanyou asked.    


"We, we naturally have our channels!" A female reporter inadvertently glanced in the direction of Big Liu, then looked at Yi Lanyou and said, "We want to report the truth!"    


"Okay, I also want to know the truth. I have long heard that there are people eyeing me, Yi Lanyou. Say it, how much money did they give you to make you earn such a sum of money without conscience. " Yi Lanyou said with a cold smile.    


"We have all gathered here for the truth!" A female reporter said, "Yuan's Food has joined forces with Confluence Technology and Bai's, and plotted against the [Lost World]. The game company is suspected of plagiarizing and occupying the copyright. You should know what you have done! "    


"That's right! You don't have to think that you can cover up everything in Z City! Even if we lose this job, we still have to speak for the truth! " The female reporter silently turned on the recording device and shouted out the declaration of justice.    


"Chairman Yi doesn't need to play this kind of word game. We all came here with our own identity. There is no one who instructed us as you said. " The male reporter said, "We are all here for justice and truth!"    


"Yes, yes ~" Yi Lanyou laughed lightly, "You can only come as individuals. "    


"What, what do you mean?" Yi Lanyou asked. The male reporter's heart skipped a beat when he saw Yi Lanyou's contemptuous smile. Then, his phone vibrated in his pocket. He originally wanted to take it out and press it. But when he saw that it was his chief editor, he had no choice but to answer the phone immediately. "Boss, I'm running the news! What's wrong? Wh. . . What!"    


His voice suddenly increased by more than ten decibels. Even the ending tone was trembling. It immediately attracted everyone's attention.    


"No, I, why!? Why!?" The male reporter's face turned pale. "You can't fire me! No! I. . . "    


Hearing the male reporter's words, these people were also stunned. What was going on?    


Immediately after that, the phones of these people rang one after another. When they picked up the phone, they were all dumbfounded.    


"You want to fire me? Why?!"    


The reporters and photographers were stunned as they held their phones.    


These people hung up the phone one by one and then looked at Yi Lanyou in a daze. "You. . . It's you!"    


"It's me. " Yi Lanyou smiled very sweetly. "Isn't this to complement your words?"    


"Yeah, didn't you say, [Even if you lose this job, you still have to speak for the truth] What?" Zhang Ya sneered and said, "Isn't this exactly what you want?"    


. . . " "Zhang Ya's words made the faces of the reporters change.    


"Yi Lanyou, you! Don't go too far!" The male reporter gritted his teeth. "There are so many of us. Once this matter is exposed, it won't do you any good. "    


"Yes! Why not?" Yi Lanyou lightly laughed and said, "Will I, Yi Lanyou, do things that are not beneficial?" Standing up, Yi Lanyou looked around the crowd and said, "After dealing with you guys today, I would like to see which blind person would dare to earn this kind of money that goes against their conscience. You have set your eyes on me. Could it be that my style of keeping a low profile has given you the illusion that I am easy to bully? "    


Yi Lanyou's voice was not loud, and her speed of speech was not fast either. Every word was very soft, but her eyes were cold and fierce.    


"Big, at most, it will be a life and death struggle!" A man carrying a camera was about 30 years old. He gritted his teeth and stared at Yi Lanyou.    


"No ~" Yi Lanyou curled her lips and said, "The fish will definitely die, but this net is really not necessarily broken. "    


"You, you did this to us. We will expose this matter to the public and make your Yuan's Food lose its reputation!" Another female reporter threatened with a sobbing voice.    


"Just expose yourself. " Yi Lanyou smiled and said, "You have said it yourself. That is Yuan's Food. At most, I will quit being the chairman of Yuan's Food. After that, what can't I do?"    


"Then. . . What about the Confluence Technology?" Another person thought that he had bitten Yi Lanyou's Achilles' heel and said, "You don't care about yourself, and you don't care about your father either?"    


"How much is the market value of Confluence Technology? Even their directors want to kill themselves. It's just a hot potato. If Confluence Technology closes down, it won't be hard for me to open another game company for my father. " Yi Lanyou spread her hands out and said alone in the room, "There is nothing in this world that money cannot solve. "    


Pausing in her footsteps, Yi Lanyou revealed a smile and said. "And this is exactly what I do not lack. "    


"Everyone was dumbfounded. Yi Lanyou had never put them in her eyes. She didn't even care about Yuan's Food and Confluence Technology.    


What was more difficult to deal with than a person who didn't care about anything?    


Immediately, someone admitted defeat. "Chairman Yi, I beg you! I was just blinded by my thoughts. I didn't mean to discredit the Yuan's Food. I, I. . . " After a pause, this person immediately pointed to the male reporter who had spoken earlier. It's him! He asked for my help! It's all him! "    


" Hey! " The male reporter did not expect that he would be thrown into a fit of rage at this moment.    


"Hey, what are you talking about!? It's all your fault. " The female reporter who was begging suddenly cried, "Why did you set us up for what you did?!"    


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