Godly System Moralizes the World



3Xiao Tian's gaze fell on Kieran and Tinkerhey, and said: "The first choice, is for you to find a way to regain control of the Supernatural Academy, and directly make it the branch of the institution I mentioned. The second choice is for you to re-establish a new academy, and start over from the beginning."     0


Hearing Xiao Tian's words, Tinkerhey and Kieran naturally did not hesitate and directly chose the first choice.    


After all, as the founders of Supernatural Academy, although they had disappeared for tens of thousands of years, as long as they returned, they could similarly easily control Supernatural Academy.    


Xiao Tian wasn't surprised by Tinkerhey and Kieran's choice, so he didn't say much. After bringing Kieran and Tinkerhey back to the known universe, Xiao Tian returned to the Cloud Sky Palace.    


Tinkerhey and Kieran, on the other hand, directly searched for Supernatural Academy's location and rushed towards it.    


Within the Cloud Sky Palace, Xiao Tian's figure quietly appeared. Seeing that Shen Lingfeng and Lin Luoyan were still wholeheartedly selecting management talents, Xiao Tian lightly nodded his head, signalling for the two of them to ignore him and take care of what he was doing.    


As for Xiao Tian, although he had recruited Kieran and Tinkerhey, it would not affect Lin Luoyan and Shen Lingfeng in the slightest, because Shen Lingfeng and Lin Luoyan had also chosen the talented ones. Xiao Tian had planned to take them back to the Wind and Cloud Academy and take care of the Wind and Cloud Academy, while Tinkerhey and Kieran had asked him to set up the Wind and Cloud Academy Academy in advance.    


Tinkerhey and Kieran were the principals of the Wind and Cloud Academy Branch in Xiao Tian's mind, and the area that Lin Luoyan and Shen Lingfeng were responsible for did not match. Therefore, even though Xiao Tian had successfully recruited Tinkerhey and Kieran, the existence of Tinkerhey and Kieran would not affect Lin Luoyan and the rest's position.    


For a period of time after that, Xiao Tian stayed within the Cloud Sky Palace and didn't go out, but the countless civilizations outside the Globe Star exploded.    


Because Tinkerhey and Kieran, who once went with the civilization to face the ultimate fear, finally died and reappeared in the known universe!    


As the first God of the known universe, no one knew how strong Kieran was. However, it could be said that even the Angel Kesha and the God Base Wang Hexi couldn't gain the upper hand against Kieran!    


What's more, Tinkerhey, who was the former chief scientist of the Divine River civilization in the past, probably mastered more technological methods than other civilizations could imagine. After all, the former Divine River civilization was on par with the Angel civilization, and they were even more powerful!    


Styx Galaxy, Dead Song Academy.    


Kieran's figure appeared from within the Space Wormhole, and appeared within the Academy.    


"Principal," Death God Karl nodded to Wu Tie when he felt Kieran's arrival, his tone was calm.    


Although he was once a member of the Supernatural Academy, he and Liang Bing were both viewed as heretics by those people from the Supernatural Academy. Furthermore, he was expelled from the Supernatural Academy, and eventually came to the former Death Nebula, which was also the current Styx Galaxy, to continue his research.    


And after countless of years of research, he had long touched upon the void. Thus, even though he was facing the Principal of the Supernatural Academy, the known number one Overgod in the universe, Karl still appeared to be very calm.    


"I plan to reorganize my Supernatural Academy," Kieran's gaze landed on Karl, and said indifferently: "You were once a member of the Supernatural Academy, and I have personally come here today to invite you to return to the Supernatural Academy."    


"Return to the Supernatural Academy?" Karl heard this and laughed, his tone carrying a hint of ridicule: "The Principal just returned to the known universe, I'm afraid that he doesn't know much about Supernatural Academy. Because I studied the void, I was expelled by the Supernatural Academy a long time ago.    


Saying that, Karl looked at Kieran with a few hints of scrutiny in his eyes, "Besides, Principal, you were also a firm opponent of research in the void back then, weren't you? Principal, can you really accept me as a beast? "    


There was one more thing that Karl did not say, and that was that he did not believe that the current Kieran still had the ability to lead Supernatural Academy, nor did he think that the current Kieran had the ability to control these instructors from the past, who had already become Sovereigns!    


His gaze was calm, but it was as if he had seen through Karl's thoughts, and said indifferently: "You think that you have touched on the void, and that the technology that I have grasped in Supernatural Academy is far inferior to yours, so I don't have the qualifications to have you submit to me, right?"    


Saying that, Kieran pointed with his finger and the space around Karl distorted, even the concept and substance were changed.    


"Do you think I can't do anything to you by turning myself into a phantom?" Kieran sneered, and said indifferently: "Your vision is still too narrow, not just you, even those instructors from Supernatural Academy are too narrow.    


"The so-called Void is just a stage of civilization. In the countless years that I've disappeared, I've seen too many civilizations that have touched the Void, and their only ending is death in the midst of extreme fear."    


"Originally, I thought that the ultimate fear is the ultimate difficulty facing the development of civilization, but only recently did I realize that the ultimate fear is just that," Kieran shook his head and lamented: "The gods are always so arrogant. They always think that they stand at the top of the universe, which is why the gods call themselves gods.    


However, what these gods do not know is that the world they live in is merely a cage. The unknown edge of the universe is the barrier of this world. Only by escaping this barrier can one see the wider world … "    


At this point, Kieran looked at Karl and said lightly, "You and I are only those arrogant gods."    


Hearing Kieran's words, Karl had a myriad of thoughts running through his mind. The one who said something similar was Xiao Tian.    


Among those people, the ultimate fear was not even worth mentioning. Now that Kieran said the same thing, Karl couldn't help but wonder if Kieran had discovered some hidden powerful civilization in his countless years of disappearance, and Xiao Tian had also come from that civilization.    


"What is the relationship between the Principal and Mr Xiao, who appeared in the Globe Star?" Karl knew that Kieran did not like to beat around the bush, so he did not probe further and directly opened his mouth to ask.    


"In a sense, that Mr Xiao is my employer." Kieran also didn't hide anything as he said in a calm tone.    




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