Strongest Replication

C36 Combat Experience

C36 Combat Experience

1Looking at the hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of forest before him, Chu Zhongtian was filled with admiration for the royal family and the ancestors of three great families.     2


Although this was a naturally formed primitive forest, turning such a colossal forest into a hunting ground for a mere contest must've been no cakewalk.    


Not to mention, they even classified the various beasts and made them stay in their respective zones, all for the betterment of their future generation.    


Most Chu Family participantswere centered around Chu Zhongba, but there were also two othersmaller groups. Heading these groups were some unknown Chu FamilyLevel-6 Qi Refiners.    


I have to say, despite being called the leader of the Chu Family's younger generation, Chu Zhongba had done nothing spectacular. I mean, Chu Zhongba's title was only there because of his daddy since he had shite for performance.    


When theyarrived at the edge of the hunting ground, the Chu Family's group wasdivided into four teams. Among them, Chu Zhongba's team had the most numberof people and was also the strongest. The two unknown Level-6 Qi Refinersformed the other two teams.    


Chu Zhongtian, on the other hand, was different. He was actually the last team. Yes, a team of one. (Ed\n: Shit like this is the reason his meridians turned into spaghetti a year ago.)    


In fact, while they were still some distance away from the hunting grounds, Chu Zhongtian quietly left the Chu Family's team and sneakily joined the participants from the smaller families.    


Before he participated in the Hunting Contest, Chu Zhongtian, for a brief second, considered staying with the Chu Family group. However, he dismissed the idea as soon as it appeared.    


It wasn'tbecause Chu Zhongtian didn't want to work together, nor was it becausehe was arrogant and looked down on others. It was simply because he was toounfamiliar with the contestants from the Chu Family. When Chu Zhongtian joinedthe Chu Family group, apart from Chu Zhongba, who staredat him for some unknown reason, no one else even noticed his existence.    


Chu Zhongtian andthe Chu Family contestants were strangers to each other, so theydefinitely wouldn't work well together. They might even end up becoming enemiesbecause of the uneven distribution of benefits.    


For example, if someone from the team found a jade plate, who would get it? The strongest member of the team or the one who found it in the first place?    


Furthermore, Chu Zhongtian was well aware of where he stood in the hierarchy. Since it wasn't suitable for him to stay with the Chu Family group, he decided to act alone. (Ed\n: I'm not saying I'm wrong... Sigh, okay!)    


Although acting alone would increase the danger exponentially, it would still be a great opportunity for him.    


Now, this forest was in no way as expansive as the Endless Forest, but that also didn't mean it was as small as my backyard. Actually, in some aspects, it was even better than the Endless Forest.    


For example, the zone for intermediate and below Level-10 beasts' was waaay larger than the Endless Forest. I mean, it was so expansive that all the teams could venture into the zone and not meet each other once. Therefore, after entering the forest, the participants of the contest quickly disappeared into the forest.    


Chu Zhongtian,who entered the forest alone, did not rush forward recklessly nor deliberately searchedfor the jade plates. Instead, he began looking for low Level-10 strangebeasts.    


Chu Zhongtian was well aware of his strengths and weaknesses.    


The fact that he could fight three minor levels above his cultivation level was his biggest strength. Thanks to that, people would easily look down on his strength, and he could use that to change the flow of the battle.    


Chu Zhongtian's weakness was his lack of combat experience. Although he competed with the Tranquil Elegant Courtyard's guards, they were always restrained and held back their true strength. As a result, he couldn't get the famed life and death experience from them.    


In the earlystages of the Hunting Contest, Chu Zhongtian planned tofind different types of strange beasts to get his next hig—uhm, I mean battleexperience. This would help him get a rich experience and also enhance hisstrength.    


At the same time, Chu Zhongtian planned to follow the map he got from Chu Fann and find the place Chu Fann had marked on it. He wanted to see what kind of treasure could make Chu Fann mark a special route and give it to him. Then, in the last few days, he would go around collecting jade plates.    


After walking for about half an hour, Chu Zhongtian suddenly stopped and looked ahead with a serious expression. In front of him stood a porcupine: it wasn't cute. It was three meters tall and five meters long strange beast.    


The porcupine in front of him looked very similar to the wild boar he had seen in his previous life. However, its ferocity far exceeded that of a wild boar from Earth. Apart from having a fierce temperament, the porcupine ahead was also a carnivore. So, after eating strange beast flesh for years, it was now a low Level-10 beast.    


Noticing Chu Zhongtian's sudden appearance, the porcupine stopped eating and became battle-ready instantly; for some reason, it began panting heavily.    


Chu Zhongtian did not hesitate. He brandished his top-tier ten times refined steel blade with one hand and took a step forward with his left leg, waiting for the porcupine to attack.    


The panting porcupine suddenly pushed back the ground with its four legs, and its entire body flew toward Chu Zhongtian; it was as fast as lightning.    


Looking at the porcupine flying toward him, Chu Zhongtian chose offense instead of defense. He used nearly half of the spiritual power in his dantian to execute the basic saber technique. The hilt of the sword was pointed downwards, and the tip of the blade flew upwards.    


The steel blade collided with the porcupine's body, and a loud sound resounded in the area.    


After that, the porcupine rushed past Chu Zhongtian, and its body fell to the ground in two halves. Its thick blood immediately stained the ground.    


Chu Zhongtian choseto fight the porcupine head-on and used one move to split the porcupine's body apart.He himself did not move at all. This was enough to show that Chu Zhongtian's currentstrength far exceeded that of a cultivator of the same realm.    


One shouldknow that even the most ordinary strange beast was generally stronger than ahuman. For example, a low Level-10 porcupine was much stronger than an ordinaryLevel-4 Qi Refiner. Yet, such a strong beast could withstand a singleslash from Chu Zhongtian. So what was it if not a proof of his strength?    


Even after killing a Level-10 strange beast with a single strike, Chu Zhongtian was not too happy. Instead, he immediately began an introspection.    


He had used nearly half of his spiritual power in the battle just now, and that was equivalent to an attack from a Level-5 Qi Refiner. In that situation, him killing that porcupine in one strike wasn't anything spectacular.    


Judgingfrom the result of the battle just now, Chu Zhongtian onlyneeded to use one-sixth of his spiritual power. He could've easily dealtwith the porcupine without wasting so much spiritual power.    


Through comparison and reflection, Chu Zhongtian's combat experience increased bit by bit.    


In the followingperiod, Chu Zhongtian encountered a few more low Level-10strange beasts. Apart from strange beasts that relied on their agility, hecould deal with everyone else with a single slash. Of course, he had to spendsome time on those agile ones, but he could easily deal with them too.Furthermore, for his future slashes, he didn't spend too much ofhis spiritual power.    


As he encountered more and more low Level-10 strange beasts, Chu Zhongtian's combat experience skyrocketed. At first, he had to use one-sixth of his spiritual power and the saber technique to kill a Level-10 strange beast. But as his combat experience increased, he could bring them to death's door with even lower spiritual power.    


In the end, Chu Zhongtian didn't even have to use spiritual power to deal with Level-10 beasts. Just the basic saber technique was enough for him to end the battle.    


He did have to put in a lot of effort when he encountered an intermediate Level-10 beast.    


Of course,this was when Chu Zhongtian tried his best to use none or smallfractions of his spiritual power. Only then would the battle becomesomewhat strenuous. Dealing with intermediate beasts was no longerstrenuous if he used more than half of his spiritual power.    


As the number of battles increased, Chu Zhongtian found that besides his combat experience, the purity of his spiritual power had also increased. Consequently, his strength had also improved.    


'No wonder everyone said that fighting is the best shortcut to increasing one's strength.'    


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