Strongest Replication

C32 Preparation for the Hunting Contest (Part-2)

C32 Preparation for the Hunting Contest (Part-2)

1The young man from the Liu Family was furious when he heard someone refuting his claim. After all, how could his idol not win the contest? However, when he looked up, he found that his heckler was way stronger than him, so he could only silently swallow his anger.    2


However, he still said sarcastically, "Wang Chao is just a villain!"    


"Who are you calling a villain?!" Now that the Liu Family supporter had dared to slander Wang Chao, the Wang Family supporter couldn't help but feel enraged. He stood up, left his table, and brandished his ten times refined weapon. It seemed like a fight was about to break out in the hall.    


Suddenly, a cold snort sounded from upstairs, causing the Wang Family disciple's supporter's face to turn pale. Then, as if suddenly recalling something, he quickly cupped his fists, apologized, and returned to his seat.    


Someone who could open a restaurant in Qi Country's inner city was bound to be anything but ordinary. So, naturally, such a place would be guarded by numerous experts. If it weren't for the fact that they were disciples of the Wang and Liu family, perhaps the expert upstairs wouldn't have just snorted coldly.    


Meanwhile, everyone watching the conflict between the Liu and the Wang family with great interest couldn't help but feel bitter. There were even some who felt disappointed to the extreme—they were Chu Family disciples.    


Compared to the Liu Family and the Wang Family, the younger generation leaders of the Chu Family were slightly weaker.    


Currently, the younger generation's leader for the Chu Family was Chu Zhongba. Akin to Wang Chao, he, too, had a mid Level-8 talent.    


However, compared to Wang Chao, Chu Zhongba was not a persistent, determined, steely, or even tough individual. He cherished his life and comfort way too much. He was lax with his cultivation; despite being a Level-7 Qi Refiner himself, he was nowhere near as strong as Liu Yongjun and Wang Chao.    


Initially, the Chu Family had its own peerless genius. Sadly, this peerless genius disappeared completely three days after his emergence. This left the Chu Family disciples in an endless pit of despair and humiliation.    


Could it be that the second-ranked Chu Family would fall to third place in the near future?    


Chu Zhongtian, who was in secluded cultivation, didn't know that the entire Lu City had fallen into utter chaos due to the Hunting Contest and the Spring Festival. Even now, he was cultivating with everything he had got.    


After he obtained the Dantian Cultivating Pill and 20 low Level-9 spirit stones, he first duplicated more Qi Increasing Pills. Then, he used the Qi Increasing Pills and the spirit stones to fill his Dantian completely.    


Now that his Dantian was filled, it was time to strengthen it. So, he began making duplicates of the Dantian Cultivating Pill.    


Dantian Cultivating Pill could expand and strengthen one's Dantian, so despite it being a mere low Level-9 pill, duplicating it took a lot of spiritual QI.    


By "a lot," I mean that it took two Level-9 stones to get a single duplicate of the Dantian Cultivating Pill. So, after squandering 20 Level-9 stones, he only replicated ten pills.    


Despite spending so many Level-9 stones, Chu Zhongtian felt nothing. For him, the end justified the means. He took a Dantian Cultivating Pill and swallowed it. Unexpectedly, the pill began tearing apart the Dantian he had created after much effort and struggle.    


Chu Zhongtian'sexpression changed dramatically. He had suffered the pain of his meridians being torn apart before. Back then, he thought that it was as painful as the word “pain” could get. However, the pain from his shredded Dantian made the pain from his torn meridians seem like a sweet sting.    


Chu Zhongtian's endurance was already very strong. However, he couldn't endure his kind of torture with just a contorted face and clenched teeth. He fell to the ground and cried out in pain.    


Since his Dantian was massive, the "ripping-to-shreds" process took quite some time. Consequently, the pain and the agony were there for quite some time.    


Fortunately, as soon as the pain subsided, his body was washed over by a sweet ecstasy.    


After his Dantian was completely torn apart, the Dantian Cultivating Pill began repairing it on its own accord; somehow, he ended up with a bigger Dantian.    


After the expansion of the Dantian Cultivating Pill, the capacity of his Dantian nearly doubled. This also meant that his strength had doubled.    


Although the process was excruciating, it was worth it in the face of the benefits obtained.    


Now that Chu Zhongtian knew that he could endure the pain without rest, he popped another Dantian Cultivating Pill.    


After a while, he ate his third pill; after that, he was too exhausted and had to rest. Because of the intense pain, his physical strength and mental energy were greatly depleted. After the effects of his third pill diminished, he was so tired that he couldn't even get up.    


After resting for a while, his energy and stamina fully recovered, and he popped his fourth pill.    


It took three full days for Chu Zhongtian to finish consuming ten Dantian Cultivating Pills. Now, his Dantian was about the size of a bowl. Also, he was ten times stronger than the Chu Zhongtian of three days ago.    


Although Chu Zhongtian was ecstatic due to his growth, he wasn't arrogant to the point of being ignorant. He knew that there were many geniuses in this world, some of whom would even scoff disdainfully at his growth.    


He knew that only by acknowledging his weaknesses and limits could he improve further.    


He had already consumed the ten Dantian Cultivating Pill, but the Hunting Contest was still 11 days away. Chu Zhongtian planned to use half of his time to absorb Qi from spirit stones and Qi Increasing Pills. He would use this Qi to fill his Dantian with spiritual power and hope to become a peak Level-3 Qi Refiner before the contest.    


He would use the remaining half of his time to practice the saber technique, and practice with the five guards to increase his combat experience.    


The capacity of the Dantian had increased, so his spiritual Qi absorption speed also received another significant boost. He duplicated another dozen or so Qi Increasing Pill before using the pills, the stones, and the natural Qi within the room to fill his Dantian completely. This took him eight days.    


Next, he consolidated his cultivation level and practiced his saber technique, quietly waiting for the Hunting Contest to begin.    


Before long, it was the day of the contest: December 1st.    


At 4 a.m., the citizens of Lu City, who would usually be dead asleep at this time, woke up one after another. After they cleaned up, they left their homes and went to a tall platform ten miles away from the east gate. There, they just waited quietly.    


At five o'clock in the morning, the first team arrived, and the atmosphere around the platform became restless. As if in an agreement, for the next one hour, numerous other teams arrived near the platform after the first team's appearance.    


At six o'clock in the morning, three particularly large teams appeared below the platform. Noticing the three teams, the already loud crowd erupted in cheers and shouts.    


"Liu Yongjun, I love you! I love you just like mice love rice!" A woman who was obviously infatuated shouted.    


"Wang Chao, I support you. You must defeat Liu Yongjun and win the championship!" Wang Chao's fans shouted loudly.    


"Liu Yongjun, I bet a lot of money on you. You must win the championship!" A powerful but incompetent gambler shouted.    


With someone taking the lead, more and more people began shouting toward the newcomers. Hearing those shouts, the people from the Chu Family were the most unhappy.    


After all, most of these supporters were here for Liu Yongjun and Wang Chao. In simple words, no one was endorsing their Chu Zhongba.    


The patriarch of the Chu Family, Chu Tianyun, looked ahead with a solemn expression. His heart couldn't help but become heavy.    


In fact, Chu Zhongba's talent was not any worse than his father's. His comprehension ability was also not bad. His only weakness was that he was too arrogant. It was this weakness that made him fall far behind Wang Chao.    


It seemed that the patriarch and the elders doted on him too much, making cultivation the last of his worries.    


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