Strongest Replication

C392 Arrangements

C392 Arrangements

2Trial Peak, above the Arena!     3


Chu Zhongtian and Shi Guangliang made an appointment to meet again, but he did not return to the tall platform. Instead, he went straight to the Arena and bowed to Zhong Faqin, who was standing in the middle of the Arena. "Peak Master Zhong, thank you for your help. I will always remember it in my heart! "    


"Martial Nephew Chu, no matter what, you are a disciple of Trial Peak. Helping you is my duty, so you don't have to worry about it." Although Zhong Faqin spoke very politely, he was very touched in his heart.    


After all, Chu Zhongtian was a peerless genius that Sect Leader's eldest senior brother had taken a liking to and made him promise all kinds of things to win over. Not only could he maintain a humble attitude, but he also understood gratitude.    


"Wait a minute!" When Chu Zhongtian returned to the tall platform and came to Jiao Enjun's side, Hwangfu Qi, who was standing in the crowd, thought for a while and finally shouted.    


Jiao Enjun and Chu Zhongtian were not surprised to see it was Hwangfu Qi. When he used the movement technique to arrive at the tall platform, Jiao Enjun waved his sleeve and brought Chu Zhongtian and Chu Zhongtian out of Trial Peak with a strong force.    


After Jiao Enjun left with Chu Zhongtian and Hwangfu Qi, the remaining eight elders started to make passionate promises to Hee Ying and the other disciples who had performed well.    


Hidden Dragon Peak, Peak Courtyard!    


In the blink of an eye, Chu Zhongtian was brought back to the courtyard on the peak of Hidden Dragon Peak.    


When they stopped, Hwangfu Qi opened his eyes wide and observed his surroundings. From time to time, he would reveal a stunned expression.    


Actually, Hwangfu Qi couldn't be blamed for being so curious.    


This was because ever since Jiao Enjun built his courtyard on the peak of Hidden Dragon Peak, other than himself, only Chu Zhongtian had come here a few times. The other five elite disciples had never been to the peak of the mountain, let alone being able to enter the courtyard.    


It was precisely because Chu Zhongtian had been here several times that he was very familiar with the environment and layout of the courtyard. He familiarly walked to the stone pavilion in the courtyard and casually sat on a stone chair in the stone pavilion, quietly waiting for Jiao Enjun's arrangements.    


Seeing Chu Zhongtian casually sitting on the stone chair in the stone pavilion, Hwangfu Qi considered for a moment and finally followed him into the pavilion.    


However, he did not sit casually like Chu Zhongtian did, but stood behind him honestly.    


"Chu, you are so casual. You are treating this place as your Courtyard Nine!" When Jiao Enjun returned to the living room and took out his tea set, he saw that Chu Zhongtian had already sat on the stone chair. He could not help but tease him.    


"Elder Jiao, your environment here is much better than the Courtyard Nine. How about I move here in the future?" Seeing that Jiao Enjun was in a good mood, Chu Zhongtian joked to relieve his fatigue.    


"Chu, we will talk about what happened between us later. I have something to talk about with Hwangfu Qi." Jiao Enjun placed the tea set on the stone table and sat behind the stone chair. He looked straight at Hwangfu Qi and said.    


"Elder Jiao, if you have something to say, just say it!" Hearing Jiao Enjun say something to him, Hwangfu Qi quickly walked out from behind Chu Zhongtian and stood respectfully in front of him.    


"Hwangfu Qi, the so-called elite disciple training program is just my personal plan. My goal is to find a disciple who can inherit my martial arts."    


"Due to my special identity in Floating Cloud Sect, many old men in the sect don't dare to provoke me, so they let me carry out my plan. This made many people think that this was a plan specially designed by the sect to train disciples. "    


"Hwangfu Qi, the disciple in my mind is Chu Zhongtian, not you. That's why you have to leave Hidden Dragon Peak. "    


"Elder Jiao, I can't become your true disciple because I'm not outstanding enough. But I can be your nominal disciple as long as you let me stay in Hidden Dragon Peak! " Hearing that Jiao Enjun wanted to chase him away from Hidden Dragon Peak, Hwangfu Qi, who had already offended the Law Enforcement Peak, immediately became nervous.    


At the same time, before the start of the Ranking Competition competition, Jiao Enjun's formidable strength had made Hwangfu Qi sincerely want to follow him and receive his guidance.    


"Hwangfu Qi, I am different from the strong ones. I only accept one disciple in my life, and I don't need any nominal disciples. So, I'm sorry, but you can't stay in the Hidden Dragon Peak any longer."    


Seeing that Hwangfu Qi was still begging, Jiao Enjun knew what he was worried about, so he stopped him from begging and planned for the future for him.    


"Hwangfu Qi, you would rather offend the Law Enforcement Peak than betray the Hidden Dragon Peak. I will remember this kindness. So, during the time of the Ranking Competition's meeting, I have already discussed it with Martial Nephew Loong."    


"From today onwards, you will be a member of Sect Leader's faction and a nominal disciple of Sect Lord Peak. In a while, Tian Jun from Sect Lord Peak will personally come to pick you up, so you don't have to worry about your future."    


After hearing that Jiao Enjun had arranged for him to enter the Sect Lord Peak and become a nominal disciple of the Sect Lord Peak, Hwangfu Qi's eyes widened, and he looked at Jiao Enjun with a grateful expression.    


Regarding Jiao Enjun's request to chase him out of Hidden Dragon Peak, although Hwangfu Qi begged him bitterly, it seemed like he really couldn't leave Hidden Dragon Peak and couldn't bear to leave Jiao Enjun.    


In fact, in his heart, he had already started to scold Jiao Enjun and Chu Zhongtian, calling Jiao Enjun heartless and calling Chu Zhongtian a bystander. However, after hearing Jiao Enjun's arrangement, the hatred that he had for Jiao Enjun immediately dissipated.    


Compared to Hidden Dragon Peak, the orthodox Sect Lord Peak was the holy land that all the disciples of Floating Cloud Sect yearned for. Being able to enter the Sect Lord Peak and become an in-name disciple of the Sect Lord Peak was something that Hwangfu Qi didn't even dare to imagine before entering the Floating Cloud Sect.    


Furthermore, the Sect Lord Peak was the only super faction in the Floating Cloud Sect that wasn't afraid of the Law Enforcement Peak. He was quite satisfied with Jiao Enjun's arrangement.    


"Congratulations, Junior Brother Huangfu. Since you are able to become a disciple of the Sect Lord Peak, you will surely become a mighty warrior that will shake the entire Southern Domain in the future." Chu Zhongtian felt happy for Hwangfu Qi when he heard Jiao Enjun's arrangement. He was also satisfied with Jiao Enjun's arrangement.    


After all, Hwangfu Qi had been cultivating in Hidden Dragon Peak for three months. He had also received many pointers from Jiao Enjun. He was also Jiao Enjun's disciple. Jiao Enjun's arrangement... It's both reasonable and reasonable.    


"Junior Brother Chu, after you become Elder Jiao's disciple, you will definitely become the Supreme Expert who will affect the situation in Southern Domain in the future." Hwangfu Qi congratulated him as well.    


"Alright, the person who will pick you up has arrived!" While Chu Zhongtian and Hwangfu Qi were flattering each other, Jiao Enjun, who had been using the divine sense to observe the situation outside, suddenly spoke.    


"Senior Brother Chu, goodbye!" Hwangfu Qi cupped his fists and said goodbye.    


"Junior Brother Huangfu, take care!" Chu Zhongtian also cupped his fist and said respectfully.    


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