Sky War God

C3748 Ye Feng's Sea of Vast Heaven

C3748 Ye Feng's Sea of Vast Heaven

0The Law energy between the heavens and earth constantly changed, and the aura it emitted became even purer.    


A unique attribute energy spread out at this moment, and the energy fluctuations it released reached a limit.    


Rumble rumble rumble! The sound of destruction echoed out, as if it wanted to swallow everything in this space.    


Boundless radiance bloomed at this moment. The aura that was released became even more terrifying.    


Sensing such a force, the Galaxy Demon Monarch was also quite shocked.    


The aura that exceeded his imagination was unleashed at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy the entire world.    


The power that exceeded the limit spread out at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy this part of the world.    


The extremely powerful force of the attribute spread out at this moment, forming a pressure that was beyond the reach of an ordinary person.    


It was also at this moment that the entire space was boiling crazily.    


Ye Feng could clearly feel the degree of the aura that was released from the depths of the void.    


The unique attribute energy surrounding Ye Feng's body was unleashed at this moment.    


* Hong Long...... * The sound of destruction rumbled continuously at this moment. That kind of unique energy that exceeded one's imagination exploded crazily at this moment.    


The aura of the Laws of Heaven and Earth was circulating continuously. The energy it released was beyond imagination.    


The source energy contained within the fragment of the Heaven Realm had already merged into Ye Feng's body in a very short period of time.    


It was at this moment that countless attribute energies spread through the void, and the aura that spread out became extremely unique.    


When Ye Feng sensed this kind of energy, the radiance in his eyes kept flashing.    


The power of the origin of chaos was spreading in the depths of the void, and it was emitting a powerful force that ordinary people couldn't understand. It was as if everything in this spatial zone was going to be completely crushed.    


The rumbling sound of destruction reverberated in the void, as if everything in this world was going to be absorbed into Ye Feng's palm.    


Even the Star River Demon Sovereign's expression was incomparably shocked when he saw this scene. It was even to the extent that he couldn't imagine what kind of level Ye Feng's strength had reached.    


The Nirvanic Sacred Flame was burning fiercely. The aura that was being emitted was unimaginably powerful.    


The power contained within the fragment of the Heavenly Realm had already been completely stimulated by Ye Feng. The power of the Laws within was circulating at a rapid speed, displaying a unique attribute of power.    


Facing such an aura, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even more brilliant.    


A power that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people was unleashed at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy this world.    


The Undying Bird Battle Spirit spread its wings at this moment. The spreading of the Sacred Flame of Nirvana had completely covered this world.    


At this moment, Ye Feng retracted the Chaotic Origin Energy and stopped circulating the Laws of the Heavens and Earth.    


The Creation Laws were released. The natural source energy of the world began to circulate continuously, and the aura that was released became even more unique.    


Now, Ye Feng did not use the chaotic source energy to continue influencing the Laws of the world. Instead, he further stimulated the origin aura in the space.    


Such a unique energy fluctuation kept changing between the heavens and the earth, causing the energy contained in the depths of the spatial zone to reach an extremely terrifying level.    


When he sensed the change in this energy, the expression in the Star River Demon Monarch's eyes changed once again.    


He had never thought that Ye Feng would display such a technique at this moment.    


He had fully mobilized the power in the spatial zone, and the aura he released had become even purer.    


That unique attribute energy was spreading wildly at this moment. The ripples that formed from the aura had even become unusually pure.    


The unique Laws of the Heaven and Earth had merged into Ye Feng's body at this moment, allowing him to grasp an even stronger power.    


In this very short period of time, the aura released from the depths of the void had already been raised to its limit.    


This world had been completely awakened by Ye Feng's Nirvana Fire. The source energy contained within had also become unusually pure.    


After doing all of this, Ye Feng closed his eyes and focused his mind, constantly tempering his own strength.    


That unique attribute energy was unleashed at this moment, as if it wanted to completely control this spatial zone.    


But very quickly, this unique and powerful aura completely calmed down at this moment.    


Ye Feng's eyes lit up even brighter as he felt the powerful energy circulating in the spatial zone.    


The Laws of the world, the aura that was released after each transformation, had even reached an unprecedented level.    


This kind of energy that exceeded the limit was unleashed at this moment, as if it wanted to completely suppress and refine this part of the Heaven and Earth.    


In this extremely short period of time, the fluctuations of the aura that was reflected in Ye Feng's body began to undergo an unprecedented transformation.    


The rumbling sound of destruction resounded continuously at this moment. The aura fluctuation that was released had reached an extremely terrifying extent.    


Facing such a terrifying aura, the expressions of everyone present had become unusually pure.    


At this instant, the aura that was released from the depths of the void had also reached an unprecedented level.    


This Heaven Realm fragment had completely recovered at this moment. The Law energy contained within it was also reflected in Ye Feng's soul.    


The flames contained endless life aura flames. It was the same as the Sacred Flame of Nirvana that Ye Feng controlled.    


Such a unique law would also be of great help to Ye Feng. It would allow him to have a deeper understanding of his own power.    


The aura that was released from the depths of the void on the other side had also reached its peak at this moment.    


Ye Feng kept absorbing the power of the law in the spatial zone. In an extremely short period of time, he had raised his aura to its limit.    


After that, Ye Feng also stored this power of the Laws in the Good Fortune Saint Realm.    


The aura of Laws continued to revolve. With the special characteristics of the force of creation, he was able to grasp such a powerful aura bit by bit.    


At this moment, the power that was emitted from the depths of the space had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't imagine.    


This sort of attribute power that surpassed the limit seemed to want to completely refine this space.    


Sensing this kind of unique power undulation, the Galaxy Demon Monarch opened his mouth several times, but he did not know what to say.    


The technique that Ye Feng displayed was too shocking. It was impossible to imagine how this unique aura could be cultivated.    


The energy fluctuation emitted from the depths of the spatial zone had reached its peak at this moment.    


Finally, Ye Feng looked at a spatial fragment and spread his energy into it.    


The Creation Law and the Nirvana Saint Flame were circulating continuously at this moment. The energy that they were emitting had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't imagine.    


Just like that, time passed quickly, and the aura that Ye Feng displayed became even more unique.    


The force of creation between the heavens and earth was being controlled by Ye Feng time and time again. The aura that was being released also reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.    


That kind of terrifying power was constantly transforming in the void. The number of heaven realm fragments that were revived increased one after another.    


Looking at this transformation, the Star River Demon Monarch's expression was incomparably shocked. It was as if everything in this space had reached its limit.    


Those heaven realm fragments, the Star River Demon Monarch had already taken control of them.    


There weren't any massive Law imprints contained within, only a unique attribute power.    


As long as the Galaxy Demon Monarch circulated his aura slightly, he would be able to completely refine them and store them in his own Law World.    


In this extremely short period of time, the Galaxy Demon Monarch could already sense that the Laws of the world he controlled were constantly being strengthened, to the point that it reached a level that ordinary people couldn't even imagine.    


That kind of pure and powerful attribute power was continuously brewing over this long period of time. The aura that was being emitted also became increasingly powerful.    


At the beginning, Ye Feng needed another month to revive a Heaven Realm fragment.    


However, as time passed, the Laws contained within the depths of the space became purer and purer.    


That unique aura spread out, causing the surrounding space to undergo a drastic change.    


Even those Heaven Realm fragments that were not affected by Ye Feng were continuously transforming at this moment.    


This kind of power was constantly circulating, but it did not affect Ye Feng at all.    


His attention was still focused on circulating the Divine Creation Art.    


The unique and powerful force of creation was constantly transforming and unleashing the aura, allowing Ye Feng to merge with the heaven and earth one step at a time.    


Various types of power of laws were integrated into the Good Fortune Saint Realm, bringing a greater feedback to Ye Feng.    


Under the push of the power of law, the Good Fortune Saint Realm also changed at an extremely fast speed. The aura that was released had reached a level that ordinary people could not even imagine.    


The Star River Demon Monarch could also clearly feel the source of Ye Feng's body. The world was constantly changing.    


Especially the Good Fortune Saint Realm above. It was undergoing a transformation again and again.    


It was originally a unique power that contained the Laws of the Heaven and Earth. At this moment, it was circulating at a level that ordinary people couldn't even imagine.    


The power of these Laws kept interweaving and transforming. It seemed as if they had reached an extremely special environment. The aura that was being emitted also became purer and purer.    


The originally illusory Good Fortune World continued to sublimate at this moment. It contained even more Laws of the world, as if it wanted to reach a higher level.    


These Laws of the world also stimulated Ye Feng's body bit by bit, as if they wanted his body to reach an extremely special state.    


As Ye Feng continued to cultivate the Laws of the Heaven and Earth, the aura also fused into his body.    


Even the chaotic power of origin continued to sublimate at this moment, causing the power of the Laws stored within the Good Fortune Saint World to increase.    


Moreover, this sort of growth seemed endless, as if a massive amount of energy was being released at every moment.    


The transformation of the Good Fortune Saint World at this moment had also transformed the concept of the Laws from reality.    


This feeling gave Ye Feng a familiar feeling, as if he had experienced it somewhere before.    


It didn't take long for Ye Feng to recall it.    


"Ocean of Hao Tian."    


The Laws of the world and the power of the aura were constantly changing. It had even reached a level that ordinary people couldn't even imagine.    


In the power inherited from the God of Creation, Ye Feng had also come into contact with this unique aura.    


A unique space that gathered all the power of Laws of the world into a single space represented the Laws and destiny of this world.    


It was Hao Tian's Sea.    


Currently, Yue Feng had cultivated his own Creation Law to an extremely high realm. The energy fluctuations that he was displaying at this moment was no weaker than Hao Tian's Sea of the past.    


It could even be said that above the quality of the energy, the energy that Ye Feng had produced was even stronger than Hao Tian's Sea.    


There was also a unique and terrifying aura. At this moment, the energy ripples that it was unleashing had reached an unimaginable level.    


Ye Feng's eyes lit up even more when he felt the aura.    


There seemed to be some kind of unique Law energy in the world that was constantly being evolved by Ye Feng. The aura that was being emitted also became purer.    


All kinds of Law energy that belonged to Ye Feng were continuously transforming at this moment. The ripples that were emitted from the aura were also becoming purer and purer.    


The changes of the aura that exceeded one's imagination were spreading at this moment.    


The sea of Hao Tian above Ye Feng's head was also undergoing a transformation at this moment, as if it could reach that realm at any time.    


The unique aura was continuously releasing the depths of the void, and the energy it emitted became even purer.    


The energy that exceeded the limit was unleashed at this moment, and it could even be said to cover the entire spatial zone in the shortest amount of time.    


Since he had already condensed Hao Tian's Sea, Ye Feng had no choice but to find a core for his own energy.    


At least, he had to suppress all the power of the Laws in the world. It would completely fall into Ye Feng's palm.    


Facing the endless Laws of the world, Ye Feng was getting more and more conflicted.    


Logically speaking, he could use his own Laws of Good Fortune to suppress everything.    


After all, this was the home ground of the force of creation, and the aura it emitted was even more powerful.    


However, under the same condition, this Sea of Laws also possessed a more unique power.    


Whether it was the Samsara Law or the Chaos Origin Law, both possessed an aura that ordinary people could not understand.    


Even the Good Fortune Laws were unable to completely suppress this power.    


The Origin aura circulating in space was constantly releasing.    


The backlash that formed was also pushing the changes of the Good Fortune.    


However, the metamorphosis of the Good Fortune Law would one day reach its peak. If Ye Feng was unable to calm the conflict between these laws, his body would collapse first.    


On the other side, Ye Feng also intended to try. As long as he used the Samsara or Chaos Origin Source Law to suppress this spatial zone, he would be able to do so.    


However, the power of these Laws also had a certain conflict with the Origin aura in this spatial zone.    


Sensing the fluctuation of the aura, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes constantly changed.    


As the Law energy of his Comprehension increased, the fluctuations of the aura in the depths of space became even stronger.    


That terrifying pressure seemed as if it wanted to completely destroy the entire space.    


An extremely powerful and terrifying source aura constantly revolved between the heavens and the earth, forming a power that no ordinary person could understand.    


The conflict between the Laws had even reached a level that no ordinary person could compare with. The fluctuations of the aura that it released had also reached a terrifying boundary.    


These Laws constantly clashed, as if they wanted to completely tear apart Ye Feng's soul.    


Countless destructive power were spreading crazily at this moment. The aura fluctuations that were released had already reached an extremely terrifying realm.    


The rumbling sound of destruction reverberated wildly at this moment. The energy waves released by the aura had reached an extremely terrifying level.    


The energy that exceeded the limit, combined with the conflict of the Laws of the Heaven and Earth, seemed to want to completely destroy Ye Feng.    


Ye Feng's expression became even more solemn when he sensed the conflict between the Laws.    


In an instant, there was an extremely terrifying pressure formed by the eruption of the aura in the depths of space. It had even reached an unprecedented level.    


At this moment, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter.    


An extremely powerful and terrifying destructive aura spread out at this moment, as if it was going to completely destroy this spatial zone.    


Facing such a terrifying force, the fluctuation of the aura that was emitted from the depths of the void had reached its peak.    


The terrifying pressure that was gathered from the circulation of the aura of Destruction had even reached a level that ordinary people could not match up to.    


In this very short period of time, the aura that was released from the depths of the void had already reached its peak.    


A trace of ferocious light flashed across Ye Feng's eyes. The fluctuation of the aura had reached its limit.    


"You are merely the Laws of the Heavens and Earth that I have comprehended and sensed. What ability do you have to resist me?"    


I would like to see what level your strength has reached.    


You dare to go against my will? Truly overestimating your abilities."    


Ye Feng's furious roar echoed in the spatial zone. At this moment, an extremely overbearing will was unleashed.    


The destructive aura that exceeded his imagination was unleashed at this moment, as if it was going to completely destroy the entire world.    


At this moment, the pressure that was formed in the depths of the void had reached its peak.    


A terrifying pressure that exceeded the limit burst out from Ye Feng's body, as if it wanted to completely destroy the entire spatial zone.    


After the terrifying vibration, an attribute power that exceeded the limit was unleashed at this moment.    


That kind of unimaginable destructive fluctuation erupted at this moment, as if it was going to completely destroy the Good Fortune Saint Realm.    


However, Ye Feng's facial expression didn't change. Instead, a brilliant light emerged between his brows.    


All the laws in the world were suppressed at this moment. An incomparably terrifying destructive aura spread out at this moment, as if it was going to destroy the entire spatial zone.    


The rumbling sound of destruction reverberated in the air.    


Although this power was terrifying, it was no longer able to bring about any effect.    


At this moment, the powers that had surpassed the limits of their attributes had expanded. In fact, it could even be said that they wanted to completely obliterate this part of the world.    


Ye Feng's eyes shone brightly when he sensed the existence of this power.    


The Path to Heaven.    


The source of the Comprehension that Ye Feng used was the unique energy that was unleashed when his spiritual will and all his energy were combined.    


Now that this aura had been completely unleashed, it seemed as if it wanted to completely obliterate everything in this world.    


An extremely powerful and terrifying energy erupted at this moment. It seemed as if it wanted to completely destroy this entire world.    


At this instant, the energy that had gathered in the depths of the void had already reached a level that an ordinary person could not hope to reach.    


The rumbling sounds of destruction reverberated wildly. The energy that was emitted became even more terrifying.    


However, no matter how much this energy erupted, it was unable to truly display its strength.    


The origin force that Ye Feng displayed had already reached a realm that ordinary people couldn't even imagine.    


Once this source aura was unleashed, all the ripples in the spatial zone would be completely suppressed.    


An extremely powerful source energy was circulating continuously between the heaven and earth. The ripples emitted by the aura had also exceeded the limit.    


At this moment, Ye Feng took another step forward.    


The laws of the Good Fortune Saint Realm were also trembling crazily, as if they were incomparably afraid of the power that Ye Feng possessed.    


At this moment, the aura between the heavens and the earth had been suppressed by this terrifying power.    


That kind of powerful energy that had surpassed the limit bloomed at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy the entire world.    


At this moment, the fluctuations of the aura that ordinary people could not understand were being released bit by bit.    


A rumbling sound of destruction erupted at this moment. The pressure that was formed had already surpassed a certain boundary.    


Faced with Ye Feng's overbearing will, the aura in the spatial zone couldn't resist no matter how terrifying they were.    


The aura that was continuously tamed by Ye Feng with the power of laws was becoming calmer and calmer.    


Sensing the unique changes of the aura, the energy fluctuations that existed deep in the void had already reached the limit.    


At this moment, the source Laws of the world were constantly changing. The aura that was released also instantly rose to the limit.    


That unimaginable power spread out at this moment.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's Good Fortune Saint Realm turned into an illusion. In fact, there wasn't even a shadow of him.    


Only those who could sense a certain kind of law to the limit could use the Comprehension to produce the power of law contained in the heaven and earth.    


The power of the law was supplemented one after another. The aura that had gathered within the ___ also became purer and purer.    


All kinds of attributes spread out at this moment, as if they were going to completely cover the entire space.    


These unique fluctuations of the aura constantly circulated within the depths of the void. The changes that occurred had also reached an unprecedented level.    


Death God Battle Spirit, the Law of Reincarnation, combined with the power of the Holy Demon, had created the Reincarnation Saint.    


That Law aura, which had surpassed the limit, spread out at this moment, as if it wanted to completely cover everything in the world.    


There was also a kind of power that ordinary people could not imagine brewing within it.    


As the power of the Holy Demon transformed again and again, the aura emitted by the Reincarnation Demon Realm would also reach the limit at some point in the future.    


And the land of All Creations that occupied the largest proportion of the world also continued to expand along with the chaotic origin power between the heavens and the earth, even endlessly.    


At this moment, the three intrinsic worlds had unlimited development. Once they completely merged together, the power produced would be extremely terrifying.    


Sensing the intrinsic world that Ye Feng had displayed, the Star River Demon Monarch was slightly shocked.    


At this moment, Ye Feng was only a Heavenly God. The power he grasped didn't even break through the constraints of the Laws of the Heaven and Earth, turning his own intrinsic world into reality.    


Although Ye Feng had long touched the Threshold of a peak Heavenly God, he had walked even further in this realm.    


The incomparably terrifying aura spread out at this moment, and the energy it emitted became purer and purer.    


Terrifying energy fluctuations constantly changed between the heaven and earth.    


Once Ye Feng transformed his natal world into reality, the energy consumption would absolutely be beyond imagination.    


If he only relied on his own efforts and collecting the Origin aura between the heaven and earth, he would be able to push his cultivation base to a higher level.    


Perhaps hundreds of thousands of years would pass because of this.    


At this moment, the Star River Demon Monarch finally understood.    


Why was the Ancestor of All Fiends arranged by him to undergo such a refinement?    


As he continued to refine the origin of the Heaven Realm, the Laws of Heaven and Earth would be a massive accumulation for Ye Feng.    


Those terrifying energies would lurk in Ye Feng's body at this moment, storing the energy that he needed to consume.    


He would wait until one day when the world in Ye Feng's body had been cultivated to its limit, and he would no longer be able to advance any further.    


The energy contained in these worlds was pushing him forward.    


By shattering those fragments of the heavenly realm, the source energy emitted from them would definitely allow Ye Feng's strength to break through to a higher level.    


Such a terrifying aura was constantly circulating between the heaven and earth, and the energy ripples it emitted would become purer.    


However, Ye Feng didn't care about these things at all.    


Cultivating Hao Tian's Sea to its limit and injecting all the energy of the Laws into it had already consumed all of Ye Feng's energy.    


If this continued, Ye Feng's spiritual will would be completely devoured by the Laws of the Heavens and Earth.    


There was no need to cultivate this kind of energy to the limit.     4


Seeing Ye Feng circulating the Cultivation Method bit by bit and gradually getting absorbed in it, the Star River Demon Monarch's expression became more and more solemn.    


The terrifying aura was released at this instant, as if it wanted to completely obliterate everything in the world.    


A powerful force beyond imagination was released at this instant, and the aura that was released had already broken through a certain boundary.    


Although Hao Tian's sea was very good, it also contained great danger.    


As the strength of Hao Tian's sea continued to increase, Ye Feng's spiritual will also continued to transform at this moment, finally sublimating.    


That kind of power seemed to want his soul to break through to a higher level. Once it was released, his body would completely disappear.    


The Star River Demon Sovereign naturally sensed this change. It immediately unleashed its power.    


The unique attribute of the aura was constantly evolving in the depths of the void. The fluctuations of the aura were also reaching a certain limit.    


At this moment, the aura released from the depths of the void began to revolve. The source Laws that gathered also returned to their original state.    


That unique aura that exceeded one's imagination spread out at this moment. It could even be said that it wanted to completely swallow up this entire world.    


But in the end, all of the Laws were different. They were completely wiped out and the aura that was released returned to a calm state.    


At this moment, the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void had completely calmed down.    


An incomparably pure energy of attributes was also reflected in Ye Feng's eyes.    


The calmness of the Laws of the Heaven and Earth also made Ye Feng feel a kind of power that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


The Good Fortune Saint Realm had already disappeared, and there was only an extremely weak origin floating in front of Ye Feng.    


When Ye Feng felt this kind of power, not only did he not feel any sadness, but he also had a smile on his face.    


He had completely melted and refined all the origin power, causing this small origin power.    


The destruction of the Good Fortune Saint Realm didn't mean that Ye Feng's cultivation had regressed. Instead, it allowed him to integrate all the aura into his body.    


The origin power contained the laws of heaven and earth. It had reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.    


As time passed, the Law of Comprehension that Ye Feng used became more and more.    


The origin force would also grow rapidly, and eventually, it would cover the entire world and give birth to the Hao Tian's Sea that belonged to Ye Feng.    


Such a change wouldn't be too slow.    


When the Comprehension reached this level of strength, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter.    


That kind of extremely powerful and sacred attribute energy spread out at this moment, as if it was going to swallow the entire world.    


Ye Feng, who was also awakened by the Galaxy Devil Lord, looked at him with gratitude.    


If it wasn't for the Galaxy Demon Lord watching from the side, the power in Ye Feng's body would have been affected by the law of the heaven and earth at this moment.    


Once he was completely immersed in the changes of the Laws of the Heavens and Earth, Ye Feng's body would disappear from this world forever.    


That unique and powerful Law energy was constantly changing at this moment. It also displayed a kind of aura fluctuation that ordinary people couldn't understand.    


The rumbling sound of destruction and vibration resounded at this moment.    


An unimaginably powerful strength emitted from the terrifying aura at this moment. Finally, it completely calmed down.    


"Thank you, Senior Brother."    


Ye Feng withdrew his strength and said to the Galaxy Demon Lord in an extremely respectful tone.    


He had also discovered that these disciples of the Ancestor of All Fiends were indeed very unique.    


Although they were all cultivating the Path of Demons Cultivation Method, the power they possessed was also becoming more and more terrifying.    


It could even be said that when some power was completely unleashed, it would cause the entire world to panic.    


However, their minds were stronger than ordinary people, and the talent they could display was also extremely special.    


Especially when their brothers and sisters were being oppressed, they were able to release their own power at all costs.    


Ye Feng felt incomparably shocked in his heart when he felt such an atmosphere. The aura that he had gathered had become purer and purer.    


The Star River Demon Monarch casually waved his hand. He didn't take these matters to heart. The Origin aura in his body was also circulating continuously.    


At that moment, Ye Feng had already recovered ten Heaven Realm fragments.    


Ye Feng didn't leave any marks on these fragments. He only took away a portion of the Laws.    


After the Star River Demon Monarch refined these Laws, it continuously provided him with the origin energy of heaven and earth.    


The extremely pure aura and the depths of space were constantly circulating, and the energy it emitted was incomparably shocking.    


An unimaginably powerful aura was released at this moment, as if it wanted to swallow up this entire world.    


Once this energy was unleashed, it would cover the entire world within an extremely short period of time.    


The Galaxy Demon Monarch's natal world also underwent an unprecedented transformation at this moment, as if it was going to reach a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.    


That kind of unique power that exceeded one's imagination spread out at this moment. It could even be said that it reached an unprecedented level at this time.    


At that instant, Ye Feng's eyes shone with an unprecedented brightness.    


The power of law grasped by the Star River Demon Sovereign was also beyond imagination. Once it was fully released, it was enough to change the entire space.    


When this unique aura was released, it was as if it wanted to melt the entire world.    


Ye Feng felt incomparably shocked when he felt such a powerful fluctuation of energy.    


The Laws of the Heaven and Earth evolved by the Star Demon Lord were also extremely precious. Once it was fully grasped, it would be of great help to Ye Feng.    


Under such circumstances, Ye Feng was constantly reviving the fragments of the Heavenly World while comprehending the Star Law evolved by the Star Demon Lord.    


Su Duye's cultivation was incomparably fast. Every move he made contained unimaginable power.    


In the end, Ye Feng's cultivation had reached an extreme state, as if some kind of aura was continuously transforming.    


It wouldn't take long for Ye Feng's strength to reach an unprecedented level.    


"Alright, Little Junior Brother. The strength you have now is almost up to par. There's still one more thing that I need you to do."    


The voice of the Star River Demon Sovereign rang in Ye Feng's ears. There was a unique aura revolving around his body.    


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