Sky War God

C3703 Sacred Beast Torch Dragon

C3703 Sacred Beast Torch Dragon

3Not to mention Ye Feng, even those Heavenly Gods and higher level experts were completely shocked when they saw this boundless river of time.    


"No, this is impossible!"    


Some of the experts exclaimed.    


An incomparably terrifying aura was emitted from the void, causing their hearts to tremble.    


Terrifying energy fluctuations were continuously being emitted from the unique aura, and it had even reached a terrifying realm.    


The unique attribute energy in the depths of the void was spreading continuously. The aura that was being emitted had also become very unique.    


When he felt this kind of energy, the Golden-Winged Saint Spirit was incomparably shocked.    


The vast and endless river of time and the incomparably huge body spread out in the void, emitting a kind of power that ordinary people could not comprehend.    


However, such a power was extremely familiar to the high-level experts of the Sacred Spirit Cult.    


The Sacred Spirit Cult Leader, the peerless expert who was called the Sacred Ancestor by the natural Sacred Spirits.    


The Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit Torch Dragon, who was ranked at the pinnacle of the Sovereign God Realm.    


When Torch Dragon's aura descended, the entire world began to tremble crazily.    


The power of time that emanated out from within the space had even reached a level that no ordinary person could ever hope to reach.    


Feeling this aura, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter.    


In his body, there was an extremely silent force that was awakening at this moment.    


However, in front of the vast power of time, it only flashed for a moment before disappearing.    


When Ye Feng was in the lower realm, he had also come into contact with a portion of the power of the long river of time.    


At the same time, he had also used the power of the Time River to temper his own energy, making up for all of his flaws. That was why he had cultivated to this realm.    


When he felt this aura, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became even more brilliant.    


Although the energy in his body hadn't been fully activated, the aura that was emitted from his body was quite unique.    


As he silently circulated this incomparably pure energy, Ye Feng could also feel that the aura in his body was rapidly stabilizing.    


That unique attribute of energy caused the restless energy in his body to quickly calm down at this moment.    


In fact, the impact of absorbing the life essence between the heavens and the earth was also being eliminated at this moment.    


Those terrifying destructive power were dissipating bit by bit at this moment, emitting an incomparably pure attribute energy.    


As for the Golden Winged Sacred Spirit's own strength, it quickly recovered at this moment. Even the Origin Energy that it had burned had returned to its original state.    


"Someone actually dared to attack a member of our Sacred Spirit Cult, and even so brazenly.    


He really doesn't put me in his eyes. Since that's the case, let's have a good talk with your elders. "    


The Candle Dragon Divine Ancestor's voice echoed in the void. The aura that was being emitted became even more terrifying.    


It was as if the long river of time... The unique aura that it emitted was trying to devour the entire world.    


This kind of power that exceeded the limit spread out in a very short period of time. It seemed like it was going to devour the entire world.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out in an instant. There was even an aura that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people that was expanding at this moment.    


A unique energy fluctuation was completely unleashed at this moment. The energy that was formed was unimaginably powerful.    


It was also at this moment that the aura that was unleashed from the depths of the void had reached an unprecedented level.    


Facing such a unique energy fluctuation, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even more shocking.    


He couldn't sense where this energy had spread to, but the destructive aura that was emitted from it was simply beyond his imagination.    


Just by coming into contact with a tiny bit of the force, Ye Feng could feel that his body was about to collapse.    


Feeling such a terrifying aura, Ye Feng tried his best to stabilize his strength.    


The unique fluctuation emitted from the depths of the spatial zone was about to reach an extremely terrifying realm in an instant.    


This unique attribute spread out in an instant, causing the entire space to tremble.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could clearly sense the terrifying extent of the aura in the void.    


The destructive force continued to spread, and it even covered an incomparably distant and unique world.    


In an instant, the aura unleashed by the long river of time had become incomparably terrifying.    


That kind of attribute power that exceeded the limit spread out in an instant, and it seemed as if it was going to devour the entire world.    


A terrifying rumbling sound echoed out in that instant.    


Countless Destruction aura spread out in an instant, and it seemed as if they were going to completely destroy the entire heaven and earth.    


The power contained in that world was beyond imagination, but at this moment, it was similarly suppressed by Sacred Ancestor Zhulong's power of time.    


Such terrifying power caused that world to constantly tremble. The time within it was like a turbulent current, constantly fluctuating.    


In just the blink of an eye, that world had already used up a large portion of the Origin Energy contained within it.    


An extremely terrifying attribute energy spread out in that instant, and it even emitted aura that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


"Who is it?"    


There was an incomparably furious voice in the spatial zone. The energy that was emitted after returning to the spatial zone had become extremely terrifying.    


However, before the aura could fully expand... The long river of time swung its tail violently and crashed into the other party's body.    


That person's strength was beyond imagination, but he was unable to withstand such a terrifying impact. The source energy in his body instantly withered away.    


However, when that aura completely spread out, the source aura in his body became incomparably weak.    


At this moment, the energy that filled the depths of the void was unimaginably powerful. It could even be said that it wanted to devour the entire world.    


"Take care of your own dog, don't bite anyone.    


This time, I'll only be giving you a lesson, and let me find out that you dare to attack the disciples of our Holy Spirit Cult. Then it won't be so easy to talk to them anymore. "    


The Sacred Ancestor's dignity also didn't allow anyone to challenge him. That kind of terrifying aura was spreading in the void, wanting to suppress the entire void.    


The other party's strength was not bad either. However, when he felt this kind of terrifying pressure, he was completely shocked.    


"Sacred Spirit Cult, sacred Ancestor Zhulong?"    


Upon realizing this, the expert's expression turned rather ugly.    


The aura in the space constantly shook. The energy fluctuations it emitted also reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.    


A terrifying rumbling sound resounded at this instant. The aura that had gathered became even more terrifying.    


At this moment, he did not dare to have any unnecessary thoughts. All he did was to circulate the energy within his body with all his might.    


Borrowing the power of his life force and the powerful aura in the void... That expert also calmed down bit by bit. The source energy within his own world fluctuated.    


Even though they were both peak Sovereign Gods, the difference between them was something that could not be described with words.    


An existence like the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor not only grasped the power of time, but also gathered the greatest karmic luck in the world.    


The existence of an Innate Saint Spirit was not something an ordinary person could imagine.    


When the Super Dimensional Void existed, the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor had already lived in the long river of time.    


And now, no one knew what kind of terrifying power the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor had accumulated, and how terrifying the aura he could emit had been.    


However, the power he was unleashing at this moment was enough to make many people kneel in front of him. They did not even dare to think of resisting.    


Upon sensing this power, the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor's expression finally changed slightly.    




After giving such a comment, the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor retracted his will. The aura in his body also calmed down.    


Looking at the people around him, although each of them had an enormous faction backing them, the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor did not feel any fear.    


"What is it? Are you still staying here because you want me to send you away?"    


Upon hearing the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor's words, the expressions of everyone present stiffened.    


In an instant, they had already circulated the Origins energy in their bodies and quickly separated themselves from this space.    


After doing all this, the eyes of the Zhulong Divine Ancestor landed on Ye Feng and the golden-winged Sacred Spirit.    


"All of you little fellows are worrying more than one another. You dare to use any kind of technique. Don't tell me you don't want to live anymore?"    


The Candle Dragon Sacred Ancient showed no mercy at all.    


The terrifying pressure slammed into the golden-winged Sacred Spirit.    


However, not only did such a terrifying aura not cause any damage to the golden-winged Sacred Spirit, it also made the strength in his body even more stable.    


The golden-winged sacred spirit, who had just burned its source energy and obtained even greater power, had already recovered to its peak condition under the influence of the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor.    


However, such a suppressive force made the aura in his body condense even more. Even his body became even more brilliant.    


Even Ye Feng could feel that the cultivation base of the golden-winged holy spirit had improved tremendously, and even the source energy had changed to a certain extent.    


"Fortunately, there's still this kid who can help you replenish your origin force at all costs. Otherwise, you would have really burned yourself to ashes.    


With that bit of Origin Energy you have, even if you burn it to the limit, how long can it last?    


I don't know how long you can use your own extreme speed, or even the strongest sharpness of your blade. Why did you cultivate for such a long time?"    


The Candle Dragon Sacred Ancestor did not give the golden-winged Sacred Spirit any face as he scolded her one after another.    


However, Ye Feng could sense that something was amiss.    


Although the Candle Dragon sacred ancestor was cursing, the power he exerted didn't reduce in the slightest.    


In fact, it could even be said that it was a casual attack. His words seemed to be guiding the golden-winged Sacred Spirit, allowing it to constantly adjust its strength.    


In such a short period of time, the aura that was being emitted from the void had become extremely strange, as if something was awakening within the Golden-Winged Saint Spirit's body.    


"It's still considered to have some comprehension ability. To be able to comprehend such a deep level of power in such a short period of time...    


If I still don't understand it, then I really should just find a piece of tofu and knock myself to death."    


After saying that, the eyes of the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor landed on Ye Feng.    


At that moment, Ye Feng could not help but shiver. In the face of such a peerless expert, there was indeed a certain level of fear in his heart.    


"Are you afraid of me?"    


The Candle Dragon Divine Ancestor asked.    


Ye Feng was stunned for a moment before he spoke in an extremely calm tone.    


"It's not that I'm afraid. It's because I don't know you well enough that I'm on guard against you.    


At least the power you've shown can easily wipe me out, without leaving any traces behind.    


Under such circumstances, I don't have any understanding of you. No matter how pure a person is, I'm afraid they won't be able to fully trust you. "    


Ye Feng said sincerely without hiding anything.    


Although he didn't have any understanding of this Sacred Ancestor, Ye Feng was still able to sense his aura with his own strength.    


To a certain extent, the energy emitted from his body represented many problems.    


Being able to sense a certain level of aura from his body was enough to determine his thoughts.    


Of course, with Ye Feng's little strength, it was truly difficult to sense the thoughts of the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor.    


Under such circumstances, Ye Feng could only rely on his own strength to resonate with the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor as much as possible.    


In this state, the most direct force was sincerity.    


Using his own sincerity to make contact with his opponent. As long as his opponent didn't have any special hostility, it wouldn't change anything.    


Reality proved that what Ye Feng did was right.    


The Candle Dragon Divine Ancestor didn't get angry. Instead, he nodded his head in satisfaction, seemingly approving of Ye Feng's performance.    


"Not bad, not bad at all. You are a very smart person, not the kind of person who is good at flattery."    


The Candle Dragon Divine Ancestor's voice echoed in the void. The aura that was being emitted had reached an extremely terrifying level.    


Such a terrifying pressure did not spread towards Ye Feng. Instead, it covered the Flowing Light Spring.    


The power of time spread at this moment, as if it wanted to turn this space into an illusion.    


The unique attribute power spread out at this moment, and even the Flowing Light Spring was constantly shaking.    


When he felt this aura, Ye Feng's expression was incomparably shocked, and he couldn't even believe his eyes.    


Finally, he heard Sacred Ancestor Zhulong say in a calm tone, "What are you standing there for? Why aren't you circulating the inheritance you just obtained that carries the Flowing Light Spring?"    


Ye Feng was also quite shocked when he heard this, as if he could not imagine such an outcome.    


However, the truth was right in front of him, and the energy in his body was circulating continuously.    


The Immortal Dharma Seal gathered in Ye Feng's palm once again. The life essence in the world began to flow crazily towards him.    


However, under the influence of the time force, the circulation of this life essence became extremely slow.    


Ye Feng could feel these energies merging into his body bit by bit, causing the life essence in his body to grow rapidly.    


Even the Divine Creation Art, which had fallen silent, had unleashed a powerful aura at this moment, as if it wanted to completely suppress this world.    


The Nirvanic Sacred Flame emitted by the Undying Bird's Battle Spirit also started to burn fiercely at this moment. The powerful attribute energy that it gathered became extremely terrifying.    


An incomparably pure energy fluctuation was emitted at this moment, reaching a realm that ordinary people could not reach.    


Ye Feng could feel the transformation of the Undying Bird Battle Spirit. At this moment, it had reached its limit.    


At this moment, a huge flaming divine bird flew out from the void and spread its wings, enveloping Ye Feng within it.    


The Sacred Flame of Nirvana burned, covering the entire spatial zone and even spreading towards the Flowing Light Spring.    


The two powers merged together, forming a unique imprint. Furthermore, it was releasing its own power at an extremely fast speed.    


This unique aura caused Ye Feng to form an inexplicable connection with the Flowing Light Spring. The energy within seemed to have been gradually refined by him.    


At this moment, the source energy within the peak body was circulating continuously. The energy ripples it emitted had also reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.    


After that, the power of time pressed down once again, completely sealing off the space and time where the Flowing Light Spring was located.    


Deep in the void, the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor's incomparably huge claw reached out at this moment.    


Ye Feng felt as if he was facing an incomparably vast world. The power in his body was so weak, as if it could be completely destroyed at any time.    


When he truly felt this kind of energy, he finally realized how terrifying this pressure was.    


* Rumble * Terrifying rumbles resounded at this moment. There was even a terrifying aura that filled the air at this moment.    


One could see that the powerful aura that contained the source energy of life had completely fallen silent in that instant.    


The unique scene of the Flowing Light Spring had already been held in the hands of Sacred Ancestor Zhulong. The energy fluctuations emitted from it became smoother and smoother.    


No, it was not smooth.    


Instead, the time that enveloped the Flowing Light Spring was slowly solidifying. The power within it had also completely calmed down under the influence of time.    


Faced with such a unique energy fluctuation, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became even brighter.    


The strength that was needed to encourage the Sacred Ancestor was beyond his imagination. In fact, such strength was something that he had to look up to.    


Although he could clearly see the principle of the law, it was impossible for him to completely master this kind of power.    


Even if the chaotic origin energy encompassed everything in the world and had the evolution of all kinds of power, it wouldn't be able to bring out such a terrifying effect.    


After all, the mysteries of time weren't something that could be comprehended just by comprehending it.    


The Candle Dragon Divine Ancestor was also born in the river of time and had lived for countless years before finally grasping such a terrifying power.    


As for Ye Feng, he could sense that the fluctuation of the power of time had reached its limit.    


Finally, the aura that was emitted from the spatial zone had become unusually pure. The incomparably unique attribute energy was spreading continuously at this moment.    


"Alright, it's time for us to leave."    


As he spoke, sacred Ancestor Zhulong had already wrapped Ye Feng and the golden-winged Sacred Spirit around his body.    


His huge body swayed, as if he was freely shuttling through space. The terrifying aura rushed out.    


When he felt this power, Ye Feng was incomparably shocked. He was even completely shocked by the energy displayed by the Zhulong Divine Ancestor.    


Once such a terrifying stimulation was fully unleashed, it would be enough to destroy the entire world.    


Even without the power of time, the combat strength of the Zhulong Divine Ancestor was absolutely beyond imagination. It was as if he was about to break through a certain boundary.    


When one truly sensed such a unique aura, the energy emitted from the depths of the void had already become exceptionally terrifying.    


Countless brilliant rays of light bloomed at this moment. Ye Feng could vaguely see that the surrounding rays of light had already turned into lines.    


It was as if time had been stretched infinitely at this moment, causing the original matter to lose its original form.    


However, before Ye Feng could fully understand this unique power of the Comprehension, the changes in the void had returned to its original state.    


"What was that just now?"    


Ye Feng couldn't help but feel puzzled when he sensed this force.    


"Just now? What did you see just now?"    


The Candle Dragon Divine Ancestor was puzzled as well. He lowered his head and looked at Ye Feng.    


After a moment of hesitation, Ye Feng told the Candle Dragon Divine Ancestor everything he felt and saw.    


Although it was only for a moment, he was certain that the lines formed by the light were not something that could be changed by any ordinary power.    


After hearing Ye Feng recount his experiences, the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor's expression changed to a certain extent.    


At this moment, the incomparably huge body was slowly shrinking until it finally turned into an incomparably huge mountain.    


Although this was an insurmountable distance for Ye Feng, it was still impossible to see it clearly. The body of the Candle Dragon Divine Ancestor was much better.    


After carefully observing Ye Feng for a long time, the Sacred Ancestor sighed. "I never expected that you would have so many secrets on you.    


He constantly had the favor of three innate holy spirits, and he had even gathered a wisp of the secrets of time.    


Even if I control the power of time, I won't be able to detect any abnormalities in your body without careful observation."    


When he heard this, Ye Feng's expression changed slightly. The aura that he released also became incomparably solemn.    


The source energy in his body was unleashed at this moment. The unique energy that was formed seemed to want to completely suppress everything in this world.    


Of course, the tiny amount of energy that Ye Feng had gathered was like a drop in the ocean compared to the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor.    


However, the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor could sense Ye Feng's determination from the fluctuations.    


"There's no need to be so excited. Although you have a special identity and the energy that you can gather is different, I don't think it's necessary for me to snatch it away.    


Besides, at my level, any power is meaningless.    


Breaking through is not something that can be achieved by some kind of power.    


It requires a long period of accumulation and your own luck. When opportunities collide, a unique power will be stimulated.    


With your current strength, it's impossible for you to push my cultivation base to a higher level. "    


Ye Feng didn't relax or be careless when he heard these words. The energy in his body was still circulating continuously.    


The Candle Dragon Divine Ancestor didn't care. If Ye Feng could give him a certain sense of security, he wouldn't stop him.    


"The three types of innate holy spirits that you control, only the Undying Bird has undergone a transformation.    


The other two types still need to absorb sufficient strength and the Power of the Heavens and the Earth with relative attributes before they can be completely activated.    


During this process, although their strength was strong, they were also affected by it.    


If we don't allow them to completely transform, we shouldn't use their strength too much."    


The Candle Dragon Divine Ancestor explained to Ye Feng in a leisurely manner. He didn't care about Ye Feng's current attitude.    


However, Ye Feng could feel that what the other party was saying was indeed a problem that he should pay attention to right now.    


The source energy in his body was unleashed at this moment. It was gathering the source energy of the Super Dimensional Void bit by bit, tempering his body. It was as if he was trying to push his strength to a higher level.    


Under this condition, the source aura in Ye Feng's body became purer.    


That unique and powerful energy fluctuation spread across the spatial zone, emitting a strange attribute energy.    


When he truly felt this energy ripple, the glow in his eyes became brighter and brighter.    


He could sense that the Origin Energy in his body was continuously transforming.    


Especially the Divine Dragon Battle Spirit and Death God Battle Spirit.    


After absorbing the source energy of his natal world, they had become stronger and stronger.    


The source energy in his body was circulating rapidly at this moment, causing the few natal Battle Spirit to transform continuously.    


However, the power that the life Battle Spirit possessed at this moment required a long period of time and energy in order to break through to the level of the Innate Saint Spirit. It was the same power as the Undying Bird Battle Spirit, and it also required a long period of nourishment.    


During this process, Ye Feng could only use a limited number of techniques.    3


"Alright. It won't be easy to improve your natal power.    


Let's talk about your problem now. "    


The Candle Dragon Divine Ancestor said in an incomparably calm tone. The aura that was being emitted from his body had become even stronger.    


A unique attribute energy spread at this instant, causing the aura ripples to become even more powerful.    


The unimaginably powerful energy in the sky was unleashed at this moment.    


The Flowing Light Spring once again appeared in front of Ye Feng, and it caused him to feel the throbbing of his heart and blood.    


"What exactly is going on? I have some kind of special connection with this spring."    


Ye Feng asked with some doubt, as if he couldn't imagine what kind of changes were happening to his body.    


Sacred Ancestor Zhu Long naturally didn't hide anything from Ye Feng and explained the current situation to him.    


After hearing that he had formed a connection with the Undying Holy Land, such a supreme realm, Ye Feng was quite surprised.    


However, because of this, Ye Feng's eyes shone with a unique light.    


Ye Feng asked in a serious manner, "If I can fully grasp the power of this fragment, will I be able to break through to the Sovereign realm?"    


Hearing this question, sacred Ancestor Zhu Long was stunned for a moment, then he burst into laughter.    


Ye Feng didn't realize what kind of problem existed in his words just now.    


He could only look at Sacred Ancestor Zhulong with a confused gaze.    


After a moment, sacred Ancestor Zhulong said, "The Undying Holy Land is one of the nine supreme heavenly realms in the Super Dimensional Void.    


It contains power that even surpasses the profound meaning of the Sovereign realm.    


If you can obtain the power within, you might even be able to surpass my realm and rule over the laws of the Super Dimensional Void.    


To think that you would be so obsessed with the puny Sovereign Realm.    


Do you know that Great Completion Holy Spirits represent the Sovereign Realm?"    


Only after being prompted by Sacred Ancestor Zhulong did Ye Feng finally come to his senses.    


Now that he had cultivated to the Heavenly God Realm, his body now contained the Undying Bird's Battle Spirit, Divine Dragon Battle Spirit, and Death God Battle Spirit, the three innate Holy Spirits.    


As long as their strength was raised to the extreme, Ye Feng would naturally possess the strength of a Sovereign.    


Just like now, the Undying Bird Battle Spirit had already entered the realm of a Heavenly Saint Spirit, the same level as a Heavenly God.    


Once he could fully grasp his own strength, and completely fuse the Sacred Flame of Nirvana into his body...    


Once he activated the Power of the Heavens and the Earth, he would be able to instantly break through to the Great Completion Saint Spirit.    


At that time, the Undying Bird Battle Spirit would be able to possess an endless source of energy, and it would even be able to unleash the ultimate profundity of the Sacred Flame.    


It wasn't like what Ye Feng was doing now. He could only rely on the characteristics of the Nirvana Sacred Flame to fight.    


After understanding the process, Ye Feng's expression became even more solemn. The Origin aura in his body was circulating continuously.    


A terrifying rumbling sound was heard at this moment. There was also a unique force that ordinary people could not understand that was spreading continuously.    


"You should know that after you've acquired the Immortal Magical Seal, you've already established a connection with the Undead Sacred Land.    


For the peerless experts of the other worlds, You are now a piece of extremely fat meat that everyone wants to take a bite out of.    


Facing so many powerful enemies, you won't be able to resist them with your meager strength, unless someone can completely protect you. "    


As he spoke, Ye Feng's gaze fell upon Sacred Ancestor Zhulong.    


Having said that, Ye Feng naturally understood what Sacred Ancestor Zhulong meant.    


"Got it, I'm willing to join..."    


"Heh, wait."    


Before Ye Feng could finish his sentence, the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor interrupted him.    


"I'm not forcing you to join the Holy Spirit Cult. I'm just saying that you do need such protection.    


Furthermore, although I'm very interested in the Undying Holy Land, I can even feel that if I obtain the core of the land, I can break through to the present realm.    


However, this is not the reason why I am forcing you to join the Holy Spirit Cult.    


Inviting you to join us must be because you have the Innate Holy Spirit in your body, a member that we need, and an existence that we can rope in.    


If you join the Holy Spirit Cult for other reasons, I'd rather not.    


Even if you don't join the Holy Spirit Cult, just based on the three Innate Saint Spirits in your body, we will still protect you and ensure your safety."    


Upon hearing Zhulong's words, Ye Feng's expression did not change at all.    


It was just that the Origin Energy in his body was constantly circulating and spreading at this moment. The aura that was formed became extremely pure.    


When he truly sensed this power, the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor's expression became rather shocked.    


"Actually, there is no need for you to say such things to me.    


I have already figured out the reason behind this along the way. Furthermore, there are many aspects that I need to rely on the Holy Spirit Cult for.    


Besides, the Golden Winged Holy Spirit's display is enough to move me. "    


After saying this, Ye Feng looked at the Zhulong Sacred Ancestor with a serious expression and said," I am willing to join the Holy Spirit Cult. "    


Just as these words left his mouth, an incomparably pure aura bloomed in the void.    


This energy completely covered the entire space. In fact, it could even be said that the energy ripples that spread out were enough to melt the entire world.    


At that instant, the energy that was emitted from the depths of the void became extremely pure.    


This incomparably unique energy had descended into his body in an extremely short period of time. In fact, it could even be said that it had condensed into a unique imprint in his natal world.    


In the face of this unique and powerful energy fluctuation, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even brighter.    


He could feel that the imprint in his body was also emitting a unique energy that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


Under the influence of this mark, he could extract the origin energy of heaven and earth from the void to speed up his own cultivation.    


"The Holy Spirit Mark is the mark of our Holy Spirit Cult's existence in the Super Dimensional Void, and it is also the badge that the Holy Spirit Cult recognizes each other.    


With this imprint, it means that you are a member of the Holy Spirit Cult, and also an inseparable part of us.    


With this kind of power, you will be able to obtain even greater strength, and even be able to contend against other powerhouses.    


This can also be considered a bit of blessing that I have bestowed upon you."    


The Candle Dragon Divine Ancestor's voice was still in the void. The energy ripples that he had sent out were also unimaginably powerful.    


Ye Feng had also received the source energy of this energy and was circulating it continuously.    


"As for the problem that you are going to face next, it won't be that simple anymore..."    


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