Sky War God

C3486 The Demodragon Army

C3486 The Demodragon Army

1Floating in the void, the expression on his face was still as proud as before. The entire Giant Dragon was floating in the void, as if everything was under his control.    


The huge body was slowly melting into the void at this moment, causing everyone present to be incomparably shocked. There was even a somewhat dull expression on their faces.    


It was also at this moment that everyone present suddenly felt that there seemed to be some kind of terrifying aura contained within the void, as if it was going to explode in the shortest amount of time.    


That force contained an unimaginable and terrifying force. It had already reached an unimaginable level, and was heading straight for Ye Feng.    


At this moment, a terrifying storm was stirred up in the void, as if it was going to destroy everything in the void.    


Sensing such a terrifying attack, Ye Feng reacted immediately. He circulated the Origin Energy in his body.    


However, before his power could fully exert its effect, terrifying destructive attacks erupted from the void, tearing apart the surrounding space in the shortest amount of time.    


At this moment, everyone present finally saw the powerful forces that erupted in the void, causing their expressions to become incomparably shocked.    


At this moment, there were some incomparably powerful and terrifying creatures floating in the void, just like the miniature version of the Great Void Dragon. Their bodies contained unimaginable aura.    


Countless powerful spatial energy was unleashed from their bodies, and the unimaginable destructive power was completely unleashed within this short period of time.    


Waves of extremely terrifying destructive force, containing unimaginable destructive force, descended in Ye Feng's direction at an extremely fast speed.    


An extremely powerful destructive force was unleashed in this short period of time. It was an attack that could destroy the heavens and extinguish the earth.    


Under such circumstances, everyone's eyes revealed an incomparably terrified expression. Terrifying forces that were unimaginably powerful completely erupted at this moment.    


"This is... the Grand Illusionary Clan's Guardian Armament."    


Within the crowd. Someone recognized it. At this moment, the terrifying army floating in the void immediately spoke.    


Everybody present was completely shocked. The combat strength of the demodragon army of the Grand Illusionary Clan was beyond their imagination.    


The attack that could travel through space in the shortest time and land in any corner of the world had reached an unimaginable level.    


Currently, every single one of these people was a top expert. However, they were also somewhat helpless in the face of the huge army of the Great Void dragon race.    


One should know that this was one of the most powerful foundations of the Great Void Clan. The power contained within this army could be said to be unparalleled. It was capable of destroying any powerful clan in the shortest amount of time.    


Under such circumstances, it was even more impossible for any power to provoke the Taixu Clan.    


At this moment, the figure of the Great Void Dragon was floating in the void once again. Its enormous body was emitting unimaginable and terrifying power, as if it was going to completely destroy the entire space.    


"Surrender to me now. Hand over those treasures of yours. I can ask Elder of my clan to let you join our Great Void Clan."    


After noticing the formidable strength of Ye Feng, the facial expression and attitude of the Great Void Dragon changed dramatically.    


It was even more shocked when it saw Ye Feng refine the Heaven Suppressing Gourd into such a powerful treasure with its own eyes.    


One should know that after refining the Heaven Suppressing Gourd, the Great Void Clan had consumed an enormous amount of energy and resources. There was even a cultivator at the peak of the seventh metamorphosis who had abandoned his own body to cultivate this magic treasure.    


And now, Ye Feng was actually able to modify this magic treasure with his own strength. Moreover, the aura contained within it had become even stronger.    


Adding Ye Feng's previous performance, it was enough to prove that this man's strength was beyond imagination.    


If Ye Feng could join the Taixu Clan, it would be a great help to the entire clan.    


Of course, if Ye Feng insisted on resisting, the Great Void Clan wouldn't allow him to continue living in this world.    


Such a dangerous figure had already become the enemy of the Great Void Clan. Then, he would have to live for one more day. It would also be a huge threat to them.    


Upon hearing such words, a disdainful sneer emerged on Ye Feng's face, as if he didn't take the words of the Great Void Dragon seriously at all.    


The attribute energy in his body was constantly brewing, and it could erupt with unimaginable pressure at any time.    


At this moment, Ye Feng said in a cold voice, "What a big tone. You still want me to submit to you? You were beaten badly by me before, but now you have such confidence just by relying on this army?"    


His words shocked everyone present. They couldn't say a word. The way they looked at Ye Feng had become extremely frightened. There was even a trace of pity in their eyes.    


Even the expression of the black robe elder changed in a short period of time. He hurriedly rushed to Ye Feng's side.    


"Get lost, brat! This matter wasn't as simple as it seemed. The power contained within the army of demodragons was simply unimaginable.    


Every soldier in the army was at the peak of the sixth transformation, and the general who led the army... He had a terrifying cultivation base at the seventh transformation.    


Most importantly, the army possessed an extremely powerful formation, which was sufficient to gather all the energy they possessed, allowing their strength to reach an extremely terrifying level.    


Any race that has not undergone the eighth transformation will not be able to resist such a terrifying power."    


At this point, the black robe elder's face had become extremely frightened, and there was a hint of shock on his face.    


He spoke to Ye Feng in a very serious tone.    


"At this moment, the strength you possess is indeed extremely powerful. However, it's impossible for you to fight against the army of demodragons of the Taixu Clan.    


It's better to find a way to leave this place as soon as possible. "    


Upon hearing the words of the old man, Ye Feng's expression didn't change at all. Instead, a brilliant radiance was brewing in his eyes.    


An extremely terrifying aura was continuously unleashed from Ye Feng's body.    


"Is that so? I'm really curious about what kind of power they possess. Why don't you let me give it a try?"    


Upon hearing Ye Feng's words, old Man black robe's face turned incomparably desperate. In his opinion, Ye Feng would definitely be torn apart by those terrifying demodragons in the shortest time possible.    


Seeing that he couldn't dissuade Ye Feng, the old man's face turned gloomy and gloomy.    


"Alright, since you are so reckless, then I don't need to care about you. You can do whatever you want."    


After saying that, the black robe elder moved the aura in his body without any hesitation. Like a phantom, he quickly flashed in another direction.    


In his point of view, Ye Feng was approaching madness. Even with his terrifying cultivation base, he was still unable to resist the demodragon army of his race. He would definitely be torn apart by this terrifying army.    


In that case, there was no need for him to continue fighting here. As for the matter of returning to the Northern Domain, he could only wait and find an opportunity to slowly plan.    


At this moment, great Void Dragon had already looked at Ye Feng. The incomparably huge dragon head was filled with disdain.    


The Great Void Dragon was quite dissatisfied with Ye Feng's current attitude. The pressure it released had reached an unimaginable level.    


As if it was going to completely destroy everything in the spatial zone, an extremely terrifying force burst out from the body of the Great Void Dragon.    


"Ignorant human being, do you think you can resist me with that little bit of strength of yours?    


The army of guardians of the Great Void Clan is not as fragile as you think."    


As he spoke, an unimaginable pressure burst out from the void. It descended in Ye Feng's direction in a very short period of time, as if it was going to completely destroy Yue Feng's body.    


However, at this moment, Ye Feng didn't have any fear. The aura in his body was continuously releasing outward.    


An extremely pure spatial source energy spread out from Ye Feng's body, causing a very special change to the entire spatial zone.    


Hu Tian Realm, which was surrounding his body, also released the void information.    


Although Ye Feng had used this magic treasure to suppress all the experts who were attacking him, it was still enough to exert a portion of the spatial energy.    


This spatial energy was unleashed around Ye Feng's body, and the power it contained was beyond his imagination.    


The surrounding space was trembling continuously, as if it was going to be completely shattered by this aura.    


The powerful aura contained within the void was also exploding continuously at this moment, as if it was going to completely destroy the entire space.    


"What a reckless kid! Since that's the case, I don't need you anymore.    


Kill him for me!"    


In this short period of time, the demodragon army in the void exploded with unimaginable power, as if they were going to destroy everything in the world.    


Dazzling offensive power streaked across the void and descended in Ye Feng's direction.    


Even though the attacks of these people hadn't reached an extremely powerful stage, the power produced when thousands of offensive power merged together was beyond imagination.    


Although those people who launched the attack on Ye Feng had also unleashed an extremely terrifying power, it was impossible for the aura they possessed to completely merge with each other.    


The pressure that was unleashed also had an extremely huge restriction. There were many different types of powers that were restricted by different attributes. There would be collisions and collisions, and the power that could be unleashed would be extremely limited.    


However, the destructive power unleashed by the army of demodragon had already reached an unimaginable level, as if it was going to gather all the Power of space in the world.    


Those incomparably huge aura had been crazily gathering together at this moment, increasing the power contained within it at a crazy rate.    


Under such circumstances, the power that could be unleashed was absolutely beyond imagination. It had even caused the surrounding space to shatter continuously.    


Faced with such a terrifying attack, Ye Feng didn't have any position. He circulated the power of time and space of the Pot Heaven Realm around his body.    


The power of Qi and blood surged on his body. It formed an extremely powerful defensive force. A wave of Qi and blood smoke shot up into the sky, causing his body to undergo a tremendous transformation.    


At the same time, the strange scene formed by the chaotic energy also circled around his body. The world continuously shattered and reconstructed, and it even contained unimaginable and terrifying power.    


More importantly, the Myriad Transformations divine ability that Ye Feng controlled erupted at this moment. The Eternal Divine City hovered above his head, and the Paramita Divine Ring protected his body. The Wings of the Sky spread out in an instant, stirring up the surrounding spatial winds and clouds. All kinds of strange scenes appeared around Ye Feng's body out of thin air.    


In just an instant, all kinds of energy in Ye Feng's body had been fully mobilized. An extremely terrifying aura was unleashed in this short period of time, as if it was going to envelop everything in the world.    


All of this energy only happened in a very short period of time. In the next moment, a blood-red pike appeared in Ye Feng's hand.    


The Sacred magic spear instantly appeared around Ye Feng's body. The aura that erupted from his body had reached an unimaginable and terrifying realm.    


At this moment, Ye Feng circulated the energy in his body and unleashed an extremely terrifying destructive power, pouring all of his energy into the Saint magic spear.    


The incomparably terrifying scarlet spear light erupted in this short period of time. The destructive power contained within it seemed as if it was going to devour all the attacks.    


In an extremely short period of time, these two terrifying attacks had already collided.    


In an instant, everyone present heard an extremely terrifying vibration of destruction. There was even a powerful destructive power that was crazily spreading in all directions.    


When the two forces collided, a complacent smile emerged on the face of demodragon.    


Just now, he clearly felt that the attack unleashed by Ye Feng couldn't resist the terrifying destructive power at all. It only took a very short period of time for it to completely collapse.    


An extremely powerful spatial fluctuation that carried an unimaginable destructive force was directed at Ye Feng's location. No matter how powerful the attack unleashed was, it couldn't change the outcome.    


At this moment, everyone could only see the destructive wave that was like a Giant Dragon crazily descending towards Ye Feng's location.    


Even with the incomparably terrifying Destruction aura, it was still unable to stop the Giant Dragon from advancing.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's expression was incomparably solemn. The aura in his body was churning continuously, gathering all of its energy and pouring it into the magic spear.    


Every time he unleashed his power in power, he would use an unimaginably terrifying vibrating power, causing his body to emit crackling sounds of destruction.    


Facing such a terrifying attack, Ye Feng's body felt as if it was going to be completely destroyed. The power contained within it could collapse at any time.    


Those terrifying destructive power surged into his body, crazily destroying his bones, organs, and cells. It was as if they were going to completely destroy him.    


Even though Ye Feng exerted all his strength to circulate the energy in his body, with the Nirvana Fire and the powerful recovery effect of his Qi and blood, he was still unable to completely restore his body in a short period of time.    


In an extremely short period of time, his body was on the verge of being destroyed, as if it would vanish into thin air at any time.    


However, even in the face of such a terrifying scene, Ye Feng didn't give up. Instead, he exerted all of his strength to mobilize the energy in his body.    


The Divine Sense that was contained in his sea of consciousness was surging crazily at this moment. The aura that erupted from his sea of consciousness had reached an extremely terrifying realm.    


One should know that the Divine Sense that Ye Feng used contained a certain degree of Law energy. At this moment, he was circulating the Divine Sense energy, and the power it could unleash had reached an extremely terrifying level.    


Especially the Spatial God that Ye Feng had condensed. At this moment, it had fully activated all the spatial Law aura in the surroundings.    



Illusory spatial fields were constantly condensing around Ye Feng's body, and they could erupt with an extremely terrifying power at any moment.    


At this moment, the Spatial Fairy had also completely released her aura, and it slowly merged into Ye Feng's body.    


Invisibly, it had already allowed the spatial dimension laws it controlled to reach an extremely terrifying level.    


In this short period of time, an extremely powerful aura burst out from Ye Feng's body. The technique he had just prepared had reached an unimaginable level.    


* Hong Long...... * Terrifying destructive pressure erupted at this moment, and numerous bright red spear light burst out from the void, blocking the terrifying attack.    


Before anyone could react, a lotus flower the size of a millstone bloomed in front of Ye Feng.    


"Red Karmic Fire Lotus, open for me!"    


Following Ye Feng's roar, an extremely powerful vibrating power of Destruction burst out, as if it was going to completely destroy everything in the world.    


Without any hesitation, Ye Feng unleashed the aura in his body and unleashed the millstone-sized red lotus. The surface of the lotus was burning with terrifying flames.    


Ye Feng had already used the Sacred Devil Spear Art to its maximum potential, and now, the power of it had completely erupted.    


What was even more terrifying was that at this moment, Ye Feng seemed to have activated a part of the Sacred magic spear's true body, and the pressure that erupted from it had already reached an unimaginable level.    


In this short period of time, powerful aura kept going crazy in the void, as if they wanted to completely destroy Ye Feng's position.    


The power of the law in the world was simply unable to stop such a powerful aura. In this short period of time, it was violently rushing towards his position.    


However, Ye Feng didn't show any signs of fear. He unleashed all the spatial energy that was lying in ambush around his body at the same time.    


In this short period of time, an extremely powerful aura spread out from the void, as if it was going to destroy everything in the world.    


The Red Karmic Fire Lotus also became crystal clear, as if it contained endless power.    


Finally, the two extremely terrifying attacks collided, and a terrifying rumbling sound immediately erupted in the void.    


An extremely powerful aura of destruction completely erupted at this moment, spreading wildly in all directions.    


Ye Feng had also fully circulated his Myriad Transformations Divine Ability. There was also an extremely powerful absorption force in the void that had a very powerful effect.    


Those terrifying attacks were also greatly affected at this moment. In a very short period of time, they all collapsed, and the Eternal Divine City kept shaking.    


One should know that Ye Feng's strength had reached an extremely terrifying level. The power he could exert was enough to suppress the resistance of any expert.    


Furthermore, the spatial energy that Ye Feng had comprehended had reached an unimaginable level. It could unleash an unimaginable power in the shortest amount of time.    


Under such circumstances, the strength that Ye Feng possessed was extremely powerful. Even if the attack that was condensed by his opponent was extremely terrifying, it wouldn't be able to severely affect the Myriad Transformations Divine Ability.    


At this moment, the aura that Ye Feng had summoned had completely erupted. An extremely powerful force was unleashed toward the demodragon army.    


In this short period of time, the terrifying vibrating power was unleashed crazily, as if it wanted to completely destroy the bodies of those people.    


Great Void Dragon had also noticed this change. It immediately integrated the energy in its body into the formation.    


In that instant, an even more powerful aura burst out from the terrifying formation, blocking the Red Karmic Fire Lotus's descent.    


With the help of the Great Void Dragon, it was indeed an extremely powerful force, but the attack unleashed by Ye Feng wasn't as simple as it seemed.    


In a very short period of time, the Red Karmic Fire Lotus was extinguished in an instant. An even purer and more powerful spatial energy burst out, projecting the Eternal Divine City over.    


This powerful city immediately released an unimaginably massive power. A terrifying suction force crazily erupted at this moment.    


The spatial power that the army of Great Void demodragon originally possessed had already reached an extremely terrifying level. It was able to suppress all the people in the city to the spatial aura.    


However, the spatial law that Ye Feng possessed was even more powerful.    


Even the Great Void demodragon couldn't resist it completely, let alone the Eternal Divine City. It had an unimaginable suppression on the power of the Spatial Properties.    


Or rather, it could be said that the Eternal Divine City had an extremely powerful suppression on the source power of any element.    


Besides, there was also a certain reason why the army of the Great Illusionary Dragon was able to unleash such a terrifying power. It was because of the formation they had deployed.    


However, Ye Feng had projected the Eternal Divine City to the center of the formation. In a very short period of time, an unimaginably terrifying aura had erupted.    


Under the suppression of this force, the strength of the demodragon army was unable to exert its greatest effect.    


The formation that they had summoned had also suffered an unimaginable suppression. It was going to collapse in a very short period of time.    


The Eternal Divine City controlled by Ye Feng possessed unimaginable power. At this moment, an extremely powerful suppressive force erupted from it.    


The Great Void Dragon didn't notice that Ye Feng had such a terrifying technique. It couldn't react in time and could only watch helplessly as the terrifying aura erupted from the Eternal Divine City.    


Currently, Ye Feng's cultivation base had already reached an extremely powerful level. The Myriad Transformations Divine Ability in his body had already reached an extremely dangerous level.    


The powerful aura that was unleashed caused the surrounding space to tremble continuously.    


Moreover, the Eternal Divine City required the absorption of all sorts of source energy in order to further evolve its terrifying divine ability.    


At this moment, the source energy that Ye Feng was holding had reached an extremely terrifying level, and it was possible for him to take that crucial step at any time.    


It was also because of this that the aura in Ye Feng's body had reached an unimaginable level in such a short period of time.    


For those cultivators who were still in the sixth transformation, his power was still beyond their imagination and they had no chance to resist.    


It was also because of this power that Ye Feng took a step forward and unleashed the aura in his body.    


Like a phantom, Ye Feng descended toward the direction of the demodragons and appeared around the body of one of the demodragons.    


Everyone present was completely shocked. They would never have imagined that Ye Feng would be so audacious as to launch such a fierce attack under such circumstances.    


The Saint magic spear in his hand bloomed at this moment. A scarlet light instantly penetrated one of the demodragons.    


An incomparably powerful phagocytosis erupted within this short period of time, not giving the demodragon any chance to resist.    


The purest source energy in his body was directly devoured by the Sacred magic spear and sent into the Eternal Divine City.    


After these few transformations, the Eternal Divine City had already taken up dozens of miles of land. The powerful aura within it was surging crazily.    


With the nourishment of the origin energy of these demodragons, eternal Divine City did not undergo any changes. It could be seen that the energy within had already been brewed to a certain extreme.    


Seeing Ye Feng's brutal approach, the Great Void Dragon was infuriated. It immediately descended in Ye Feng's direction.    


The terrifying aura of destruction was fully unleashed at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy Ye Feng in the shortest amount of time.    


Ye Feng had also sensed the terrifying power contained in this attack. It was not something he could withstand. He immediately moved towards another direction.    


The power of the Spatial Properties erupted at this moment, and the aura it possessed had reached an unimaginable level.    


Ye Feng's Su Duye's speed had reached an unimaginable level, and he was quickly moving in another direction.    


The terrifying attack of the Great Void Dragon couldn't lock onto his body, allowing Ye Feng to dodge it so easily.    


Under such circumstances, Ye Feng circulated the energy in his body and kept blinking in the void. Every time the Wings of the Sky flapped, it would send Ye Feng to a certain location.    


Under such circumstances, the Saint magic spear in Ye Feng's hand became more and more ferocious. Every time it appeared, it could kill a demodragon.    


Under such circumstances, everyone present was completely intimidated by Ye Feng's strength.    


In fact, at a speed visible to the naked eye, the demodragon was reducing in size, causing a heavy blow to the demodragon.    


It had to be known that the Great Void Dragon was the guardian beast of the Great Void Clan, and these dreadful demodragons were also powerful cultivators.    


To the Great Void Clan, these guardians had a pivotal position. Now that they had been slaughtered by Ye Feng, it brought tremendous pressure to everyone present.    


What made the Great Void Dragon even angrier was that Ye Feng didn't want to fight him at all. Instead, he was massacring those cultivators who weren't very strong.    


In this way, he wouldn't be able to display his full strength.    


"Bastard, do you only have this kind of ability? You only know how to bully the weak, what kind of hero are you?"    


The Great Void Dragon roared furiously. The aura inside its body was crazily surging. However, even if it used its strongest power, it wouldn't be able to lock onto Ye Feng's body for a short period of time.    


On the other hand, after Ye Feng heard these words, his expression became extremely disdainful, and a mocking smile emerged on his face.    


"Interesting. You didn't say such words when you were bullying the weak. Now, I'm only using your method to deal with you. Do you only know how to bully the weak?    


It seems like the Taixu Clan is only so-so."    


At this moment, the expression on Ye Feng's face had deeply stung the Great Illusionary Dragon, causing him to unleash the aura in his body even more crazily.    


However, the power of Eternal Divine City was just too terrifying. In this short period of time, it was not something an ordinary person could resist.    


Upon seeing such a scene, demodragon was also extremely furious. It immediately unleashed the most terrifying aura in its body.    


The spatial origin energy in its body was surging crazily at this moment, as if it was going to tear everything in the world into pieces.    


At this moment, Ye Feng sensed an extremely dangerous aura. He immediately unleashed all the spatial laws he controlled.    


However, before Ye Feng could unleash his full strength, the Great Void Dragon swung its huge dragon tail and lunged at the Eternal Divine City.    


At this moment, the aura unleashed by the Eternal Divine City had completely suppressed the surrounding space. Only the Great Void Dragon and Ye Feng could release their spatial energy. At this moment, the power unleashed by the Great Void Dragon had reached an extremely terrifying level.    


A terrifying rumbling sound was heard. Ye Feng's Eternal Divine City was instantly struck by the dragon.    


A huge crack appeared in the city.    


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