Sky War God

C3750 The Abyss of Time

C3750 The Abyss of Time

3The origin force in Ye Feng's body had reached an unimaginable level.    


The energy that was beyond imagination was circulating continuously in the spatial zone, and the aura that was being emitted was extremely pure.    


Such a powerful attribute energy spread out in the depths of the spatial zone, and the energy ripples it released reached an extreme.    


Rumble! The sound of destruction and tremors resounded in this instant. The energy that was being emitted from the depths of the void had already reached a limit.    


Ye Feng's eyes lit up when he sensed the aura.    


The origin law of the world began to pour into Ye Feng's body crazily. The ripples of the aura were also very pure.    


The origin laws were constantly evolving under Ye Feng's control, and the aura that was being emitted had reached an extreme state.    


The Star River Demon Monarch was also immersed in the transformation.    


Ye Feng kept circulating his force of creation. With the help of the characteristics of Hao Tian's Sea, he gathered the Laws of the Heaven and Earth once again.    


This caused the fragments of the Heaven Realm to undergo an unprecedented change. The energy waves emitted from them had even reached a level that ordinary people could not reach.    


In this very short period of time, the energy contained in the depths of the void had become extremely terrifying.    


Ye Feng was trying to break through to the Sovereign realm, and transform his own world into reality.    


At this moment, the Galaxy Demon Monarch was circulating all of his power, as though he was trying to push his own Galaxy Great World to a higher level.    


The two unique Laws were circulating continuously at this moment, and the ripples of the aura that were being emitted were getting stronger and stronger.    


Time passed just like that.    


The origin energy of the world spread out at this moment, forming a unique ripple of the aura.    


Such a unique attribute energy would have an enormous impact on any living being present.    


The Comprehension's unique Heaven and Earth Law caused the living beings living in the Galaxy Great World to undergo an extremely unique change.    


As his body continued to sublimate, the Origin aura contained within the depths of the space became even purer.    


The sublimation of the Origin Law of the world also brought them a tremendous boost.    


When this sort of power was displayed, it caused the surrounding space to wildly tremble, much less the living beings within.    


The continuous transformations of the Origin Source of the heavens and earth also caused their bodies to undergo unprecedented changes.    


That sort of powerful energy that could not be seen normally spread out in an instant.    


The entire Galaxy Great World had undergone an unprecedented transformation.    


Endless divine light blossomed, and dazzling stars floated in the sky one after another.    


The divine power that surpassed the limits was released from the depths of space, as if it wanted to cover the entire world.    


Ye Feng could also feel how powerful the source and the power of law of the Star River Great World was.    


At this moment, the powerful force contained in the depths of the spatial zone had reached the limit.    


The Star Demon Monarch kept absorbing the origin of the universe that was spat out by those fragments.    


Even if it was a pure attribute energy that was constantly circulating between the Heaven and Earth, the aura ripples that it emitted were even more powerful.    


Circulating the origin energy in his body, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even more brilliant.    


That unique aura also gave Ye Feng a huge boost, as if it could allow him to completely control the fundamental energy of the heaven and earth.    


Such a pure aura was emitting energy ripples that spread deep into the spatial zone. It was so powerful that it was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


The rumbling sound of destruction reverberated in the depths of the spatial zone. The ripples of the aura had reached its peak.    


At this moment, the powerful aura that was contained in the void began to circulate continuously.    


An incomparably terrifying destructive power spread out at this moment, as if it was going to devour this entire world.    


Ye Feng could also sense how terrifying the aura contained within this destructive power was.    


The energy that exceeded the limit was circulating at this moment, causing this spatial zone to possess a unique type of energy.    


The origin of the galaxy!    


At this moment, the Galaxy Demon Monarch's origin power spread between the heavens and the earth. The aura it released had already reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.    


Feeling the unique energy at this moment, Ye Feng's eyes became even brighter.    


In the end, his attention was completely focused on those Heaven Realm fragments.    


His own Creation Law continuously absorbed the origin power of the heaven and earth. At the same time, some of the Heaven Realm fragments that had been silent for a long time were completely revived.    


The combination of these two powers caused this space to have an energy fluctuation that ordinary people could not imagine.    


As time passed, the power that Ye Feng could grasp would definitely reach an even more terrifying level. It could even be said that it would completely cover this spatial zone.    


However, to Ye Feng, the power of the outside world was no longer that important.    


Ye Feng had already started trying to merge those pure aura into his own natal world.    


The unique attribute energy and the depths of the void were constantly circulating. The aura that was being emitted had reached an unimaginable realm.    


The terrifying energy that ordinary people could not understand and unleashed at this moment seemed as if it was going to melt the entire spatial zone.    


A terrifying rumbling sound resounded in the void. The energy that was being emitted had already reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.    


That kind of attribute strength, which had exceeded the limit, was unleashed at this moment. It seemed as if it wanted to completely obliterate this part of the world.    


At this moment, the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the space had already reached a certain limit.    


The attribute energy between the heaven and earth was constantly changing at this moment. The aura fluctuations that it displayed were unimaginably powerful.    


Time slowly flowed. The aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void had also completely calmed down at this moment.    


That unique power that exceeded one's imagination was melting bit by bit, as if it would not affect the outside world at all.    


Just like that, three whole years passed.    


The force of creation in Ye Feng's body had been raised to the extreme. All kinds of Laws had once again wrapped around his body.    


That kind of unique power that exceeded imagination was unleashed at this moment, as if it was going to swallow up the entire spatial zone.    


After three years of devoted cultivation, the strength in Ye Feng's body had become unimaginably powerful.    


A kind of attribute that exceeded the limit spread out at this moment, as if it was going to completely melt this spatial zone.    


After three whole years, Ye Feng had finally recovered three thousand heaven realm fragments.    


That kind of extremely pure law, strength, and the depths of the space continuously erupted. The aura that was released also became even purer.    


At this moment, Ye Feng felt a kind of power that ordinary people could not imagine.    


The source Laws of the world constantly shook. All sorts of powerful aura rose up at this moment.    


Incomparably brilliant starlight covered the entire space. A long river of stars slowly spread out at this moment.    


When they saw this power, everyone present was incomparably shocked. They couldn't even understand where this power originated from.    


A type of attribute power that surpassed the limit spread out at this moment, as if it was going to completely destroy this space.    


At this moment, the source energy of the world began to circulate crazily. The aura that was being emitted was unimaginably powerful.    


"Is it about to advance?"    


This unique energy was circulating continuously in the spatial zone. The aura that was being emitted became even purer.    


The Galaxy Demon Monarch had absorbed so much of the natural source energy, and with the help of the extremely pure natural source energy, he was pushing his own world to level up.    


At this moment, the Star River Great World was blooming with an unprecedented brilliance, and the aura it was emitting was becoming purer and purer.    


The attribute energy that exceeded the limit was unleashed at this moment, as if it was going to melt this part of the space completely.    


An extremely brilliant attribute energy was released at this moment, causing an unprecedented change to this part of the space.    


An extremely bright and brilliant star power was released at this moment.    


The formidable aura that exceeded his imagination had revealed its true nature at this moment.    


The entire world was undergoing an unprecedented transformation, as if it was going to reach a level that ordinary people could never hope to reach.    


It was also at this moment that an incomparably terrifying attribute energy was being nurtured between the heavens and the earth.    


The Chaos Origin Power at this moment was boiling, as if the entire world was about to reveal its true appearance at this moment.    


Ye Feng's expression was extremely shocked when he felt this aura.    


The energy fluctuation in the spatial zone was too powerful. Even Ye Feng felt a kind of inexplicable shock.    


The aura fluctuation in his body was constantly circulating. The energy that was being emitted from his body had reached an unimaginable level.    


At this moment, the Star River Demon Sovereign's body appeared above the entire Galaxy Great World.    


The Heavenly God Realm had opened up his natal world.    


The Sovereign realm allowed one's Prime World to transform from illusory to real.    


And now, the cultivation of the Stellar Demon Lord was to raise his own intrinsic world to a higher level.    


The metamorphosis of the entire Stellar Great World was already on the right track, and the aura it produced was even purer.    


When they felt this sort of power, the expressions of everyone present were incomparably shocked.    


At the same time, the Ten Thousand Devil Sacred Land was also constantly shaking, directly rejecting the Galaxy Great World.    


This unique attribute energy was constantly changing with the heaven and earth, and the aura it emitted was even purer.    


The Galaxy Great World was suspended in the endless void, and the energy ripples it emitted were unimaginably powerful.    


The energy that exceeded the limit of the attribute gathered the aura of this entire world, slowly modifying this space.    


In this very short period of time, the energy ripples of the aura that was released from the depths of the void had reached the peak of its power.    


When it encountered an incomparably brilliant light that bloomed from the heaven and earth, the aura that was released had already become unusually pure.    




An extremely terrifying vibration resounded at this instant.    


That kind of attribute power that exceeded the limit and the crazy eruption at this moment had even displayed a kind of powerful aura that ordinary people could not understand.    


In the next moment, an extremely terrifying power was circulating crazily at this moment.    


The Galaxy Great World had finally entered its final transformation. The Laws of the Heaven and Earth had also become powerful to a level that ordinary people were unable to comprehend.    


When Ye Feng felt this aura, the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.    


That kind of power had directly descended upon Ye Feng's body, and the aura it emitted had already reached an unimaginable level.    


At this moment, the energy fluctuation that was emitted from the depths of the void had reached a realm that ordinary people couldn't imagine.    


This was a realm that no one could ever imagine. This unique and powerful energy was circulating continuously at this moment, releasing aura that ordinary people could not understand.    


The attribute energy that exceeded the limit expanded at this moment.    


That extremely pure source aura made the entire world tremble crazily.    


In the next moment, the space was constantly changing. The energy in Ye Feng's body was being pulled by an unknown force.    


The chaotic origin energy was circulating continuously and finally calming down.    


The figure of the Ancestor of All Fiends appeared in front of Ye Feng. The aura that was being emitted was becoming purer and purer.    




Ye Feng nodded and greeted the Ancestor of All Fiends when he saw him.    


The Ancestor of All Fiends said with a smile, "You have done well this time. Without your help, I don't know how long it would take to break through this realm.    


Tell me, what kind of reward do you want this time?"    


Ye Feng shook his head, but didn't say anything. Instead, he said in a serious manner.    


"This is also a great help to me. If I didn't have so many fragments of the Heavenly Realm to help me deduce the law, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to reach my current level."    


Ye Feng's words weren't false at all.    


At this moment, in Ye Feng's natal world, Hao Tian's sea had already gathered the origin energy of the heaven and earth, reaching a level that ordinary people couldn't imagine.    


All kinds of origin aura were circulating crazily at this moment, and the energy waves emitted from them had become purer.    


On the other side, the Land of Myriad Forms was gathering all the origin energy of the heaven and earth. With the help of the extension of the law energy, it had completely covered the entire space.    


In particular, the chaotic origin energy within had been pushed to an unimaginable level. Once it was released, its power would absolutely be unimaginable and terrifying.    


As for the Reincarnation Devil Realm, the Reincarnation Law had already been completely perfected, and there were endless living creatures within the space, rotating.    


When Ye Feng broke through to the Sovereign God Realm, all the energy in his body would become real, and the means he displayed would definitely be beyond imagination.    


At this moment, the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void had reached a level that no ordinary person could imagine.    


Just by circulating his energy casually, it had already caused the entire space to shake rapidly.    


The origin force of the world had reached an unimaginable level.    


With Ye Feng's current strength, it was enough to transform the entire spatial zone, and the aura that was being emitted was even more terrifying.    


This kind of energy was spreading continuously, and the aura that was being emitted was unusually pure.    


It could be said that as long as Ye Feng was willing, he could break through to the Sovereign God Realm at any time.    


The Ancestor of All Fiends nodded his head in satisfaction, then said to Ye Feng in a serious manner, "It's really gratifying that you have such strength and mentality.    


In that case, I can pass the rest of the matters to you in peace. "    


As he spoke, a unique attribute of energy was emitted from the depths of the void, constantly changing between heaven and earth.    


The power of the Holy Demon that belonged solely to the Ancestor of All Fiends emitted a unique aura at this moment.    


A pure white light bloomed between the heavens and the earth, turning into a Giant Dragon that spiraled in the void.    


This kind of extremely terrifying power circulated between the heavens and the earth, as if it wanted to completely tear apart this space.    


Faced with such a terrifying pressure, Ye Feng's body couldn't help but tremble.    


It wasn't that Ye Feng was weak, but the power of this force was simply unimaginable, as if it was going to crush the entire spatial zone.    


That kind of energy that exceeded the limit kept circulating between the heaven and earth, and it even created a huge pressure on the entire world.    


When they felt this aura, the expressions of the experts in the void changed.    


"Ancestor of All Fiends? What is he doing now?"    


"Such terrifying power. Seems like this old fellow has already taken that step. His own power has already reached an even more terrifying realm."    


"What a terrifying strength. I'm afraid that no one can withstand such an aura.    


If we really let him make a move, all of us will be turned into ashes in an instant."    


Those experts in the empty space also possessed extremely sharp senses. When such an aura was released from the space, it also caused an extremely frightening vibration.    


At this instant, the origin energy contained within the world had already reached a level that ordinary people could not hope to reach.    


A terrifying destructive aura was unleashed at this instant.    


At the same time, an object that looked like a bead fell from the void.    


Ye Feng was also the first to sense the aura contained within it. It was a complete world.    


The Law energy contained within this world was quite unique. It seemed to penetrate through time and space.    


"I also know of your talent. If I were to teach you anything else, I'm afraid it wouldn't be of much help to you.    


However, the aura contained within this world crystal is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. If it falls into your hands, it will definitely play an even more important role. "    


The voice of the Ancestor of All Fiends echoed within the space. Although it was a massive sound, it was only heard by Ye Feng alone.    


This terrifying aura kept circulating between the fields, and the energy it emitted became even purer.    


At this moment, the energy that was being emitted from the depths of the void was unimaginably powerful.    


Ye Feng's eyes shone with incomparable brilliance when he sensed this unique aura fluctuation.    


That world contained extremely pure spatial energy.    


Once such an aura was perfectly released, the energy ripples it emitted would become exceptionally terrifying.    


Moreover, this was the arrangement. The Laws of Time contained within it possessed a unique power that ordinary people could not imagine.    


If Ye Feng could control this power, it would be of great help to him.    


The Temporal Law that belonged to Ye Feng would be fully activated at this moment, and it would display a special ability that no ordinary person could imagine.    


Faced with such a unique type of power, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became unusually brilliant.    


Terrifying rumbles reverberated continuously at this moment. The aura that was being emitted became even more terrifying.    


That kind of energy that exceeded the limit spread out at this instant, forming a terrifying pressure.    


Receiving such an extremely pure source energy, the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void also became increasingly powerful.    


"This world is called the Abyss of Space and Time.    


The power of Space and Time contained within it is extremely deep and powerful. It is extremely helpful to you.    


If you can completely control this world, the power of the Laws within it will push your cultivation to a higher level.    


Now that you have reached the peak of the Heavenly God Realm, it would be extremely easy for you to break through.    


Then let this glory bloom in the Nine Heavens Martial Meeting in the future."    


Hearing the words of the Ancestor of All Fiends, Ye Feng nodded his head.    


The extremely powerful aura was constantly brewing within Ye Feng's body. The energy fluctuations emitted from it were beyond terrifying.    


At this moment, the energy ripples that were being emitted from the world were being retracted into Ye Feng's body bit by bit, as if nothing had happened at all.    


The unique and powerful energy was unleashed at this moment, as if it wanted to completely refine this world.    


However, Ye Feng's control of his power had also reached a realm that ordinary people couldn't reach.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's expression became calmer and calmer as he sensed the origin force circulating in the spatial zone.    


The aura that had exceeded the limit was circulating continuously at this moment. The energy it released had become unusually pure.    


At this moment, the energy fluctuation that ordinary people couldn't understand spread out at this moment, as if it was saying that this spatial zone would be completely destroyed.    


The rumbling sound of destruction resounded in this instant. There was even a kind of terrifying energy that exceeded the limit that was constantly circulating.    


The fluctuation of the aura that exceeded one's imagination was constantly changing at this moment. It even formed a unique aura that was beyond one's imagination.    


Under Ye Feng's control and compression time and time again, his own strength had also completely fallen silent.    


Such a terrifying energy was completely compressed. It also displayed a technique that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people within Ye Feng's body.    


It wouldn't take long for these terrifying aura to completely calm down.    


As for the Abyss of Space and Time in Ye Feng's hand, it was dissipating bit by bit, as if it had never existed.    


"Good, very good."    


Seeing the power that Ye Feng had displayed, the Ancestor of All Fiends nodded his head in satisfaction.    


Now that Ye Feng was able to control his own strength to such a terrifying extent, the power he displayed was beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.    


That kind of terrifying aura was circulating continuously between the heaven and earth, and the energy it released was becoming purer and purer.    


An extremely unique attribute of energy spread out at this moment, and it also made Ye Feng feel a kind of energy that ordinary people could not understand.    


In the depths of the spatial zone, there seemed to be an extremely huge aura that had completely covered everything in the Super Dimensional Void.    


That kind of unimaginable powerful energy was constantly circulating at this moment, and the energy ripples it released became even more terrifying.    


At this moment, the energy ripples that were released from the depths of the void had already reached the limit.    


Terrifying aura was spreading in the air. The unimaginable power was boiling at this moment.    


It was as if everything in this world was being suppressed by some special force.    


The fluctuation of the aura that ordinary people couldn't understand spread out at this moment, locking onto Ye Feng.    


"Did you feel it? That is the Nine Heavens Martial Meeting's arena."    


The voice of the Ancestor of All Fiends resounded in Ye Feng's ears, and the fluctuations of the aura he emitted became even purer.    


That terrifying power still lingered around Ye Feng's body, and the pressure it emitted made it extremely difficult for people to breathe.    


"That is, the nine supreme heavenly realms?"    


Ye Feng clenched his teeth and asked while feeling the terrifying pressure.    


The terrifying aura filled the air, and the energy ripples it emitted became even stronger.    


A rumbling sound of destruction resounded in this instant, and an extremely powerful energy of the attribute erupted at this moment.    


When he felt this aura, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even more brilliant.    


The aura contained deep within the bow had reached its peak at this moment, as if it was going to swallow this entire world.    



The rumbling sound of destruction resounded in this instant. A force that ordinary people couldn't understand descended upon Ye Feng's body.    


Feeling this unique pressure, an extremely brilliant radiance emerged in Ye Feng's eyes, as if it was going to melt the entire heaven and earth.    


A power beyond imagination spread out at this moment, as if it was going to melt the entire spatial zone.    


Without any hesitation, Ye Feng unleashed the most powerful aura in his body.    


An extremely powerful attribute energy spread out in an instant, as if it was going to melt the entire world.    


Two extremely unique attributes were crazily attacking each other in the void.    


Nine brilliant rays of light descended upon Ye Feng's location.    


The extremely powerful attributes and the pressure from the depths of the spatial zone caused Ye Feng's body to tremble crazily.    


It was also at this moment that an unimaginably powerful energy erupted continuously.    


The pressure that was released had reached an unimaginable level.    


Facing such a terrifying pressure, the aura's fluctuation was also unimaginably powerful.    


The energy that was released by that terrifying force kept spreading between the heaven and earth. It was so powerful that it had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't even hope to reach.    




Right at this moment, an extremely terrifying sound of destruction reverberated through the void.    


The terrifying pressure formed by the spreading of the destructive power and the heavens and earth even caused the entire world to distort crazily.    


The energy contained within the Super Dimensional Void was collapsing continuously at this moment. The ripples of the aura that it emitted had reached an unimaginable level.    


At this moment, the Laws of the void wildly shook.    


Ye Feng's energy was constantly resisting the pressure of the space. The aura that was being emitted was getting stronger and stronger.    


Every single move he made had a power that ordinary people couldn't understand, and it was unleashed at this moment.    


Ye Feng's eyes were also reflecting the boundless spatial zone, and finally, he saw the true scene of that world.    




At that moment, an extremely terrifying pressure descended upon Ye Feng's body.    


A unique force that exceeded one's imagination bloomed at this moment, as if it wanted to completely obliterate this world.    


This kind of extremely powerful attribute energy and the spreading force of the heaven and earth had reached an unimaginable level.    


At this moment, the terrifying aura that was brewing in the depths of the void had already reached a certain limit.    


"The Nine Heavens Martial Meeting is a place created by the joint efforts of the nine great transcendent heavenly realms.    


The source aura contained within could be said to be the purest and most powerful type of super dimensional void.    


Even I am unable to replicate such a world.    


It is also because of this that every single Nine Heavens Martial Meeting is extremely important to the Supreme Heavenly Realm.    


Every time the Nine Heavens Martial Meeting is held, the final victor will be able to produce a fruit from that world.    


You wouldn't understand what the formidable power that was being nurtured there represented.    


I only need to tell you that the aura that was born from that world is an extremely pure source energy. Even I feel that it is extremely precious.    


I need the energy there to allow my strength to advance to a higher level.    


Do you understand now?"    


The voice of the Ancestor of All Fiends echoed in Ye Feng's ears. The aura that was being emitted was extremely calm, but it also contained a power that ordinary people could not understand.    


Terrifying energy fluctuations continuously erupted at this moment. The aura that was released had reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.    


However, this kind of power was not completely unleashed. Instead, it became more and more silent.    


It was like a volcano that was ready to erupt. Although the power contained within it was extremely terrifying, it could still be suppressed.    


If this power was no longer restricted, it would explode during this period of time.    


That kind of terrifying power that surpassed the limit would instantly tear the entire space apart.    


The incomparably terrifying aura was unleashed crazily at this moment, as if it wanted to destroy the entire world.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes shone with incomparably brilliant light.    


That unique and powerful aura kept changing between the heavens and the earth, forming a kind of pressure that was incomprehensible to ordinary people.    


At this moment, a rumbling sound of destruction resounded. An extremely powerful and terrifying aura was brewing between the heaven and earth.    


"I understand."    


Ye Feng said in an extremely calm tone while enduring the pressure unleashed by the Ancestor of All Fiends.    


That terrifying aura fluctuation was constantly brewing between the heaven and earth, forming a kind of terrifying power that ordinary people could not understand.    


At this moment, the energy waves emitted from the depths of the void had reached a certain limit. The energy waves gathered from the aura were unimaginably powerful.    


Looking at Ye Feng, the Ancestor of All Fiends nodded his head in satisfaction.    


The extremely pure aura was brewing in the depths of the spatial zone. The pulling force that was emitted from it landed on Ye Feng's body.    


The Ancestor of All Fiends waved his hand and another world fell into Ye Feng's hands.    


This kind of pure attribute energy circulated between the heavens and the earth. The aura ripples that it emitted were even purer.    


It was the world that Ye Feng had been to before.    


The Demon Sect disciples that participated in the Nine Heavens Martial Meeting this time all stayed within.    


"I'll leave everything to you this time. I believe you won't disappoint me."    


The Ancestor of All Demons' voice rang out once more, and it was even more domineering this time.    


"No matter who you meet, you can fight back without any scruples. If anything happens, I'll take care of it for you."    


With just this sentence, Ye Feng knew what kind of bloody storm would befall the following journey.    


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