Sky War God

C3517 The Power of Law

C3517 The Power of Law

2With his powerful Divine Sense, Ye Feng could sense Luo Chenguang's current condition.    


Under his constant nourishment, the broken soul had also given birth to a new life force. The most fundamental energy contained within it was also reviving.    


Currently, the divine sense that Ye Feng had unleashed was carefully guiding him. The remaining memories of Luo Chenguang were trying to awaken him.    


However, luo Chenguang's previous methods were too cruel. Even his soul origin had been completely ignited.    


Even if Ye Feng sent his energy into his soul, he still wouldn't be able to awaken this energy.    


An even more terrifying power was still behind him. The divine sense in Ye Feng's eyes was unleashed frenziedly, as if it was trying to awaken Luo Chenguang's soul in the shortest amount of time.    


His Divine Sense vibrated continuously at this moment. The pure energy it emitted was a huge pressure to Ye Feng.    


The source energy in his body was circulating continuously. The Myriad Transformation Domain was also releasing an unimaginably powerful energy.    


Under Ye Feng's frenzied burning, his Divine Sense, qi and blood, chaotic Force, and Divine Ability source energy were being consumed continuously. The source energy contained within was becoming unusually pure.    


Adding the little bit of Convergence Energy in his body, the pressure that Ye Feng could emit had reached an unimaginable level.    


Such a terrifying consumption had also made Ye Feng's body weaker and weaker. The Origin Power in his body was being consumed bit by bit, and his body was slowly being worn down.    


However, facing such a change, Ye Feng became more and more indifferent. He allowed everything in his body to be burned away by him, and he kept circulating the Ten Thousand Spirit Divine Art.    


Ye Feng's cultivation of this Cultivation Method had reached an extremely profound realm. The pure energy that was emitted from it was even more frightening.    


Using the power of his Divine Sense to sense the various Laws in the world, the aura on Ye Feng's body became more and more ethereal. The power that he controlled also rose along with it.    


Under the circulation of Ye Feng's force of creation, it seemed like it was going to break through the limitations of this world and unleash its own terrifying ability.    


The powerful aura circulating between the heavens and the earth once again became restless at this moment. There was also the invisible power of the Laws converging once more.    


However, Ye Feng's sword strike had directly filled up the crack in the sky. The terrifying aura within was unable to display any effect. It was simply unable to descend to Ye Feng's side.    


It was because of this strength that Ye Feng was able to freely mobilize the surrounding energy, and not worry about the backlash from the power of Laws.    


The energy contained within the force of creation was beyond imagination, especially in this world. It was as if this world was involved in some special environment. The energy that was mobilized would become stronger and stronger with the passage of time.    


Because of this, the force of creation that Ye Feng had gathered had reached a level that no ordinary person could touch. The life force that was surging in the void was about to condense into a solid form.    


At this moment, luo Chenguang's figure was reflected in Ye Feng's eyes. By relying on the Myriad Transformations Divine Ability, he could sense Luo Chenguang's current situation.    


The origin force kept converging, and the power it emitted had reached a level that couldn't be described by common sense.    


"Young master, what are you doing?"    


When the Ice Palace's Devil Master saw the power that Ye Feng had displayed, his expression became extremely strange, as if he couldn't understand what Ye Feng was doing.    


Even so, he could still feel it. This power in the void was unusual.    


Once the force of creation was fully unleashed, it would definitely destroy everything in the surrounding space.    


The power of extreme life force was absolutely terrifying. No living being could withstand such a terrifying pressure.    


The Ice Palace's Demon Master's senses weren't very strong, but when faced with such a massive force of creation, he could clearly sense how enormous the aura was.    


Although it was different from the Chaotic Force that he had used before, the power of the force of creation was definitely far greater than the Origin Energy that he controlled.    


If he could live with just a little bit of this energy, it would definitely allow his talent to advance by leaps and bounds, and Su Duye, who had absorbed the power of the Laws, would greatly improve.    


And the power that the Spatial Fairy could feel was completely different.    


Facing the force of creation, the Spatial Fairy felt as if she could feel a vast and boundless world. She was facing the entire world with her own body, and the might of the heavens was vast and unfathomable.    


For the cultivators of this world, the force of creation could bring them closer to the source of the world and increase their cultivation speed.    


However, for the Heaven and Earth Elves, they had changed. The power contained within it could make them merge with the Heaven and Earth, allowing them to perfectly release the power of the Laws they controlled.    


If they could obtain enough force of creation, the Space Elves could even break through the constraints of the Heaven and Earth, and control the power of higher Laws, breaking through to a terrifying realm.    


But now, this power was under Ye Feng's control. Although it was unusually huge, the two of them didn't dare to make any movements.    


They didn't even dare to absorb a tiny bit of weak aura from it.    


The violent aura that erupted from Ye Feng's body had become even crazier. It was as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in the world.    


Those force of creation were continuously unleashed from afar, merging with Luo Chenguang's divine soul. The power that was unleashed had reached a terrifying realm.    


With such a huge amount of force of creation, it was time to save a dozen people who were on the verge of death.    


However, luo Chenguang still didn't have any reaction. He was like a stiff piece of wood.    


Currently, the strength in Ye Feng's body was on the verge of exhaustion. Even the Eternal Divine City in the Myriad Transformation Domain was about to completely collapse.    


Back then, Ye Feng had expended a massive amount of origin energy in order to forge this city. He had even extracted the full strength of several law experts who had undergone eight transformations.    


But even with this sort of energy, the force of creation that he had transformed into was unable to change anything. Luo Chenguang's life might not be able to be saved at all.    


The depletion of the power in his body had brought tremendous pressure to Ye Feng. The constantly circulating Divine Sense had also changed its state. The crystal of Divine Sense was now covered in cracks.    


The Divine Sense of Divine Sense was reflected in Ye Feng's eyes. It made his pupils look like they were going to be destroyed at any moment.    


However, the belief in Ye Feng's heart didn't weaken at all. The power that was emitted from it had reached a peak.    


"Give me, gather!"    


In an instant, Ye Feng let out a furious roar, and the source energy in his body erupted. The aura that he had unleashed had also become unimaginably powerful.    


That kind of energy caused the surrounding space to tremble crazily, as if it was going to be completely suppressed.    


The force of creation was condensed to its limit in an instant. The origin force within it erupted crazily, and the power it released reached an unimaginable level.    


The energy of the Law was circulating crazily around Ye Feng's body.    


The aura that was unleashed by this attribute was also unimaginably terrifying. It was as if the source of life in this world was being pulled by some kind of terrifying force.    


The bright light of fortune instantly turned into a solid substance, turning into a crystal clear chain that hovered around Ye Feng.    


Divine Chain of Fortune!    


This chain that had suddenly condensed was a divine tool that Ye Feng had cultivated the force of creation to the extreme, a divine tool that he had condensed with the power of the Laws.    


Perhaps it was because of the difference in the force of creation that Ye Feng had gained control of such a magical weapon. The energy contained within it was beyond imagination.    


The force of creation that was gathered in the chain had already reached a level that no ordinary person could touch. The vast energy contained within it was enough to shock anyone.    


What was even more powerful was that every divine ring on it represented some kind of change in the force of creation. It corresponded to the derivation and transformation of all kinds of living creatures.    


As the force of creation circulated, it seemed as if it wanted to perfect all the Laws in the world and unleash the most powerful force.    


The power of divine sense kept circulating. The Law aura within the Good Fortune Divine Chain fed back to Ye Feng's soul, allowing the originally dried up Good Fortune Divine Sense to quickly recover. In the blink of an eye, it became unusually full.    


And the power of the Good Fortune Laws wasn't limited to this. The source energy within his body was also crazily recovering at this moment.    


The Origin Energy was circulating continuously at this moment, allowing Ye Feng's body to reach its peak state in a very short period of time.    


However, in the next moment, an extremely terrifying pressure erupted from Ye Feng's body. Crackling sounds kept sounding out, and something shattered just like that.    


Under the astonished gazes of the two, the Myriad Transformations Divine Ability in Ye Feng's body had completely dissipated. The surrounding space had also turned into nothingness, as if all the energy had ceased to exist.    


The terrifying energy had become unusually calm in an instant. There were no more aura in his body.    


The moment the Good Fortune Law was formed, Ye Feng's Eternal Divine City had completely used up all his source energy.    


The difference from before was that the origin of the other divine abilities had been shattered, but the core Law imprint had been refined by the Myriad Transformation Domain. To Ye Feng, his strength had increased instead of decreasing.    


But now, all of Ye Feng's attention was focused on the circulation of the force of creation. He didn't care about the source energy that was being channeled.    


Even if the Myriad Transformation Domain circulated on its own, it wouldn't be able to absorb and refine such a heavy source of Laws.    


In this short period of time, the energy in his body was like a dam that had just been opened, crazily pouring out. The situation had just stabilized. It was also declining at a terrifying rate.    


Faced with such a situation, Ye Feng's expression was incomparably calm. There wasn't even a hint of pity in his expression.    


To him, this body... It was just an illusion that had descended into this world. Even if he lost it, it wouldn't be a big deal.    


At this moment, the various powers in his body were circulating wildly, and the pressure he emitted had already reached an extremely terrifying realm.    


The Origin Power within his body was restless for an extremely short period of time. Even the Laws that he had just absorbed were being continuously released at this moment.    


The energy that was lost shocked the other two people present. They were speechless. They couldn't imagine how terrifying the energy that Ye Feng was circulating had actually reached.    


The Law energy required to circulate this energy had also gone berserk to an unimaginable level.    


As he silently revolved the Law energy within his body, Ye Feng also poured these aura into Luo Chenguang's soul in the shortest amount of time possible.    


Finally, after these energies reached a certain boundary, a certain degree of qualitative change occurred. An even more solemn force of creation descended from the void.    


Combined with the Myriad Transformations Divine Ability that Ye Feng had just unleashed, the aura contained within had reached an unimaginable and terrifying realm.    


The attribute of the Myriad Transformations Divine Ability had undergone a qualitative change under the push of the force of creation, especially the power contained within it.    


Under the superposition of these two powers, the originally illusory soul body actually had a substantial change, turning into a real state.    


The energy contained within it had even reached an extremely dense state, as if it could condense into reality at any time.    


Ye Feng's eyes lit up when he saw this change. The source energy in his body was circulating continuously for a short period of time.    


"It's now. Gather for me."    


After giving the order, the source energy in his body began to gather crazily in the direction of Luo Chenguang. In a very short period of time, with the help of the unique characteristic of the force of creation, he had gained complete control of the aura in the void.    


Such a huge amount of energy was circulating crazily in this short period of time, directly condensing Luo Chenguang's body.    


The aura that was being emitted by this energy had still reached an extremely terrifying state.    


As for the specifics of Luo Chenguang, they were quickly condensed in front of Ye Feng.    


Such a scene had completely shocked the other two people. They had never imagined that Ye Feng would actually be able to do such a thing.    


It made the life force in deceased's body even purer, and even condensed his illusory soul into a physical form. The power and difficulty contained within was extremely terrifying.    


"Young master..."    


A weak voice suddenly sounded out in the void. Luo Chenguang's body had been completely activated at this moment. The aura that was being emitted from his body had already reached a stable realm.    


At this moment, luo Chenguang's memory had completely recovered in a very short period of time. When he sensed the terrifying aura that was being emitted from Ye Feng's body, luo Chenguang's expression became extremely solemn.    


To be able to gather the energy in his body to such an extent in such a short period of time, and even revive a dead soul, the amount of energy required was beyond imagination.    


Moreover, luo Chenguang was an Origin Fairy bred in this world, and the power of the Laws he controlled was extremely profound.    


The taboo contained within this world. Luo Chenguang knew better than anyone else that Ye Feng had burnt his own life to such an extent.    


Luo Chenguang's expression became incomparably solemn when he felt the energy in Ye Feng's body weakening and could collapse at any moment.    


Without any hesitation, he immediately ignited the Origin aura that had just gathered in his body and injected it into Ye Feng's body.    


As the source energy of the world, the Power of Returning to Origin. When it circulated, it would bring along the Laws and aura of the world. In an extremely short period of time, it would be able to mobilize all the Origin energy in the surroundings.    


In this short period of time, the energy that was emitted from the void had reached an incomparably terrifying realm. It wanted to replenish the lost energy in Ye Feng's body in the shortest amount of time.    



However, this kind of energy was like a cup of water to Ye Feng. It wasn't easy for him to fully exert it.    


At the first moment, luo Chenguang had already circulated the energy of Returning Origin in his body and covered Ye Feng's body. He wanted to seal Ye Feng's injuries in the shortest amount of time by relying on the powerful energy contained within.    


He even wanted to borrow this energy to continuously withdraw the aura in Ye Feng's body, reversing the flow of time, and completely heal his injuries.    


However, to use this kind of power to reverse the Laws, the aura was incomparably difficult for Luo Chenguang. The source energy within his body was rapidly diminishing in this short period of time.    


A smile emerged on Ye Feng's face. The energy in his body was collapsing at an extremely fast speed, as if it could vanish into thin air at any time.    


He waved his hand casually. A chaotic airflow rushed out and covered Luo Chenguang's body.    


Even the Origin Energy circulating within his body was the same at this moment. It collapsed at an extremely fast speed and was unable to continue circulating.    


The source energy that he had been burning with all his might was recovering rapidly under the nourishment of this chaotic aura, causing Ye Feng's body to become even weaker.    


"Young master."    


Luo Chenguang's tone became even more anxious. The energy circulating within his body was still suppressed by the chaotic aura.    


This caused Luo Chenguang's tone to change once again. He couldn't bear it at all. It was as if Ye Feng had completely burned away his source energy.    


"Don't worry about me. It's fine. This injury is really nothing to me."    


Ye Feng tried his best to judge his tone. He spoke to Luo Chenguang in a pampering tone, as if he was trying to comfort him.    


To Ye Feng, this was merely an illusory body. If he could exchange it for Luo Chenguang's life, then Ye Feng wouldn't have suffered any loss.    


As for his cultivation base, he had already reached the peak of the Divine Spirit realm. As for his future advancement, it would only be a period of hard cultivation.    


In fact, with the strength in Ye Feng's body, it wouldn't be difficult for him to reach his current realm.    


Even if his body fell completely, Ye Feng wouldn't suffer too much damage.    


However, luo Chenguang couldn't bear such an outcome. The strength in his body was still circulating continuously, trying to heal the injury on Ye Feng's origin.    


Even though Luo Chenguang was circulating his energy with all his might, he still couldn't resist the aura that Ye Feng had released.    


However, it was the power that Luo Chenguang had previously possessed, and it wasn't something that Ye Feng could suppress.    


However, at this moment, all the energy circulating in Luo Chengguang's body came from Ye Feng. Before Ye Feng's consciousness completely dissipated, luo Chenguang couldn't resist him at all.    


Just like that, luo Chenguang could only watch helplessly as the aura in Ye Feng's body completely collapsed in a very short period of time. The energy contained within it... * Hong Long...... *    


What was even more terrifying was that besides the loss of his own source energy, even the Divine Sense, qi, and Chaotic Force in his body had completely dissipated in this short period of time.    


The Law energy surrounding Ye Feng's body had no one to rely on. It was as if they could return to this world at any time.    


There was an invisible force taking the initiative between the heaven and earth, as if it was going to swallow Ye Feng's body completely.    


This force was so powerful that it couldn't be resisted. It was like the ocean of Hao Tian. The Law aura that fell from the sky had reached a realm beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


In the next minute, Ye Feng's body instantly collapsed. Like a meteor, it quickly dissipated, leaving no trace behind.    


Sensing the aura that was being emitted from Ye Feng's body, luo Chenguang's expression became even more ferocious. He let out a heart-wrenching roar.    


An extremely miserable roar was unleashed from his mouth, as if it was going to destroy the entire world.    


As the Origin Spirit nurtured by the world, the Convergence Energy controlled by Luo Chenguang had even reached an extremely powerful realm. The terrifying power that it emitted was simply able to cultivate everything in the world to an incomparably terrifying realm.    


The aura that was unleashed from Luo Chenguang's enraged body was even more terrifying. It crazily devoured the surrounding attribute energy.    


One had to know that this place was extremely close to the Arctic World, and the energy it emitted was even more terrifying.    


In this short period of time, the source energy that erupted from the void was flourishing crazily, as if it was going to freeze all the aura in the world.    


An extremely terrifying origin force of extreme ice was shuttling through the void toward Luo Chenguang's location.    


This power was simply terrifying to an unimaginable level. It was able to freeze everything in the world completely.    


However, when this power approached Luo Chenguang, it was immediately suppressed by a terrifying power. At the same time, it was also completely suppressed. These terrifying energies were being devoured and refined by Luo Chenguang's body at an extremely fast speed.    


This caused the aura emitted from Luo Chenguang's body to become even more terrifying. It was as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in the world.    


An incomparably terrifying domain expanded in this short period of time, completely covering the surrounding space.    


The power on the other side erupted wildly, refining all of the incomparably terrifying Power of Hell in his body at an extremely fast speed. Just like that, it grew crazily and seemed to be endless.    


Under such an opportunity, luo Chenguang's cultivation advanced rapidly all the way, directly breaking through the limits of the seventh transformation. En, the Domain Power in his body was expanding crazily, containing the power of his own Law.    


However, the connection between the heaven and earth and Hao Tian's ocean was completely sealed by Ye Feng's sword strike. It wouldn't be able to break through in a short period of time.    


Even though Luo Chenguang's cultivation base had reached such a level, he still couldn't absorb the power of the Laws between the heaven and earth to break through.    


The incomparably terrifying power of hell was crazily brewing and compressing at this moment. It was as if the entire space was about to be torn apart. The terrifying aura that was being emitted from it caused the surrounding two people to be extremely shocked.    


This was especially true for the space elves. They were extremely sensitive to the power of hell and Law aura. The Space Laws that they controlled were also one of the most powerful powers in this world.    


However, when she sensed the terrifying power emitted from Luo Chenguang's body, even the Spatial Fairy was extremely shocked.    


To him, the amount of energy he needed to resist Luo Chenguang's Laws was several times greater.    


And at this moment, luo Chenguang had yet to condense the aura that his Laws released. This aura was also restrained by the power of the Laws between the heavens and earth.    


Even so, the strength emitted by Luo Chenguang had already reached an extremely terrifying boundary. If he could really break through to that level and possess his own Laws, just how terrifying would his strength be?    


Just as the Spatial Fairy was seriously thinking about this question, the terrifying aura in the void began to wildly churn, as if it wanted to completely crush the entire space.    


"Bastard, bastard, return him!"    


Luo Chenguang let out a shrill roar. The source energy in his body was burning crazily. Ye Feng's consciousness seemed to have completely disappeared. There was no longer any power that could suppress him.    


It was as if there was an extremely terrifying artistic conception brewing crazily in the world. It descended towards Luo Chenguang at an extremely fast speed.    


The terrifying power of will had completely shaken the entire void. The terrifying power of law began to churn crazily, and it completely ripped apart the seal that Ye Feng had just set up.    


The power that Ye Feng possessed was terrifying, but in front of this aura, there was no resistance at all. It was like ice and snow that had been splashed with hot water, melting in an instant.    


Sensing such a terrifying force, everyone on the scene was so shocked that they couldn't speak. They couldn't imagine what kind of person could release such a terrifying aura.    


The will in the monitor was crazily attacking Luo Chenguang, as if it was trying to suppress and seal all the energy in his body.    


One had to know that Luo Chenguang's current strength was something that even the Spatial Elves feared.    


That terrifying will was actually able to suppress Luo Chenguang's will in an extremely short period of time.    


One could imagine just how terrifying the power contained within it was.    


Facing such a terrifying pressure, luo Chenguang did not have any fear. He frantically circulated the Origin Energy within his body, wanting to completely tear apart the aura in the void in the shortest amount of time.    


However, the power contained in that energy was beyond imagination. Even Luo Chenguang couldn't resist it.    


"You can't stop me. Don't even think about stopping me."    


Luo Chenguang roared furiously. The Origin Energy within his body began to burn wildly at this moment. That extremely powerful Convergence Energy surged upwards in reverse.    


It was like a brilliant sword light that completely separated the entire sky. The Origin Energy released by Luo Chenguang might not be extremely terrifying either.    


Just like the Creation Sword Light that Ye Feng had slashed out earlier, the power contained within it had reached a level that ordinary people could not hope to reach.    


"How dare you!"    


The will in the void seemed to be extremely furious, as if it didn't agree with Luo Chenguang's thoughts. It immediately unleashed an incomparably powerful pressure, crushing towards Luo Chenguang's position.    


The aura contained in this force was too terrifying. Even Luo Chenguang, with his current strength, couldn't resist it.    


He could only watch helplessly as this energy ruthlessly smashed onto his body. In the shortest amount of time possible, it took away all the energy within his body.    


With Luo Chenguang's current strength, it was sufficient to refine most of the energy in the world. However, when faced with such a terrifying will, his strength was simply insufficient.    


At this moment, luo Chenguang could only watch helplessly as the power in his body dissipated bit by bit. It was possible to completely disappear from this world at any time.    


"Who gave you the courage to kill him?"    


The power contained in the void had still reached an extremely terrifying level, causing Luo Chenguang to feel despair in his heart.    


However, at this critical moment, a heavy voice sounded once again in the void, causing the terrifying aura that was being emitted from the void to instantly crumble.    


Ye Feng's voice kept returning to its ethereal and majestic state in the void.    


At this moment, the aura that was being emitted from the void had reached a level that ordinary people could not withstand.    


Boundless power of Laws began to crazily gather.    


At the center of all these powers, Ye Feng's figure slowly gathered.    


The attributes of the world and the power of the world had been completely suppressed in front of Ye Feng.    


Even the power of the Laws couldn't resist Ye Feng's aura. They could only watch helplessly as he swallowed all of the power of the Laws.    


The Myriad Transformations Divine Ability began to circulate on its own, evolving from its initial state.    


The seven variations of the Myriad Transformations Divine Ability were fully displayed in a very short period of time. Finally, it evolved into its most powerful Myriad Transformations Domain.    


In the next instant, the Myriad Transformations domain collapsed and condensed into a single point.    


An extremely terrifying power of Laws erupted at this moment.    


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