A Mistaken Marriage with Mr. CEO

C82 Old Madam He's Invitation

C82 Old Madam He's Invitation

4Old Madame Hee's invitation.    


Hee Yining's words were very sharp, piercing Fong Kexin to the point where she almost couldn't catch her breath.    


In this world, almost everyone doted on Fong Kexin very much.    


Only Hee Yining was an exception.    


Hee Yining used to only interact with her normally, and he never got close to her.    


But now, he had already opposed her without any hesitation.    


If it was not because he still cared about the little bit of cooperation between them, Hee Yining would have ruined Fong Kexin's reputation and superior life a long time ago.    


Hee Yining had never thought of himself as a good person.    


On the contrary, he was a devil.    


If others did not provoke him, everything would be fine.    


Once someone provoked him, That person would just wait for Hee Yining's serious revenge!    


"Hee Yining, you will regret treating me like this!" Fong Kexin could not care about Shen Qi anymore. She was trembling with anger. She shouted madly into the phone, "Hee Yining, you and Shen Qi will not have a good ending! If you don't believe me, we will see!"    


Kacha, Fong Kexin directly threw the phone in her hand onto the ground.    


Listening to Fong Kexin's roar on the other side of the phone, Hee Yining's face was full of disdain. He threw the phone to Xiao Chun. "If this stupid woman calls me in the future, just tell her that I don't have time to care about her."    


Xiao Chun immediately put away the phone and categorized Fong Kexin as someone who was not welcomed.    


Shen Qi obediently washed the grapes and handed them to Hee Yining. She looked at him with a fawning expression.    


"Tell me, what's the matter?" Hee Yining could not help smiling when he saw Shen Qi's expression.    


"I have been here for three days. Can I go back now?" Shen Qi looked at Hee Yining with hope. "Look, I have fully recovered. The medicine has long disappeared."    


"Do you have to go back for something?" The last thing he liked to hear was Shen Qi telling him she wanted to go back.    


"Yes," Shen Qi said. Shen Qi immediately replied, "Everyone has their own private life. Although you saved me, I am really grateful. But I also have my own things to do."    


The grapes that Hee Yining brought to his mouth suddenly lost his appetite. He put the rest of the grapes on the plate.    


Hee Yining lowered his eyes and said, "Aren't you happy living here? Do you think Jinghua Manor is not luxurious enough?"    


Shen Qi did not know what to say. "Hee Yining, can you think normally? "I am just your personal stylist, not your full-time butler."    


Hee Yining lowered his eyes. "Oh."    


"Hey, don't make such a disappointed expression. I won't be deceived by you.    


Hey, you're not really disappointed, are you?    


Hey, what are you disappointed for! Don't tell me you're...    


Shen Qi's brain spun rapidly and her heartbeat suddenly sped up inexplicably.    


Could it be that he also had a strange feeling for her...    


"Then you can go back." Hee Yining suddenly said in a relaxed manner, "At least I don't need to feed you. You have such a big appetite. You will make me poor sooner or later."    


"Cough, cough, cough..." Shen Qi almost choked to death by her own saliva!    


She knew it!    


She should not have imagined such a messy thing!    


Hee Yining was such a bad guy. How could he like her?    


Sure enough, it was better for her not to think too highly of herself!    




Shen Qi calmed herself down and said, "Really? Then I will leave! See you later! Xiao Chun, see you later, butler, see you later! "See you, everyone!"    


Shen Qi really ran away with her bag as if her butt was on fire.    


Hee Yining's eyes followed Shen Qi's back closely. Seeing her leave without looking back, his mood instantly sank to the bottom.    


He hurriedly finished dealing with the company matters. The first person he wanted to see when he returned home was her, but she only wanted to leave quickly...    


Hee Yining pushed the plate in front of him hard. He stood up and left in big strides.    


She had stayed here for the past three days. He suddenly felt that this empty house seemed to have gained a trace of popularity.    


He, who had never missed home, was actually looking forward to returning home earlier.    


Even if he was joking like he was quarreling with her, even if he was eating her disgusting dinner...    


But she left just like that?    


Shen Qi left Jinghua Manor and leaned against a tree by the roadside as if she had lost all her strength.    


She really could not stay any longer.    


During these three days of interaction, Shen Qi found that she could not resist his approach any longer.    


From the beginning when she was not used to it until now when he took the initiative to get closer, she did not have the heart to reject him...    


Shen Qi knew that her thoughts had already become dangerous.    


She was destined to not be able to walk with Hee Yining.    


Since she already knew this outcome, she absolutely could not let it continue to develop smoothly.    


If you did not refuse when it was time to refuse, you would be troubled by it in the future.    


The emotions that shouldn't be produced, should be ruthlessly destroyed in the germination state!    


The taxi came over. Shen Qi got into the car and reported the address.    


Her gaze landed on the Jinghua Manor.    


Hee Yining was there. There were many indescribable emotions there. There was also a feeling that should not have appeared.    


She could not come here again in the future.    


She should think of a way to keep a sufficient distance from Hee Yining.    


The Jinghua Manor gradually became smaller in her line of sight. When she could no longer see, Shen Qi reluctantly retracted her gaze.    


When she returned home, Shen Lu gave her the most passionate hug as usual and told Shen Qi about his achievements in the past few days.    


Shen Qi always smiled gently, but when she heard Shen Lu's words this time, she was distracted. In her mind, there was always a smile on Hee Yining's handsome face.    


Shen Qi knew that she was really done for.    


"Qi?" Shen Lu noticed that Shen Qi was distracted and could not help but ask, "What's wrong with you?"    


Shen Qi's eyes flashed. "I'm sorry, brother. I'm suddenly a little tired. I'll go rest first. Can you listen to me another day?"    


Looking at Shen Qi's back, Shen Lu muttered to himself, "Qi has someone else in her heart."    


Shen Qi returned to her room and locked herself in her room. She forced Hee Yining's image out of her heart.    


At this time, the phone rang. Shen Qi did not even look and picked up the phone. "Hello, I am Shen Qi."    


butler Heh's voice came from the other end of the phone. "Miss Shen, Old Madame wants to see you."    


Shen Qi suddenly opened her eyes wide and almost jumped up on the spot. "Ah?"    


butler Heh said calmly, "Old Madame said that ever since you married Hee Yining, you have never returned to the Hee family for dinner. Old Madame heard that you and young master have not returned to the mansion recently. So Old Madame wants to invite you and young master home for dinner."    


Shen Qi's heart immediately rose.    




Going back to the Hee family mansion to eat?    


Going to see his nominal husband?    


What to do? What to do!    


I was completely unprepared!    


I have to face him so suddenly and do some embarrassing things with him, then... give birth to a child?    


Shen Qi felt that she had never been so flustered before.    


"The time has been set for the day after tomorrow at six o'clock sharp in the evening. I hope Miss Shen is not late. Old Madame really does not like young people who are not punctual." butler Heh notified and hung up the phone without waiting for Shen Qi to respond.    


At this time, Hee Yining also received a call from the Hee family Mansion. "Grandma, why do you want me to go back for dinner? "I'm not going back! I'm not interested in the daughter of the Shen family."    


Old Madame Hee said unhappily," No matter what, you have to come back! Ever since you two got married, you have not stayed in the villa for a night! How did you promise me?"    


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