President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C405 She Said She Likes Money

C405 She Said She Likes Money

3Chen Hai watched her take the roses and distribute them to everyone. He was a little happy. He walked over to Pei Anxin and asked, "Anxin, you don't like roses. What kind of flowers do you like? I'll buy you a bouquet tomorrow too. I'll buy what you like! "    3


Pei Anxin looked at Chen Hai and shook her head politely. "No need. I don't like anything now."    


"Anxin, are you free at noon? I know a new restaurant nearby. I heard that the dishes inside are very good. Let's go pay for the taste!" Chen Hai didn't give up, nor did he give up. He immediately invited her.    


Pei Anxin would reject his invitation before because she felt that her colleagues should not be too close to each other.    


Moreover, although Chen Hai almost made the whole company know that he liked her, Pei Anxin was indifferent and did not respond to him.    


But today, for some reason, she wanted to anger Mu Shiye.    


"Okay, we will make AA!" Pei Anxin agreed with a smile.    


"Why do we need AA? I am the one who wants to treat you to a meal!" Chen Hai was very happy that she could agree, but he was also very sad that she said she wanted an AA.    


"If you don't want an AA system, then I won't go." Pei Anxin's original goal, She did not really want to agree to Chen Hai's pursuit. Therefore, she felt that Chen Hai wouldn't have any thoughts about the AA food.    


Chen Hai could only nod his head. "Alright. As long as we can have a meal together, I will be satisfied."    


After the two of them finished chatting, the assistant in the CEO's office suddenly sent a message in the company's internal email.    


The title was about the company's new regulations being released.    


The first rule was to ban internal employees from making love in work.    


Everyone was surprised, but Pei Anxin found it funny. What was this Mu Shiye trying to do?    


Not long after the email was sent, Pei Anxin received an internal call from Mu Shiye. He asked her to go to the office to have a chat.    


Pei Anxin happened to have something to say to him. The last time he said he wanted to see his daughter, she did not agree. He had been in a bad mood recently.    


Pushing open the door of the CEO's office, Mu Shiye seemed to have matured in a few days. His handsome face was no longer as friendly as usual, and it was dyed with a layer of depression.    


Seeing her come in, Mu Shiye turned his head to look at her. His voice was low and hoarse. "Do you like the roses I gave you?"    


"No, I gave them to my colleagues!" Pei Anxin answered straightforwardly.    


"You are lying. This is clearly your favorite flower!" Mu Shiye instantly saw through her heart.    


Pei Anxin sneered. "People's preferences will change. In the past, I liked flowers. That's because I was still full of yearning for love. But now, I like money. Because money can give me and my daughter a sense of security and a better life. "    


Mu Shiye was slightly startled. It seemed that the gift he gave did not reach her heart.    


"Okay. Tomorrow, I will give you money!" Mu Shiye immediately changed his mind and wanted to give in.    


Pei Anxin laughed out of anger at his words. "I don't want your money. The money I want is earned by my own ability."    


"My money is not for you. It is for my precious daughter's milk powder fees. You must accept it, okay? Don't reject me!" Mu Shiye knew that she was stubborn. If he gave her money for free, it would hurt her self-esteem. Therefore, he could only use his daughter as an excuse.    


Pei Anxin still shook her head and said coldly, "I can earn my daughter's milk powder by myself. I don't need you to share it with me. Anyway, this daughter belongs to me alone. It has nothing to do with you."    


"Anxin, do you have to reject it so thoroughly? You know how much I love this child! " Cherish every minute and second you spend with her. You can't mercilessly deprive me of my power and obligations. " Mu Shiye was really hurt. His handsome face was full of pain.    


Pei Anxin heard his sincere words from the bottom of his heart and her expression turned slightly stiff.    


"An Xin, you can hate me, but don't stop me from loving my daughter, okay?" Mu Shiye walked in front of her with a pleading look in his eyes.    


Pei Anxin's eyes were a little sad for some reason. She had never thought that she would reach this step with Mu Shiye. Unfortunately, some injuries had already been caused. It was impossible for her to return to her innocence when she was young.    


"Alright, I promise you that I won't stop you from seeing your daughter, but you have to promise me that your role is only her father. Don't have any other thoughts. You are the young master of the Mu Family. Our identities are not suitable and we can't get entangled with each other." Pei Anxin's heart finally softened. She felt that she was really too ruthless sometimes. She hated the rules and regulations of the Wealthy Class. She did not really hate Mu Shiye.    


The sadness on Mu Shiye's face disappeared in a second. There was joy in his tone. He had the urge to embrace this woman.    


When he took a step forward, Pei Anxin took a step back at the right time and said in a faint voice, "Do you understand what I said?"    


Mu Shiye's expression froze again. In the end, his hands drooped weakly and he sighed softly. "Do you have to draw the line so clearly with me? Do you really have no attachment to me anymore?"    


Pei Anxin looked into his eyes and nodded, "Yes." Yes, I am heartless now!"    


"But I see that you are having a heated fight with Chen Hai in your office." When Mu Shiye heard her say that she was heartless, he immediately used the facts to prove it.    


Pei Anxin lifted her lips and laughed. "Boss Mu will not meddle in my business, will she?"    


"I must interfere!" Mu Shiye's tone was domineering. "This concerns my daughter's future father!"    


Pei Anxin sneered. "Don't worry. I have my own eyes. If I really want to find him, I will find a man who is good to my daughter."    


"Women can be blinded by love sometimes. I have to personally check every man you date in the future. If I don't like them, you can give up all of them." Mu Shiye was still domineering and unreasonable. Of course, he was close to breaking down. When he thought of other men touching Pei Anxin's body, he wanted to beat that man up.    


Pei Anxin was not really heartless. This man's words revealed a strong affection for her. She could feel it too.    


It was a pity that she could not get over the hurdle in her heart. She always felt that the gap between her and him was too deep. She should be more rational. Even if she still loved him in her heart, she should not touch that taboo line again.    


"Mu Shiye, so many years have passed. You seem to still be very childish!" Pei Anxin did not know what to say to him.    


Mu Shiye nodded and admitted, "That's right. I am still the childish man you loved deeply in the past."    


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