President Daddy’s Excessive Love

C366 Drink It up and I'il Let You Have It

C366 Drink It up and I'il Let You Have It

4Tang Youyou pointed at the wine that she put down on the table.    


Ji Xiaohan followed her finger and looked over. His thin lips could not help laughing as he walked down with his long legs.    


Tang Youyou could not understand this man's thoughts. Was he going to blame her or laugh at her?    


Thinking about it, she could be considered unlucky. It was not a minute late or a minute earlier, but when he took the wine upstairs and met the old lady, it was like fate was playing tricks on her.    


Ji Xiaohan reached out and took the bottle of wine. In the next second, he opened it and raised his head. His thin lips met two mouthfuls. "It feels great!"    


Tang Youyou saw that the man did not say anything and just drank the wine. She was immediately a little angry. "That's what I want to drink. Can you get another bottle?"    


Ji Xiaohan's eyes were full of smiles. He walked in front of her with a gentle and charming face. He handed the wine to her. "Drink it! I will allow you to drink!"    


Tang Youyou looked at the wine that he had drunk and her face turned red for no reason. She was not convinced and said, "Do I need your permission to drink? I don't know why."    


"Of course I need my permission. You're my woman!" Ji Xiaohan suddenly took a step forward and saw that she was still wrapped in the white robe. However, the robe was pulled back by her. Therefore, at this moment, she seemed to have lost the allure of her previous charm.    


However, her long hair was slightly messy and hung on her chest. Her small and clean face was very delicate and beautiful.    


Her skin was white and delicate, and her pair of gem-like, jet-black eyes were large. She was born with a charm that made men go crazy.    


"What are you doing?" Tang Youyou saw him walk up a step. At this moment, he was almost parallel to her. His tall body gave her an incomparable pressure.    


However, he was still wearing a suit. The feeling of wildness and wildness became stronger.    


He took two steps forward and directly pressed against her slender body. Tang Youyou was scared half to death. Behind her was the railing of the stairs. She did not dare to step back. What if she fell down again? Don't you have no life?    


Therefore, she did not retreat. She allowed Ji Xiaohan to force his way to her. In the next second, he reached out his palm and wrapped it around her slim waist. He protected her and trapped her in his arms.    


"Why aren't you drinking? Didn't you want to drink?" The man's voice was extremely low and hoarse. His fingers seemed to be adjusting her long hair. His seductive and deep voice was even more intoxicating than the wine in his hand.    


Tang Youyou seemed to be unwilling to admit defeat. She raised her head and took two sips. "Who said I don't want to drink? Didn't I drink now?"    


"Do you want to drink it in another way?" Ji Xiaohan suddenly snatched the wine from her hand. The next second, he took a sip from her lips.    


"You, you, you... don't do this!" Tang Youyou originally did not guess his intention, but at this moment, seeing that he took a sip of wine and did not seem to swallow it, she instantly understood his intention. She was completely stunned.    


Unfortunately, in the next second, her slightly parted lips were forcefully seized by the man.    


The warm and cold wine entered her small mouth from the man's thin lips.    


Tang Youyou was about to go crazy. Did this man think that she was not shocked enough today and wanted to scare her again?    


Tang Youyou wanted to throw up but unfortunately, men did not allow it. She was forced to swallow it. In the next second, she choked.    


She pushed open the man's chest and bent over to cough. Her small face was red and her eyes were red.    


"Ji Xiaohan, you bastard!" Ji Xiaohan looked at her and his eyes were red. He had expected that what he did just now was too much of a bastard. So, he could only reach out and gently hug her. "Alright, I won't tease you anymore. I'll let you drink this wine. Go upstairs and rest. It's late."    


Tang Youyou originally wanted to get angry. Hearing his gentle concern, she did not know where her anger was. She could only tighten her face and take the wine in his hand. She angrily walked upstairs.    


Ji Xiaohan saw the woman's coquettish manner when she was angry and found it very interesting.    


However, when she drank the wine just now, his body also had a shocking reaction. At this moment, he was afraid that he would have to take another cold bath.    


Tang Youyou drank all the wine in one breath and then laid on the bed to straighten her body.    


I don't know if it was really because of the wine or because it was too late. She actually really fell asleep.    


When she woke up in the morning, Tang Xiaonai was kissing her face all kinds of times, "Mommy, Mommy, are you still awake? The alarm clock is ringing!"    


Tang Youyou naturally did not sleep enough. She reached out her hand to push her daughter's little face, "Let me sleep for another five minutes..."    


Mommy, you are so lazy! Alright, I'll let you sleep for another five minutes. I'm starting to count now!" Tang Xiaonai's cute little mouth kissed her face again. Then she began to count," One... two... three... four... "    


"Xiaonai, you are so noisy!" Tang Youyou was about to go crazy from being tormented by this little devil. She said that she wanted to sleep for a while but she was actually counting towards her ear. How could she sleep peacefully?    


"Hehe, Mommy, don't bother me. I forgot where I counted." Tang Xiaonai immediately pouted and did not realize how much trouble she had caused her mommy.    


"Stop counting. Mommy is afraid of you. Get up!" Tang Youyou looked at her daughter's silly smile. Although she really wanted to hit her little butt, she could not do it because of her soft and cute appearance.    


"Mommy, why are you afraid of me? Am I a little monster? I'm going to eat you!" Tang Xiaonai liked her mommy playing with her. Therefore, at this moment, she threw her two little hands at Tang Youyou, baring her fangs and brandishing her claws. Her small mouth was also wide open, looking like she was going to bite someone.    


Tang Youyou was really amused by her and could only lazily get up.    


"Daddy..." Tang Xiaonai suddenly discovered that the bedroom door was pushed open. The tall man who entered made Tang Xiaonai extremely happy.    


Ji Xiaohan had already walked in in suit and shoes. Although he had only slept for a few hours, the man seemed to be in good spirits.    


He was not like Tang Youyou, whose whole body seemed to be dislocated. He was so lazy that he only wanted to sleep on the bed until the sky turned dark.    


Ji Xiaohan squatted down and spread his arms to welcome the little fellow running over. After that, he hugged her tightly.    


The little guy's hair was messy, but he was beaming with joy. He was very cute.    


Of course, he attracted Ji Xiaohan's attention. But it wasn't the little guy's real smile that day. It was the little woman's torn nightgown.    


Tang Youyou was in a daze at this moment. She did not know how messy her nightgown was. A pair of slender and charming legs were almost completely exposed. Her upper body was also crooked. From Ji Xiaohan's angle, she could vaguely see some of the scenery.    


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