The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C47 Firework Show

C47 Firework Show

2“So, what are you going to do when the celebration ends?”    


“Truthfully, I’m not sure. Life goes on, I guess”    


“Natalia, do you want me to ask for a divorce in exchange for our support?”    


“Hmm, that might not necessarily work. He would want to hold me as a hostage to ensure your continued support. You know what you should do; Appoint someone to take over your work in your stead while you go to your future wife’s kingdom under the guise of courting her and establish a trade route there. They need it now more than ever so you need to become an asset there. When the time comes, we can leave here without regrets”    


“That’s a wonderful idea that comes with a terribly short duration”    


“I’m sure you can do it, Bastian”    


“Did you know his majesty spoke about an extermination campaign? It’s been a long time since we have done something like that so he wishes to make it a big affair. Most of the nobles would be coming to your territory and I’m sure the royal family would stay in the Castle on the Edge. What would you do?”    


“I’ll work alongside his grace. Who knows, he might take this chance to be rid of them. Was he the one who suggested the campaign?”    


“No, it was the crown prince”    


“That idiot’s overconfidence would be his undoing. We must make our move and fast if we want to cut our tails off like lizards”    


“Your comparisons are as creepy as your polite smiles. How does nobody see through you!? Seriously, it’s horrible!”    


“I invited her highness to join us for afternoon tea. I had to deal with the other ladies who complained they weren’t chosen and would have to deal with them once again so let’s not waste any more time”    


“Yes, those cold eyes are more like it. It’s been so long since I’ve seen you like that. I was scared you had gone soft”    


Natalia chuckled darkly, finishing up her tea. The two waited in silence until they were joined by the Princess of Polivia. She was escorted by a knight from her kingdom and a maid. There was already a chair prepared for her so she sat there, greeting the siblings politely.    


“I am pleased that your grace chose me. I promise not to disappoint your expectations. And I promise to serve Lord Adamantine well as a wife”    


“There’s no need to take such a subservient stance. A princess should never bow her head. Since you’ve agreed to be our partner, let’s discuss the terms of our arrangement, shall we?” Sebastian started.    


“I want to hear about Polivia’s financial situation”    


“Very well. You must be aware that the reason our kingdom is still flourishing is because of our export of silk and Mithril. Although Adamantine has replaced Mithril, we still have significant export because of the cheapness of the material. However, since we’re a closed off kingdom, the power stuggle is much fiercer than one would expect and it’s affecting the economy since the lives of people are constantly in danger. I narrowly lost my life several times so I’m quite desperate you see. The best thing I can offer is that I’m an heir to the throne. If it’s Lord Sebastian, a financial advisor, I’m sure you can find a solution to our failing economy and monarchy”    


“......It sounds worse than I expected. What do you think, Natalia?”    


“It is worse than we expected but if your highness would place your hopes in us, we can help you in exchange for a place in your kingdom. You’re an heir to the throne, right your highness?”    


“.......yes. I’m a bit surprised. I thought women didn’t have power in Ducroft”    


“They usually don’t but my sister is one of a kind. How do you think the daughter of a social outcast became the flower of the capital?” Sebastian smirked. The princess could tell he was proud of his sister. No wonder he was thought to be a fool for his sister. The real leader there was Natalia.    


“I’ll leave the finer details to you, Sebastian. Do you consent to my brother following you back to your kingdom after the celebration is over?”    


“Won’t that cause a bit of a problem?”    


“It would but my brother is more than used to having his way. Please be rest assured. This is to our benefit as well”    


“I’ll place my trust in your grace and my lord”    


Their arrangement was somewhat settled. The two were lucky that Polivia was in a precarious situation. Once they were able to turn it around, Polivia could become a sanctuary for them and they could finally escape the shackles of the place they were born. Everything was finally moving forward.    


“You seem pleased” his cold voice suddenly echoed in the corridor. She looked up at him and smiled.    


“There is supposedly a fireworks show happening this night. I suppose I’m looking forward to it again this year”    


“Something that simple is enough to make you this happy?”    


“It’s good to find pleasure in the simpler things of life”    


“Are you having an affair, Grand Duchess?”    


“Does it appear that way, your grace?”    


“It’s a suspicion I’ve had for a while since you keep escaping my presence”    


“I don’t have such a thing. It’s a disrespect to my family name and yours. I won’t do such a recklessly stupid thing to tarnish my reputation. I hope your grace is not suggesting I have an illicit relationship with my brother? I know I’m hated but to be accused of such a thing, even I cannot accept it”    


“I heard the rumors about you two but I won’t recklessly accuse you of incest”    


“I don’t have a secret lover on the side, your grace neither do I have someone who I have promised my heart to so rest assured that I would be faithful in this marriage. I have a duty to fulfill”    


“You must think you’re better than me, don’t you?” he snarled, squeezing her hand. It was painful and she was losing circulation in her hand but it was better than her neck.    


“I have never once thought I was better than you. You have everything you could possibly want or the power to get that which you want. I don’t have those things so I settle for comfort. I have never mocked you, your grace”    


“I hate those calm eyes! I hate the way you speak and……”    


“If you want to be seen as the spiteful Grand Duke mocked in rumors for weeks, then please go ahead and finish your rant. But walls have eyes and ears. Please be careful lest you fall prey of unsavory rumors. Reputation is more than important if one wants to ascend”    


He let her hand go, taking it under his arm once again to escort her properly. His expression was colder than before and she could feel shivers crawling down her hand. She tapped her hand with glowing hands and the bruise disappeared. He stared at her, finally realizing why nobody suspected a hitch in their relationship. If he hurt her, she could just heal herself without leaving any scars. But if he killed her…….    




It was the final night of the celebration. Everyone was a little more free and loud, downing alcohol and chatting loudly. The drunk ones danced mindlessly, the music more upbeat than ever. Some of the single ladies were lucky enough to get dates and were getting acquainted with them in corners. Natalia directed her gaze outside. The firework show was yet to begin. She sighed in relief. It would’ve been sad if she missed it.    


“Your grace, are you also looking forward to seeing the firework show?”    


“Lady Grayson. Yes, I am. I look forward to it every year”    


“This is my first time seeing it. I hear it’s splendid and we can watch it from the corridors or in the garden. Where do you normally watch it, your grace?”    


“I watch it in the garden with my brother. This year is definitely different but I don’t mind it. It’s a welcome change”    


“I see. The ladies are really jealous of your relationship with his grace”    


Natalia looked up to the Grand Duke to see if he would refute her words but as always, he was gracefully silent, staying securely by her side. It was annoying to have him keep tailing her but it was useful to keep flies away. This one fly that she wanted at a distance was too close for comfort.    


“His grace is really kind and courteous. If the other noblemen follow his gentlemanly character, I’m sure they can find someone as good as his grace”    


“I’m sure they would be glad to hear that”    


Natalia was freed of the fly when she was called by the priests.    


“Kind? Courteous? Gentlemanly? And you say you aren’t mocking me?”    


“Outside our relationship, I hear your grace is a kind and fair man. I won’t judge you from my perspective but from the perspective of others”    


Fredrich would soon find it a trend to not find responses to Natalia’s rebuttal. They went around greeting people, socializing, and dancing a bit. The party came to a halt when the King called for their attention.    


“It is my pleasure to announce the Beast Extermination Campaign that would take place in the Forest of Damnation. It will happen three months from now in the southwest so let’s prepare accordingly. With your help, it could be the best and most successful campaign in the history of this kingdom”    


After the king’s announcement, the fireworks finally went off. It was like a dramatic emphasis. Everyone started to scheme in preparation for the event while Natalia enjoyed the firework show in peace.    


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