The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C52 Pregnant?

C52 Pregnant?

4“It’s been so long since a tea party was hosted in the mansion of the Grand Duke. We almost thought it wouldn’t happen. Thank you for inviting us, your grace” the wife of one of the most influential Marquis in the southwest, Marquis Salam, bowed respectfully. Natalia smiled and welcomed her in, doing the same with all her guests. It was the first time she was meeting the nobles of the southwest personally and she had made sure to invite all of them. There were some guests who came all the way from the capital, like the princesses and Lady Borisque.    


“The tea being served today is found in the deeper part of the Forest of Damnation. The leaves are very fragrant and sweet when boiled, even if you put in a little bit of honey. I hope you all enjoy it”    


The ladies took an hesitant sip after Natalia displayed the first show of trust by taking her own sip. The taste was as described and just like that, a trustworthy image of the Grand Duchess was ingrained into the minds of the nobles. Their second sip was longer and they began to praise the tea and the capability of the Grand Duchess while they discussed.    


As Nobles who had maintained the status quo for several generations, the idea of trying new things was scary and unprecedented. This is what made Natalia stand out. She was constantly trying to introduce change and made a show of trust so she could build a reputation centered around being capable and trustworthy. She made herself a trailblazer.    


“I heard so many rumors of how the mansion had become gloomy and had seen it on a few occasions myself. It’s almost like I’m in a different place. This change is undoubtedly due to your grace”    


“Thank you for your kind compliments, Lady Salam. I only suggested a few things and I’m grateful his grace let me make a few changes to his childhood home. This place is very important to the Kristen Family so it is my duty as the Grand Duchess to take care of it”    


Alana wondered how it was easy for her to speak like that. If she truly remembered her past life, the mansion was a hellish place for Natalia. She had nothing but bad memories there. Even if things were different in this life, it wasn’t like Fredrich had suddenly become nice. Alana was aware of how volatile he had become. Is this what she meant by hiding one’s self?    


“This tea party is so grand too. There are two princesses in attendance and there are several distinguished young ladies from the capital. I never expected to meet Lady Borisque in person. I am so honored. The dresses from La Borisque boutique are always of the best quality so I’m always rushing to buy them. I had to save to buy the deluxe release but it was so worth it!”    


“I’m grateful for your compliments,” the lady smiled.    


As the tea party progressed joyfully, a curious Grand Duke passed by. It had been a while since he had seen a tea party and he was worried the third princess was being bullied. When he observed the tea party from above, he saw the third princess laughing and getting along with the ladies at the tea party. Everything was progressing too smoothly and he couldn’t rely on only his sight. He asked his knights to inspect the tea party from afar without catching suspicion but the situation was the same. The tea party was peaceful.    


“I knew it was the best decision to give the Grand Duchess a chance to host the tea party. Everything is proceeding smoothly. I never expected Madam Salam would be in attendance. Her husband is loyal to the crown but he’s very fond of his wife. She seems to favor the Grand Duchess so I’m sure the Grand Duchess can bring them to our side. Everyone kept praising the ambience of the Mansion when they arrived. I’m ashamed to receive the honor” Corren commented, catching the Grand Duke’s attention.    


“Do you think she can do it? Turn the nobles on our side, I mean”    


“After seeing her work for a few days, I have no doubt. The Grand Duchess is a capable person”    


Fredrich didn’t need Corren to tell him. He could see how capable she was. There were a few people who could host tea parties in the Queen’s Garden in the kingdom and gather the most influential people in the kingdom to her side. The nobles did nothing but sing her praises. Her reputation was clean and any voice or dissent raised against her was instantly silenced. Fredrich suddenly had the thought that perhaps he had misjudged her.    


She had nothing to harm him or anyone in the Duke’s household. She wasn’t a spy for the royal family nor her family. She quietly took grievance against her and lived like she didn’t exist in the mansion, coming to meet him only when she needed something important or when she was summoned.    


“How are our plans progressing?”    


“We made the adjustments as you requested but there are no problems so we can proceed, your grace. Thanks to Lord Adamantine, we have more funds and support from the nobles in the capital”    


“.....I see. Has he returned yet?”    


“No, your grace but everything is truly proceeding smoothly. May I be so rude as to ask a question, your grace?”    


“What is it?”    


“Are you really intending to make her highness your Queen? I’m not asking this to spite you but I think it would be better if the Grand Duchess takes the throne so she can control the nobles better”    


Normally, Fredrich would’ve changed the topic and demanded he didn’t speak of it again. However, things had changed. It was pitiful to compare the two women but he knew who was best suited to become Queen. He didn’t know if Alana would accept being a royal consort. She was born out of wedlock so it was easy to see her refusing it. And she had an ambiguous relationship with Lord Orland. She might refuse all together. If she did, Fredrich wasn’t sure what he would do.    


“We will cross that bridge when we get there. For now, let us continue to observe and we will strike when the time is right”    


“Yes, your grace”    


Meanwhile, down at the tea party, the question Natalia was trying to avoid finally surfaced.    


“Your grace, I heard the men of the Dukedom are especially virile. I want to know if your grace has....” a lady suddenly said, wiggling her eyebrows. The question was asked out of curiosity but the answer could potentially create a dent in her reputation. Natalia couldn’t allow that to happen. She briefly had the thought of faking a pregnancy.    


“I couldn’t be sure. I’ve been feeling really fatigued these days but I haven’t checked with a doctor. If I am truly pregnant, it would be announced immediately in the kingdom at his grace’s behest”    


“It would be great if your grace was pregnant. I’m sure pregnancy would look great on you, your grace”    


“I’m flattered,” she smiled, sipping her tea. Alana glanced at her. It was about time, in their past life, that Natalia was with her first child. She did look fatigued but one couldn’t be sure. Natalia really looked after her children and protected them even though she lost them in the end.    


The tea party drew to an end. Natalia watched the ladies leave in their various carriages personally, giving them gifts and wishing them a safe journey back to their homes. It was quite late when she came back inside and it was already dinner time. Rather than join them for dinner, she went directly to her room to rest. She had no desire to vomit that night and her bones were aching so rest was on her mind. Unfortunately, her path was blocked by Alana.    


“Is there anything I can help your highness with?”    


“Won’t you eat with us?”    


“I’m more fatigued than I am hungry so I will pass for today”    


“Are you really pregnant?”    


Natalia was surprised by her question. For someone who insisted on moving on, she was awfully concerned with her ex-lover. Fredrich and Alana were drifting apart. If there was the sudden existence of a child from the legal wife, it would tear them apart completely. It would seem that the princess wasn’t that willing to let the Grand Duke go.    


“I haven’t called the doctor so I won’t know if I’m pregnant or not. If I’m to bear an heir for his grace, isn’t that a good thing?”    


“ is. I just thought you wouldn’t.......”    


“I don’t think the affairs of our family is something you should be concerned with, your highness. Now, if you’d excuse me, I have to rest”    


“I......insist you have dinner with us, your grace”    


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