The Duke's Unwanted Wife

C160 Completion

C160 Completion

2They readied their weapons, holding their breaths. Fighting ascended gods was vastly different from fighting original gods. The weakest was Madaline, who was both lacking in the number of wings she had and an ascended god. Luckily, her barriers were the strongest in the world.     1


“Wait. They’re just looking. It’s like they’re waiting for something or…someone.”    


They looked down at Nataroth and saw that giant white wings were sprouting from her back. She was growing larger by the second, soon dwarfing out the space. She stopped growing and focused her eyes on them.    


{My children. I…have returned}    


Marvis figured out the patterns and used the teleportation portal to get them to another room. It was relatively intact like the other rooms and it didn’t look like it was affected by the blast. But after seeing the coffin in the middle of the room, they soon realized why.    


Just as they were about to figure out their next move, Denitra fell into Marvis’s arms. They thought it was intentional until they saw she wasn’t moving. They flipped her veil and properly saw her face. Unlike the half elves with small ears, her ears were longer and there was a jewel in her forehead. She was a pure blooded elf.    


The next to fall was Fredrich. He was completely unconscious, barely breathing properly like Denitra.    


“Marvis…I feel…faint.”    


“Not you too, Sebastian. What’s going on?!”    


“I can't fight it. I’m sorry.”    


Those were Sebastian’s last words before he passed out. Marvis lay them next to each other and paced around them nervously. He let out a loud, mournful howl, his body becoming rapidly unstable. He turned to study the patterns there and paused abruptly when he heard a strange voice.    


{It is natural for children to rest when they are tired, to breakdown when their minds can no longer handle the stress of their lives and to hang on to hope when they’re lonely. Don’t you think so?}    


“Who are you?”    


{I am the one who controls the rivers, the seas, the mountains and the plains. I am the one referred to as Nature. However, you must speak my true name}    


“Did you…do this to them?”    


{Did you not hear me? It is natural for children to rest when they are tired. They have been through a lot so they are resting. I am not the type to carelessly harm mortals, even if I’m tempted to hurt that one} he gestured to Fredrich.    


“Why should I speak your name? Do you want to trap me in a hopeless contract?”    


{I see you still don’t understand. The woman you know and love…is gone from this world. She gave up her soul, body and life to bring Nataroth into this world. The only thing that remains of her is her spirit.}    


“No! That’s not possible! She can’t die!”    


{I didn’t say she was dead. There is a way she can still live. And if you want to make the commitment to remain by her side forever, then all you have to do is call my name. I know yours, Marvis. I know all about you and your previous incarnations. I didn’t choose you on a whim. It’s natural for people to fall in love and do anything for love, right?}    


“What about them?”    


{In this place? Nothing bad shall befall them. If you have made up your mind, give me your hand}    


Marvis looked at them one last time. He made up his mind and took the hands of the god. Their destination was unknown and the fact that their meeting even happened wasn’t known or witnessed by anyone in the living or spirit world.    


{Hear my voice, children. The time has come for us to atone for our sins. We have betrayed this world and left it unprotected for too long. We will restore order and return to our duties}    


“Shut up, you pretentious goddess! How can you speak like a gracious ruler when you haven’t done anything but sat on that throne and loved the rest of your afterlife in hiding?! You don’t deserve to be the creator of this world! I am better than you!”    


Immediately after those words were said, all the awakened original gods attacked Uriel. The barrier was impenetrable but the bloodlust of the gods got to her. If she had legs, they would be quaking in fear, like the rest of her body.    


{Uriel, child. That resentment you hold in your heart is directed at nobody else but yourself. How could a creation be better than their creator? I have told you several times. The truth is less desirable to hear}    


“Well, if you’re so powerful, then how was I able to kill you in the first place?!”    


{To kill someone is to totally erase every sign of life and steal the choice of existing from that person. If you were able to accomplish this, perhaps we wouldn’t be having this conversation}    


“You’re nothing but a coward! You left this world to die and brand me a villain while I try to fix it!”    


{Do you really want to lie to someone who has seen this coming for centuries? It wasn’t my fault that this world became the way it is. All of this was your plan from the beginning. Don’t be angry at me because it failed, because you failed}    


Uriel kept yelling at Nataroth but she was soon ignored. Madaline deactivated her barrier and watched with no remorse as she was reduced to nothing but a head spouting curses. The impaled Thiton was taken too. Together, they headed for the heavenly court. The spirit world soon became deserted.    


“I’m sorry we ruined your home, Maowry.”    


“You can’t ruin the spirit world if I’m here. Why do you think I suggested that the resurrection happen here?”    


They snapped their fingers and the spirit world began to repair at a visible rate. The spirit world was created on Maowry’s imagination so it could be shaped any how they desired.    


“Now, let’s go see what mother will do.”    


On reaching the heavenly court, it was pure chaos. The ascended gods that participated in the killing of the original gods were being dragged out forcibly by the vengeful original gods. They stood by and watched as it happened, feeling sorry for the original gods. Quene was the only one who came forward willingly, kneeling at Nataroth’s feet.    


Upon ascension back to the heavenly court, all the angels came to life. They surrounded Nataroth, covered in her slowly recovering holy light. The dress Natalia wore changed into Nataroth’s essence filled white dress. Her crown was back on her head and she sat on her throne, exactly where she belonged.    


{I have no idea that my home has become such a disgrace. No wonder we were regarded as the lowest of worlds. I couldn’t be more disappointed}    


“Forgive us, mother! We did it because Uriel and Thiton asked us to!” The gods begged for mercy. They were silenced when their lips became smooth sealed flesh. The one responsible for such magic was Lerone, the goddess of Order.    


{Your crimes are grave but I will leave you to be judged properly. Lerone, I leave this in your hands}    


“Yes, mother,” she bowed, taking them away. She turned her gaze to half the world and sighed. If she was any later, it would have been irreversible.    


{We must heal our world and restore order. There are many things that will change but this is a decision we need to make for the good of the world. Rise, my children. Let us begin}    


Rather than magic or world order, the gods began to pour their essence into the world. Because they were all core concepts, they were able to rebuild and even restore what had become damaged or corrupted. Mortals felt the powers of the gods wash over them that day and even if they didn’t realize it, a new timeline was being created, one that would minimize the damage of taking out all the ascended gods.    


There were two unaffected by this yet they were needed to make it complete. Inside a volcano, deep in the ocean, the god that had taken him away and Marvis sat across each other. Even though the volcano was inhospitable, even for someone with magic, he sat on lava like it was sand. Below them, a white magic circle constantly rotated with several magic symbols.    


{Nature can be mundane but it can also be eccentric. To complete this ritual, all you have to do is call my name}    


“Will I get to see her again?”    


{I promise you. The situation might be much different from what you intended but yes, you will see her again.}    


“Then, on this day, I make my word my bond and bind myself to the god of nature, Egerth.”    


{Excellent. From now on, we have become one}    


From inside the cave, an orange light spread, enveloping the world in its totality. This light completed the spell of the gods and the new timeline could finally begin.    


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