The Shinobi of Straw Hats

152. Self-Proclaimed Straw Hat Grand Fleet

152. Self-Proclaimed Straw Hat Grand Fleet

0Fujitora find him, so Jon get out from his hiding under the ground. The Marines point their weapons at Jon, but he didn't care and just walk to Fujitora.      4

"You really won't try to capture us today?"-Jon     

"Don't worry, i am true to my words. Yesterday we also have the same result, and we don't do anything even when we can do it easily."-Fujitora     

"That's good, then i will thank you in advance."-Jon     

Jon take a chair and sit in the opposite side of Fujitora's table.     

"Why'd you do that yesterday?"-Jon     

"What did i do?"-Fujitora     

"You know what i mean."-Jon     

"I simply do what i must do. WG approved the Sichibukai system, so i can't fight at the Heavenly Demon's side. But i know that this country is suffering, so i don't fight your side too. What i could do was protecting the citizens from the war effect."-Fujitora     

"Because it is always the citizens that suffer from a war? Heeh, i thought that Admiral didn't have any humanity left in them, it seems i'm wrong."-Jon     

"A pirate is talking about humanity, what a joke-dara."-Bastille     

"Oh, Vice Admiral Bastille, i see you've replace your mask."-Jon smirk     

"Hmph, i won't lose next time."-Bastille     

"Yeah, like i won't get stronger myself, hahaha. Anyway, i'll walk around this country again. I hope that tomorrow we still have strong luck, i don't want to put shame on many Marines officers."-Jon     


Jon suddenly vanish with a pop of smoke. It is his Shadow Clone that he send to spy the Marines. Even Jon won't take a risk to meet an Admiral and many officers by himself.     

"Where'd he go-dara?"-Bastille     

"He's never here, that was just his clone."-Fujitora     

"Damn, just how many abilities did he have-dara?"-Bastille     

Jon receive the memory of his shadow clone. He is hiding far away from the Marine camp after he found it. He smile and continue his tour around Dressrosa while helping some people.     

"Mr. Jon, i am Tank, King Riku's personal guard. Please, can you help us to prepare grave for the victims? I heard that you can control earth to some extent."-Tank     

"Sure, show me the way."-Jon     

Jon follow Tank to where they'll make the grave. They will dig a big hole to burry all the victims in one place. Jon ask them to put all the coffins on the ground where they'll be burried. They do as Jon ask, then Jon make some hand seals.     

"Is everyone ready?"-Jon     


"Doton: Moving Earth Core."-Jon     

The earth where the coffins placed suddenly move down. Nothing changed except the moving earth that create a big hole. After confirming everyone is ready, Jon cover the hole with wood floor instead of earth.     

"Why'd you make the cover from wood?"-King Riku     

"Because of this. Mokuton: Modified Four Pillar House."-Jon     

Jon create an empty building that shaped like a Japanese shrine complete with the Tori gate & some wood statues & ornaments. Everyone there are amazed, but confused, so Jon explain it to them.     

"You can put the victims name on a plate, then place it inside. This is a shrine, and i didn't know other design, sorry. You can rebuild the place to your preference after you finish reconstructing the country."-Jon scratch his cheek     

"Ooh, so it's like that. Basically it is the substitute for gravestone or monument. We don't have any problem with that, and your design is not bad."-King Riku     

Jon then grow some Sakura trees around the building. He buy the seeds from the system, and they're cheap. After finishing the grave, Jon go back to Kyros's house. He will left the families to mourn their passing loved ones.     

Jon continue his training while waiting Luffy & Law to recover. They need to rest for 2 days at least, so tomorrow they can leave. The RA though, can't stay here even a day longer. They have left Dressrosa after finishing their business, because they're more wanted than the Straw Hats.     

2 days later, they prepare to leave & meet the others at Zou. The Marine have decide to capture them after 3 days of waiting, so they need to leave. The other fighters have recovered and plan to leave today too. They go to the port that has been prepared far away from the legal port.     

Suddenly Luffy leave to the castle to find Rebecca. Kyros had sent a letter at her to act like stranger. He didn't want to be with his daughter because he had killed many people. He is worried that he will taint her with his sins.     

"Oi old man, Luffy has gone to meet Rebecca. You know what he will ask from her, and i'm sure he will succeed."-Jon     

"Then i need to leave, i want her to live a good life."-Kyros     

"Don't be stupid! A good life for a child is not live in a luxury alone. What she need is you, not a Princess title, money, or even a fake Prince as her father. You love her, but she also love you. A child did not inherit the father's sin, and if you're dirty, then wash it. If you're afraid of tainting her with your sin, then make sure she won't do what you do. If you love her, then take care of her with everything you have."-Jon     

Jon didn't wait and leave immediately, it's Kyros's decision. Jon just say his opinion, and he just want to say something cool.     

'Hmm, i think that line is cool, but my emotion is still lacking. I said what i felt, but i can't show it well, so people will not get convinced easily. Hmm, it seem i lack a Main Character's most important power.'-Jon     

"What are you thinking?"-Zoro     

"My greatest weakness."-Jon have a smug expression     

"Why are you so proud of that?"-Zoro sweatdrop at him     

They continue their way while waiting for Luffy. Sometime later, Luffy catch up to them and they run faster. They also meet with the other fighters on their way. They almost arrive at the coast, but someone troublesome is waiting them.     

Fujitora is waiting them, and while the others want to run & avoid trouble, the Straw Hats want to fight him, especially Luffy. They don't want to run away again just because of an Admiral.     

Luffy immediately go to confront Fujitora, and the Straw Hats let him do it. The other fighters try to stop Luffy, but the Straw Hats know it's impossible. Luffy fight Fujitora while saying what he'll do, because he always want to fight fairly.     

Even so, Luffy is still not Fujitora's match. Then Fujitora attack with same attack he used to defeat Jon. Altough this attack have smaller power, but it still enough to stop Luffy.     

Zoro want to switch with Luffy & fight with Fujitora now. Jon think it's enough, he just let Luffy do it so he'll know their gap with an Admiral now. So Jon tell Zoro that they need to leave, and Hajrudin grab Luffy to leave.     

They go to the made up port that have a long floating bridge with ships beside it. While they run on the bridge, the sky start to become dark. They look up and see a lot of rubbles from Dressrosa are floating on top of them.     

"Fujitora huh? Hmm, what's the perfect jutsu to protect the ships those rubbles? The problem is there are too many ships & rubbles."-Jon     

"Nonono, the problem is not that."-Fighters     

"Just let me cut them."-Zoro     

"Even if you cut them, they'll still fall on the ships. Just let me think for a while!"-Jon     

Suddenly a lot of people are running toward them. They're Dressrosa's citizens, and they seem to be angry at Luffy. They demand him to return their Princess Rebecca to them.     

Jon is confused to why they ask that, but then he see them running while smiling. They sound angry, but they have happy expression instead. Now Jon understand why they do it.     

"They want to stop Fujitora from dropping the rubbles at us."-Jon     

"What do you mean?"-Luffy     

"If Fujitora drop it while they're here, he will kill those people. Fujitora won't do that, and they know it."-Jon     

The Straw Hats and fighters go to Yontamaria's main ship. It's the biggest ship in here that have enough room for the giant. They sit on the main deck, and suddenly Bartolomeo take some small sake cups and a big one.     

He give the small ones to the fighters and the big one for Luffy. The fighters suddenly sit and crossing their legs. Then Bartolomeo take a big sake bottle and pour it to every cups.     

There are seven groups among them, the Beautiful Pirates, Barto Club, Happo Navy, XXX Gym Martial Arts Alliance, Tonta Corps, New Giant Warrior Pirates, and Yonta Maria Grand Fleet. They all suddenly pledged to become subordinate to the Straw Hats and serve them.     

"With these sake cups, we pledge to become the subordinates of Straw Hat pirate and become father & sons. Luffy-senpai will be the Father, and we will be the sons."-Bartolomeo     

"Sake cups? DON'T WANNA."-Luffy     


"As i thought."-Zoro     

"Hmm, what a waste of good sake, let's just drink it."-Jon     

"That's a good idea."-Zoro     

The fighter groups got stunned and ask why Luffy refused. Luffy just didn't like to be an important person and just want to be the Pirate King. Everyone except the Straw Hats are confused to their bones.     

Luffy then explain that he don't want to command anyone. He explain that they can help each other without becoming leader and subordinates. Bartolomeo seem to get what Luffy mean by he don't want to be an important person.     

"Now i know, Luffy-senpai's reason to be the Pirate King. For him, being a Pirate King is to be free, freedom."-Bartolomeo cry     

Suddenly their ships got attacked by many ships. Jon look at it and see there are many pirate ships. Jon conclude that they have some deals with Doflamingo and his defeat ruin all of it. Jon know the Yontamaria fleet can take care of them, so he just relaxed and see the funny prosession.     

The fighter groups laugh and finally decide to do as they please like Luffy too. They drink their cups of sake and vow to be Straw Hats subordinates. They do it without asking Luffy or the Straw Hats at all, and they say it's their freedom.     

Luffy become dumbfounded and he's angry when he find out that the big sake cup has been emptied. The Straw Hats have drank it and it's really tasty. Jon even note the brand so he can buy it in the future.     

Luffy is angry, but he instantly forget about it when he smell a good food. He leave to check the food and Jon also join him. Luffy climb the big roasted fish, and Usopp scold him. Jon also pull Luffy down, it's inappropriate to put your foot on your food.     

"Hmm? We're about to sail?"-Luffy     

"Yosh, Big Boss has give an order to sail."-Orlombus interpret Luffy's word to his liking     


They all start to sail from Dressrosa and start partying. Fujitora also didn't drop the rubbles to them, but to the attacking pirates. With that, the Straw Hat Grand Fleet (self-proclaimed) has been formed.     

After they draw the Division Number, the party continue. They have party for some hours, before they prepare to split. The Straw Hats will go with Barto Club toward Zou. Before they all split, Jon gather all the Grand Fleet Captains.     

"Hear me, you guys! I don't care if you claim yourself as Straw Hat Grand Fleet. You can do what you want for all i care, but i have 3 rules that you always need to follow. If you didn't follow this, i will come to you and kill you myself. You know that i have the capability to do it."-Jon     

Jon release his Conqueror Haki & combine it with his genjutsu to make them more scared to him. They all nod and Jon tell them his only rule.     

"You can do what you want as pirates or anything, but follow these. Never kill civilians, never hurt or even kill children, and lastly, never capture and sell slaves."-Jon     

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