The Shinobi of Straw Hats

150. Final Boss

150. Final Boss

2Zoro fly toward Pica's massive stone golem and use his attack. He cut through Pica stone golem's stomach in one swing. Jon grin, but Doflamingo & Trebol is unhappy, while Law is surprised.      1

"As i thought, he can do something like this now."-Jon     

Zoro continue his attack and cut Pica stone golem's upper body in half.     

"Damn, he don't want to let Pica touch the ground."-Trebol     

"Heeh, he use his head, how rare of him."-Jon     

Zoro cut the stone golem's left arm, then he cut the arm into some pieces. Jon then see Pica come out from one stone piece. Then Zoro jump to meet Pica, and they get ready to fight.     

Pica cover his whole body with Haki and attack Zoro. Zoro also jump and spin his swords before they clash. The clash, and Zoro's attack is faster and his haki is stronger. He defeat Pica in one attack, injuring Pica badly.     

"The only executive left is just you, snotty old man. Also, my Captain seem to have finish his business down there."-Jon     

"MINGO!"-Luffy scream with rage in his voice     

"Fufufu, the beast is roaring."-Doflamingo     

Luffy jump up to the castle and immediately attack Doflamingo. He didn't even look around to realize that Jon is there. Jon just sigh and go to hold Trebol from interfering the fight.     

"Eh, Jon, you're here."-Luffy finally realize Jon is there     

"Have you steel your resolve? Not fighting Bellamy when he want to fight is just insulting him. A man's pride is not something that you can take lightly. Luffy, this is the New World, this is why we train for 2 years, don't falter that easily and pull yourself together!"-Jon     

"....I know."-Luffy     

"Good, i will take this snotty old man away from here, so fight as you please."-Jon     

Jon look at Law, and he nod his head, then suddenly Jon & Trebol disappeared. Law use his technique to send them down from the castle. Jon & Trebol is now in the castle's lower floor.     

"AAAH, DAMN LAW!"-Trebol     

"You're so noisy old man. Stop whining like a kid! Your voice is annoying."-Jon     

"You, i will kill you and then kill Law myself."-Trebol     

"In your dream."-Jon     

Jon use his lightning mode and take out his swords.     

"Kusanagi: Chidorigatana! Inari: Vacuum Blade!"-Jon     

Jon fuse Chidori in his Kusanagi, and make a Vacuum Blade on his Inari. These are 2 good jutsus, and make a good combination. He will finish this fight fast, and leave to help the others. There might be more enemies waiting afterall.     

Suddenly black reddish lightning effect created on the sky. It is a Conqueror haki clash, and Jon know whose conquerors are those. Jon & Trebol look up to the castle top floor where the conqueror clash happen.     

"Wha- Doffy! Then, the other Conqueror user is..."-Trebol is speechless     

"Good, you've become serious, Luffy."-Jon smirk     

".... Hahahaha, Straw Hat is not Doffy's opponent. Doffy has been chosen by the heaven, he is the real King."-Trebol     

"The real King chosen by heaven? You sure are delusional. Don't say what the heaven have choose when you never see the heaven yourself. I will defeat you soon, and don't worry, because 'Doffy' will join you. Then maybe, you will see the heaven that you always said."-Jon     

"Cut the crap, none of you will leave this place alive."-Trebol     

Trebol attack Jon with his muccus attacks. Jon avoid the attacks hastily, he doesn't want to touch someone's muccus. Then he concentrate on his chidori and vacuum blade, then cross his blade to the side of his body.     

"Nitoryu: Demon's Retribution!"-Jon     

Jon flashed toward Trebol and slashed his swords up diagonally. The attack cut through Trebol's big muccus body and slash his small real body. This guy is very old and skinny, so he use his muccus power to support himself.     


"Your fake big muccus body will not fool my eyes, idiot."-Jon     

All of Trebol's muccus that cover his body drop to the ground. Trebol get a very bad wound and will lose consciousness easily. The almost faint Trebol desperately put fire to his muccus.     

"Hahaha, die!"-Trebol lit the muccus and it explode.     

"SHIT!"-Jon widen his eyes     

The explosion happen so fast with all the muccus spreading. Jon is so close to the explosion source that he didn't have time to react. Jon immediately tense his muscle to use tekkai, then cover his whole body with haki. He has no time to use susanoo to protect himself.     

The explosion send Jon fly backward and hit the Castle wall. Jon broke the castle wall and get into a room. He is injured because he hasn't covered his whole body with haki yet. But he has covered the front, so the explosion didn't injure him badly.     

"Shit, that old dude is crazy. "-Jon     

Jon get up and heal himself first, then he get out to check Trebol.     

"Hmm, he's not dead, maybe in coma. Tch, make me waste chakra to heal myself."-Jon     

Jon leave without killing Trebol, it will just be a waste of time. Even without Jon killing him, he can die by himself. There's no need to help him if he can do it alone.     

Jon go to the Flower Hill and see some Tontattas are there too. It seem they're succeed to save the Princess. Just when Jon arrive, Luffy suddenly jump from the top floor and throw the weakened Law to the Flower Hill.     

Robin make a net to catch Law, but Doflamingo try to attack Law & Robin. He is set dead to kill Law for some reason, that he will also kill Robin if she protect Law. Jon immediately flicker in front of Robin and make some hand seals.     

"Mokuton: Wood Locking Wall!"-Jon     

A half wood dome is created and protect them from Doflamingo's string bullets attack.     

"Hmm? Demon Eyes, where's Trebol?"-Doflamingo seem angry     

"Well, he need a doctor, that's for sure. You better bring him to hospital fast."-Jon smirk     

Doflamingo get enraged, and Jon can even hear his veins popping. Luffy though, didn't take chance and attack Doflamingo. Luffy push him back, and they return to the top floor to fight.     

Jon & Robin bring Law & his severed arm to the others. Cavendish also suddenly wake up from Jon's sleeping drug because of the loud sound. They need to leave because of the danger, but Law refuse to leave.     

Law say that he has waited for 13 years to see Doflamingo's defeat. He will stay here, because if Luffy die, he will die too. He want to see Doflamingo's defeat by himself and will face the danger with Luffy.     

Cavendish that has just woke up didn't know what happen, but he's pissed because he didn't do much today. Cavendish decide to stay here with Law and protect him. The other decide to leave, because staying here will only hinderimg Luffy.     

"At least stitch your arm first, let the blood flow to your severed arm."-Jon     

"Just leave it! You can't waste time here."-Law     

"I don't take order from you. Leo, please."-Jon     


Leo the Tontatta use his power to stitch Law's arm back. Jon just about to use his medical jutsu, when the Tontatta Princess offer her help. Apparently, she have a healing power from her devil fruit. She can heal Law's arm and it's rather fast too.     

After that, they all leave the Flower Hills. Jon ask Bartolomeo that still admiring Zoro's work on Pica's stone golem to make a stair. He gladly do it, and they all get down from there.     

Suddenly they hear a louud explosion from the city below and look at it. Jon has realize what is that after seeing a glimpse of flash in the corner of his eyes. That is Doflamingo that being fling at fast speed from the top floor.     

"What is that?"-Kyros     

"That's Doflamingo, it must be Luffy's doing."-Jon     

Jon see something on the sky and look at it. He's can't believe with what he see that he need to wipe his eyes. He's not wrong, and what he see is really Luffy. But Luffy is so fat and round, with Haki covering his body.     

"What's that form? His new technique?"-Jon     

"Is that Luffy?"-Robin     

"Yeah, must be his new technique. But it must have a restriction, because he didn't use it since earlier."-Jon     

"Maybe it's like when he use Gear 2nd & 3rd for the first time."-Robin     

"Yeah, altough i doubt it's his physical power that restrain him. So it must be his haki, his haki reserve will depleted if he use it for too long."-Jon     

"Wouldn't that deplet his physical energy too?"-Robin     

"Hmm, that's possible. So Luffy must defeat that bird fast, and he must've believe he can do it if he use this technique."-Jon     

They keep going to the King Plateu to meet the others. Jon look at the sky and see the birdcage is closing faster. Doflamingo must have speed it up after all his executives get defeated.     

'Kid, do you want me to destroy that thing?'-Kurama     

'No, i will not reveal your power to the world yet. We even hide your full power from our friends in RA. Luffy will defeat that guy before everything end, so there's no need to worry.'-Jon     

'If that's what you want.'-Kurama     

Jon didn't want to expose Kurama to the world yet. He's worried people will want to get Kurama, like what happen in Naruto world, especially the WG & Yonkou. Jon know that he & his crewmates are still not ready to fight all those big powers at once.     

They might've opposing WG in Enies Lobby, but the WG aren't dead set to destroy them. Jon know WG is capable of destroying their crew anytime. It's just that they do not think of their crew alone, and so are the Yonkou.     

But if Kurama is exposed, it will be a different story. The world might see him as monster, but the big force will see him as weapon. That's what Jon want to avoid, because the big forces will come for them with anything they have.     

Jon has thought of when he will expose Kurama. It's when the have take down an Emperor. It will means that they're strong enough to be an Emperor crew too. Then, there's nothing to be afraid of, not even the world.     

Jon & co keep going to the King Plateu, and Jon eat some chakra pills to replenish his chakra. The war hasn't end yet until Doflamingo is defeated. So it's all on Luffy now if he can defeat Doflamingo, and the Straw Hats believe he can.     

King Riku say something again using the broadcast. He ask people to help the ones that try to slow the Birdcage closing. Jon & co decide to help holding the Birdcage. Mansherry decide to use her power to heal the injured ones, altough temporarily.     

They run toward the Birdcage to slow it down. Jon didn't worried about Luffy running out of energy, because he see Sabo is going there. Now he need to help slowing down the Birdcage from closing with his remaining energy.     

Jon split with the others and go to the empty side. There is a side where the haki users are, then the SMILE factory, and where Bartolomeo will use his barrier to be pushed. Jon go to the empty side, so it will hold from every side.     

When he arrive there, Jon immediately activate his mangekyou. He activate his Susanoo humanoid full form. Then Jon slam all 4 of his Susanoo hands to the strings.     

The Birdcage stop for a moment, but then it move again. Altough it move again, it got noticeably slower than before. But Jon know he can't maintain the Susanoo for too long with his remaining chakra.     

"Kurama, i think i'll need your chakra."-Jon     

'Sure, but why don't you try to cut it?'-Kurama     

"Oh, that's worth a try."-Jon     

""WE'VE COME TO HELP.""-People     


Jon look down and he see many people have come. They push his Susanoo's feet to help him hold the birdcage. They can't touch the sharp strings without haki, so they push Jon's Susanoo that they can touch.     

"Shit, now i can't move or i will crush them."-Jon sweatdrop     

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