The Shinobi of Straw Hats

35. Norland The Liar

35. Norland The Liar

1The crew arrived on the port but they saw many pirates ship there. The trio coward want to deny that those were pirates ship but Jon point the skull flags and they start trembling. They even saw some people fight on the port, and someone got beaten up.     3

Luffy and Zoro got down, and Jon also got down. Like usual Jon will move alone to find information first, and because this place is full of pirates, that means he need to be 'kind' when gathering information. Jon make clones and spread to all directions. This place is almost lawless, and full of pirates. They will not answer his question just because he ask, so he didn't need to be that careful when asking them.     

Jon and his clone spread and catching many pirates that seem to know something. He simply used genjutsu sharingan to make them spill the beans. But of course, Jon didn't forget about their money. Be it the money they bring or in their ship.     

"Damn, these guys are useless. They just think that sky island is myth and never search for it's existence. But at least they have some money, this money is a waste for them anyway, so i'll take it, hehe"-Jon     

Jon continue his information gathering and finally found something.     

"So there are people that have heard about sky island, there's also seem to be a way to go there, but these guys didn't know the way and didn't care. But there's a rumour of someone that knew. Sigh, at least i found someone that might know how to go up there. I'll tell the crew first."-Jon     

Jon then come back to the ship, and he saw Luffy, Zoro and Nami on the way. Luffy and Zoro seem bleeding, there's also a big man sitting in front of them while eating his pies. Jon surprised seeing that man, he have gather information and know who that guy is. The man suddenly slam his sake bottle and shout,     


The people there start laughing at him, but he just look at Luffy. Luffy also stare back at him and then they just go on their way. Meanwhile, Jon only have one thought.     

'Damn, that's a cool line, and slamming a bottle give a better effect. But that guy and his friends are dangerous, Luffy and Zoro also seem to notice them.'-Jon     

Jon saw some people also looking at the scene and leave following the man earlier. He decide to go back to the ship, but he still leave his clones to gather information. When he arrive there, Nami is grumping and look very angry about Luffy and Zoro that didn't fight back when some pirates mock, laugh and attack them because they talk about sky island.     

"Oh, so that's why you got hurt"-Jon     


"Gathering information. But Nami, did you know why they don't fight back?"-Jon     


Nami then tell him the story and Jon understand it now.     

"Sigh, Nami, what are you fighting for?"-Jon     

"Huh? What do you mean?"-Nami     

"You fight to reach your dream right? So what will you do when someone laugh and mock your dream?"-Jon     

"Then i'll prove it to them."-Nami     

"That's right, you prove it, not beat them up. People say that if you fight back it will only prove them right."-Jon     

"Hmph, but if they got punch they must fight back."-Nami     

"What's with you? Before you said don't fight, now fight."-Zoro     

"What'd you say Zoro?"-Nami     

"Hmm, so it's your fault too. You know Luffy will always do what he promise."-Jon     


"Looks like a lot have happened"-Robin     

"Robin, where are you?"-Nami     

"Shopping, and gathering information. Here, a map of this island!"-Robin     

She throw a map to Luffy, and they look at it.     

"So you found out about Montblanc Cricket too?"-Jon     

"Ara, you know?"-Robin     

"Of course, my speciality is finding information. But those guys are really useless, they don't know and don't even want to know about sky island. Damn, how could they not become curious? It's sky island, an island and sea on the sky. Sigh..."-Jon     

"Yosh, let's go and ask that guy about sky island."-Luffy     

They go to the other side of the island to ask Montblanc Cricket a way to sky island. While they're on their way to the other side of the island, Jon decide to tell something.     

"Ah Luffy, i also got an important information. That big guy you meet earlier at the street, he is Blackbeard. The guy that Ace had search in Alabasta, also the one that attack drum island."-Jon     


"There are 5 people in their crew, also Usopp, it seem the one that shot those seagull is his member. I saw him shot some birds again afterall. What will you do Luffy? Just telling you but, we're not strong enough to fight them. But if you want to fight, just tell me, i'll never back down."-Jon     

Luffy become more serious and think about it for a while before answering.     

"Let him be, he is Ace's target. Ace has his own adventure, and we have our own. We will not meddle in his business if he didn't bother us. Ace will not be happy if we do what he need to do."-Luffy     


When they almost arrived at the other side of the island, they met a strange ship with strange crew and strange captain that look like orangutan. But they're actually orangutan pirates. There's monkey earlier, now orangutan. This guy's name is Shoujou, he keep rambling and want to show off his power to the crew, but they didn't care.     

When Luffy accidentally say that they beat Mashira, the orangutan become angry and take a microphone. Then he make a high frequency voice and the ship start to break, but it's his own ship. The crew decide to leave those idiots, but then Merry also start to break because of the voice. Merry can't take more damage so they move away quickly.     

After they leave, they arrive at the other side of Jaya. There, they saw a big castle on the coast, but Jon feel something is amiss, so he use sharingan.     

"Huh? That's only a board"-Jon     


They got down and see that it's really a board that got drawn as a castle. On the back of it, is a small house that looks like being cutted in half. Luffy just barge in to the house without asking at all. Robin tell the crew what she heard about Cricket, he's someone that say Jaya have golds and search it. Nami immediately fired up and order Chopper to dig.     

"Wait Nami, if the gold is in the ground, Cricket must've gotten all of them, his house is here afterall."-Jon     

"Ah, t-that's right"-Nami     

"Actually i heard that that the golds is underwater, in the sea. That, if the gold is really true. Because i heard that he is a descendant of 'Norland the Liar'."-Jon     

"Norland the Liar?"-Sanji     

"Oh, you know him Sanji?"-Nami     

"Well, it's a story from North Blue, and i was born there."-Sanji     

"Ah, there's a picture book about Norland here."-Nami     

Nami read the book and the other listening to her. Basically, Norland is an adventurer, and he often tell people his story which seem like a brag and lie. Then someday he tell the King that he found a city full of gold. So the King make a journey there but they found nothing. So Norland got executed but he say that the city must be drowned in the sea.     

"And that liar, can never be a brave man of the sea"-Nami look at Usopp     


Suddenly they heard Luffy scream and he got drowned, then a man with hair like a chestnut come out from the sea. Jon immediately flickered and jump to the sea, while Sanji fight the man. Jon come out with Luffy and see Sanji fight the man but he suddenly fall on his own.     

"He must be Cricket, even his hair looks like Norland on the book"-Jon     

The crew bring him to his house and Chopper check him. He said Cricket got the sickness because he's diving too often. Suddenly, the two monkeys come to the house after hearing a gunshot. They saw the crew inside and when Luffy say they taking care of Cricket they believe easily. Luffy go out and talk like friends with them.     

Sometime later, Cricket wake up and look at the crew. After knowing that the crew help him, he thank them and apologize. He thought that they're after his gold. Luffy didn't care about it and just ask a way to sky island. Cricket laugh that someone want to go there, then he said that only Norland know a way there, but he's known as a liar.     

Cricket start his story about Norland that passed down in his family. He is actually the most honest man, even tough the people didn't believe him, but his family always believe him. That's why after many generations, his family still trying to found gold city to clear the family name.     

But Cricket isn't one of them, he's fed up with how his family getting treated by people, so he go and become a pirates. But then he arrive at this island and decide to find the truth of Norland words, even when his crew leave him. Then the monkeys come 5 years ago and just follow him.     

"Why is that?"-Luffy     

"Stop it Luffy! There must be an emotional reason for it"-Usopp     

"They're fans of that picture book"-Cricket     

"More importantly old man, i want to know a way to sky island."-Luffy     

Cricket then take a log book, it's Norland's log book and search for sky island record. Nami read it and they all become estatic hearing sky island is real. Cricket got out and ask the monkeys if they want to help the crew, which they happily agree.     

Then the crew go out and meet Cricket and the monkeys. Cricket tell them the way to go up and also the story about the darkness at daytime because it's related.     

"Wait old man, that cloud always there for hundreds of years and it always obstruct the sunlight. Then, could it be that thing is so much denser than any cloud. But if a cloud didn't disperse or become rain, it means the cloud won't turn into water. Is it crystalized there, or something obstruct it's process to become rain?."-Jon     

They all think about it, but some people just give up. Well, only Jon, Nami, Robin and Cricket think about that. Suddenly Jon got a shocking theory.     

"Wait, could it be the sky island is that cloud? The only thing that can fly up in the sky and become an island is cloud. It's very wide, but it need to be solid. That's why it can obstruct sunlight, because it's very solid. Sunlight can't passed a solid object except it's transparent. And that giant shadow, i think it's sky people."-Jon     

"REALLY? YAHOO"-Luffy     

"D-do you mean sky people is monsters like that?"-Usopp     

"No long nose-kun, if what Mr Ninja said is right, then that giant shadow is the shadow of sky people. Maybe they have normal size like us, but because they're closer to the sunlight, their shadow become much bigger"-Robin     

"If my theory is right, then when the sky is dark at daytime, it's the time when the sky island is right above us. So when the knock up stream happen at that time, if we ride it, we'll arrive there."-Jon     

The other become more estatic hearing this, but then Cricket drop a bad news.     

"But if your theory is wrong then you'll fall to the sea from thousands meters up there."-Cricket     

"Well, that's why it's called a theory, not a fact. It can always be wrong."-Jon     

Now Usopp freak out an ask Luffy to cancel their plan but of course Luffy will not hear that. Then Usopp, out of fear start to question Cricket and accusing his motives, he even bring Norland. But Cricket just stay silent and loom very calm.     

"The knock up stream will happen at the south from here. Maybe it's not 100% but it the possibility is high. I'm happy to meet idiots like you guys after a long time. Now, let's eat in my house."-Cricket     

Cricket didn't correcting or object Usopp's word. He just tell them about the knock up stream. To believe or not, it's up to them.     

"Nami, am i that much of a coward?"-Usopp     

"That's right, and also idiot. Don't forget to apologize."-Nami     

Usopp then cry and apologize to Cricket, but the scene is really funny, because Cricket didn't like Usopp's nose touching his body. Then of course, they party.     

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