The Shinobi of Straw Hats

2. OMG!! A GIANT!!

2. OMG!! A GIANT!!

3Jono have arrived on his new world, and now he is laying on the ground.     

"Ugh, damn, that's really hurts. Hmm, am i inside a forest?"-Jono clutch his head that feel hurt     

Jono looks around and see trees, trees everywhere. Then he look at his appearance, he wore a blue jean short pants and a loose black t shirt. And he doesn't look that tall?     

"Hmm, isn't Sung Jin-Woo a tall guy? Maybe 180/190+cm? Then why'd i feel like my height is barely 160 then? System?"-Jono     

[Host, this is Sung Jin-Woo height at your age now. And he grow up that tall after his re-awakening. So to reach that height, host need to train first. And your height will come with age too.]     

"Well, that's makes sense. Alright, i'll look around the area first. Then i'll decide my next step. I feel like i know what this place is, but i can't remember it. Sigh, i can't do anything about it, so i guess i need to survive in this place first coz i don't know anything about this world."-Jono     

He start to walk around the forest to look for anything that he might need. The forest look normal for him like a tropical forest near his house in the past. He looks for some fruits or maybe small animals that he can catch while exploring.     

He's not some pussy that can't kill some animal to eat, sure he doesn't kill pet or animal randomly, but livestock are meant to be killed and eat right? And now he will need to kill some animal to survive, surely he'll do it.     

As a village boy he helped his dad cut some chicken's, lamb's, even rabbit's head in the past. He even eat some grasshoppers but, doesn't taste that good. He's not a picky eater, but bugs are in his bottom list of food, even for survival.     

"There're some fruits there, but i don't know if it's edible. Even i don't know if chicken in this world isn't poisonous. Heck maybe there're no chicken here. Shit, why'd GOD didn't give me some basic knowledge about this world?"-Jono suddenly got frustated     

[Ding! You've got a message from GOD.]     

'Yo Jon, or maybe Jon-kun? Whatever, i will give you a starter pack, some basic skill like language, camping, and simple cooking to survive in that forest. Also, i'll give you basic knowledge about that world so you won't feel lost after i erased your memory about that world. And don't worry, i already arrange something so you won't die in your first 2 years. Oh, don't forget to check the system in case you forget. Ok then, ciao, i'll contact you if i need anything, but you can't contact me, hehehe, kidding.- GOD'     

[Ding! Receive a starter pack x1!     

Ding! Receive basic skill: language, cooking, camping!     

Ding! Receive world basic knowledge!     

Ding! All item are saved in inventory!]     

"System, turn off the 'Ding!' notification except for emergency or when i ask for it, it's kinda annoying."-Jono     

[Yes, host]     

"System, accept basic skill and basic knowledge!"-Jono     

[Transfering information...10%...25%...50%...86%...92%...100%. Transfer succes]     

"Ugh, it hurts, shit. Should've take it one by one."-Jono     

Jono clutch his head, now he know that receiving a lot of information at once hurting his brain. Luckily it's finished quickly or he will faint if it's too long. Now he know a little about this world. A world with vast seas, there're 7 seas in total. 4 blues (north, south, west, and east blue) and 2 part of grandline (paradise, and new world), and Calm Belt that have many parts, but counted as 1.     

"This world is based on sea, there's no continent, just islands. Every powerhouse try to conquer the sea. World Government (WG), Marines, Pirates, and Revolutionary Army. Kingdoms are powerhouses too, but they control islands under the banner of WG, so they're a part of WG's. And there're devil fruits that grant super natural power to people. People's power in this world are a lot higher than earth. Also this language, it's Japanese."-Jono     

He stay silent, trying to comprehend all the information he just received. Then it clicks him.     

"!!!! JAPANESE?!"-Jono     

"Am I in the anime world? Oh that must be it, but GOD erased it so i don't remember. Wait, if i speak Japanese, i can say all those anime and manga catch phrase right?!! HAHAHAHA, THIS IS IT, MY TIME HAS COME , HAHAHA!! *cough-cough-cough* Shit, i'm too excited. But hey, finally i can say all those cool lines, huehuehuehue."-Jono said with a perverted smile.     

"DAGA KOTOWARU!"-Jon imitate Rohan     

Jon try to look & sound cool, but he can't hide his excited smile     

"Oh that's right, System, open starter pack!"-Jono     

[Opening Starter pack!     

Congratulation, you receive:     

Basic camp kit x1     

Basic cooking kit x1     

Basic survival book x1     

Sandwich x10     

Water x10 pouch     

Grandline (paradise) map x1     

Basic chakra control scroll x1     

Clone jutsu scroll x1     

Substitusion jutsu scroll x1     

Transformation jutsu scroll x1     

Basic shuriken jutsu scroll x1     

Basic kunai jutsu scroll x1     

Basic konoha taijutsu scroll x1     

Basic genjutsu x1     

Shuriken x10 pack     

Kunai x10 pack     

Paper bomb x10 stack     

Wire string x5     

Ninja bag x2     

Anbu clothes x1     

Chakra paper x1     

Storage scroll small x5     

Sakura's soldiers pills x10     

Sharingan 1 tomoe]     

"...Well, that's a lot. Wait no, it's basic things from academy except some extra like sharingan, anbu clothes, storage scroll, and sakura's soldiers pill.... Hell no, i'm not gonna eat that except my life depend on that. Even Naruto can't eat that thing, and he ate bugs soup on Mt. Monbyoku. Hais, he even give me clone jutsu not shadow clone. But i guess it's decent for now when i don't even know how to use my chakra. Heck i can't even feel it now. Alright, i guess i'll check some places to make camp first. Now i know i can't catch random animals in this world. They're stronger and smarter than earth's animals."-Jono     

Jono starts to walk around, looking for suitable place to build his camp. He doesn't forget to look for fruits or mushroom that look edible or small animals that he can catch. After walking for sometime he gets some fruits, but he can't find an animal at all.     

Then he come accros a river, it looks very clean. He took a pot from his inventory and take some water with it. He'll gonna boil it later, yeah he get some water before but it will eventually run out, so he need to save more.     

He wanna swim in the river but eventually dismiss that idea. Didn't know what live in there right? Better be careful. Then when he's gonna walk again to search for camping place, something's happen.     

*Thump* *Thump* *Thump*     

He heard a loud thumping voice with some earthquake. The birds flying away from the trees. A big shadow suddenly covering the sun's light. He looks up and he saw it, a Dinosaur, a living breathing long neck Dinosaur. But that's not the most gobsmacking thing that he saw. Suddenly something flashed, he can't see it, but the Dinosaur's head suddenly fell from it's neck. Jono can only stay there, like a statue. Because he just see something that he only saw in a movie, manga, or anime.     

A GIANT.     

"GABABABABABABA, it's a long time since i last saw a human. Do you want to eat with me little friend?"-The Giant laugh     

"....oh my god, a giant."-Jono said with a monotone voice, too surprised to be afraid.     

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