The Shinobi of Straw Hats

160. Most Dangerous Member

160. Most Dangerous Member

4Jon run away from his fighting site with Cracker. He go to find Luffy's group that still in Seducing Woods. He can only feel the seeds he gave to Luffy & Nami though, he can't feel the ones with Carrot & Chopper.     1

"What happen to them? Even if they're on the other side of the island, i'll still be able to feel it. I can even feel my clone seeds that i gave to Zoro's group."-Jon     

Jon run on the trees while munching some biscuits. He must admit that Cracker's biscuits are very tasty, even if the guy have shitty personality. Jon has stored all biscuit soldiers to be eaten in the future, and he's sure that someone is very hungry.     

It didn't take long for Jon to find Luffy's group. He see Luffy & Nami are talking to a big old guy. He has a great idea, so he enter the ground and erase his presence. Then he move toward them stealthily, before he appear in the middle of their formation.     

"Foo~od!"-Jon say with creepy voice while come out from the ground like a zombie     

"GYAAA!?"-Luffy, Nami & Old man     


They get surprised and jump back from their position. Jon laugh loudly, and now they can see that it's Jon. Nami is not impressed and he beat Jon up until he become a pulp and lay on the ground.     

"So, what did you get?"-Nami     

"I gesh zhe whedzing zathe, Gwemma's lohashion, amf fwam imforhan imfomashion (I get the wedding date, Germa's location, and some important information.)"-Jon say in kneeling position with swollen & bruised face     

"So you decide to come back and surprising us?"-Nami     

"Aim vewy sowwy (I'm very sorry)."-Jon bow     

"Good grief, you guys really didn't change after 2 years."-Nami     

The old man then introduce himself as Pound, and he is Lola's dad. Jon didn't really remember her, and Nami tell him she is the big girl in Thriller Bark, so now he remember. This guy is actually Big Mom's ex-husband, and she have many ex-husband. She marry them just so she can have child with them.     

"Well, that's not important. Where are Chopper & Carrot?"-Jon     

"Brulee caught them and now they're in the Mirror World."-Nami     

"Mirror World? So it's a different dimension, no wonder i can't feel their seeds."-Jon     

Jon then ask Luffy on what will they do now, and Luffy said he want to meet Sanji. But Jon tell him to rest for a moment and replenish their energy. He have many biscuits, and it will help them to get some energy.     

Luffy didn't need to think and he agree to Jon's advice. Jon then take out Cracker's biscuits soldiers for them to eat. However, pound and the homies recognize the face of these biscuits and they got freaked out.     

"Yo-you, where did you get these biscuits?"-Pound     

"These? I got them from Cracker, he is a tough guy to beat, but his power is delicious."-Jon     

Jon, Luffy & Nami eat the biscuits, and they enjoy it. Pound didn't want to eat them though, and the homies are afraid.     

"Who's Cracker?"-Luffy     

"Hmm? Just one of Big Mom's son. I fight him on the way here, it took 4 hours though. He is a rather strong guy, and it will be hard for you, because his weakness is water, which i can make but you don't."-Jon     

"Oh, he can make biscuits?"-Luffy     

"His power is Biscuit Biscuit Fruit, he can make a lot of Biscuits as long as he have the energy."-Jon     

"That's nice~, i'm jealous, he can eat delicious biscuits everytime."-Luffy     

"Well, almost all Big Mom's sons and crewmates have food based power."-Jon     

"EEEHHH? What a delicious crew."-Luffy     

"You sound like you want to eat the crew."-Nami sweatdrop     

They talk while eating 'Cracker', scaring the homies & Pound. Jon also suddenly get a news from one of his clone, that the Big Mom pirates have found Cracker's unconscious body. Now they've locked down the capital, Sweet City.     

Jon then command his clones to stay on some important locations. He command them to stay in Whole Cake Plateau, Sweet City, & Germa's place. These 3 places are the most crucial places in their plan.     

They then prepare to leave, and Nami command the homies. Jon is surprised, and Nami say she use the vivre card from Lola which is actually Big Mom's vivre card. The homies are afraid of Big Mom's vivre card, because it have her soul.     

Nami then command a big tree homie, King Baum to get them out from this woods. The homies here have disrupting them and make them lost their ways before. Jon is fine because he can feel his clone seeds, so he didn't lost his way.     

"Hmm, maybe Zoro will find his way out from here though."-Jon     

"Yeah, he will lost on normal place, so he will not lost in a confusing place."-Luffy     

"HAHAHAHAHA."-Jon & Luffy     

"SHUT UP!"-Nami hit both of them, shutting them up     

Then they move out from the Seducing Woods. On their way, Luffy tell Jon that they met Sanji's fiancee, Pudding. He say she is a nice person and will help Sanji leave his arranged marriage.     

Nami also seem to believe this Pudding like Luffy. However, Jon will not believe here easily, just like how he didn't fully believe any of their allies till now. Jon is very cautious because that's what he learnt from his 2 years training. Betrayal & deception are common in pirate world.     

Jon won't tell Luffy & Nami though, because they won't like his thought. Jon will discover this Pudding true nature himself. Sometime later, they arrived on a clearing between Sweet City & Germa's base location. They decide to stay here for tonight, and wait for morning to come.     

"We'll stay here for tonight, while my clones search for information. They'll most likely pass this road tomorrow, and this place is low on guard, unlike the other places."-Jon     

"Alright."-Luffy & Nami     

Jon then create an underground tunnel for them to hide from Big Mom pirates. Then Luffy & Nami sleep, while Jon meditate. He need to replenish his chakra that lost in his fight earlier. Meditate is also a form of sleeping for him, so he still rest like the others.     

They wake up the next morning, and Jon contact his clones. They transfer some information to him, and he sort them all. He get the information he want, Sanji will pass this road in some hours.     

Jon then pass this information to Luffy & Nami. They got excited and Luffy is sure Sanji will come back to them. However, Jon is still worry that Sanji will not say his real thought with Baratie in danger.     

They have some meals, and get ready to meet Sanji. Jon decide to go to Germa's base location. He want to plant some clones to steal Germa's research datas when they leave. He might not have any need for them, but this is his dream to learn & steal any information.     

Jon leave Luffy & Nami in the underground room. He left a small door for them to get out later. They can't stay outside, or it will alert Big Mom pirates.     

Jon run to Germa's location, and arrived soon. This place is Germa's ship that they brought here on the island. He make some more wood clones and slip inside. Jon scan the place with his sharingan, and find a lot of mechanisms.     

"Hmph, any mechanism is useless in front of my eyes."-Jon     

Jon slip through the defensive mechanisms and find his way in. He find the Vinsmokes are eating, and see something good. Sanji defend a cook when her cooking being thrown off by Niji. Sanji always hate when people waste their food.     

'He's still the same old Sanji. But this is bad, for the cook girl. If you want to protect her, do it till the end!'-Jon     

Jon get out from the room and go to hide outside. He know something will happen with how Sanji's brothers look at the cook girl. His prediction is right, just after the meal finished, Niji follow the cook girl to the kitchen.     

In the kitchen, Niji order the girl to stay still so he can smash a plate at her. Jon can't stand this and grab Niji's hand. This surprised Niji & the cook girl because Jon suddenly appeared & have the audacity to stop Niji, the 2nd prince.     

"Who are you?"-Niji     

"Who cares about my identity. You just need to know that you can't do what you intend to do."-Jon     

"So what? You want to stop me? You think you can do it?"-Niji is mad     

"Why don't you find out?"-Jon show his sharingan     

Niji move to attack Jon, buy Jon just simply put him under genjutsu. These Germa princes have weak mind because they lack emotion. They've succeed to free Yonji from Jon's genjutsu, but it will not prevent the same thing happen again.     

The cook girl want to say something and she seem afraid. Jon just tell her to leave, and even assign a clone to protect her. After she leave, Jon start to beat Niji's face until it swollen. Jon is not satisfied, so he strip Niji naked and tied him on the corridor wall.     

"Hmm, it's still lack something."-Jon rub his chin     

Jon then write some crazy words and draw something on Niji's body.     

"Insult words, 'trunk' drawing, forest on crotch, face & body drawing, etc. I guess it's enough."-Jon     

Jon is satisfied and he leave the crime site. He go back to Luffy & Nami, after confirming all his clones have infiltrate Germa's place. He tell them to hide and he will wait for their report later.     

After Jon left, Germa's place fall into chaos after their men find Niji's unconscious & naked body. They try to find the culprit, but didn't find anyone. But they find Jon's identity soon, because he use genjutsu like what he use on Yonji.     

"*slam* Just how did he enter this place undetected?"-Judge     

"I don't know, there's no alarm that went of since yesterday."-Ichiji     

"Oi Sanji, he's your friend right? Just how could he enter this place?"-Yonji     

"Your defensive mechanism, will never work on him. His eyes can see anything, and you'll never know when he will appear in front of you. If he want it, he can kill you in your sleep without you realizing him. He is the most dangerous member in our crew."-Sanji have a serious expression.     

Meanwhile, the most dangerous member is skipping while humming & sucking a lolipop. Jon is satisfied with his work, he always want to do it to Germa since he go to North Blue.     

Jon buy some sweets on his way, they're all delicious. This place is full of delicious stuff, so he need to get them before leaving this place. Jon arrived after sometime and he give Luffy & Nami some sweets.     

"How's the situation?"-Nami     

"Good, there are many delicious foods."-Jon     

"THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M ASKING!"-Nami have shark teeth     

"I-i'm joking, altough it's a fact. Well, it's just like what my clones told me earlier. They will pass this road soon, so get ready! We will expose our location to everyone in Totto Land, and Big Mom might send her kids later."-Jon     

"Alright, we will leave as soon as we get Sanji."-Luffy     

Sometime later, Germa's group finally come with a carriage. The Vinsmoke family sit there, and Sanji is there too. Luffy immediately run and call Sanji, and the curly eyebrow didn't seem to like it.     

"Damn, it's that bastard!"-Niji & Yonji     

Niji & Yonji see Jon, and he also see them with a smirk. Niji have his face returned to normal, and Jon didn't know how they do it. Then Jon taunt them with his finger, angering them further. They want to go, but Ichiji stop them, and tell them to not make a ruckus.     

Sanji suddenly jump from the carriage, and he run toward Luffy. Luffy is happy, but Jon feel something is wrong. Sanji suddenly make flame on his foot, and then send a kick to Luffy's face. Jon is not happy by this, and he block Sanji's kick with his foot.     

"Don't anger me Sanji! You won't be able to take the consequence. Not you, or even the whole Germa."-Jon is mad     

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