The Shinobi of Straw Hats

214. Desperate

214. Desperate

4Jon continue his fight with Im after he punched her hard in the stomach. Jon never hesitate to hit a women, or even kill them if he need to. These womens trained hard to be as strong as mens, so it's disrespectful to not fight them with all he have too. He is Lord Kazuma's follower who believe in equality, and equality mean like this, right?     

Jon's previous hit on Im's stomach didn't give her big injury. She react fast to protect her stomach with layers of psychic barriers & use Armament. Even so, the haki projection break all of them, but the power reduced a lot, so she doesn't get big injury.     

Im stand up and shoot a small pebble at Jon at a very high speed. The pebble is coated in Armament and aimed at Jon's head. Jon tilt his head to avoid the pebble, so it go straight to the high ground behind, and the impact is really big.     

"Damn, my head will explode if i didn't avoid that. She can use haki projection too, huh? It really become a cheap technique now."-Jon     

Im then shoot many Armament coated pebbles at Jon. Jon move around to avoid them while shooting at Im with his pistols. Jon wait for a chance to get close to her again.     

Now after she know he has marked her, she will be more careful. She might've prepared something to counter him if he teleport to her directly. That's why Jon can't be rash to attack her.     

Suddenly Im teleport behind Jon and send a punch to him. Jon is surprised, and can only turn a little to block her attack with his right hand. Im hit Jon hard and make him fling & crash to the ground many times before stopping.     

"Fuck, her teleportation method is better than mine at close range. She don't need any mark to teleport, while i need mark."-Jon     

Im know Jon need mark to move around, so she remove all those marked kunais that spread on the battlefield with the previous tempest. Now Jon can't move around freely without the marked kunais that spread everywhere.     

Jon make a big lightning rasengan on his right hand. The rasengan suddenly vanished and it appear in front of Im. Jon teleport his rasengan instead of his body in front of Im.     

The rasengan hit Im, but then it get repelled and fly to the side. It hit the ground and explode, creating a big dent. Im have prepared this trap since Jon teleport in front of her previously. If he teleport himself, then he will be the one that got repelled.     

"That's not very dangerous, but it's effective i guess."-Jon     

"You don't need any dangerous counter measure. As long as it can create an opening, then it can be used."-Im     

"You're right."-Jon     

Jon throw a marked kunai at Im, and she flick it away before it reach her. Jon run forward while still throwing marked kunais, senbons, & shurikens at her. He even use Weapon Shadow Clones to multiply his weapon attacks.     

Im keep deflecting Jon's weapons attacks, but it make the marked weapons spread everywhere. Jon also keep running forward, and soon, he reach Im. Jon send a kick toward her, but she teleport herself to avoid the kick.     

Im teleport near a marked shuriken, so Jon immediately teleport there and kick again. Im haven't had the time to teleport when Jon kick her. She fling away, but stabilize herself midair and stop. Im is about to use her power to swipe away all the marked weapons, but Jon won't let her.     

"Bansho Ten'in!"-Jon     

Jon pull Im toward him, disrupting her technique. She focus on Jon now, who already have a rasengan on his hand. Im clench her fist and when she's closer to Jon, she punch. Jon also send his rasengan to her punch, creating a big impact.     


Jon & Im got fling back by their clash, and roll on the ground. Jon immediately teleport to Im using the mark on her ankle. Im is laying on the ground, and suddenly Jon teleport on top of him.     

"Shinra Tensei!"-Jon     

Jon push Im to the ground with a strong force. She crash to the ground and create a loud crashing sound. The ground dented, and dust spread everywhere. The ground of the city has dented, and now a new dent appear.     

Jon look at the dust and made some hand seals to attack with a big jutsu. But when he make the hand seals, suddenly Jon got hit on the face from his left side. Jon fling to the ground, roll and crash multiple times.     

Jon stop rolling & look at Im who have teleport beside him and hit him. Her punch is so strong & it injure his head. But Jon smirk & make a ram/tiger hand seal with one hand.     


Suddenly, a paper bomb on Im's right hand ignited & it explode. Jon put the paper bomb right when she punch him. It's just 1 paper bomb, but it's enough to injure her. Im is not so strong physically, but her psychic power is really strong. The explosion catch her off guard and injure her right hand badly.     

"Heeh, i admit that you're strong, but you don't seem to have many fighting experience. Or maybe you haven't fight for a long time."-Jon     

"My hand, how dare you."-Im said with a low, angry voice     

"I dare. So what'll you do about it?"-Jon smirk     

"AAAARRGGHHH!!!"-Im scream, but not in pain, she is angry     

Suddenly Jon feel a strong pressure from above. It's conqueror haki combined with her psychic attack. Jon can defend the mental attack, but the pshysical attack is very strong too. Jon feel the very heavy pressure and force himself to stand.     

"Damn, it's just a hand injury, and she act like a boss that lose 80% of her HP, then enter berserk mode."-Jon     

Im suddenly appear in front of Jon and punch him in stomach with haki + psychic punch. Jon defend with armament, but he still fly back by the the impact. Im teleport to him again and punch again. She keep doing this for sometime, and punch Jon all over the place. Jon get many injuries even when he protect himself with armament.     

Jon also punch her, but she seem to ignore Jon's hard punch & keep going. She just use armament all over her body like Jon to protect herself. Even so, she is still injured by Jon, but still attacking. She is going mad & start to ignore her injuries.     

'This bitch is crazy. Damn, if it's continue, this will be a battle of endurance. I'm not afraid with that, but i don't like it. I need to stop her.'-Jon     

Jon block Im's kick with his leg, then he grab her left hook with his right hand. His left hand grab her head, and Jon use his Rinnegan ability.     

"Energy drain!"-Jon     

Jon absorb Im's chakra & haki energy from her body. She is startled & try to stop Jon by attacking him, but Jon didn't budge. In desperation, Im release a strong psychic push that use a lot of energy, and it can push Jon away from her.     

Jon is dissapointed that he can't drain all her energy, but he must've absorb a lot. She also use a lot of energy just now, make her energy getting lower. Jon is satisfied with this result even though it's not perfect.     

Im's mind is getting cleared now, and she start to be rational again. However, her energy is really low now because of Jon's technique. She need to be careful & not use big moves frequently like before.     

Jon heal himself & dispell a clone to get senjutsu chakra. Then he activate Kyuubi mode too, and cover his body with armament haki. He will go all out, and finish this battle as fast as he can.     

Im look at Jon who've been ready to go all out, so she need to go all out too. She is low on energy, but she can only go all out now if she want to win. Im activate her psychic power, make her hair & clothes float, blue aura surround her & her eyes glow blue.     

Jon dash at Im and she prepare a counter attack. Jon punch at her with full power, and she use her psychic push to counter it. Their attacks clash and create a strong shockwave. Their attack power is even, and no one win.     

Jon is about to attack again, but then Im use an invisible force to attack him from below. Jon got hit & fly to the sky, so Im teleport above him & send a punch to him. Jon grab her hand and he move behind her & lock her hand behind.     

"Your attacks start to get predictable now."-Jon grin     

Adamantine chains come out from Jon's back & tied Im. Then Jon make them at upside down position, with Im's head below him. Jon kick the air with geppo, and dive down fast toward the ground while spinning.     

"Front Lotus!"-Jon     

They hit the ground at very fast speed and create a loud crashing sound. Jon jump out from the crash site & Im is planted in the ground. Im crash to the ground first, as she's below Jon.     

"Lee's technique is not bad at all."-Jon     

Im come out from the ground with blood trickling from her head.     

"You are really strong, and your strategy in this war is brilliant. My winning chance is really low from the start."-Im     

"What is it? You admit defeat?"-Jon     

"No, i will never admit defeat, even if i'm about to die. But at least tell me this! What will you do if you win this war? Do you want to rule the world?"-Im     

"Rule the world? Altough it sound good, but i'm not interested with that busy job, i just want to enjoy my life freely & do what i want. If you guys never mess with me & my friends, then i won't ever come to you."-Jon     

"Is that so? Then let's see if you can achieve that."-Im     

Im take out a small crystal bottle with a red liquid inside. She open the bottle & drink all the red liquid. She throw away the bottle, and then her body start to glow red. Her aura change from blue to red, and her wounds also start to get healed. Her power also raise & even surpass her full power before.     

"What the hell?! Is that her real berserk mode?"-Jon     

"Let's settle this with one last attack. If you die, i win. If you survive, i lose."-Im fly to the sky     

Im raise both her hands and she create a dark red energy ball on the sky. The energy ball got bigger & bigger until the diameter reach the size of Holy City. Jon widen his eyes, as this thing is bigger & stronger than Kurama's Tailed Beast Bomb.     


"Do you think that i can leave? If i leave, she will throw that thing to New Marineford & kill everyone there. Even if all the Admiral & Yonkou level people try to defend it, they won't be able to. They must be tired after battling for this long."-Jon     

'Then what will you do? We will die if we don't do anything.'-Kurama     

"I'll try the gift of Rinne."-Jon     

Im keep make her technique stronger even though the size didn't increase. Jon decide to use his unique skill that he get from his Rinnegan. He never use it, but it's his only choice.     

Jon gather nature chakra, and ask Kurama to do the same. Im finish charging her attack, then she look at Jon that still gathering energy. Im close her eyes, and after she open it, she throw the energy ball down.     


The massive energy ball mive down toward Jon. Jon open his eyes and he enter Kyuubi & Sage Mode. Then Jon draw Kusanagi and place it above him. Jon cover Kusanagi with Armament & Conqueror. Then Kusanagi start to generate white light above it's black appearance.     

"Dimension Cutter!"-Jon     

Jon swing down his sword and a massive bright white Crescent Slash attack move toward the energy ball. Both attacks clash, and to Im's surprise, her attack got cut in half. Jon's attack even move further toward her and she can only move a little to the left, so se got her right hand & leg cut off cleanly.     

Im's Energy Ball got cut in 2 and each half move to the side. They crash to the Red Line ground and create a very massive explosion. The explosion is so big & loud that it alerted the people on New Marineford.     

They all look above at the Red Line, and widen their eyes. They see 2 explosion on top of Red Line, even though it's very far above. With the giant explosion, everyone know that Mary Geoise must've been destroyed.     

The giant explosion destroy the Red Line ground. It's like 2 big chunks of Red Line rocky ground was taken from it. The explosion engulf everything around it, including the ruins of Holy City where Jon & Im are.     

The explosion settle down after some minutes, and the dust also start to disperse. In the middle of it, is a giant humanoid thing with golden colour. It's Jon's perfect Susanoo, but it have lost it's wings & limbs, just leaving the upper body & head. It didn't get destroyed because Jon use the wings & hands to protect the head.     

"Damn, it even destroy the perfect Susanoo. What a crazy power. And it's not even hit me directly."-Jon     

Jon look at Im who lay on the ground with many injuries. Jon grab her with his susanoo's hand previously. Even though the hand is destroyed, but it can protect her for some time.     

"And my jutsu earlier also seem to have high cost."-Jon     

Jon look at his Kusanagi that have lost it's blade & only have it's hilt now. The jutsu that he used previously burden Kusanagi so much that it destroy the blade to dust even with Armament cover.     

"Good bye, old friend. Thank you for your service."-Jon smile     

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