The Shinobi of Straw Hats

182. Facing the Emperors

182. Facing the Emperors

4Jon finally face off with Kaido after all this time. If he know that Jack's death can make Kaido focus on him, then he would say it earlier.     4

"Worororo, not bad for a brat like you."-Kaido     

"Heeh, it seem you still have some power left in your old bones."-Jon     

Jon dispell a clone and his susanoo now covered in red marks. Jon's face also have red marks, indicating he have gathered senjutsu chakra. Jon then make some hand seals and his susanoo copy it.     

"Mokuton: Wood Dragon Jutsu!"-Jon     

A big wood dragon appear from the ground and wrap around Susanoo. The dragon is almost as big as Kaido's dragon form. It's like what Hashirama do with Wood Golem & Wood Dragon.     

Jon fly toward Kaido and attack with his Susanoo's swords. Kaido defend with his front claws and hold Jon with his rear claws. Then Kaido make the same fire breath attack, so Jon control the wood dragon to take it.     

The wood dragon catch the fire breath with it's mouth, and absorb the chakra. The wood dragon's mouth got burnt a little, but the fire can't last long & disappear. The wood dragon regenerate using the absorbed chakra and become even bigger.     

Jon control the wood dragon to move and strangle Kaido. While his susanoo fly beside Kaido and create a massive rasengan on Susanoo's hand. Jon pour all his senjutsu chakra on this gigantic rasengan.     

"Senpo! Susanoo: Giga Rasengan!"-Jon     

Jon hit the rasengan at Kaido's dragon head from right side. It hit Kaido and the wood dragon also bite and absorb Kaido's chakra. Kaido got fling to the giant Onigashima's left horn and break it. The massive rasengan explode after making Kaido fly some distance away.     

Jon's susanoo land and look at the massive explosion. The Scabbards, King, beasts pirates & minks are surprised by this. The Scabbards are anticipating, but King didn't seem worried.     

"He didn't even try to dodge that attack. He is very confident in his ability to defend that Rasengan."-Jon     

Suddenly, many wind blades appear from the explosion site and attack Jon. Jon use his susanoo's swords to defend against the wind blades. He can't defend all of the wind blades and his susanoo got hit a few times.     

Jon's susanoo just got pushed back a little, and didn't get damage. Perfect Susanoo is the toughest form of susanoo. And with senjutsu chakra, the toughness increase a lot.     

But suddenly Jon's susanoo got fling behind at a very fast speed. Something hit the Susanoo's stomach and fling it far to the sea. Even if it's tough, physics law is still work on Susanoo.     

The attacker is Kaido, and he just slithered at a very high speed and headbutting susanoo. Jon's susanoo crash on the sea and Jon try to stop it. After he stop, Jon check the place where he got hit.     

"No crack, but there's some little scratches. He must've coated that attack with conqueror haki. But to think that even a perfect susanoo strengthen by senjutsu chakra can get some scratch is crazy."-Jon     

Jon decide to not use his susanoo again for his fight later. It take a lot of chakra in the perfect form after all. If he have EMS, then the chakra needed will reduced a lot, and his eyes won't get exhausted easily.     

"Even with Hashirama's gene, the MS curse can't be cured perfectly. The only way to use it without strain is by upgrading it to EMS or even Rinnegan."-Jon     

'Kid, let me fight that thing!'-Kurama     

"Sigh, be patient won't you? That place is not ideal for a fight between 2 giant monsters."-Jon     

'Then go to somewhere else!'-Kurama     

"I know, i plan to do it after this."-Jon     

Jon teleport to the rooftop again, and see Luffy & Zoro has arrived there. There are Kid, Killer, Law, and also Big Mom too. The Scabbards, Minks, King, & Beasts Pirates seem to get away from this place too. Law has sent them down, so they won't get in the way.     

"You've come back, brat."-Kaido sound angry, and he turn back to human form     

"Yeah, nice wound by the way."-Jon smirk     


"Kaido, did he really injure you?"-Big Mom     

"Just a lucky hit."-Kaido     

Kaido have a small wound on his head because of Jon's Rasengan. Senjutsu chakra really work on Kaido's tough body. It can even hurt the dragon's form very tough scales, but it seem one attack is not enough to hurt him badly.     

The 6 supernovas prepare theirselves to fight against the 2 Emperors. They know that they need to use all they have if they want to win. Even Jon won't refuse the others help in this fight.     

He need to find out Kaido's weakness first before attempting to fight one on one. Furthermore, he want to know just what the other supernovas capable of. He haven't see much of Law's power, and he never really see Kid & Killer use their power.     

The supernovas move, and start to attack the Emperors. Jon dispell his last clone that meditate, and get the senjutu chakra. Then he immediately make 2 other clones to gather senjutsu chakra again. Senjutsu is very useful as he found out that he can injure Kaido with it.     

Kaido also turn into a giant dragon again, and Big Mom use her 3 homies. Jon is surprised to see Zeus back to Big Mom. But it's not that strange, as Zeus is made by Big Mom's power, so Nami can't control it like Big Mom did.     

Luffy immediately use his Gear 4th and fly toward Big Mom. Zoro follow Luffy and coat his swords with haki. Kid has gathered many metal items and create a giant arm, and he run to Kaido with Killer. Law make his ROOM and ready to give support anytime.     

Jon didn't move yet, he want to see the situation first. He see Prometheus try to stop Luffy, but then Zoro cut the fireball. He use Kin'emon's technique to cut fire, surprising the others.     

"When it come to swordsmanship, his talent is really top notch."-Jon     

"You didn't move yet?"-Law     

"I've try to fight Kaido before, so i'll give them some chance to try it now. Because they won't be able fight him again after this."-Jon     

On the other side, Kid try to send his big metallic fist to Kaido. His punch hit Kaido, but didn't really affect the dragon. Killer also try to slash Kaido, but their attack didn't work.     

Luffy reach Big Mom and he send his Kong Gun to Big Mom. Luffy use his haki projection, but didn't coat it with Conqueror Haki. It seem Luffy want to save his energy and test the water first.     

Big Mom also send a punch at Luffy, but she just use normal haki coated fist. It seem she still underestimate Luffy, and she need to pay the price a little. Their attack meet, and Big Mom flinched in surprise.     

Luffy's attack hurt her fist, and push her back a little. Altough it's not much, but Luffy can't do anything to her on WCI. Now, just some weeks after that, Luffy has made a lot of progress, and can push her back.     

"Mammamamma~, you've become a lot stronger, Straw Hat."-Big Mom     

"Of course, i've trained a lot to defeat you, and Jon will defeat Kaido."-Luffy     

"You and him? Hah, he might've hurt Kaido, but that's not enough. And you might've grow stronger too, but it's not enough to defeat me."-Big Mom     

"We'll see."-Luffy     

Luffy continue to fight Big Mom with Zoro helping him. Jon then ask Law to help Luffy & Zoro, because Big Mom have 3 annoying homies. Zoro can hold Prometheus, but Zeus & Napoleon still boost Big Mom's power a lot.     

Jon didn't wait for Law's answer and just teleport Law near Luffy. Law know Jon can use teleportation, but he still feel strange to not teleport by himself. Now Law can only help Luffy & Zoro to fight Big Mom, because whatever the case is, they need to defeat both Emperors now.     

On the other side, Kid & Killer are struggling a lot to fight Kaido. Their attack didn't work at all to Kaido's dragon form's tough scales. Then Killer try a technique where he use vibration on his swords, and create a soundwaves.     

His attack create an illusion that his swords extend and cut through Kaido. Jon see Kaido got hurt and didn't really surprised by it. Jon have speculate that sound attack might work, and now Killer's attack confirm his theory.     

"Sound waves, huh? If only i train in Sound Village's jutsus, i will have more options to use. It seem i can only yse vibration attack to imitate the effect. Good thing i copied Burgess' vibration attack, and i also have Rokuogan."-Jon     


Killer's attack hurt Kaido a little, but it still not enough. Then Kaido get behind Killer and send a Woro Breath to Killer & it goes straight to Kid too. Both of them received the attack and fling, then crashed to the ground.     

"Seems like i need to move now."-Jon     

Jon suddenly disappeared and he appear on Kaido's dragon head.     

"!? You-"-Kaido     

"Let's take this battle to somewhere else, Kaido! This place isn't big enough."-Jon     

"Wororororo, do you think i'll do what you want? Move me if you can!"-Kaido     

"Alright then. YOU GUYS, I LEAVE THIS PLACE TO YOU."-Jon     

""ALRIGHT.""-Luffy & Zoro     

"What'd he want to do?"-Kid     

"I don't know."-Killer     

"Don't tell me!?"-Law     


Jon & Kaido suddenly disappear from Onigashima's rooftop. Everyone except Luffy & Zoro got surprised by this. Jon only told his plan to bring Kaido somewhere else & leave Onigashima to Luffy & Zoro after all, so they don't get surprised.     

Jon & Kaido appear near Udon Prisoner Mine. The place is now empty after all the prisoners leave the place. Jon also have prepared the place and make sure no one is around before the raid start.     

Jon make some hand seals and activate the fuinjutsu talismans around. Now the entirety of Udon has been sealed by Jon. The seals won't be able to take Kaido's full power, but at least it can prevent stray attack that might reach the towns.     

While Jon activate the seals, Kaido is surprised by the sudden change of location. He never thought that Jon will be able to bring him out from Onigashima. And it happened so fast that Kaido can't react at all.     

It's hard for Jon to teleport Kaido's dragon form massive size. But he can do it with senjutsu chakra's help. He need a lot of chakra to move something as big as a dragon, and senjutsu chakra is the best choide as he don't want to waste his or Kurama's chakra.     

"Grrr, damn brat!"-Kaido     

"What? You're the one who told me to force you to move, so i do it. Do you like the ride?"-Jon smirk     

"I must admit that you have the capability to do that, but do you think it's enough? Do you think that you alone is enough to fight me? You underestimate me too much, kid."-Kaido     

"I never underetimate you, maybe it's you who underestimate me. You've been standing on the top for too long, it's time to bring you down from that throne."-Jon become serious     

"Worororo, you really like to talk big. Then show me if you got the capability to do so! Action speak louder than words.-Kaido     

Jon dispell a clone, then he make another clone again. He plan to have infinite amount of Senjutsu by creating clone to gather it after dispelling one. It is the most efficient way that he can do right now.     

Red markings appear on Jon's face again, and he create a perfect susanoo again. He draw his susanoo's swords and fly to attack Kaido. Jon swing his swords at Kaido's body, and Kaido send claw attack at him.     

Kaido move around flexibly with his snake like body and attack Jon from many angles. Jon fly around too, he can follow Kaido's movement with his sharingan, so it's no problem. The problem is, Kaido's attack is a lot stronger than Jon's, so he keep getting pushed back.     

"As i thought, to fight monster, you need another monster."-Jon     

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