I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 195: Full Proof Plan

Chapter 195: Full Proof Plan

0The coming days proved to be uneventful but such a thing didn't surprise Kel. His day to day was filled panty shots and tits in overly exaggerated situations but he navigated through accordingly and without trouble.      3

Asia had also settled into her new role to some extent and also began to attend Kouh Academy as her cover, pretending to be Kel's cousin due to the fact they both had blonde hair.     

As for his three new pawns, Kel had them continue in their covers until further notice which they found more arduous than even fighting.     

They, proud beings had to work 9 to 5's because their new master forbade them from standing out.     

Mittelt could have been said to have it easiest since she was just glorified made now he did nothing but clean Kel's home.     

However when he was away on days like today, she would simply lounge around like she owned the places.     

Kel was currently at school going about his life as student which he was quickly getting tired off.     

Thankfully at the end of this particular school day he found Akeno and Rias waiting for him outside him classroom door.     

Normally only Akeno visited him to chat but Rias rarely contacted him unless the matter was important.     

From what Akeno told him it had to do with distancing herself from him so that it doesn't have to be harder when they fight but according to what she told him, Rias's plan was to beat him first and have him join her peerage.     

"Evening girls." Kel approached the two casually with a small smile and exchanged greetings.     

"You seem awfully relaxed, the rating games will start next week while the pre tournament banquet is this weekend." Rias found Kel to be very relaxed for someone who was being targeted by the entire underworld.     

She never saw him trying to recruit anyone that could be of use or trying to make allies through her to better his chances of not completely getting swept.     

She associated this with his nature as a pure blooded devil as many were too stubborn to lower their heads before others, this would be especially true for someone like him who came from a glorious clan.     

"Do I? I'm just overly worried about factors I can't control. We can talk more about this somewhere more private…" Since the trio were still standing in the hall Kel suggested they change locations to somewhere less attention attracting.     

Thus they soon made their way to the occult research club to talk just the three.     

"As I was saying, I know a few clans that would be content with only a few territories from you since they owe your ancestors a lot." Rias suggested with visible worry on her face for him.     

Unlike Kel who seemed to distant himself from the matter she had thoroughly seen just how man clans wanted his territories and even him as a whole.     

He may have been alone but he carried the seed of a powerful clan, if they could get him under them then they could strengthen their own clans with another powerful bloodline.     

"They owe my ancestors favors yet they still want to challenge a lone descendant? We truly are vile creatures huh?" Kel chuckled mockingly at her words and caused her to sigh, he wasn't wrong that they were greedy but there was nothing she could do.     

Even she couldn't exclude herself, the best help she felt she could provide was to win him herself.     

"You don't need to worry about me, by the time I'm done with the tournament I'll be half of the entire underworld's stepfather."     

"Huh?" Rias found his words confusing and couldn't quite understand what he meant.     

Was he trying to say he'll be everyone's daddy as in a flex or?     

While she pondered his choice of wording, Kel stood up and excused himself. "Well as much as I would like to continue speaking, I need to prepare a strategy for the banquet this weekend. Since it's my first I'll be counting on you for guidance." He said with a smile before walking way casually.     

Rias could only watch him go and sigh before looking at Akeno. "His so stubborn! If he became my servant before the tournament or brother's then very few would dare challenge him."     

"Then why didn't you offer that?"     

"Because it's disrespectful and, I want to believe that his confidence isn't just plain." Rias replied causing Akeno to chuckle playfully.     

"Your heart must be so restless president."     


Once back home Kel did what he had said he would and called everyone for a strategic meeting with a white board and everything in the living room.     

"Okay, the plan is simple." Kel turned to the board and wrote the plan in capital letters for everyone to see.     

"Offend everyone?" Asia read it aloud with a look of confusion on her face.     

"Yes, some people will avoid going all in with us since they don't know how powerful I really am. So the only way to have them do this is offend them to such an extent that their pride as devils will require them to fight me, no matter how ludicrous the demands."     

Kel broke down the simplicity behind his plan and received applause from a starry eyed Silyva. "A genius plan."     

She praised while others could only look at her like an inspiration to fan girl's everywhere.     

"As expected of master's brilliance, no one can match it." Raynare added as well not wanting to lose to Silyva.     

"Doesn't your tongue get tired from licking that much ass everyday?" Kalawarner clicked her tongue in irritation from the two's behavior.     

Sadly such words were wasted on someone like Raynare.     

"I would lick masters every minute if he let me." Raynare licked her lips towards Kalawarner provocatively causing to show even more annoyance.     

"Lord forgive us- ow!" Asia was almost guaranteed a headache whenever Raynare and Kalawarner were in the same room.     

Kel could sigh while shaking his head which got noticed by Asia who shyly looked at him and spoke.     

"I-If sir really wants it then… I'll do it!!" She yelled out using all the courage she could muster before shyly looking down.     

Raynare was surprised by this but didn't disapprove. "Oh you're one of those kinky nuns. I don't mind as long as you let me watch." She added while making obscene gestures which only served to make Asia feel shy than she already.     

The conversation was quickly spiraling out of control so Kel decided to end it.     

"Enough! They'll be no ass licking today?"     

In that moment all three girls turned to him.     


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