I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 183: Calm Before The Storm Part 3

Chapter 183: Calm Before The Storm Part 3

4After Lilith's departure Kel saw no reason to linger around outside any longer so he stood from the swaying bench and returned inside the house.      2

Very little time passed so he had entered only about a minute after Akeno.     

"Where are you two from?" Rias who was just exiting the kitchen caught site of the two and couldn't help but ask curiously bringing a mischievous smile on Akeno's face that was very misleading.     

"From a mix of fresh air and conversation, mostly concerning the upcoming tournament." Kel replied half truthfully and received a nod from Rias. "Right, you're not fully aware of how it works are you? We can have everyone gather and I'll explain what you need to know." Rias offered and although he could get this information himself Kel accepted with a slight nod.     

However just as Kel was about to instruct Silyva to gather the others Akeno intervened. "Now now, I think this a conversation best discussed between two leaders. Don't you agree Silyva?" Akeno asked not so subtly and surprisingly Silyva nodded.     

As long as Raynare got to miss out Silyva was at peace and all was right with the world. Kel didn't object to this either and so he turned to Rias with a brow slightly raised. "Then where you want to discuss this? Living room?"     

Rias shook her head at this and turned to the door Kel and Akeno had just walked out from. "Let's talk outside, I'd also like to feel the cool night breeze." Rias stated with a small smile before walking out first.     

Kel now found himself seated on the bench with the third woman now. 'Everyone in this world just has so much baggage, feels like a damn visual novel... but with cheats.'     

"So then where do I begin?" Rias showed Kel a faint smile and looked directly at him ready to converse, eye to eye it seemed. "Just a General summary of the whole thing and what to expect. I don't want to embarrass myself you know?" Kel replied back with a slight smile as well and showed no discomfort at them speaking eye to eye.     

'Mrs. Johnson always did say women like a men who maintain eye contact... '     

Kel let his thoughts wander as he waited for Rias to begin her short lecture.     

"Well it's rather simple really. The tournament can be said to have to have two parts, the official ratings games to determine the next generation Devil Lucifer and the unofficial rating games between different clans."     

"As the name suggests the official games will comprise of set matches between individuals of the younger generation such as you and I whereas unofficial matches are brought about through challenges."     

"Clans use this method to settle disputes with one another without starting at all out war with one another. For example if I were to want your territory for example then I'd be a challenger, of course you're free to refuse unless thirty six or more challengers from different clans request the same thing..."     

"In such a case those challengers will first face each other and then finally you for your territory. Once they win they can't be challenged for the same thing again until the next tournament."     

Kel could already picture the sheer number of fights that must take place at such an event, it would probably be days before or even weeks before it came to an end.     

"Sounds like a terrible place to be in if you're challenged. Is there no limit to what you can ask for?" Kel inquired and Rias nodded after heaving a slight sigh.     

"Sadly yes, no matter what it is so long as a majority of people seek it then you can't refuse. The challenger of course does have to stake something of equal value and in the case where the challengee wins then he or she would acquire the the things stakes by over thirty six individuals so it's considered fair."     

"The challengers fighting each other gain nothing from one another, they only fight for right to reach the challengee. That's basically the rough summary of it all."     

As Rias was explaining Kel got curious about something and inquired of her. "So then have you been challenged for anything?" He asked but Rias first turned her gaze away and sighed.     

'Please no backstory' Kel hoped and luckily for him no such thing came.     

"The challenges can only be issued at a banquet held a few days before the tournament so I haven't been officially challenged but I expect to be."     

"It's not uncommon for clans to fight for the right to bearing strong heirs so most if not all clans challenge each other for marriage rights, for both male and female. You could say this how matchmaking works."     

"In some cases some even demand women or men who are already wed. My brother has received quite a few challenges over the years from women and men alike since he is yet to take a bride."     

For some reason Kel wasn't too shocked by this considering how wacky the world laws had to be but it was still quite interesting to hear. 'The Harem Games basically...'     

"So then even people who've been married for years can have their husbands or wives taken away just like that?" Kel asked for more clarity and Rias nodded without hesitation. "Well yes, every year for the past five years they've been challengers who sought my mother and I'm sure this year will be no different."     

"Every clan wants to have an upper hand over the other and the best way to do so is by creating strong heirs, it's become common really." Rias showed another faint smile but it was clear she didn't agree with this, at least not fully.     

'Hm, the Cucking Games then...'     

A/N: A special event draws near in the world, fellow men of culture I beseech thee to donate thy stones to my Original Novel so that we may bring about the mass release and bask in the joy that is... The Cuckening     

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