I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 153: Clash Of Heirs

Chapter 153: Clash Of Heirs

3Inside the old school building at Kuoh Academy that housed the Occult Research Club, Julius had arrived and was currently seated on a sofa opposite of Rias and Akeno who was now standing behind her after bringing a tray of tea to the table.     

'They're even more beautiful than I imagined, those I had couldn't hold a candle to these two. I better play my role perfectly...' Julius thought to himself as the silence that enveloped the room was soon broken by Rias who gently placed the cup of tea that she was drinking down and spoke.     

"I haven't seen you for a while Julius, I hope you've been well. I heard that aunt Misla and your older brother returned as well, how are they?" Rias asked politely while showing a gentle smile, but little did she know her statement had caught Julius off guard.     

'I completely forgot Sairaorg was her cousin, which makes me also her cousin by blood... but that doesn't matter among devils I'm sure. All I have to do is have her like me then beat riser for her hand in marriage.' Julius thought before showing a smile as he prepared to, reply to her question.     

"All is well Rias, thanks for asking. I'll greet mother and Sairaorg on your behalf when I return home. While I'm at it I'd like to apologize for the commotion I caused when I arrived. I got into a fight with one of those disgusting fallen angels and ended up harming a residence in the process." Julius spoke, trying to be as formal as he could but one simply couldn't change their way of speaking overnight nor was his choice of words was the best.     

"It's quite alright Julius, let's forget about the matter and move on. Please just remember that I am the overseer of this territory so your actions as a devil will reflect on me." Rias explained and Julius nodded and prepared to reassure her when suddenly a knock resounded on the door.     

"Enter." Rias permitted as she reached for her cup of tea. The door then opened and another young man walked into the room, his aura and demeanor matching that of a true pure-blooded devil.     

"Seems I'm late, I apologize." Kel first began by saying these words and only these words without bothering to explain why. Afterward, he glanced in Rias and Julius's direction before speaking once more.     

"Did I come at a bad time?" He asked but Rias shook her head before gesturing him to have a sit. Just like with Julius, she didn't react in any particular way when he had walked in as she and Akeno had met powerful devils before so his aura wasn't exactly shocking to see.     

"Please have a seat, would you like to have some tea as well?" Rias politely offered to which Kel nodded his head before proceeding to seat on the same sofa as Julius but opposite ends.     

Akeno then poured him some tea which he immediately thanked her for before turning his gaze back to Rias who seemed ready to speak.     

"It's our honor to host the Zagaroth clan heir in our territory. On behalf of my house, I thank you for what all of your family has sacrificed for the sake of the underworld, I can't imagine it being easy." Rias expressed genuinely while Julius seemed a bit lost.     

'Zagaroth? Is that some small the clan that had its people die a lot in the war? I think I heard the maids mention it. But I better not make a fool of myself and just wait for them to finish...' Julius thought as he just looked at the interaction taking place.     

"It wasn't easy but I grew accustomed to it with time. I appreciate the sentiment, it's nice to know that someone still remembers what my family died for. Thank you." Kel expressed in a tone that seemed to carry regret, perfectly playing his role as the sole heir to his near-extinct clan.     

'He has changed so much from that one time that I saw him.' Rias thought to herself before nodding at Kel.     

"You're welcome. Moving on to another matter, my brother informed me that you would be assisting during your stay in our territory. We can discuss that further when the school day ends. For now, I can have Akeno give you a short tour as she shows you to your class." Rias smiled and offered to which Kel nodded before standing up.     

'Finally, talk about a cock block.' Julius thought as Kel turned and glanced at him while nodding his head.     

"Have a good day." He muttered before Akeno left Rias's side and walked out with him.     

"Did you have anything else to ask Julius? Classes will begin in fifteen minutes." Rias asked the distracted Julius who quickly glanced at her before chuckling.     

"No nothing major really, perhaps just catching up. Um, how's your fiancé?" Julius asked having no other thing he was genuinely curious about. His main worry was that with many clans introduced she may even be already married.     

"I'm yet to be engaged Julius, did you forget? I have received some proposals but I'm not particularly keen on one. *sigh* But I have no choice as some of the proposals are counting on my performance in the rating game tournament a few months from now among the younger generation." Rias expressed while heaving a sigh and placing her cup on the table. Julius couldn't help but use this opportunity to try and look at her amazing proportions.     

"O-Oh right yes, I'm also aiming for a great performance. Hopefully, I gain what I'm after at the end of the day." Julius expressed while showing a sly smile.     

Meanwhile, Akeno was walking in the hall with Kel leading him to class after giving a brief tour.     

"I do hope that you found the tour satisfactory." She asked politely and Kel nodded before responding.     

"I did, I now know the general layout of the place. Thank you for that." He replied also in a polite manner before going silent.     

"Is something bothering you? If you don't mind me asking?" She asked out of the blue due to the sigh he had heaved earlier.     

"No everything's fine, I just find it tiring how formal everyone seems to be here. I prefer it when people talk to me like themselves rather than like we're in a meeting. Is that strange?" He turned to Akeno and asked to which she nodded.     

"For an heir more especially it is, Rias does know many people who speak informally to her. However, I and the other members of her peerage tend to speak formally to other devils of nobility." Akeno said as Kel nodded as he could understand what she meant.     

"Fair point but please feel free to speak informally to me from now on. I think it's more relaxing to both parties and less of pain don't you agree?" Kel asked as he chuckled causing Akeno to chuckle in return as she nodded.     

"Well, I was told to make you feel as comfortable as you can be so I'm in no position to refuse *sigh* whatever I shall do?" Akeno replied before playfully questioning the decision by tapping her chin just as they reached Kel's class.     

"Well, this is my stop, thanks for the short yet helpful tour." Kel thanked and got ready to enter the classroom before Akeno spoke her parting words as well.     

"You're welcome Kel, feel free to request my touring services at any time or visit my headquarters in class 3-A." She jokingly explained before giving Kel a wave and walking away.     



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