I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 141: Priestess

Chapter 141: Priestess

3In a secluded part of Kel's castle, Lilith and Silyva were slowly making their way through a well decorated hall. Neither spoke a word which made for an awkward atmosphere for Silyva who could only fiddle around with her staff, anxious about what Lilith needed her for.      3

"Tell me Silyva, in your opinion how did your last trip go?" Lilith suddenly broke the silence and asked in a curious tone causing Silyva to raise her head and stand straight as she prepared to answer.     

"Well, Lord Kel chose to deal with the reincarnator in a short period of time because he thought it'd be taxing to try gaining more than one alteration...overall it went well in my opinion." Silyva answered respectfully in a low tone causing Lilith to show a small smile.     

"I asked about the trip, not Kel. But I suppose that answer suffices as well. You really have grown attached to him, I'm glad. How about him? Was he ok?" Lilith with a genuine look of concern as Silyva paused to answer.     

"He...was okay, physically but I was worried a lot about his mental state. He has no problems performing his duties or doing whatever is necessary but a part of him will still question himself or judge himself. Lord Kel has a kind heart Lady Lilith, I don't like seeing him suffer or feel alone. I can tell he misses his old life, family and friends." Silyva explained in a saddened voice.     

"The path his own is no easy by any means, it's the fact that he still questions his actions and sometimes accepts that what his doing is wrong but is necessary that peaks my curiosity. The mental alterations he possesses are probably the reason for the internal conflict his undergoing. He chose to not be completely chaotic so it's only natural that the remaining side fights back. Give him time to fully come to terms with everything, infact I think he already has so don't worry your sweet self." Lilith patted Silyva on the head and comforted her with a smile on her face.     

"I'll believe in your words Lady Lilith. Thank you for always showing me kindness." Silyva muttered in a low tone while showing a bright smile.     

"And thank you for showing me I'm not just the monster my title says I am. Now come on, let's go see what our favorite world traveller is up to. I just needed to know your thoughts on everything thus far." Lilith chuckled playfully before the two began making their way out of the hall.     

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the fields where Kel, Mordred, Akita and Genesis where. They found Kel was standing narrating stories from his last trip to Mordred who had sat on the lush grass and was listening keenly like a child. Genesis stood quietly by Kel's side while Akita slept as she couldn't be bothered to do anything else.     

"Really! A whole army of undead! Master promise me next time we'll face an army of undead together ok?" Mordred grinned excitedly as she pictured the battle Kel was describing to her.     

"Well you all seem lively." Lilith's voice caused everyone on the scene except Akita to look in her direction as she made this comment.     

"Master's battles were as grand as always from what he's from telling me. I can't wait to fight alongside you again Master." Mordred explained plainly but the excitement in her voice was clear to all.     

"And I am not alive. So I can not be lively M'lady." Genesis added causing everyone on the scene to glance at her awkwardly.     

"I don't think that's what she meant Genesis, you what nevermind. You've already confused me enough with the whole prayer thing" Kel sighed and shook his head before sitting on the grass.     

"It is very simple my Lord, if you wish you can try answering a few now and I'll provide assistance in whatever way I can." Genesis explained causing Lilith to raise a brow in curiosity.     

"Seems I came at just the right time, I'm curious to see what kind of God you are to your people. Don't mind me I'll be very quiet." Lilith stated before moving to seat beside Kel, comfortably leaning against his left shoulder.     

"I also want to see this Master" Mordred quickly added before moving to seat on his right. Although she didn't lean against him, Mordred did have her modest chest squeezed against him arm.     

Silyva feeling left out could only go behind Kel and have him rest his head on her chest.     

"I don't want you to get neck pains..." She muttered to which Kel so point in arguing with.     

"Fine, let's try this prayer thing out. How will it work?" Kel accepted his fate and looked at Genesis ready to proceed.     

"I will project different prayers and you simply decide how you want them handled, you can also choose to ignore them or speak to the one praying to you directly. Shall I start with the most recent one?" Genesis explained before turning to Kel for confirmation to which he nodded. As he did so, Genesis extended her hands a dim orb glowing ethereal orb appeared from which a voice came.     

[ My dear one and true god, I come before you again to ask for your guidance like I have so many times before. Although I've experienced a lot of heartache, I know that you're there and that you're watching. If this is what you have planned for me then I shall not protest oh lord. I only ask that you show me a sign...please, amen. ] A gentle low voice from the orb stated softly.     

"This prayer comes from one of your most devoted followers, priestess Mirai. In her time, she's prayed to you everyday 5 times or more consistently for 20 years now. With the temple in the region she lives in losing hope in a god, she's chosen to sacrifice herself for her people and to join you in your kingdom as she has nothing left. She's already at the altar so it's best you provide an answer now." Genesis briefly explained to Kel before he could wantonly answer the prayer.     

Behind every prayer there is a story and person who's going through something different. Knowing a little about a person makes it then easier to provide an answer.     

"That's a lot of years of staying fully devoted. That's one way to make me feel guilty. *sigh* I think it's best I answer this prayer directly...." Kel responded and Genesis nodded.     

At the same time at an altar in a town square, a young woman dressed in black stood atop a platform decorated with flowers and looked up towards the sky with a blank stare before closing her eyes and preparing to pray.     

"Dear Lor-"     

[ Mirai... ] Before the young woman could begin her prayer, she heard a echoey voice that shook the entire world call her name.     

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