I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 136: A True Massacre Part 6

Chapter 136: A True Massacre Part 6

0Kel stood on a rooftop roughly 800 meters away from the office building Koji had made his base. He quietly observed the situation as if pondering his next move. The silence however soon came to an end as the black guitar case in his right hand gave off a dim glow.     2

"I sense multiple life energies within than building." Meridia stated in a low voice yet audible enough for Kel to hear her and nod in response.     

"I expected as much, it's kind of impressive how quickly he managed to build an organized force such as this in so little time." Kel commented casually while still keeping his gaze on the office building ahead.     

"Is that so. Aside from that structure, the structure a little further to the left also houses some energies, but they belong to the undead." Meridia added causing Kel to turn his attention towards what looked to be a storehouse.     

'Undead? So he's storing zombies there. But for what exactly?...' Kel pondered this for a short moment before shaking his head.     

"Is there a particular reason you're waiting here?" Meridia questioned in a curious tone and Kel nodded in response.     

"From the looks of things, Koji isn't here. I would have preferred to begin when he gets here but I've just realized there's a more fitting approach to confront him." Kel replied before turning away so he could descend from the rooftop.     

A moment later when Kel descended from the rooftop he was on, he began walking towards the gate of the compound the office building was in. Upon reaching it however, two people on guard pointed guns directly at him causing him to stop walking.     

"You there! State your business!" One of the guards demanded in a threatening manner but Kel remained unmoved. After all the guards were all formerly students just like Koji and Kel.     

"Wait Masamune, I remember him from my class. The foreign exchange student, uhh Kel right?" The other person on guard interfered before turning to Kel and asking.     

"That's right, I got a tip that Koji made a base so I came to see him about joining." Kel responded in a direct and neutral manner.     

"Well you're in the right place, almost everyone here is from our school or close to our age. Koji really brought us all together. A real total badass" The guard who was addressed as Masamune praised Koji before nodding at Kel.     

"True, but he's not here right now but should be before midnight. They went on a supply run and said they wouldn't take more than 8 hours before coming back. But you're free to wait here for him ok?" The other young man on guard pointed out before turning to Kel, waiting on a response.     

"8 hours? That's enough time." Kel replied in vague manner before his gave off to click sounds, indicating it was being opened.     

"Enough time for what?" Masamune asked in a confused tone but saw that Kel's smile had now vanished.     

Before another word could be uttered by anyone, Kel shook the now open guitar case making the sword emerge out into the air. He quickly held it by the hilt and slashed at the two young men.     

"Argh!" Both of the two young men dropped to their knees and let out pained screams and held their arms tightly as their hands had been cut clean off from the wrist.     

"Sorry you have to suffer, it'll be all over soon." Kel spoke in a cold tone but his words seemed sincere as his looked forward to see the screams the two had released drew the attention of the other people present.     

Kel quickly picked up one of the guns their had dropped when their hands got cut off and aimed it forward. A second later he began firing shots nonstop until only one bullet was left.     

Those unlucky enough to be in his line of fire all had their legs and hands shot multiple times without a single bullet going to waste.     




Multiple pained screams and grunts filled the compound but Kel ignored them all and aimed his gun towards the storehouse and fired the last bullet.     

What followed was the sound of it shattering the lock on said storehouse and it's doors swinging open. Many of the fallen people turned their heads to the storehouse with frightened expressions as they began hearing numerous growls and grunts.     

"Are you insane! Why are you doing this?!" A voice from one of the people within the office building was directed at Kel but he simply looked up to the floor the voice originated from and smiled.     

"...." Kel gave no answer but instead gripped his sword more tightly as more people began to emerge from the office building while others shot at him from windows.     

But it was useless, to Kel every projectile that came his way was seemingly moving in slow motion due to his time control. Hence he easily slashed bullets and deflected them using Meridia.     

At the same time, some zombies came towards him and Meridia gave off a bright glow that burned them to ash.     

"Filthy creatures." She voiced in a tone of disgust while Kel only glanced at the ash pile for a moment before turning to the office building and rushing there.     

"Stop him!" The people on higher floors attempted to still stop him by firing continuously at him but he dodged each and every bullet without fail and entered the building.     

Once inside, Kel continued to mount his attacks on the people present. He first threw Meridia forward causing her to pierce one of the shooters by the shoulder and mount him to a wall.     

The other people present were distracted for a moment by this action and by the time they turned their heads back to face Kel, he was right in front of them.     

Kel didn't waste time and kicked one right on the knee cap with tremendous force. A cracking noise filled the area and a scream was about to follow but Kel punched the young man on the throat, sending him flying back while choking on his own blood.     

Immediately after, Kel turned to his right to face his next target he aimed a gun at point blank range at him. Kel however gripped this person by the wrist and launched an uppercut aimed at the elbow.     

Once again another cracking noise was heard as Kel caused the person's bone to pop out of his body. Not even giving him the chance to take in the pain Kel performed a round house kick and hit the guy in face, causing him to hit the wall with force and fall to the ground unconscious.     

Afterwards, Kel walked casually towards the end of the hall and removed Meridia from the shoulder of the young man she had pierced.     

The young man looked up at Kel with fearful eyes but Kel simply left, proceeding to the next floor leaving only a few parting words.     

"I'm the least of your worries." Kel commented before leaving the panicked young man wondering.     

The answer soon became clear when the young man began hearing growls and grunts coming in his direction.     



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