I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 122: Day Z Part 2

Chapter 122: Day Z Part 2

39:44 am     

This was the time Kel saw when he turned his head to face the wall clock mounted in the nurse's office. He and Takagi had arrived in the office just a few minutes past 9 am.     

"You keep looking at the clock every now and then, do you have somewhere to be? Is this all just some ploy to skip school?" Takagi who was standing on the side of the bed Kel laid on had asked in an annoyed tone.     

"I'm barely know my way around town, where would I go?" Kel replied before adding a pained groan at the end of his words.     

'Maybe he really is in pain. I should ask nurse Shizuka to give him some more pain killers but...she's asleep...' Takagi thought to herself before turning to the nurse who was sound asleep on her desk.     

Meanwhile in a class on the eastern wing of the school, Silvya was teaching yet another one of her unique english classes.     

"Okay class, read the sentence aloud in unison" Silvya instructed while standing in front of the black board. The class responded by standing up from their seats and reading what Silvya had wrote on the board.     

"IF ANYONE DOES NOT LOVE THE LORD KEL, LET HIM BE ACCURSED. O LORD COME. AMEN!" The class read out aloud in near perfect unison while Silvya simply smiled.     

A/N: if you know you know     

"Uh? Miss Silvya? Isn't the lord in the sentence supposed to be Jesus Christ?" A nerdy looking student inquired after raising her hand but Silvya only tilted her head in a confused manner.     

"Who?" Was Silvya's response and before the nerdy girl could speak any further, the bell rang and the class was over.     

Once all the students left the classroom, Silvya took her purse off the table and looked up at the clock at the far end of the classroom.     

'10 minutes left' she thought to herself before putting the purse over her shoulder and hurriedly exiting the classroom.     

As all this was happening within the school, a man in a suit was slowly approaching the school. At first glance he looked to be normal but the more one observed the more odd he'd look.     

His strange way of walking, his lifeless eyes but what stood out most was that a part of his back heavily wounded and exposed.     

The man came to a halt at the school gate and began trying to walk through despite the obvious obstacle in front of him. It didn't take long for this action to draw the attention of some members of staff and in turn cause a confrontation...     

Koji who was in class could see the entire scene happening and showed a sinister smile.     

'Everything is moving along nicely' he thought to himself and leaned back slightly into his seat. But then all of a sudden, the school's p.a system came on.     

"*ahem* Attention all students, this announcement serves to tell you that our region is under a state of emergency. The details as to why remain unclear so for now we urge students to follow the following instructions and do not panic..." the principal's could be heard resounding through the entire school as he gave out very odd instructions.     

[all students and teachers should wear extra layers of clothing, if nothing can be found then they are to use gym equipment.]     

[all students and teachers should equip themselves with thick, durable objects with a reach of atleast a meter.]     

[lastly, all students and teachers should not hesitate to take out threats]     

And with that last instruction, the principals voice had gone silent leaving the students and members of staff present.     

"What the hell was that about?"     

"Sir is this a drill? If so then for what?"     

"Uh, guys...I'm not able to get through to my parents."     

"Hey no phones allowed! I'm sure this is all a drill so let's just follow the instructions. Come on, everyone in a single file" The teacher calmly advised but he too was very worried.     

'I don't remember having a drill like this before and the principal isn't one to joke... just what the heck is going on.'     

Meanwhile in the principals office, Silvya was standing behind formally dressed man with her hand stretched out while giving off a bright red light.     

"Good, now you'll do whatever it takes to equally distribute as much equipment as you can. Understood?" Silvya asked in a serious tone and the man nodded his slowly in dazed like manner.     

Back in the nurse's office, Takagi had become slightly anxious.     

"What was that all about?" She asked curiously but before Kel could answer, a drowsy nurse Shizuka approached both of them before crouching down and extending her hand under the bed.     

"Nurse Shizuka?" Takagi called out in a confused manner.     

Nurse Shizuka soon pulled out four heavy bags duffel bags from under the bed and left Takagi even more confused while Kel showed a small smile.     

"Miss Silvya had asked me to keep these here to use when necessary. Hmm, this counts as necessary right?" Nurse Shizuka placed her finger on her lip and pondered the matter slightly.     

"I think it does, we better get dressed then right? That announcement sounded pretty serious." Kel quickly added before getting off the bed and crouching down near the duffel bags.     

Back in Kel and Takagi's classroom, Koji was angrily clenching his fists at the situation.     

'What the fuck is going on, how did the news reach the school so early. Fuck! This messes up my entire planned scenario. If everyone is well equipped then they'll have no reason to follow me...' Koji grit his teeth at the thought of this as he quickly began thinking of what next step to take.     

"Yo Koji, everyone has gone to the gym to get equipment. We should go too, just in case" one of Koji's friends advised but then suddenly a loud shriek caught his attention.     

At the front of the gate, a female teacher was yelling out loud as three other male members of staff suck their teeth into her and ripped out chunks of her body brutally. Those who could see this scene had their eyes widen in shock, including Koji.     

"I was so caught up in the announcement I forgot about the time, fuck! Too many things are happening so fast." Koji cursed before getting his bag and rushing out of the classroom.     

As time passed more and more students rushed to the windows to see the scene of the members of staff seemingly going mad. What's worse is more people gathered at school's gate overwhelming it with force, and showing it wouldn't last much longer.     

Some panic began to rise but it was more controlled due to the majority of staff members trying to keep the peace. Although the students where in panic, none wished to leave the inside of the school and so they could only follow instructions including the group of students Koji had formed.     

Back in the office, Kel was buttoning up the last button to a dark leather jacket he was now wearing over his uniform.     

"What was that sound and just what kind of drill needs us to dress like this?" Takagi appeared from a curtain behind him wearing a similar jacket with matching black gloves and a bat in her hands.     

"Who knows, but it sounds serious enough for people to start screaming. Miss Shizuka, maybe you should use the empty duffel bags to put in medicine or anything else that can be helpful to treat injuries?" Kel stood up straight and lifted his guitar case before strapping it behind him.     

"Right, that's a good idea Kel." Nurse Shizuka replied before running up and down the office collecting whatever she found necessary.     

"And what do you think you're looking at Kel? Especially at a time like this?" Takagi asked with narrowed eyes and crossed arms.     

"I'm looking at the laws of physics leave the building. That jacket looks good on you by the way." Kel replied quickly before shrugging his shoulders.     

Before Takagi could reply, many loud cries could be heard from the outside of the building. When Takagi rushed to the window to see what was going on, she could see that the school gate had completely collapsed and large group of bloodied people where rushing through.     

"What the..." she muttered in low tone while Kel grabbed her by the hand once he saw a group of them rushing towards the office's direction.     

"Let's go now, the ground floor isn't safe and I doubt these windows will hold them off. Nurse Shizuka?" Kel quickly     



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