I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 97: Preparing

Chapter 97: Preparing

0After getting out of the formal clothes he had on, Kel stepped out of his room and went downstairs to the dinning area where he found Lydia sitting.     

"Oh, Welcome back my Thane. How was the party?" Lydia asked as soon as she saw Kel.     

"It was...interesting I guess" Answered Kel choosing to remain vague.     

"Well at least now we can relax. With the war over the people of Skyrim can be at ease" Lydia let out a sigh of relief and reached for some mead on the table.     

"Actually...my information tells me Yorgen is with a court of vampires right now. Tomorrow we'll need to start preparing." Lydia showed a frown upon hearing this and slammed the table.     

"Just how far is he willing to lower himself. That damn cockroach!"     

"Save your anger for the vampires, you'll be seeing a lot of them soon..." Kel advised before leaving the room.     

The next day, Kel set off to Whiterun with Lydia, Silvya and Delphine. Upon entering the city everyone went their separate ways.     

Delphine was tasked with collecting supplies and ingredients Kel had written down. Silvya and Lydia were told to go get themselves some Silver weaponry. As for Kel....     

"Arcadia? Are you here?" As Kel said these words, a loud boom could be heard coming from the back room.     

Kel sighed and walked into the back room where he found Arcadia working on a concoction.     

"Everything alright Arcadia?" Asked Kel while tilting his head slightly.     

"Yes-yes it was very successful heh." Arcadia let out a bright smile and lifted a potion in her hands.     

"Right....Well I need you to concoct some potions for me...." Kel instructed while showing a smirk.     

"....so can that be done?" Kel asked after telling Arcadia his request. She fell silent for a moment and began rubbing her chin before she finally nodded.     

"Yes I can do it. How soon will you need them? I may need to experiment a little..." Arcadia answered slightly unsure while nodding.     

"Hmm, is a week enough?" Kel asked as he prepared to leave.     

"Yes that should be enough time" Arcadia responded with a smile and nodded.     

Meanwhile at the sky forge, Lydia and Silvya had just finished describing what weapons they needed when Aela and Mjoll appeared on the scene.     

"Getting new weapons Lydia?" Aela asked making Lydia and Silvya turn to her.     

"Yes, we need some new weaponry soon. I'm getting a Silver sword and arrows whilst Silvya is getting only arrows." Lydia quickly explained.     

"Oh? Reason being?" Aela asked while raising a brow in curiosity.     

"Vampires, I'm not sure about the exact details but Thane Kel told us to prepare as quickly as possible." Lydia quickly explained before turning to Yorland the smithy.     

"They'll be ready by sunset tomorrow" he said after pondering for a moment.     

"Thank you, we'll see you tomorrow then as we still have a lot of preparations to handle." After hearing how long it would take, Silvya already got ready to leave.     

After the two of them left, Aela furrowed her brows and turned to Yorlund.     

"Hey Yorlund. Make me a Silver weapon as well..." Aela muttered as she crossed her arms     

The rest of the day was spent making necessary preparations and was rather uneventful. It wasn't until sunset the next day that Kel was ready to set off.     

He was currently sitting by the gate waiting for Silvya and Lydia to get their weapons. A few minutes later not two but three women approached him.     

"Why am I not surprised" Kel sighed while looking at Aela.     

"What do you mean?" Aela frowned and crossed her arms while glaring at Kel.     

"....we should start off, we're traveling by horse." Kel quickly advised before walking away not bothering to answer Aela's question.     

Meanwhile at a dark castle in the far corners of Skyrim, a figure could be seen smiling as he stood on a balcony. As he did he saw another person appear in an instant near him and bowed.     

"Lord Harkon. We've dealt with those pesky Vigilants of Stendarr, however I fear they may already know of that place...." the man spoke in husky and whispery voice,     

"I see, do you need me to tell you what needs to be done?" The man addressed as Lord Harkon asked without bothering to turn around.     

"N-no, I'll be sure to handle it right away my Lord"     

"Good, now leave. I expect good news when you return...our time draws near." Harkon smiled as he said these words and looked up at the moon before laughing maniacally.     

It took Kel and his group about an hour to arrive at the destination they were heading. Immediately upon arriving Kel furrowed his eyebrows.     

"I didn't expect them to get here before us" Kel expressed aloud as he looked at the opened entrance.     

"Vampires?" Lydia questioned to which Kel nodded.     

"Wear the charms to mask your scent and silence your movements otherwise we lose the element of surprise. Stay close to each other and the walls. With that said, let's go." Kel quickly instructed before leading the way inside.     

Once inside the dimly lit crypt, Kel and his group began to advance slowly. Before they got too far however, Aela signaled them to stop.     

"Up ahead...I sense two vampires..." Aela whispered while pointing to her front.     

'I forgot she isn't just Human' Kel thought to himself before turning to Lydia.     

"Take out one using your bow. I'll take care of the other" Kel instructed and Lydia nodded before the two of them advanced together.     

Lydia stopped first once she had a clear shot and didn't hesitate in taking it. In an instant the vampire's chest was pierced with an arrow.     

This alerted the other vampire but before it could act, Kel appeared near it at a frightening speed and stabbed it with what looked to be a sword wrapped in cloth.     

"Hmph, vampires are just weak humans with some flashy abilities" Aela humphed and crossed her hands as she watched the vampire's corpse turn into ash.     

"These were just fledglings, don't attack anyhow alright?" Kel instructed before gesturing them to continue going deeper into the cavern.     

A/N: As Usual give stones for continued release and mass release on Friday should we touch 1k stones. You can also read further ahead by joining and supporting me on pat.re.on     



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