I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 96: Schemes

Chapter 96: Schemes

3As Erikur stood at the balcony. He slammed his hand against the rail in anger and grit his teeth.     

"Dammit!" He muttered under his breath with his brows furrowed and fists clenched.     

"My-my you seem to be unwell Thane Erikur" At that moment Maven appeared behind him with a sly smile on her face.     

"Maven...." Erikur said slowly.     

"It's Jarl now Erikur...although this is just a formality. We all know Riften has been in my pocket for years now *chuckle*" Maven moved next to Erikur and rested her hand on the balcony's rail.     

"A shame that Kel got involved in the war is it not? Ever since he did so Elisif stopped speaking about you during our encounters." Maven said while twirling a glass in her hands.     

"Elisif used to speak of me?" Erikur asked her unable to mask his curiosity.     

"Haha, men can be so dense. Of course she mentioned you often. You're handsome and successful afterall. She told me you're partly the reason Solitude is so successful. Had it not been for the war, she mentioned she'd have loved to spend more time with you."     

"Alas Kel appeared and changed everything. I remember her mentioning that her being with him was the best thing for Solitude according to General Tullius. Poor Elisif, she trusts people far too easily. I mentioned she shouldn't but you know she's willing to do anything for her people right Thane Erikur?" Maven asked feigning a sad expression.     

"That bastard Tullius! I knew he Influenced her in some way. He never did agree with me but to practically sell off Elisif...I'll confront her about this. If I can convince her-"     

"Don't be foolish. You know that won't work and worse if she finds out I revealed this to you she'll be even more upset for you prying. But if you wish to look like an even bigger fool, go ahead." Maven cut off Erikur and quickly explained before turning to leave.     

"Then what can I do! Am I supposed to just watch as all this happens!" Erikur asked with clear anger in his voice.     

"Of course not. The answer to your problems should already be clear. Despite how strong someone is, there's more than one way of taking "care" of people Erikur. You should already know this. Anyway I best take my leave and mingle with other guests. Enjoy the rest of your evening Erikur" Maven smiled seductively before walking away slowly.     

The celebrations soon came to an end and Kel decided to leave with Silvya.     

"We best get going Silvya, I've seen enough fake smiles for one night" Kel said to Silvya who smiled and bowed in response.     

Silvya looked around and saw that the other guests leaving in pairs had their hands locked to one another. Silvya then turned her attention to Kel's arm and blushed slightly. She hesitated momentarily before taking a deep breath and locking arms with Kel.     

"Hmm?" Kel didn't mind particularly but was curious as to why she did out of the blue.     

"I thought it's customary to lock arms when you're in pairs...." Silvya said in a low tone avoiding eye contact.     

"Who knows, I'm not exactly familiar with Skyrim customs. Let's get going" Kel adjusted his arm so that their arms would be linked properly.     

Silvya showed a victorious smile as this happened and raised her head proudly while they exited the palace.     

On their way out, they encountered a strange scene. Hadvar was standing in front of the main gate holding arms with a woman.     

"Wait is that...Legate Rikke?" Kel asked aloud causing both Hadvar and Legate Rikke to panic and back away from each other.     

"*ahem*! And that's how it's done soldier. Are we clear?" Legate Rikke suddenly asked a confused Hadvar.     

"Huh? Oh? Yes-yes I understand." Hadvar quickly answered despite having no idea what was going on.     

"You two look cute together, anyway Silvya and I are leaving we won't disturb you any longer." Kel teased before walking away while waving his hand, ignoring their attempts to explain in the process.     

"This is all your fault Hadvar...I told you it's too risky here" Legate Rikke frowned and complained.     

"I'm sorry my fierce Armored princess" Hadvar quickly apologized while chuckling nervously.     

"Damn you and your sweet words. I forgive you..."     

It didn't take long for Kel and Silvya to return to the mansion via dragon. Kel's home now had 3 to 4 dragons always roaming near it.     

Silvya and Kel were the only two present within the manor at the moment aside from Delphine who welcomed them back.     

"Welcome back my Lord"     

Delphine bowed and kept her head down without saying anything more. She wore a rather skimpy attire and a chain on her neck with the word owned engraved on it.     

"Where did you get that chain?" Kel asked with a brow raised in confusion.     

"I did some shopping as you instructed. I wore it while doing all my shopping, it was so humiliating *pant* *pant* everyone in Whiterun knows I'm just your mere slave." She replied while fidgeting her toes and panting heavily.     

"...." Kel decided not to make any comment and walked past her. During the past days she had offered to work as a maid in his home to show her gratitude for him sparing her life. However as time passed she slowly began to act more like a slave rather than the maid she declared she'd be.     

Silvya gave Delphine a narrowed look before following Kel to his quarters.     

"Silvya. What's Yorgen's current status?" Kel asked as he began to undress.     

"He is currently at...Castle Volhkihar" replied Silvya while looking at Kel keenly.     

"So it's like that..."     

Kel made no further comment but instead showed a faint smile.     

A/N: As Usual give stones for continued release and mass release on Friday should we touch 1k stones. You can also read further ahead by joining and supporting me on pat.re.on     



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