I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 47: Bravery

Chapter 47: Bravery

0Kel and the group had a relatively safe journey thus far, since they left Riverwood. They had only encountered 3 wolves, two got killed by Kel and Hadvar while the last one escaped. The group was currently passing Honningbrew Meadry and could see whiterun in sight, but before they could sigh in relief a loud bang was heard and ground rumbled.     1

"Dammit I knew a peaceful journey was too good to be true in this province! What no-!! A Giant!!".     

Everyone's eyes looked to the surrounding farmland a bit further away from where they stood. What they could see was what looked like a huge grey skinned bearded man wearing only a loincloth and a club in hand as a weapon. Surrounding the giant were a group of people who seemed to be in battle with it. Yorgen eye's widened in amazement.     

"That person is huge! Are those guys gonna be okay?".     

Hadvar nodded his head but he too seemed a bit concerned.     

"I recognize them, they're members of the companions, Skyrim's group of elite warriors so they should be fine. That Giant seems to be weak, probably from a confrontation with another clan of Giants over Mammoth territory so they should be able to handle it...one clean hit from that club though will send you directly to sorvngarde."     

Silvya leaned into Kel's ear and whispered.     

"Kel-sama, are you planning something?"     

Kel smiled and nodded towards Silvya before shifting his eyes back to the fight. Lokir gulped at the scene before speaking.     

"Uh, can use a safer route? Let's cross the creek and walk from there. I'm not ready to meet my ancestors just yet..."     

Yorgen however had different thoughts.     

"What?! This opportunity is obviously luck, the best warriors in Skyrim are struggling in battle. If we can assist even a little then maybe we can their esteemed group hehe. You should be excited by this sight Lokir!"     

"I get excited by seeing women and gold, only sorvngarde obsessed people look forward to dying. Look even Hadvar is trembling."     

Hadvar quickly cleared his throat and spoke.     

"I think it's best we don't get in their way, they obviously have a plan, I'd hate to step in and take all the glory...don't you agree Kel?"     

Kel shook his head and spoke.     

"No Yorgen is right. If you don't help now you'll be known as milk drinkers by them. And as for women I see two fighting that Giant. Most Giants are very slow so if those guys wanted to leave they could just run but they are actually blocking it from leaving this area and charging somewhere it could endanger people. Best way to help would be to draw its attention from a safe distance, when it's distracted they'll land the finishing blow. Besides you guys are wearing armor and have swords, so if you don't help in anyway then I doubt you'll become companions. That's just my take on it."     

Yorgen got a look of determination on his face and turned to Hadvar and Lokir. Hadvar shook his head still at the idea.     

"I'm in the army already so I'll consider becoming an adventurer only after that..."     

"And I'm only a thief, What do you want me to do? Sneak a poison into it's loincloth?"     

Yorgen snorted and puffed out his chest.     

"It's not hard we won't even face it. Just watch."     

Yorgen proceeded to pick up stones before throwing them in the Giants direction. After the 5th stone landed the Giant became agitated and turned its head towards the group and began stomping it's feet madly, making the whole ground around the area shake. The companions who were closest to it couldn't see because of the dust that was rising and couldn't move properly because of the shaking ground.     

"Haha see! All it's doing is looking at as while stomping it's feet, any moment now it'll fall and our efforts shall be rewarded!"     

Lokir smiled when he heard rewards.     

"I suppose I over reacted. Haha-ha-ha...please tell me I'm just imagining it come closer..."     

The once stomping Giant began to charge towards the group in large strides, Lokir could feel his heart beating at an abnormal pace and immediately turned to run with Hadvar and Yorgen not far behind. By running in the same direction before the Giant got close, it easily altered it's direction and went after them. Kel and Silvya didn't even need to move.     

"Dammit!! Why!! Just!!! All I want to is to be rich and live carefree not this!?"     

Lokir complained as he, Hadvar and Yorgen ran from the Giant. But suddenly it's strides began even larger and faster. What took them 15 steps to cover it could do in one. When they felt the rumbling get closer and closer they could feel their eminent death approaching. Hadvar was a skilled and battle hardened warrior who fault many battles so he decided to be brave and stop running then took out his sword. Lokir shouted back in panic.     

"Hadvar you fool!! Don't do it!!! Hadvar you..."     

As soon as Hadvar unsheathed his sword, he put it under his armpit and poured a fowl smelling liquid all over his body to give him a bloody look before lying down in a position that hid the swords real point of penetration. When he felt the rumbling get closer, he held his breath and prayed to Akatosh. The Giant only looked at his body briefly and sniffed him before thinking his just a rotting corpse and proceeding on to the others.     

"That coward!!!"     

Lokir was quick to begin running and they did a large u-turn and starting running in whiterun's direction in hopes of the guards assisting but once more the rumbling got closer and closer, when he looked back he found Yorgen also decided to lay on the ground and play dead. When the Giant approached it looked at his body and sniffed it then raised its head again. But rather than leave it raised its club and slammed the ground launching Yorgen hundreds of feet into the air and still rising.     


Lokir was so stunned at what he just saw that he forgot he was in danger. By the time he realized and tried to run, he stubbled and fell down to the ground. The Giant approached him and raised its club, ready to send him to sorvngarde aswell. But before it could Kel rushed behind it and slashed at its ankle, making it groan in pain. Kel took advantage of his speed and swung his sword multiple times until the Giant could no longer stand on that leg and fell on its knees, inches away from Lokir.     

Kel jumped on the Giant's back and ran towards its head before jumping up once more with gathering momentum with his sword and then finally striking it on its head, making its whole body fall to the ground. Kel continued to slash at it's head until it stopped breathing before wiping the sweat on his forehead and looking at Lokir whole was breathing heavily.     

"You okay Lokir?"     

Lokir raised a trembling thumbs up.     

"I need to leave Skyrim at all costs".     


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