I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 28: What Just Happened?

Chapter 28: What Just Happened?

3Kel had sent Silvya to join the festivities without him while he took a bath and began changing into a clean attire. But as he was doing this, he heard a knock on his door. With one hand still drying his hair, Kel proceeded to open the door and found Sasha standing there holding a plate. Once she saw Kel she extended the plate towards him and spoke in a friendly tone.     3

"I thought you'd be hungry after the battle earlier and all so here!"     

Kel looked at the plate with food that was already half eaten then looked towards Sasha who still had sauce and crumbs on her mouth and smiled.     

"Well thank you I'll, I'll be out in a bit"     

Kel said his goodbyes but soon another knock came on his door. This time he found a straight faced Annie with a bowl of soup. She quickly handed him a bowl as she spoke.     

"Don't go thinking we're friends, this is just to say thanks for saving Sasha and Pieck. Bye."     

Kel nodded his head and closed the door only for Annie to knock even louder.     

"Anything else?"     

Annie pointed to his stomach as she spoke seriously.     

"I need to check if your wound is healed."     

Not waiting for his response she walked right in and took a seat on the chair near his bed. Kel decided to play along and shut the door.     

"You know I can self heal so why bother checking?"     

Annie replied in a straight tone.     

"Just to be sure. Now show me"     

Kel shook his head and went to lie on the bed as he responded.     

"If you're that curious to check, you're free to help yourself. Otherwise I'm taking a short nap, Silvya will wake me up when the festivities are coming to a close."     

Kel closed his eyes and heard Annie's footsteps walking towards the door and smirked thinking he made her leave, but to his surprise he heard it get locked and the footsteps return. As he opened his eyes to question what she was doing, she climbed on top of the bed and sat on his crotch. She maintained her straight face and directly began unbuttoning his shirt.     

"Sure, make yourself comfortable why don't ya"     

Annie ignored his remark and continued to unbutton his shirt until it became fully undone. She then placed her hand on his abs, where the knife wound had originally been. She continued to rub that spot continuously while fidgeting as she straddled him. Kel's body reacted naturally and a large bulge soon appeared under Annie.     

Her straight face was slightly put off as she felt what was under her, she took her hand down and and felt the bulge before glaring at Kel.     

"Sit at your own risk. Are you done now?"     

But rather than get off, Annie firmly planted her herself on it. She then leaned forward and took the bowl of soup, after getting a spoonful she extended her hand towards Kel's mouth.     

'What's happening right now? This whole situation is extremely odd. But...I'm not complaining'     

Kel opened his mouth and let her feed her and smiled, he then tried to make the most of situation and spoke.     

"Have you eaten yourself?"     

Annie shook her head and replied with few word.     

"Wasn't hungry".     

Hearing this, Kel sat upright with her still on him. Their faces were only a few inches away from each other. Kel took the spoon from her heads and also got a spoonful of soup and brought it towards her mouth.     

"Kind of strange to make me eat when you haven't yourself, open up".     

Annie looked at the spoon then looked him in the eyes and opened her mouth. After she ate, she took the spoon back and feed him. This dynamic continued until the soup was done. Annie looked at the bowl and the Kel but didn't get off him. She just kept staring into his eyes with her straight face. Kel used his hand to brush her hair to the side to see her face fully. She looked at his hand and then looked back into his eyes still not speaking a word.     

'Fuck it, no risk. No reward'     

Kel leaned in and planted his lips on hers. He got no resistance but her movements were awkward, she then just relaxed and let Kel do as he pleased. His hand was stroking her hair while the other held her by the waist and made her slowly grind against him. Kel continued the intense kiss, swapping from top lip to bottom lip while his tongue wrestled against hers.     

Her breathing became heavy and she soon begun to grind on her own. As they continued to kiss, a small moan escaped her mouth which made her break the kiss and pull away from Kel. She quickly got the bowl and got off of him and begun walking towards the door. She stopped after opening it and cast a glance at Kel before leaving.     

"What just happened?"     

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