I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 23: Twist

Chapter 23: Twist

1After the titan holders introduced themselves Hange had the seal bearers take seats so she could proceed with her explanation.     

"I won't need to explain much on what your duties are as seal bearers. You are humanities guardians, your duty is to eliminate threats to that. Our biggest enemy is of course the demons, negotiations are currently being pushed for but the battles remain going on as many high ranking demons refuse to live alongside us while the church refuses to allow them into the continent."     

"Our Queen hopes that they will see that this war will get both sides nowhere and hopefully come to an agreement. Your missions will consist mostly of eliminating hordes attacking our lands or rescuing civilians kidnapped by them. Our first mission will commence 5 hours from now. We will be teleported to Kigali City near the boarder to eliminate the approaching demon army. Any questions?"     

Illyasviel was the first to lift her hand and ask a question.     

"Do you have a uniform in my size?"     

Hange who had been expecting something completely different nodded and answered Illyasviel's question.     

"*sigh* Yes we have all sizes Lady Berserker, though you should know you're not required wear it"     

Hange's last remark fell on deaf ears as Illyasviel was smiling widely imagining how she'd look in one. Alex was the next one to raise his hand, as he was worried about something.     

"Uh what about training? You know tactics, strategies, workouts, sparring, getting used to gear and all that other stuff".     

Everyone in the room gave Alex an odd look, but Kel was curious about something else.     

'Why is he so chirpy? He should be in a foul mood after what he must have gone through, unless maybe only women came or perhaps he-'     

"what the...     

Suddenly Kel felt a tingling sensation in his mind that seemed to be getting greater and greater. Everyone's attention turned to him worriedly except one smiling figure. Alex. But almost as quick as it came, it stopped.     

"Are you alright?"     

Illyasviel, who was closet to him asked in a worried tone and he simply nodded his head. Hange however was still concerned.     

"If you're unwell you can stay behind and-"     

Kel interjected while keeping his head down.     

"I'm fine"     

Hange looked at him in silence for short moment and proceeded to answer Alex's question.     

"Well to answer your question. No, there is no formal training for seal bearers as I was told you're all capable Magus. Moreover your servants will do the heavy fighting isn't that right? But if you still want to practice hand to hand combat then ask if any of the titan holders can help you."     

Alex looked worried for a moment but his expression soon turned into a giddy smile when he heard a lovely feminine voice in his head.     

[Host may purchase basic combat abilities for 20 points. Current points 150]     

'Hehe do it, I'm so glad the system changed before reaching the brothel and I could buy the contract breaker. Best 1000 points spent.'     

Kel knew something was wrong when he kept seeing Alex smiling. Before he could start thinking of what could have happened, Hange ended the short meeting.     

"Alright then I'll leave you all to get ready and acquainted. Those of you who want to change, uniforms are in the locker room. I'm going to oversee the teleportation circle preparation."     

Although they said to get acquainted, Three of titan holders just left. Eren remained and began talking to Alex before they left for the locker rooms, Mikasa also remained and stood from her seat then went towards Kel.     

"Are you sure you're okay?"     

Kel knew they was definitely something strange going on as his body began to feel weaker and weaker. He quickly stood up from the seat and looked at Mikasa then replied.     

"I'm just light headed from lack of sleep, I'll be fine after washing my face. We can get acquainted then."     

Without waiting for her to reply, Kel walked off to the locker rooms as well. On the way he met Eren who was leaving, Eren proceeded to salute him by putting his hand on his chest but Kel was too focused on his matter to even pay any mind to it. When Kel went into the locker rooms he could hear Alex talking loudly to himself.     

"Haha, this is perfect. Thank you new system, it's just like you said, he's sick and dying haha. Perfect, an npc shouldn't be more popular than me, once he dies I'll impress Saber with my skills on the battlefield and have her become my servant and get rid of that damn trap."     

Soon Alex stopped talking and left the locker room. Kel who was hiding behind a locker stood up and went up to a mirror. He saw his eyes looked heavy and his complexion pale.     

'What's happening?'     

Kel thought to himself as he began inspecting his body.     

"The creator has found out that you're not aligned to him"     

Suddenly Kel could hear a feminine voice resound in the locker room. He looked behind him but saw nothing but when he turned to look back into the mirror. It showed a lovely woman with long black hair and piercing crimson eyes standing behind him. The unknown woman placed her arms on his chest in sensual manner. Kel who seemed frozen spoke worriedly.     

"Who are you?...." asked Kel cautiously.     

The unknown chuckled and Kel's questions but gave him an answer.     

"A demon? No. Although they are many who refer anything related to me by such a term. I am the Destroyer..The Creators rival and the one responsible for you getting summoned. You see, due to certain rules he and I have in place, I can't directly summon mortals."     

"I was content with this at the time, but then he began summoning mortal after mortal and granting them obsurd abilities. He would then place them in the worlds they wished and watch their lives as entertainment." She explained in soft tone but Kel wasn't moved.     

"Then why are you responsible for summoning me? So I can be your entertainment as well? So you can kill me on a whim and influence anything I do? If that's what you and that creator see me as then kill me now, you'll probably do it sooner or later anyway" expressed Kel in an angry tone, not caring for the implications.     

If it came down to being a slave who lived his life to entertain others or death. He'd choose the latter as the first was guaranteed to cause immeasurable suffering.     

"No. I understand your concern but I'm not like the creator. He is simply a Buffon he doesn't deserve his title. It took me a while to manage to summon someone he'd have no hold over, not because of entertainment but balance..."     

"The mortals the creator summoned and sent to many worlds are causing havoc and chaos. As the destroyer, these acts strengthen me...but what happens when a world dies due the chaos? What happens when one man rules over an entire galaxy?"     

"Alone these doesn't cause concern but the creator had sent out thousands before you. Offsetting the balance. I take it upon myself restore it but just like him, I can't directly interfere. He used a loophole on that mortal who left and granted him some help in hopes he'd end you in some way..."     

Kel fell silent at her words.     

"Why are you telling me all this? They're probably trillions if not more mortals scattered across a multitude of worlds. I know I'm not special so it doesn't make sense to have me be summoned."     

The Destroyer chuckled once more as she replied while slowly massaging his chest.     

" That's where you're wrong...the aura you give off is unlike any other I've seen. The creator wanted to pit mortals with power against each other for his own foolish entertainment. He was confident you'd die sooner or later I'm sure..."     

"But me...I want to restore the balance before his foolishness causes countless worlds to fall into death states and for that I'll need you. Help and whatever the creator lied to about gifting you I'll give and so much more."     

Kel could neither refute or distrust her statement as he had no proof. It came down to which seemed more truthful.     


The Destroyer smiled and her eyes began to glow while an energy began to sip into Kel's body.     

"Let the chaos take over. You will be the judge, jury and executioner of those reincarnators. If they run you hunt, if they resist you break their will into nothingness and when they have nothing more to lose..You purge. I speak truthfully in that I only want to gain the chaos energy from reincarnators and restore the balance to the worlds. Having power and cheats only to be crushed leaves them giving me a sensational smile. Silvya will help you in all your endeavors. I must say my farewell for now but thank you "     

Kel felt his body instantly get back to normal, he quickly looked into the mirror and saw all seemed well.     

'Caught in between the affairs of gods...nothing I can do about that for now. As for Alex...Death will be your savior by the time I'm finished with you...'     

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