I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 15: Summoning

Chapter 15: Summoning

3While Alex was closing his eyes in thought, he missed the part where the priest said for the first summoner to come up. When he opened his eyes he found Kel had already gone up and was preparing to summon. He took a red catalyst from the priest and approached the magic circle. Alex wore a smug look and crossed his arms waiting. The priest then spoke in a loud voice so that all the Seal bearers and nobles may here.     

"To summon a servant simply make a chant. It is said that the more provoking it is the higher the chance of getting a powerful servant or if you can't simply try writing down one now then come up when ready."     

Some maids came on the scene carrying paper and pens. Surprisingly every except Alex seal bearer didn't have a chant ready as they didn't know the process prior to coming. Alex was relaxed and didn't take the paper and pen as he was sure he will summon a Saber class, no matter his words.     

'Haha I can't wait to see their reactions when I summon the most powerful effortlessly hehe. I don't even remember any chants, No one pays attention to that. We all just watch for waifus hehe, I hope he gets a guy servant who's gay for him or something heh. That'd be hilarious'.     

As a maid came up the platform with a pen and paper, Kel shook his head and turned her away which made the others think he'll just go along with it.     

"Let silver and steel be the essence.     

Let stone and the archduke of contracts be the foundation     

Let Red the color I pay tribute to / Let my great Master Zagaroth be the ancestor*     

Let rise a wall against the wind that shall fall     

Let the four cardinal gates close.     

Let the three-forked road from the crown reaching unto the Kingdom rotate.     

I hereby declare.     

Your body shall serve under me.     

My fate shall be your sword.     

Submit to the beckoning of my call     

If you will submit to this will and this reason… Then answer!     

An oath shall be sworn here!     

I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven.     

I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell!"     

The other seal bearers were impressed by his words. Thinking he came up with them off the bat. Alex however didn't care.     

"So what? Just wait for my turn, and I'll surprise you!"     

The magic circle however now began to glow brightly and a bright light emerged from it. Once the light faded, a figure clad in armor in red and white armor bearing a sword in her hands had appeared and spoke.     

"Are you my master?"     

Kel smiled and responded.     

"Yes I am."     

The figure revealed her face that was initially covered by her helm and spoke. Being too far away, only Kel could hear her words.     

"Then from this day forth, I Modred of the Saber class Shall serve under you. Master".     

Alex was in utter disbelief and what had just happened. He knew very well who Modred was.     

'System?! What the hell? I have the crystal, how did he summon a Saber class!?'     

[Crystal only increases the chances of success in summoning a Saber class by 100%, it does not prevent others from succeeding in summoning.]     

'Why the fuck didn't you tell me!?'     

[Host did not ask, upgrade to level 2 to unlock sentience]     

'Fuck what do I do now? I don't know any freaking chants!?'     

A panicked Alex then took a paper and pen then began thinking of one. Kel on the other hand looking at his servant, he had already seen videos of history of this world's undying spirits from who had explained it all. This information wasn't a secret and if someone did research they would know.     

In this world Modred's past is slightly different. She was still conceived between Artoria and her sister, Morgan le Fay, through unorthodox circumstances. During this time Morgan enchanted Artoria with a spell to extract DNA from her. Morgan developed it within her own ovary, and made the child into a homunculus clone of Artoria. Due to her status as a homunculus, she was given a much faster growth period than a regular human being, and her life span was far shorter. She was raised in secret and told to hide her status and obey the king until the time was right.     

A/N: Yes, I did a little editing to the story. Don't like it then meh.     

Told that it is her right to inherit the throne, Morgan bid her to one day defeat the King of Knights and take her place. She did bear that same obsession as her mother, but before all that was her adoration for King Arthur. She felt ashamed of her twisted birth, unconsciously acting jealous of normal people, and, with the special innocence that children possess, she worshiped the "perfect king."     

Given a helmet she was told never to remove in front of others, she was eventually sent to Camelot under Morgan's recommendation, and through a presentation of her own superb swordsmanship, became one of the Knights of the Round Table. She was given her sword despite her unknown origins because of her abilities and straightforward mental chivalry.     

She went without having the slightest feelings of rebellion, spurred on by the truth, and approached the King with delight. Raised without a father, the King was the very form of a godlike warrior to her, but Artoria rejected her very clearly. She said that, while Mordred is certainly born from her and her sister's plotting, that she will not recognize Mordred as her "child" or give her the throne. Mordred believed that it was all due to the King's hatred for Morgan, that it would be impossible for her "child" to be accepted.     

Thinking that was the reason her title was the weakest, believing that no matter how hard she tried, even if she excelled over everyone, that the King would forever view her as a dirtied child from the moment she was born from Morgan, her great love for the king up until then made her hatred burn. Modred then laid a rebellion against the kingdom wanting to take the throne by force as she believed she was worthy of it. Artoria in the end defeated her. Her last words were "...mother" while her blood soaked hands reached out to touch Artoria just once, but was not even granted that wish as she fell.     

Due to being bound by a strong curse, Mordred still swung her sword after her death, leaving a fatal wound on Artoria who later died of her wounds her without being able to speak her last words fully "...my ch-".     

A/N: That's the only history I'm revealing for now because it's necessary for the plot. Others will be revealed if they are important as well.     

Once it was time for another Seal bearer to come on stage. Kel and Modred went down back to the arena. One after another the other seal bearer's came up the stage. Alex ended up being last because of preparation for a chant. So far, Illyasviel who was a little girl with red eyes and long white hair had summoned a male berserker. Rin had summoned a male archer class servant. Celenike had summoned a female caster class servant. Fiore had summoned a male lancer class servant.     

At this point, everything seemed to be falling apart for Alex, and he could only hope he would summon an alter of one of his favorite waifus. But sadly he ended up summoning a male rider class servant. His face turned dark when he realized he didn't summon an alter but instead summoned...     

"Greetings Master. I am a servant of the rider class, but you can just call me Astolfo".     

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