I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 18: Perfection

Chapter 18: Perfection

1Kel, Rin, Illya and Alex were now heading towards the palace. The initial scolding Kel was about to get from Rin shifted to Alex. As for appeasing Illya, he offered he let her ride on Akita which made her forget the initial boob incident. Illya who pretty much her whole life locked up didn't hesitate to accept the offer.     2

"Hehe, Maybe they'll call me Illya Wolf Tamer!"     

Kel was still chuckling from the previous events. Silvya then came closer to him and whispered.     

"Lord Kel you have a few rewards..."     

Kel nodded his head to her.     

"Not now Silvya we'll discuss it later."     

Silvya bowed and apologized then continued to walk near Kel. Rin on the other hand was still giving Alex a lecture.     

"Disgusting! What were you thinking gaining such a title? Worse, little children go around screaming it. How am I supposed to be a respectable Magus like this. People will Associate Rin with Legendary C-with your title and that's unacceptable. Also, don't scold children. You're a seal bearer now your actions now reflect..."     

Rin continued her lecture while Alex walked with his giant hen following behind them. He looked back at it with an annoyed expression.     

'The day I find a way to break the bond I'm going to use you to introduce KFC to this world, you fucking chicken'.     

After about 30 minutes of walking, Kel stopped and looked at a shop strangely. The other's stopped and also looked towards the shop. Rin then spoke confidently.     

"If you want to buy things. I can show you to all the best shops."     

Kel shook his head.     

"It's not that. We passed this shop 30 minutes ago".     

Rin immediately began to defend herself valiantly.     

"I've been living in this all my life, w-what do you know, of course I know the way. It's not like I've never gone around the town on foot before haha how preposterous for you to even assume such a thing."     

Kel sighed and walked away towards the shop and asked for directions before coming back and speaking smugly.     

"The palace is that way. While we're at it let's make a quick stop there's something I need".     

Rin blushed when told her directions were wrong but simply towards Alex with an annoyed expression.     

"This is your fault, if I wasn't busy talking to you, I wouldn't have gotten things mixed up!"     

Alex furrowed his eyebrows as they followed Kel in the right direction.     

'Dammit everything today has been a disaster, this wasn't the impression I was supposed to make. Don't tell me I'll become like those protagonists who suffer after reincarnating, no it's just this stupid system. Once I upgrade it, everything will be better.'     

Soon the group at the place Kel mentioned. It turned out to be a regular clothes store for women. Kel then turned to Rin and spoke.     

"If you guys want just go on ahead, you can see the palace from here, I'm going to get some clothes for my servant. She can't exactly walk around in armor all the time. You too Silvya, let's get you some clothes."     

Hearing this, Modred manifested near Kel and put a sword near his neck.     

"Do not refer to me as a girl, or I'll cut you down!"     

Silvya began to panic and pointed her staff at Modred while Akita began to growl. Rin was about to give a lecture when Kel spoke coldly while giving her a malicious smile.     

"Then do it. Do you really think am someone who fears death? Heh you're mistaken."     

'Mainly cause I cant die but minor details..'     

"You claim to be a proud warrior,, yet you can't even accept your gender? What a joke. Fine continue lying to yourself, I simply wanted to treat you kindly, but it seems you rather act all proud instead. Never mind guys, let's go to the castle."     

'High risk, high reward'     

Modred gritted her teeth and before stopping Kel.     

"W-wait, I accept your wish, you are the master after all..."     

Kel smiled as she said this. Although Modred spoke in a angry tone. A yes is a yes.     

'Just as I thought. She hates abasement and feeling disregarded. Was worth not like she can actually kill me. Better not push things to far though. I'll slowly make her accept herself as a woman and be proud of it. No way I'll visit such a world and not enjoy myself at least'.     

"Alright then follow me, let's go Silvya".     

As they were going inside, Illya rushed towards them and smiled.     

"I'm curious to see the place, don't mind me".     

Eventually the whole group ended up coming along. Kel excused himself and walked away with Modred after picking out some outfits. He had a smirk on his face that rubbed Alex the wrong way.     

"Hey be respectful of the lady and let her change in peace. Have you no manners".     

Kel smiled and replied.     

"I never claimed to be a gentleman but at least I'm kind enough to buy my servant some clothes unlike some people, what's wrong? Low on money? Don't worry I'm a charitable man, buy yourself something nice, I'll pay for everyone."     

Illya's eyes lit up, and she picked up all the outfits in her size and rushed to the changing room. Rin began looking at some outfits then summoned archer.     

"Would this suit me? I-I need a man's opinion on this and be honest!"     

Archer nodded and replied, honestly.     

"You lack the chest for it"     

Rin began attacking archer while Alex reluctantly summoned Astolfo. If he didn't keep a good relationship with his undying spirit, he knew from the series that his fate will be disastrous. No pun intended. Astolfo immediately began looking for panties and a skirt while asking how they would look on him.     

Meanwhile, in the changing area. Illya was showing off outfit after outfit and asking for Kel's opinion.     

"Oh, and how about this one"     

Kel nodded and pretended to have inspected her carefully.     

"Looks incredible on you, it goes extremely well with your hair..."     

'I'm really on a roll with my bullshit today, but the cute part is true enough'     

"Modred, come out already or are you having trouble?"     

Mordred answered in an angry tone.     

"Of course not! Here!"     

Modred came wearing a blue tight short and a white top, with a red jacket on top. Kel nodded his head at the outfit.     

"Very good. It shows off the tone body you must've worked hard on in achieving. Beauty and strength. The perfect balance for a deadly and unstoppable warrior such as yourself. Together we will wreak havoc on the battlefield and have no equals..."     

Kel knew how much Modred loved. Glory, honor, victory strength. His words were meant to make her realize she had the same interests as him, hence making her like having Kel as a Master even more.     

"Turn around for me"     

Modred hesitated for a bit but did as he asked. Kel showed a wonderful smile and felt his trousers tighten slightly.     

"Perfection. I don't know why you hate being called a woman".     

Modred angrily replied to Kel.     

"Because women are considered weak! They cannot be warriors! Those that are get looked down upon..."     

Kel looked at Modred and spoke in a casual tone.     

"You are a testament to women not being weak. Do not care for what others think. And if someone dares look down upon you, then teach them just how wrong they are about you. You can become known as one of the greatest men to ever battle, or you can become the greatest female warrior to ever battle while having no equal even among men. Who do you think will be remembered more?... Anyway it's about time we left".     

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