I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 11: Investment

Chapter 11: Investment

3A day had now passed since Kel left the refugee band. Alex had successfully managed to use his status as a Seal bearer to get a place on an airship heading towards New Babylonia. He was extremely excited to meet the characters from his favorite anime's.      1

Kel on the other hand was more concerned with staying alive, he knew for a fact that his chances of dying were high if he didn't make proper preparations, he didn't have a system to purchase things from and his rewards were based off actions towards Alex. So he was currently traveling towards Brogmar, the Dwarven Industrial Capital.     

This city was home to many of Continents best Creation Magi. Kel's destination was the Heaven Forge, this place produced the best of the best weapons both regular and magical. Basically any augmenters wet dream. Pure mana holders usually fought by casting spells, so a weapon was never really necessary aside from staffs which didn't cost much. What was most important for them were mana crystals, but that's a completely different topic.     

The heaven forge was located up a high mountain. Anyone who wanted a weapon made had to walk up the 10000 steps. Once on top your request will be heard and a price determined. When Kel heard he felt like he was being sent on a quest in a game to obtain a legendary weapon or something.     

'I suppose he did this to lessen the amount of people who visit. I'm not even halfway yet, but I've already met lots of people going down in anger...'     

Kel sighed then continued to climb up. He had left Silvya and Akita as only those who want a weapon forged are allowed to ascend. He was also pretty sure Silvya would be weighed down by more than just gravity.     

A little while after reaching halfway, Kel met a rather strange skinny man with a large bag. It looked exactly like an oversized camping bag from his world. This world was semi-modern. It's just that rather than electricity, many things were powered by magic. The strange man was seated on the ground warming his hands near a fire. When the man saw Kel, he jumped up excitedly picked up a notebook and rushed towards Kel.     

"E-Excuse me good sir, may I have a moment of your time."     

The rushed towards Kel in a hurried manner, almost falling in the process. Once near Kel he adjusted his monocle and top hat then wanted to explain but ended up dropping his equipment, some began to tumble down the mountain. He chased them for a few seconds, after seeing he won't catch up, he ran back towards Kel. He then adjusted his top hat, bow tie and monocle then cleared his throat.     

"*ahem* allow me to introduce myself, good sir. I am Balor Banun, God tier Creator and genius or at least I will be in the future, provided things go as planned..."     

The man began to mumble but when Kel created his throat he came out of this daze and continued on.     

"In simpler terms, good sir, I am trying to launch a company that will become so grand that I will be named the greatest dwarven creator of all time! I am currently looking for potential investors, so I can meet my goal of 300 gold. I know it's a lot, but I assure you it will double by a large margin in a little time. I have currently gathered 2 gold!! And it only took me a year. Haha, I can smell the success".     

Kel tilted his head in confusion.     

"How are you dwarve when you're taller than average, I mean I'm no expert but so far every dwarf I've seen is below my waist, and you're almost my height. More importantly, why should I believe you can really become as great as you claim. If you can convince me I'll invest the whole 300 gold."     

The man's eyes lit up brightly, and he began to speak in an excited manner.     

"Why of course follow, I assure you. You won't be disappointed! Haha, my first investor and I'll fulfill my goal. Who cares if I wasn't as manly or hairy as my mother!"     

Kel calmed the excited man and told him to wait below the mountain while he went to get a weapon made. Balor wanted to offer to make one, but Kel refused just in case he really was a nut job. The two then separated and Kel continued to climb up the many, many steps. Upon arrival, he found he was the only one on top today. They was no lack of people on the way though. Without wasting any time he proceeded into the temple like building where he was greeted by a chirpy dwarf.     

"Welcome traveler isn't it a wonderful day! Please hand me your request, and I'll take it to the Forge Master."     

Kel looked at the chirpy dwarf with an annoyed expression.     

'This chirpy jerk has the audacity to tell people who just climbed 10000 steps it's a wonderful day? It's amazing he isn't dead yet cause I'm surely considering it'.     

Kel took a deep breath and then took out the rough sketch he had made and handed it to the chirpy bastard. The chirpy bastard then looked at oddly turning it up and down then side to side.     

"Hmm it'll do I suppose. Please wait here".     

Kel ignored it and waited patiently for about 20 minutes before the dwarf returned.     

"Master says it'll cost 70 gold to make such a powerful weapon, so I'm afraid you'll have to go el-"     

Before it could finish speaking, Kel threw a pouch with 70 gold inside straight to the dwarves face. The dwarf wore an annoyed expression but walked away with the pouch regardless. After 2 hours a short muscly figure with a big beard appeared where Kel was waiting carrying a large black wooden box. When the dwarf arrived near Kel it placed the box down gently and spoke.     

"I must say I've never received such an outrageous request in a long time, not many are willing to spend that much on a weapon that doesn't have a magic crystal in it. Being a special case, I did my best on this. I can assure you it's forged from the strongest alloy and most durable alloy on the market."     

"It's also an excellent mana conductor plus has many magic inscriptions, so it can work with spells as well. As for the sharpness, heh. May the goddess have mercy on whoever is your opponent, well then take it out lad and give this masterpiece a name, so I can quickly inscribe it as well."     

Kel smiled and opened the box revealing a black and silver double bladed pole arm. He felt its weight then the balance and found both to be perfect.     

"I think I'll keep it simple and name it Genesis".     

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