I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 7: Mysterious Encounter

Chapter 7: Mysterious Encounter

3Chapter 7.      2

Deep in the forest some kilometers away from Moon City, Kel was practicing some low tier and mid-tier spells in the middle of the night by a small river. Silvya had fallen asleep whereas Akita roamed the area around them keeping watch.     

He prepared a stance and put his arms forward facing the river. Suddenly a flame burst out from his hands' in direction towards the river. Kel showed a smile as sweat began to slide down his face. He kept launching the flame for a little while longer and then stopped. Exhausted from hours of practice, Kel laid on the ground and began to pant heavily.     

'Feels like military school all over again but magic edition. Well at least I've understood the concept behind each element, I just need to continue practicing and be creative in how I apply it. But the best part now is I can do silent casting like most Pure mana holders, I need to look like I've been doing this for years to not look suspicious.'     

Kel let out a deep sigh and stood up then stretched his body while looking up at the sky.     

'This still feels so surreal. Honestly looking forward to seeing what more wonders this world has to offer, But most importantly I need to gain as many rewards as possible from that reincarnator Alex. Here I'll have an Undying Spirit as they call it as my servant which gives me the perfect opportunity to grow without worrying about opponents too much, unlike worlds where I have to fight on my own.'     

'Should he die or give up on his goal I'll stop getting rewards, and I'll have to leave since the power I gain here is only applicable in this world. Only abilities I earn can be used in the next world. I'm still not sure if that Creator did this on purpose, or it's just how things work...better not think too much about it, let me just call it a night for today...'     

Meanwhile, another 20 km from Moon City, Alex finally woke up from his deep sleep.     

"Argh! System what the hell happened!?"     

[Host received a blow to the head and has been unconscious since.]     

"Argh shit my head hurts like hell, dammit was it bandits or something? Oh, no!"     

Understanding the situation better, Alex began to search his body rapidly.     

"Fuck!!! They took all my money! How am I supposed to travel without money god dammit this never happens in the stories I read about. *sigh* Thankfully those idiots didn't take my crystal. Better head to Moon City and figure something out or am doomed to walk over 200 km..."     

After arriving at the gates of Moon City, Alex proceeded towards the guards and spoke.     

"Excuse me? I wanted to ask if you know of any thieves in the forest, I was robbed of 740 gold, and now I have no way to travel or provide for myself. Also do you know of any ways to travel without money or easy ways to make some quick gold like hunting?"     

On the surface the guards feigned ignorance and one spoke casually.     

"740 gold is an astronomical amount good sir, it's enough to buy a small city. We only ever use copper and silver. I've never even held a single gold coin in my life. They are some hunting jobs with some guilds, but rewards are usually in silver. As for free transportation, you just missed the refugee band by a few days."     

"It's a group of people who got displaced due to the war, so they are seeking refuge in the outer villages near large empire states like New Babylonia. They welcome refuge as many low paying jobs like servants, farmers, soldiers and many others are available, you can either wait for the next band to pass by or get hunting. Forests are full of many creatures and unsavory people, hence why traveling alone is not recommended."     

After being told just how much he had lost, Alex felt his blood boil.     

'You mean to tell me some fuck is enjoying the money I could have used to get myself ready! Dammit there's only one thing I can try now'.     

Alex lifted his hand and showed the guards a red seal on his hand. The guard who was speaking had his eyes' gale wide open. He then gulped before actually speaking.     

"Y-you're a seal bearer! Er-*ahem* I'll report your case to the head guard, as for transportation you may head over to one of Mount shops and show them your seal, they dare not refuse. Afterwards follow the road heading North east, and you'll arrive at Avalon City. It's got an airship station you may use..."     

Alex finally smiled and nodded before walking into the city.     

'Heh guess I won't have to worry about money, having a seal is like a VIP symbol huh, I bet even nobles won't dare act special in front of me, Now to get a cool Mount to really make me look like a badass!'     

Sadly for Alex he never found one such cool Mount, most stores had many wonderful looking mounts, but they were extremely weak. Most were just for appearance and travel after all. Alex now left another store after failing to find a suitable Mount, but once he came out a hooded old woman approached him and spoke.     

"A legendary seal bearer...yes you are worthy. I offer to you a Mount like no other that ranks above many S rank beasts. If you are interested, follow me..."     

Alex felt this was sketchy as hell, but if there's one thing he learned from his former modern world. It's to never let mysterious encounters pass by. So he followed along. The old lady led him into a small home which made him wonder how such a small home could hold a majestic beast. The answer soon revealed itself as a magic circle appeared on the floor and light engulfed him.     

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