I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 1: No?

Chapter 1: No?

4Kel wasn't your everyday guy. On surface, he seemed like every other normal teenager. Social, Out-going and horny. But on the inside, he was cunning, vengeful and manipulative. Just two years earlier, Kel was a social outcast. Although he had good genes which gave him good looks and above average height, he didn't take care of himself.      1

He was someone who would much rather play video games, read novels, fan-fiction, watch anime and fap to morally questionable content. But one day he fell victim to a prank that made him the laughingstock at school. Normally he wouldn't care but when his mother was the center of the joke, that was another story. He had ended up beating the guys who made the joke to a pulp. Just because he ignored them most times didn't mean he couldn't whoop a.ss when necessary. Especially with his large frame.     

What followed was as expected. Spoiled rich boy complains to parents and changes story, bribes classmates to support said story and corrupt principle who loved to kiss ass whenever given the chance. Kel ended up getting expelled, and his father had him go to a private military school owned by his uncle.     

To someone who had an easy-going life like Kel, this was hell. No internet, no phones and an extremely long list of rules. Students here got so desperate they started smuggling folded pages from po-rn mags. Each student would bring a certain number. Students traded these pages with each other depending on the quality. These trades were like drug deals and happened at random times.     

When it's lights out. Torches on and fap in your sheets. Kel was in fact the biggest supplier, but he got careless and was caught. The price to pay? Hellish training regiments. He suffered two years of hellish training, bad food and no porn. Since his uncle owned the place he was never allowed to go home and instead stayed with him. In those two years, Kel swore he'd make the bastard responsible for getting him sent here pay.     

For his senior year of high-school, Kel was sent back to the same school after his rich aunt pulled some strings. He was sure she did it just to spite his uncle, but what did he care. Those two years did a number on a Kel. He once average figure now had tone muscles, his jawline was defined and after getting a fresh new haircut, you know your boi was dripping.     

But rather forgive and forget and enjoy himself, he loaded his mind with malicious intent and began his crusade. He first started with the main culprit, Charlie. He actually never needed to do much, his current life sucked, apparently. His parents got a divorce and his father went M.I.A. His mother began treating the guy like shit and stopped funding his little escapades. That was life beating him down and Kel intended to add his own spice to the misery.     

Kel went full force in his revenge scheme. He got himself all Fabio'd out and went over to Charlie's mother faking he was looking for any work. And as any good cliché would have it, she did. Lonely rich cougar meets young stud. One thing led to another and like a badly written porno script, they fukked. Charlie's mother didn't even hide the fact and the poor guy had to go to school everyday knowing his mother was getting some from his classmate. After she got addicted to the D. Kel had Charlie's mother bribe the principal into listening to Kel's every request.     

His only request however happened to be letting him prepare the finals. The principal assumed he wanted to make the test easier for himself, but he couldn't be any more wrong. Kel compiled the hardest questions he could find at their level. When exam day came, confusion became the norm.     

Kel who was ready always finished fast and slept while the others racked their brains for solutions, but it was hopeless. When report day came, asses were whopped, excuses were thrown, privileges were taken away and hopes of getting scholarships died. Satisfied with his petty revenge, Kel went back to the life he missed while getting funded by his sugar mummy.     

One night though as he fell asleep, A strange light enveloped his body and sent him into a strange large throne room. Seated on the throne was a figure the size of a building whose face was covered by a bright light. A confused Kel looked up at the figure who spoke.     

"Greetings my child, You're probably wondering what's happening right now but have no fear for I brought you here to offer you the chance of a lifetime. You see I am the Creator. You could say all that exists originated from me. I offer you the chance to travel worlds you thought never existed that you've read and or watched about in your life. I only ask you do me one favor while in those worlds. What say you?"     

Kel didn't even need to think twice as he gave his answer immediately.     


The figure chuckled and spoke.     

"Haha. Good, Good as for the favo-wait did you just say no? Child I offer you a once in a lifetime chance, and you refuse it so blindly?"     

Kel shrugged and replied.     

"I'm not stupid. First why should I believe you. Secondly. Although those worlds offer a lot of good things, there's no shortage of ways I could be killed. The second I go there my life expectancy will drop. Even if you offer immortality, that won't make it less painful. They is no shortage of otaku's who would jump at this offer, just pick some suicidal fella and you're set. My life right now is pretty much perfect anyway".     

The figure sighed and spoke once more.     

"I underestimated your caution. Alright I chose you because of your levelheadedness, I worry another might forget their purpose there. *sigh* some of my more advanced creations started the habit of sending recently dead mortals into worlds they aren't supposed to be in, as well as giving them power they were never intended to possess. These mortals more often that not, end up completely destroying said worlds or abusing their power."     

"I ignored this at first, but the number kept rising and rising. What I ask of you is to go to said worlds were reincarnated mortals are abusing their power or intend to do so and make them pay. I will deal with my creations, but it is beneath me to deal with mortals. You don't need to worry about getting killed as you will carry my blessing as well as some power and a guide to help you in your endeavors."     

"Do this, and I will create you, your own perfect world. Should you meet any beings you may want to see again after you leave a world. I give you the power to mark them with a special sign. Make the reincarnates assimilate into the worlds they are in, kill them only as a last resort. Is this acceptable?"     

Kel pondered for a moment before nodding.     

"I accept but I also have some conditions. I want time in my original world paused if you can as I'll want to return to settle things later, I still have family after all. Two, I want the guide to a beautiful girl and not some system in my head. Three, No limitations on what I can or cannot do is said worlds".     

The Creator's voice resounded in the room.     

"That is doable. So long as you don't plan on making everyone in the world slaves or monopolizing all females for yourself like the others. Since we have come to an agreement then I shall send you to your own Dimensional throne room where you will find your guide. There you will be able to pick which worlds to go to, see reincarnators profiles and set up a alias for yourself when in said world to fit in better. Your guide will give further details, Now go forth Child and purge Reincarnators".     

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