I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 175: Check Mate

Chapter 175: Check Mate

2"So, what happened exactly?" Kel asked feigning ignorance knowing full well Sylvia was most likely the culprit. Sona has no way of knowing this of course and turned towards him to answer his question.      2

"We aren't too sure either, like I said before we only found him... *ahem* her, laying on the ground in the warehouse very traumatized. We already asked her but she says every time she tries to remember she feels shiver all over her body." Sona let out a sight and shook her head as she explained while Kel nodded as if actually paying attention.     

"We clearly won't get any answers here today, I'm sure everyone is tired and this type of case is beyond our area of expertise. For now I think it best Julius return to the underworld for his own safety until we or his family find a solution." Rias suggested while Julius simply looked around confused and shook her head subtly.     

"I think that's the best course of action in this case." Kel was quick to give his take on the matter and soon after Sona agreed as well but still looked to be in deep thought as she felt guilty over what had occurred.     

But the decision was reached and they could only wait patiently to hear more about the case while still investigating. Sona took it upon herself and volunteered to take care of Julius until he could return to the underworld the next day, perhaps because she felt responsible for what occurred during the mission.     

Rias had no problem with this and Kel didn't think his opinion even mattered on this case but still agreed. With that settled the brief meeting was called to an end so that everyone could rest and recover from the long day.     

Sona was the first to leave with Julius but was halted by Kel. "One moment, it may be dangerous to go alone, Issei, why don't you escort her to her residence." Kel suggested as he had noticed Issei awkwardly glancing at her from time to time and as a firm believer of the bro code he just had to give the assist.     

A/N: Those hurt by this decision and want Kel to get every single girl in the world can SUGMA!     

Sona was of course taken aback by this and didn't see the point. "I understand your concern but wouldn't someone stronger be more suitable?" She asked, causing Issei who was seated to show a slightly pained expression. "Damn, less than a minute in and you're already about to be cucked." Raynare snickered before giving him a pat on the back.     

"He's special, but if I understand if you don't trust my words. You're free to choose anyone else." Kel shrugged his shoulders and showed a slight look of disappointment causing Sona to quickly retract her words. "No, no it's fine. I was simply... nevermind. Shall we go Issei?" Sona let out a sigh seemingly unable to say what was on her mind.     

She instead turned to Issei and asked him to follow her as they made their way out of the residence. "Kiba you follow as well just in case but stay hidden." Rias spoke out and Kiba who was standing outside of my guard gave a subtle nod. "As you wish president" he gave a small bow and soon left as well.     

Leaving only Kel with Koneko, Raynare, Silyva, Rias and Akeno. 'Maybe I should've gone too...' Kel thought about the situation and could tell this was going to go in either direction. "So I take it you're leaving as well?" Kel turned to Rias and her group and asked with a brow raised but before she could answer Akeno spoke up.     

"I'm quite exhausted from the investigation and I believe I over exerted myself, would you mind if I spend the night? The sofa is fine." She quickly asked in a polite tone but she wore a small yet innocent smile quite similar to Sylvia's. "No problem but feel free to use one of the guest rooms." Kel sighed internally but on the surface he agreed without much hassle.     

"Now that you mention it, we could all use a rest for today and it may be safer to be together." Rias suggested before looking at Kel suggestively. "You make a good point, there are two guest rooms and then the main room. Not sure how you can distribute that but I'll be taking the couch." Kel said in a casual tone, subtly doing his best to just end the night and sleep but as if the world was his own personal wingman, this didn't work.     

"There are three beds and six of us, I see no problem with sleeping in pairs." Rias pointed out and the other girls nodded except for Koneko who didn't really seem to have anything to add to this strange situation. "That is true, well then who will pair up with the only man here? I have no problem volunteering." Akeno soon brought up the main question before shamelessly saying she was willing.     

"If anyone should pair up with him it should be his loyal servant, it's only natural and less awkward." Raynare shrugged and for the first time Sylvia agreed with her.     

"Kel is still injured so it's only natural I continue to provide treatment till morning. I hold the most mana here so I'm the most viable option." Rias pointed out and Sylvia immediately wanted to argue but remembered it would be blowing her and Kel's cover if she revealed she had limitless mana.     

"I hope you have no problem with this?" Seeing as no one was refuting her fact, Rias turned to Kel and asked for his confirmation to which he could just nod.     

'Talk about Checkmate.'     

Edited by: MagnuS the tired     



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