I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 58: Drauger DeathLord

Chapter 58: Drauger DeathLord

2"Get down".     2

Kel quickly advised Lokir who didn't hesitate to do as Kel said. Lokir immediately ducked while the newly appeared drauger faced him and opened it's mouth. It released a loud shout with an echo towards the groups direction.     

Everything in the shouts path was blown away. Lokir's hair blew wildly from the force but held on firmly to the ground. Immediately the shout ended, Kel threw his sword towards the drauger's legs.     

"Once It immobilized you and Silvya barrage it with arrows."     

A trembling Lokir nodded slowly before and getting his bow. Silvya had already moved to the Drauger's blindspot and drew her bow.     


Once again the drauger released it's shout. This time it was towards Kel. He didn't move but rather made his stance firm and spoke.     


Kel also released a shout towards the Drauger. Although it was weaker, it opposed the force of the coming shout and reduced its power. By the time it hit Kel, he only felt his organs and bones tremble.     


Seeing an opportunity, Lokir quickly yelled towards Silvya who nodded in return and the two began to barrage the Drauger with arrows. Growing irritated. The Drauger tried removing the sword in it's leg.     

"I'll finish it!"     

Seemingly left open, Yorgen broke away from his hiding spot and charged at it with his sword. But as soon as he got close, it looked at him from point blank range and opened its mouth.     



Yorgen was sent flying towards the Wall with incredible force. Lokir and Silvya didn't let off in their barrage with arrows, it didn't take long for the Drauger stop moving and fall completely to the ground.     

"Is it dead?...Well dead again?"     

A worried Lokir turned to Kel and asked. Kel nodded and began walking towards the sarcophagus the Drauger came out from. Inside a large stone tablet and a key.     

"Here's the Dragonstone, I'm not too sure what this key opens though..."     

Kel began scanning the room after getting the key, looking for a potential slot for it. Silvya stood from the spot she had taken cover and spoke in Kel's direction.     

"Lord Kel, What about that?"     

Silvya had pointed towards what looked to be a large rock, but upon closer inspection. Kel found it to be a chest. Lokir has gone off to see where Yorgen's body had landed. To his surprise, he found Yorgen fine but bloody.     

"This guy's a cockroach..."     

Upon seeing Lokir, Yorgen's face lit up.     

"Is it dead?"     

Seeing as he was fine, Lokir shrugged and walked away.     

"I suppose, it could wake up again though so who knows."     

Yorgen felt a chill run down his spine after hearing that and rushed to walk near Lokir. The two arrived near Kel and Silvya, just as they were about to try the Key they found in the sarcophagus.     


Upon hearing the click, Lokir's face turned wide as he looked forward to seeing what was inside. Lokir wasn't disappointed as the chest had plenty of gold, gems, scrolls and a few basic spell tomes.     

"Silvya, get the scrolls and spell tomes. The rest of us we'll carry the gold and gems. These coins are ancient so they'll need to be traded for septims. As for the gems, they seem ok. Let's look around real quick Incase of anything else."     

The others nodded and after emptying the chest they began to wander around the hall and search for items. Kel decided to leave his iron sword and instead picked up and ancient Nordic greatsword. Although old, it was of better quality. Especially if he had it worked on at a smithy.     

Lokir and Silvya also picked up ancient Nordic bows and arrows. Whereas Yorgen got a sword. After finding nothing else of value. The group decided to call it a day and leave the dungeon.     


Lokir shouted in relief as the group exited the dungeon and came out from the mountain side. After taking a moment to catch their breath, the group began to return to Whiterun.     

They're trip was rather uneventful aside from a few wolf attacks which they managed to repel easily. By the time they got back to Whiterun it was evening and the Sun was about to set. Inside Whiterun, the group went directly towards the Dragonsreach, the Jarls residence.     

"I didn't expect you to find it so quickly...good job none the less. Here's your pay."     

Kel took the pouch of gold and tossed it towards Lokir who immediately began counting the septims. After confirming the amount Lokir nodded.     

"By the way Farengar, do you know anyone who buys ancient gold coins? Specifically of Nordic nature".     

Farengar laughed before answering immediately.     

"Ofcourse. The Jarl buys them depending on their quality that is. Some to collect, others are shipped off to Cyrodil. Go speak to his steward. I'd like to decipher this quickly as I am expecting company tomorrow."     

A/N: Before you say where is Delphine, listen to my words very carefully...Fuck following plot.     

Kel nodded and left Farengar to decipher the Dragonstone. Just like Farengar had said, they managed to exchange there ancient gold for septims. Before they could turn to leave however. A guard rushed into DragonsReach shouting loudly.     

"D-Dragon! A dragon has been sighted!"     

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