I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 61: DragonBorn

Chapter 61: DragonBorn

1It didn't take long for the guardsmen to come closer and start cheering loudly, the cheers were short lived however as the Dragons corpse began to glow and began to rumble as if it where about to explode.     

"Is that supposed to happen..."     

Lokir asked in a worried tone as he began to shuffle backwards. Soon though the glow seemed to move with the wind as it moved from the dragon's corpse and went towards Yorgen.     

"W-what's happening!"     

Yorgen shouted loudly and panicked, trying to pat of the glow but to no effect. In a desperate attempt, he took off his armor and through it to the ground but still the glow but became fainter. Thinking it was working, Yorgen fully removed his clothes and soon followed enough the glow faded away completely making him sigh in relief.     

"I can't believe it...He's Dragonborn!"     

One of the guards quickly shouted which caught Yorgen off guard.     

"Dragonborn? What's that?"     

A guard was about to explain but was interrupted by Irileth.     

"Hold on you can explain on the way, check for survivors. Another group will remain here and guard the Dragon's corpse, I'm sure Farengar will want to study it. Everyone else prepare to leave".     

Irileth then turned towards Yorgen and spoke.     

"Before that, can you please put on your armor".     

Yorgen looked at Irileth and seemed to misunderstand then crossed his arms.     

'She must be scared of the having the guards see her drooling over me'.     


Yorgen spoke with a smile as he looked at Irileth with a seductive look. Before she could respond, a guard yelled out from the group.     

"Yea why?"     

Everyone then diverted their attention to the guard who yelled but he simply shrugged.     

"What? I simply believe every man or woman shouldn't be embarrassed to show of their goods. Tis a mighty sword that he wields".     

Another crossed his arms and shook his head.     

"That's no sword, Tis the size of my child's dagger. An oddly shaped one at that. You've clearly never seen a real mighty sword like I have."     

The guard felt insulted and quickly retorted.     

"Hmm I suppose you're right, your wife see's plenty every time you're away. She must tell you tales of them all"     

Irileth quickly became irritated and spoke loudly.     

"Enough! Since you two are so keen on sharing stories you'll stay and guard the corpse. The rest of you, let's go!"     

The two bickering gave each other deathly glares but didn't say anything. As the other guards started walking towards Irileth on spoke out.     

"We should pass by his house and see if she'll polish our swords again".     


Kel on the other hand had stayed behind for a bit looking at the dragon before joining Irileth with Silvya and Lokir by his sides.     

'They'll be other dragons to harvest, better just leave with these guys for today'     

Kel quickly thought to himself. Meanwhile not far behind them, Yorgen was receiving answers to what a Dragonborn was.     

"In the very oldest tales, back when there still were dragons in Skyrim, the Dragonborn would slay dragons and steal their power. That's what you did, isn't it? Absorbed that dragon's power?"     

Yorgen wore an excited face and nodded vigorously while speaking.     

"I think so, I have been told I have special blood."     

The guard speaking to Yorgen smiled and nodded.     

"There's only one way to find out. Try to Shout... that would prove it. According to the old legends, only the Dragonborn can Shout without training, the way the dragons do."     

Yorgen got even more excited and faced an empty spot to the side of the road then shouted.     


As he spoke this word, it echoed loudly and caused the direction he faced to to experience a gust of wind. The guards looked on wide-eyed, even Irileth had stopped to see this but didn't show any reaction. Lokir furrowed his brows and turned to Arias.     

"I've heard stories about the Dragonborn before when I was younger, you don't think Yorgen can really be him right? The Dragonborn is supposed to be legendary hero and Yorgen is well...Yorgen, besides you can shout too right?"     

Kel shook his head.     

"It's possible for the Dragonborn to be a regular person. And as for me, I was trained to shout so I'm not Dragonborn.     

Lokir sighed and directed his gaze back to the guardsmen surrounding Yorgen.     

"Dragonborn. That's right! My grandfather used to tell stories about the Dragonborn. Those born with the Dragon Blood in 'em. Like old Tiber Septim himself."     

One guard shouted proudly while another shook his head.     

"I never heard of Tiber Septim killing any dragons."     

"There weren't any dragons then, idiot. They're just coming back now for the first time in... forever. But the old tales tell of the Dragonborn who could kill dragons and steal their power."     

Retorted another guard as more and more began adding on.     

"Come on, Irileth, tell us, do you believe in this Dragonborn business?"     

Irileth crossed her arms and hmphed.     

"Some of you would be better off keeping quiet than flapping your gums on matters you don't know anything about. Behind is a dead dragon, and that's something I definitely understand. Now we know we can kill them. But I don't need some mythical Dragonborn. Someone who can put down a dragon is more than enough for me."     

As Irlileth spoke, her gaze moved towards Kel. The guards did the same and began nodding.     

"Hmm although I still believe in the Dragonborn I also agree that adventurer you brought with you is very skilled. Fearless and strong, as a Nord should be. What is your name warrior."     

Kel showed a slight smile as he answered.     

"Kel huh...it sounds a lot like Kill...a fitting name for a Nord warrior. Haha I can't wait to hit the bannered mare today! You should join us for a drink if you can."     

Kel and nodded and soon the group continued to walk to the city. Along the way, weird shouts were heard by the group but Irileth said to ignore them.     

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