I Hunt and Purge Reincarnators

Chapter 186: Calm Before The Storm Part 6

Chapter 186: Calm Before The Storm Part 6

0Silvya took her time carefully explaining the events that transpired according to everyone's records.     

Sairaorg and his mother had already heard the side of the story from Rias and her peerage as well as Sona and hers, leaving only Kel's.     

Her accord of the event that transpired matched up with the other's story perfectly. She even went as far as to get teary and blame herself for letting her master getting hurt, showing that Julius wasn't the only one who suffered from the event.     

"Oh... you've all been through a lot I'm truly sorry to make you recall such. I'm happy to see my son's friends are doing well." Misla felt sorry for Silvya and couldn't help but try to comfort her but in that moment Kel walked into the living room fresh from the shower.     

"Julius and I are anything but friends miss Bael." Kel wasn't about to play the part of an aggrieved friend and he directly rejected any close relations to Julius.     

Sairaorg couldn't detect any resentment in Kel's words but it did cause him to furrow his brows in suspicion. "What do you mean?" He asked bluntly just as Kel took a sit on a sofa opposite of them.     

"Just that, we aren't friends. The first time I met him he found it amusing to make fun of my deceased clansmen. Aside from that he considers humans toys and used magic on them to satisfy his own questionable desires. It's only natural that I wouldn't get along with him." Although Kel looked calm the hate he held for Julius couldn't be masked.     

"It's my fault, I apologize for my son's actions." Misla bowed her head slightly and apologized in front of Kel who showed no reaction to the gesture.     

Instead he extend his hand out and allowed Silyva to serve him some hot tea. He first just glanced at Misla before taking a sip and sighing.     

"No need to apologize, this isn't my territory so his actions have nothing to do with me. I'm not sure what he did precisely to the fallen angels but I can assure you your son has talent for making enemies." Kel showed great indifference to the matter concerning Julius which did rouse some suspicion towards him from Sairaorg.     

"Then you purposefully delayed helping him?" Sairaorg asked and received a widened glance from his mother. "Is this true?" She too got curious if Kel purposely left Julius to his fate but Kel shook his head.     

"No, I was busy with my own battle at the time. I'm not shallow as to let my feelings towards someone affect my stance on a mission. If I wanted to settle a score with Julius I would have challenged him to a rating game and humiliated him... but like I said, unless he directly provokes I don't care about his affairs." Kel spoke with some arrogance, befitting the character of a pure blood devil. If he showed kindness in this situation then he'd simply be taken as weak.     

"You're that confident in beating my brother in a rating game?" Sairaorg knew full well that Julius despite his personality was very strong but Kel didn't hesitate to say he could beat him. Was this a bluff or did he really mean it?     

"You'll find out soon enough, isn't your father also after my territory? You're also here to report what you observe about me to him after all. You should already know some of my capabilities from your talks with Rias and Sona... but it'll all prove pointless in the end." Kel chuckled and revealed causing Sairaorg to show a look of worry as he was clearly seen through.     

But in truth it was quite obvious since Kel's territory was currently the most sought after item in the underworld, along with the treasures left behind by his clansmen.     

While Kel and Sairaorg continued to exchange words, Silyva was in her own world.     

'Lord Kel smells so fresh... I could've had his scent on me it wasn't for...' Silyva glances at Misla and Sairaorg in the corner of the eye with what could only be described as pure hate. "Hateful." She muttered in a low tone while processing murderous thoughts towards the mother and son pair.     

She continued this line of thought until Kel brought her back to reality. "Silvya please see our guests out." Kel instructed before standing up and walking away.     

"No need. Let's go mother." Sairaorg stood at the same time and held out his hand towards Misla before the two turned to walk away.     

"Please go safely and watch out for lighting and earthquakes, this is quite a dangerous street." Silyva advised with a smile before slamming the door shut before a reply could be given.     

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